View Full Version : Miscellaneous Forum

Pages : 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7 8

  1. *Picture* of the TWINS!
  2. leather working
  3. I Hate Typhoons!
  4. A nice meet.
  5. Leather suppliers?
  6. Off to Scottland
  7. Review of The Virginia Scottish games
  8. Arrrrrgh!
  9. Number of the beast
  10. Happy International Talk Like a Pirate Day
  11. A place to test your kilted hill-walking skills!
  12. Sexy Redheads
  13. It's a Girl!
  14. Possible new tattoo...
  15. We're going to England!!!
  16. This'll make a lump in your sock!
  17. Evocative post in the Kilt Accessories forum - some thoughts
  18. Kilt Checked
  19. iMac
  20. Great T-Shirt, especially for pipers.
  21. KiltedCodeWarrior clear oot yur PM box!
  22. What's up with Albanach?
  23. I'm back!
  24. First ink
  25. A Cute Variation
  26. Pet Rules
  27. Cat Diary and Plans For World Domination
  28. How many military bubbas here?
  29. iMac update
  30. Only user signed on
  31. Cheap targe revisited
  32. GOOD kilted/Scottish team nicknames?
  33. Question for the UK/Irish People here
  34. Cross Your Fingers For Me, Lads
  35. Computer up and running again
  36. Piper Richardson's pipes
  37. How do I prepare canned Haggis?
  38. A few pages of my poetry
  39. five corporate lessons (joke)
  40. Full length kilts
  41. The wonders of the internet
  42. baby shower "one sies"
  43. Remind me to never move again
  44. The Curious Case of the Missing Kilts, a Victorian Mystery
  45. Trolls, spammers and other undesireables
  46. Finkers...Saturday morning humour.
  47. My New Tattoo
  48. Eragon
  49. Aarrrrrrrg!!!
  50. Once more into the breach . . . .
  51. Happy Thanksgiving
  52. Help!
  53. Heading Out
  54. Alan H, the wrestling coach?
  55. Right place, right time!
  56. Lenses on Piping
  57. MySpace and me
  58. Now this IS heavy athletics!!
  59. Alan H, the musician
  60. Painting the Tartan Armed Forces???
  61. need help finding
  62. Scotland trip....Suggestions?
  63. Proud to be Scottish
  64. What type of pets do Kilties like?
  65. Pics of Hank's daughter?
  66. AWESOME!!! (not kilt related)
  67. Wildest tattoo request I ever received...
  68. iMac once more
  69. Got A New Job!!!
  70. Want to rub elbows at pub
  71. Funny "Sheep Shirt"
  72. Facial Hair and kilts (especially for Rex)
  73. recipe
  74. More Horse pictures
  75. Hell has a third anniversary
  76. getting there slowly.
  77. Shopping center.
  78. Pics from Port Townsend WA. NKR
  79. We'll Mow Your Roof For £5000
  80. Saturday evening humour.
  81. Jean Paul
  82. Kilted Santa
  83. global kilted calendar - send me your events
  84. Watering hole in Africa - webcam action
  85. funny member name
  86. RealJuggalo is no more!
  87. Another friend dying
  88. Monarch of the Glen T-shirts
  89. Geotechnical Engineer Wanted (up to $125k/year and free beer)
  90. A Scotch Silverback!
  91. Bagpipes...
  92. Single Malt help
  93. How to taste Whisky
  94. My Website
  95. Canada's Last Great War Veteran
  96. Beer Drinking Men Beware!!!
  97. toy soldier guys
  98. Who's yer daddy?
  99. Veteran's Pride
  100. how to prank a telemarketer
  101. Bob Dunsire, bobdunsire.com
  102. Got Jones?
  103. What are you reading right now?
  104. Funny Utilikilt wording...
  105. New virus
  106. those cheap practice chanters
  107. Cozumel Rocks!
  108. very sod day...
  109. Kiltie Hamebrew Redux
  110. here's a game for you
  111. Marriage
  112. I have returned!
  113. first movie quotes....now ADVERTS!!!!
  114. Yet another reason to go kilted!
  115. What's your best shave.....
  116. Will Willie be in it??
  117. James Bond Favorites
  118. Glassman?
  119. Kilted Santa/Scottish Christmas Cards
  120. I am STEAMED
  121. Scottish Firefighters Association
  122. Rampant Lion Tattoo
  123. XMarkers on MySpace - Help!
  124. Mike1 vs. the Software Update: Who will win?
  125. National Geographic Channel
  126. Painting Kryptonite? WAY off topic . . .
  127. St.Andrews Day
  128. Dentist...........
  129. The new XMarks look
  130. A Thanksgiving Surprise
  131. John Allan Cameron dies
  132. Really off topic: the new smilies
  133. Around Here
  134. Y! Kilted avatar
  135. Mother's Thanksgiving email...
  136. Clan MacBubba
  137. Thank you to all who contributed to the "Casual, Dressy, and Formal" photo threads
  138. I've just had a bit of a gulp
  139. Basic Pay Pal Question
  140. Six or Seven Celtic nations?
  141. Total members that have visited the forum today: 258
  142. eBay API
  143. Any Firefighters??
  144. A Taste Of Home
  145. Waterloo tactics
  146. Easter Island/Rapa Nui?
  147. St. Andrew's Day
  148. A wee dram or two for P1M!
  149. Flowers of the Forest
  150. Weather for kilts???
  151. Been out for a while
  152. Rushing Christmas...
  153. Holiday eating tips...
  154. msn? xmarks chat?
  155. Early Christmas surprise. Attention Friends of Laphroaig
  156. Army-Navy Game
  157. How Many Bonds?
  158. Ferintosh & the Reiver Trail...
  159. Back on the Trail Again
  160. I'm back!
  161. Gaelic Speakers
  162. Saga of the Converses . . .
  163. (for pipers) I do stupid $#!t so you dont have to!!!
  164. Oh...My....Gotterdammerung
  165. The Glenlivet
  166. Help with Gaelic
  167. Jay
  168. Cunningham and Montrose-> Rob Roy movie
  169. Humour: Math Class
  170. please guide the clueless! with single malt.
  171. Boston area whiskey fans
  172. Christmas at the Brewery
  173. Interesting (non-celtic) band
  174. The Culloden Walk
  175. Macallan 18 - CHEAP!!
  176. Glendronach Whisky
  177. Scottish Fruitcake Recipe!
  178. Winter there, here it's fire season
  179. Possible Scotland Trip!
  180. A nice homecoming
  181. Bad Day on Stone Hill
  182. Irish Cream!
  183. where?
  184. Scottish egg balls experiment
  185. Gideon from Dangerous Minds = Inigo Montoya!
  186. Saltire in the Rain and Gales
  187. Castle Douglas and Latin
  188. Info needed to research family name
  189. Distilleries Show on History at 9, Dec 16!!!
  190. Update on Bushfires
  191. Burns Line and The Kilmarnock Edition
  192. Hover button probs at RKilts website
  193. Scottish Eggs SUCCESS!! My arteries are hardening...
  194. "Scottish Cheese Crackers?"
  195. The Patriarch (part II)
  196. Need Some Trans-Atlantic Travel Advice
  197. Christmas Rose
  198. Poll: How many X Markers Dance?
  199. Trying to stop smoking.
  200. As Christmas Approaches
  201. Fragile Records
  202. Hope this isn't over the line...
  203. Shipping company
  204. Scot trivia part 1
  205. Mythology
  206. Pocket Watches.
  207. Portland, OR
  208. Any ideas?
  209. Scottish Poets
  210. AFK - Away From Keyboard
  211. I really dont know what else can go wrong
  212. Scotland In Summer!!
  213. Still alive...
  214. Non Kilted youtube fun
  215. Wikipedia
  216. Neo Brogues?
  217. Denver Weather
  218. Through Customs Kilted?
  219. Vulcan repainted
  220. Twas the Night Before Christmas (at X Marks the Scot)
  221. A colour question
  222. merry Christmas and a happy new year
  223. Christmas Greeting
  224. Just a suggestion ..
  225. Yet Another Kilte Hamebrew, Part II
  226. Redhead jokes
  227. Help me pronounce County Armagh
  228. Christmas Dinner Rescue Package
  229. human beings ne'er cease tae amaze
  230. New Dug!
  231. NORAD tracks Santa...
  232. Merry Christmas
  233. R.I.P. James Brown
  234. Merry Christmas
  235. It ain't single malt, but...
  236. Christmas Past and Present...
  237. Sprouts!
  238. scottish star trek
  239. A Christmas Present for the Boys
  240. Variation on a theme
  241. Question for all the Irish members
  242. Kilt jones misery loves company thread.
  243. Bagpipes! The bane and love of my life!
  244. Quake in Scotland
  245. $1,000,000.00 To spend...
  246. DEKS logo
  247. May I please get a few opinions
  248. Need Driving Directions from the NY and PA crowd
  249. The reason for kilt hose.
  250. BBC: Scot Language
  251. Is ignorance bliss
  252. making a haggis
  253. American Football Question
  254. MBHandy's Hat.
  255. Help
  256. What happens when you have too much time on your hands...
  257. Pay Pal Changes??
  258. You never know who's stealing your beer...
  259. Finally got a site!
  260. Online Golf site
  261. Nontraditional Accessories
  262. Happy New Year
  263. Homanay in Edinburgh Cancelled....
  264. Target of curiosity.
  265. Glenkinchie
  266. Welcome to 2007!!
  267. Golf forum
  268. new year
  269. All those who Serve!
  270. Gaaaah!! My Whisky!
  271. Bottle of Glenkinchie.
  272. Christmas Light Show
  273. Banned!
  274. What a mate!
  275. feel like crying: a hard day
  276. Kilt cartoon pictures
  277. Freedom Afoot?
  278. Gerald Ford
  279. Big Mikey, your hat is born. Er, done.
  280. Piper Doon!
  281. Desktop Wallpaper
  282. Miss Scotland 2006
  283. We Are The Champions!!
  284. Johnny Bagpipes
  285. A question
  286. The Scotsmans Song
  287. some of you would like to see Samuel, Martha, Katherine, and Christiana
  288. If Scots food was invented on a dare
  289. Carthage or Watertown New York
  290. Studying Abroad
  291. Want a MOTG wedding?
  292. RiverKilt, CelticRanger-small world
  293. All a frazzle
  294. Highland Granite?
  295. Robbie Burns and St. Patrick
  296. question for the "Boglies"...
  297. Google Analytics tool for web sites
  298. Vist from MacNaught
  299. Jig saw
  300. Scottish Census data
  301. A gift for the Dead Elvis Kilt Society.
  302. Twice the jonesing
  303. Cirque on horseback??
  304. Tattoo art?
  305. I'm going to teach...
  306. You get what I mean?
  307. A petition to honor Scots heroes
  308. Californians: Comet McNaught
  309. BruichLaddich? The Peat Proposal?
  310. Tire chains recommendations?
  311. Wikipedia sa Gaeilge!!
  312. Hey Ozmeath.....HeroMachine 2.0
  313. These aren't the pants you're looking for.
  314. Advice on moving to Virginia/North Carolina?
  315. No pants? No problem!
  316. My Blog
  317. My nephew
  318. New Toasts
  319. My first negative experience.
  320. I know you're all single-malt guys...
  321. The Last King of Scotland
  322. Mountain For Sale - Burke Co NC
  323. How do I post pics?
  324. A new Kilt Chair
  325. tartan background on myspace
  326. I am no longer dirkskene
  327. Iced over in San Antonio
  328. Learning Gaelic
  329. Your own eccentric British aristocratic title :)
  330. More youtube fun
  331. A Question for all Marines.
  332. The hurricane!
  333. New Old Clan Donald Book Due Out 2-15-07
  334. The adventure begins.
  335. A Prayer or Two Please
  336. Hello! I'm Back!
  337. Haggis woes.....
  338. Oh agony!
  339. Computers Suck!
  340. The Survivor (for star wars fans)
  341. What a way to go...
  342. new projects.
  343. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
  344. Not something I'd want to see.
  345. You don't see this everyday...
  346. song game
  347. Mike King, Kiltmaker.
  348. Kilted outing
  349. Yorkshire Pudding
  350. Boys sporran.
  351. Worst day of my life...
  352. Dorothy the skunk sporran
  353. In need of supplies.
  354. "Haggis, Updated: Less Offal, Tastes Great "
  355. Six Sigma
  356. School stuff.
  357. Bash the Haggis Game
  358. boys sporran
  359. Surviving the Norovirus
  360. Radio show
  361. "Scotland Forever"-Tattoo
  362. What have you done to my husband??!!
  363. Another Reason to Eat Haggis?
  364. Time to start on the Pipes.....
  365. College is awesome
  366. Frappr
  367. Oh, I'm a bad frog...
  368. A question for Matt Newsome.
  369. Black saltire
  370. A somewhat facinating read.
  371. Any advice for a beginning piper?
  372. Who's Clan crest?
  373. I'm around but...
  374. Honeymoon in Scotland
  375. Baking cookies, engineer style...
  376. Address to the Haggis
  377. Estrella War XXIII
  378. Water trap
  379. A question about a big kilted get together.
  380. Trip to Scotland?
  381. New baby tomorrow!
  382. GetHuman 500 Database - Live Help Phone Numbers
  383. Merged thoughts
  384. New Accessories
  385. The Curious Tale of Panache and the League of the Moderators
  386. Been a while
  387. REALLY cool, but not kilt related.
  388. Carolina X Markers
  389. Celtic Influence in Brittany
  390. formation flying
  391. The Parable of the Donkey
  392. Last Post
  393. In the Mail
  394. Forbidden feasts at the witching hour.
  395. Just an eye note
  396. Song Game 2
  397. In Honour of Celtic Ranger66
  398. Inside Joke?
  399. Still Kilt Related, Just Not Very Relevant
  400. An animated version of you.
  401. May I share a moment of my life with you?
  402. Super kilted
  403. Dirty Scots?
  404. Happy News
  405. Waitangi Day
  406. Moving!!
  407. Question for the single malt gurus
  408. Song Game 3
  409. Rex Tremende
  410. Fort Worth, Texas Kickball Division WAKA
  411. I like the daughter
  412. Name change?
  413. Cigar Smokers?
  414. Craig Family
  415. Pun Wars
  416. Purists look away
  417. Tartan Cats
  418. A very good read to get your brain a thinking.
  419. What have I done to my self?
  420. Puppy dog sporran at the Kirkin'
  421. Curiosity
  422. Scottish ring tones
  423. Anyone tried Vista?
  424. This is bad
  425. The Houses of X Marks.
  426. Upholstery Help
  427. Music fit for a Queen
  428. new world celts
  429. Aside from Paddyrock
  430. Celts in Greek Mythology
  431. That is one BIG XMarks kilt pin!!
  432. Ireland better get ready!
  433. Scottish Tourism Promotion w/ "Hot" Men in Kilts
  434. Beloitpiper got me a thinkin'....
  435. My Son has discovered Valentine's Day
  436. A Visit to Scotland ... any suggestions?
  437. Oh cripes, look what RKilts made me do.
  438. Glasgow Wedding
  439. A different song game.
  440. I Must be Crazy!
  441. Nevermind the bollocks here's the baby rockstar
  442. Raising of the Canadian Flag
  443. Scotch
  444. I got robbed...
  445. Aaaarrrrrrggggghhhh!
  446. Now I've done everything!
  447. Q to Kilted with school-aged children
  448. A message from Dreadbelly's Dreadful Things.
  449. Over 6,000 years of being set on fire.
  450. So...you think it's cold?
  451. Joke: Warning, don't drink while reading
  452. Guitar Players
  453. another Hamish
  454. Movie Review
  455. Look what the stork brought!
  456. Bocce?
  457. Edinburgh's US Civil War Memorial
  458. Some of my many hats.
  459. My son kilted!
  460. home remedies
  461. Scotland . . .
  462. Belated birthday gift
  463. Way off topic, but....
  464. Beware Webkinz®
  465. You know you're in Canada when...
  466. The Black Donnellys
  467. Spooky stuff
  468. Sewing machine arrived.
  469. Hockey jersey colors?
  470. Sad times
  471. Robert Burns In Sydney
  472. Okay, re: kirkin service
  473. How I Pay For Kilts
  474. Highland Charge
  475. If you had the time...
  476. My boys mustaches
  477. Prayers for Mrs. Dreadbelly, Please.
  478. Some great news ...
  479. Cheap season for Scotland?
  480. Can X Marks solve an age old question
  481. Okay, a favor of those Xians
  482. Kilts cause Wrecks!
  483. In honor of RK Rex and all other Poles
  484. Son wants to play the pipes
  485. Musical Tartan Hat
  486. Celtic Council of Australia
  487. Pipe band piccies
  488. Chef's Address
  489. Another good reason to take up the pipes!
  490. Stone of Destiny? Pastry?
  491. AddresstoaHaggis.com
  492. Credit Reports?
  493. Quinn-Zilla and other such pics
  494. The Evils of Alcohol...
  495. It's a girl!
  496. Ryan Smyth Traded
  497. #4 in GOOGLE Results
  498. FINALLY got the job offer; YAY!
  499. So... I got a phone call today
  500. DEKS Shirts!
  501. My cat getting a massage!
  502. Happy St. David's Day!!!
  503. Canadian Army Kilt & Motorcycle
  504. Miltary Dress
  505. So I'm talking to my little girl today . . .
  506. DEKS shirts II
  507. Just for fun!
  508. An update, for all those concerned.
  509. Completely off topic, but...
  510. marginally political bumper sticker
  511. What would you do if your mother asked you?
  512. The OTHER addiction...
  513. Early Start
  514. Dread, your ship has come in!
  515. A proud Granfather
  516. Needed, Irish Sayings, in Voice
  517. Violence of the Lambs.
  518. The Prestige
  519. Montoya
  520. Are there lots of Scots in Durham?
  521. pssst...wanna but a dragon?
  522. First Day at New Job; a good story-
  523. NYT: English, Irish, Scots: They’re All One, Genes Suggest
  524. Some random silliness
  525. Hey Cyclists...
  526. Audio: US vs UK TV
  527. Destroy the Castle!!! (internet game)
  528. HAppy St. Patricks Day from the MUPPETS!!!
  529. Swiss Army Invades Liechtenstein
  530. Cousin Flora?
  531. Kilted Scottish Holiday?
  532. Smileys?
  533. Is this the ultimate home appliance?
  534. My new DEKS Shirt!!
  535. your world cand change in a second
  536. Canada
  537. off to the games
  538. Where do we live
  539. Scotland 18 v Ireland 19
  540. A good day
  541. Something AMAZINGLY Stupid.
  542. Property Master.
  543. Even more random silliness.
  544. Today's history lesson: Ragnar Hairybreeks
  545. Just a reminder
  546. Still Around
  547. To all woodworkers
  548. yahoo mail...
  549. Toys
  550. Dead Elvis Kilt Sociey now has a website!
  551. Oaky...so where is it, already?
  552. Peter Martin - In memoriam
  553. Timberland boots on EBay
  554. A Wee Story
  555. USMC kilt buckle at Stillwater Kilts!
  556. A (very) little humor...
  557. Wish Us Luck!!!
  558. OLW on MySpace
  559. Mishaps, Mistakes, and Scumbags...
  560. The Elder Scrolls: Truly a series for all ages.
  561. bad news
  562. I am so STOKED.
  563. Appeal to Canadians for help
  564. 10 reams of xerox paper for $15.19+tax
  565. One of our own needs some help.
  566. cancer suvivors
  567. Math Humor (or Humour, depending on your locale)
  568. Pi Day!
  569. Watch out tomorrow!
  570. Other Culture's in Kilts
  571. Some more Irish humor.
  572. What's the dumbest thing you ever did?
  573. More humor . . .
  574. Emma Peel on Sale!
  575. I Love St. Patrick's Day, but...
  576. Et tu, Brute?
  577. Something to brighten your day.
  578. Scottish Beer and Ale
  579. way off topic - R2D2 mail boxes?
  580. Ford Focus input
  581. Weirdest Street Names
  582. Seasonal Reading
  583. The ODDEST Kilt I've ever seen...
  584. That's just not right...
  585. The Party Begins Here!
  586. Questionable uses of Tartan/plaid patterns
  587. Hand painted lead soldiers
  588. Lets break the record!!!
  589. Piper McKay visits his pastor (joke)
  590. dumb paypal question
  591. Tartan or Plaid food?
  592. Holiday Planning
  593. Lee Evans in Edinburgh
  594. Pretty soon
  595. What's Your Employment/Job?
  596. I hate Canada Post
  597. In honour of St. Patrick's Day
  598. Oh my... So beautiful... Drool...
  599. Spare a Thought this Tartan Day
  600. This morning, I did it. I bought a boat.
  601. Oggi
  602. Recent Changes
  603. it IS spring!!!
  604. Midnight gnosh.
  605. Soothsayer, say unto me the Sooth... add your favorite quote(s)
  606. St. Pat's for the Erisianmonkeys.
  607. Tartan Trews
  608. Interesting phone message...
  609. A little guessing game
  610. A little help regarding a fusion reactor?
  611. From Edinburgh to . . .
  612. XMTS Reunites Long Lost Cousins
  613. What's that odd machine?
  614. That PV is nice stuff...
  615. Kilts and College!
  616. The XMARKS tribe!!
  617. No Pants Day is May 4th
  618. While I have a moment, an update.
  619. Dreadbelly Action Figure!!
  620. Very interesting conversation bait.
  621. Rob Roy DVDs on sale!
  622. Cheeky monkies
  623. PaddyRock.com - Celtic Rockers Against Insidious Cancer
  624. Happy News
  625. What if 300 was PG?
  626. Ok. So... I have these ideas.
  627. Advice for photographers/eBay sellers
  628. Crazy past times
  629. New Here and need a little help.
  630. Oh, hear us when we pray to Thee
  631. Doctor Who?
  632. Warning to All
  633. Bass
  634. A strong sewing machine.
  635. Clan Warfare
  636. Any MacGregors out there?
  637. Don't Grab Hamish!!!!!!!
  638. Rebuilding a Bank Vault door.
  639. Repairing a Vault lock.
  640. Interesting old road.
  641. Interesting grave marker.
  642. I could make so many bad sheep lover jokes here
  643. Tartan Army Celebrate
  644. Well, that was freaky.
  645. Shrimp Sushi-
  646. Very tasteful artwork
  647. Eragon the movie
  648. 1,277 people participate in Runnin O' the Green
  649. look twice!!! motorcycles are everywhere!!!
  650. Puget sound kilties look out
  651. looking for Celtic clip art
  652. Disappearing monkey.
  653. Where's Sciuropterus?
  654. what makes metal, metal........
  655. Help with a Haggis
  656. Haiku for the Kilted
  657. Black Donnelly's
  658. Little silly
  659. Canned Haggis Warning
  660. Post your Favorite Toasts!
  661. Xmarks tribes - world 4
  662. Don't forget to mention you're married
  663. Singles
  664. Sporran Needed
  665. Blueland-> X Marks???
  666. Tattoos??
  667. AMAZING discovery.
  668. First complaint ever with Canadians
  669. Future birthplaces
  670. Ham is offline
  671. A Little Fun
  672. Relaxtion method
  673. To The Mod Squad
  674. Interesting Site
  675. Albanach.org web site down (temporarily!)
  676. XMARKS Tribe W6
  677. Animation ideas?
  678. Am I seeing things?
  679. Grad school
  680. Tribal Wars New WORLD 6 startup
  681. The Kilted Commissioner.
  682. "The males do this kind of Highland fling in front of the females."
  683. I stole this
  684. Question for Native Scots (pronunciation)
  685. Know a Motorcycle Rider?
  686. Myspace Videos
  687. Pretty sweet flute
  688. Timeless Wit
  689. For all of you who live with the unwelcome guest Arthur Itus
  690. Time to Kill in NYC
  691. Spring in Virginia
  692. Arkansas Highland Games.
  693. Hats
  694. Finally, some proof!
  695. My mixed blood pays off!
  696. Help identifying a type of Maltese Cross
  697. Curses!
  698. Why no picture?
  699. Drink at work and not get fired. Maybe!
  700. Paypal or Plastic?
  701. Leaving New Mexico but for where?
  702. Scottish Week at the Folk School
  703. I've Found It!!!
  704. This is going to sound stupid
  705. I am one humbled drummer.
  706. Happiness and doing what you love in life.
  707. going on vacation
  708. Sci-Fi films
  709. That feeling in your chest? That's pride.
  710. Well, that's unpleasant.
  711. Off Line for a While
  712. Black Donnellys
  713. I'm off for another little walk (2,800 miles)
  714. New Website Idea
  715. More wallpaper
  716. T-shirt idea?
  717. Kilt got me a beer
  718. It's Good Friday
  719. Kimono and horses
  720. Wanted first generation camaro
  721. ATTENTION! all DEKS members!
  722. More Springtime? in Virginia
  723. Don't p*$$ off a fellow with a backhoe...
  724. Alternate Hobby
  725. it's not spring here either :(
  726. back from Holidays
  727. Former KISS Guitarist, Dead at 51
  728. I'm BACK!!!!!!!!
  729. My Easter gift to you.
  730. A fun little game
  731. Save the Viking Ship!
  732. Reshaping a felt hat?
  733. Not my usual thing, but...
  734. pow-stalag xim-357-memorial
  735. Sounds like a good idea...
  736. Hamish - The Highland Bull
  737. Man Laws
  738. First Haggis
  739. Finding Haggis
  740. Looking for a good book
  741. Anyone speaking Latin or French?
  742. New Kilt Jacket?
  743. Piper needed
  744. Google Instructions for Travelling to London
  745. Dr. Macdoo
  746. Oh noes... What have I done...
  747. Saying goodbye to Kurt Vonnegut
  748. It is a special day
  749. Something to brighten everybody's day
  750. A Carousel Horse
  751. Soccer kilties
  752. Tried my 2nd Single Malt... Laphroaig!
  753. tomorrows(todays) gonna be a good day!
  754. Kilted to an Indian Wedding.
  755. Thornhill Burns Suppers 1926 & 1928
  756. What was the Highest Rank in the Boy Scouts
  757. Haggis Blog
  758. Gaelic Translation Help Please?
  759. Fellow Trekkie/Trekker XMarkers
  760. Many appologies
  761. Virginia Tech
  762. Bee afraid.
  763. Exchange rate
  764. Million Dollar Fishing Lure
  765. 'Big Wheel' Race
  766. Math Geek Stuff
  767. An apology.
  768. some of my celtic buttons.
  769. Bike Night on Beale St.
  770. Another Good Scottish Sheep Joke
  771. Forgotten food!
  772. My premonition
  773. Kimono'ed comments
  774. Giddy in Ontario.
  775. I Am Returned
  776. To everyone who sent thoughts and prayers my way.....
  777. Pitkuna - The Hopi Kilt
  778. My, oh my!
  779. New kiltie joins the family ...
  780. I signed up!
  781. Time to pack
  782. in loving memory: Dianne Lynn Ellis 11-17-51/4-22-07
  783. Back at last....
  784. Joining Coast Guard
  785. Nothing for months, then two kilt moments in a week!
  786. Greenville Zoo ?
  787. Show us your Mustache's
  788. Anyone else following League Two football?
  789. Australia' Holiest Day?
  790. Bus hacking
  791. The tilted Kilt
  792. On the nature of an apology
  793. New Bairn Onboard
  794. What type of OAK???
  795. Funny news item: Excess Poodles = Sheep sporans?
  796. Gaelic help!
  797. What are your little pleasures?
  798. Speaking at the High School
  799. Regional Divisions of X Marks the Scot
  800. How it's made Bagpipes
  801. To be a Piper or to fly a Piper ?
  802. I'm back, kinda.
  803. Ultimate Glasgow Sweeps
  804. Getting Organized inthe SouthEast
  805. facebook
  806. Scotty beamed up..Nearly
  807. Is Hamish OK?
  808. Apology Bot 3000
  809. Baseball fans????
  810. Acting like a kid
  811. Woad!
  812. If Shakespeare said it...
  813. Off topic, but funny
  814. getting my "skirt" hemmed
  815. Where are you right now?
  816. Nor-Cal Rabble checkin: Campbell Games and Clan MacNaughton
  817. Hamish, here's a video...
  818. An od one to make ya smile
  819. I need more whiskey to understand this.....
  820. A bit to much ......
  821. So, what freaks you out?
  822. 300th Anniversary yesterday
  823. Latest insanity, sorry not kilted
  824. Question for the Scots
  825. fancy phone advice?
  826. No pants day!
  827. London to Leeds?
  828. For Cessna152towser & Starbkjrus
  829. I saw PA License Plate "KILTBOY"
  830. "Times when I am truly happy."
  831. R.I.P. Wally Schirra...
  832. This is why I buy my kilts from scotland ;)
  833. Tartan Podcast
  834. interesting thing happened at my mom's funeral
  835. Off to Scotland
  836. College finals
  837. Name change.
  838. Wha' shot the cheese?
  839. Star Wars Bagpipes
  840. Funny YouTube Piping Video
  841. Proud Uncle
  842. Earl Scruggs meets the Chieftians
  843. Why don't all pipers wear this uniform?
  844. Tartan Trews (military style)
  845. Piper on Jeopardy
  846. Cinco de Mayo
  847. Mexican Pipe Bands
  848. Scottish Sobriety Test
  849. Help for Central North Carolina
  850. The Complete McAuslan: a review
  851. Finals Week at NAU
  852. Degrees of Separation
  853. Anybody see Spiderman 3 yet?
  854. Danger mouse and the stolen bagpipes
  855. Eulogy for a fallen beer
  856. Mr T and Mothers
  857. youtube comercial
  858. Greensburg Kansas air-photo's tornado damage
  859. My Dad's baby quilt
  860. Any Ray Mears fans?
  861. bagpipe-itis?
  862. Tribal Wars XTMS in W7!!!
  863. Done with School
  864. Dread's back!
  865. Another funeral, kilted of course!
  866. Interesting- scarey story of my town in Kansas
  867. Youngest Daughter Graduates today!
  868. My trip to Europe
  869. Dreadbelly's dog??
  870. Happy Mothers Day
  871. Unwanted Birthday present
  872. Wilson is Hospitalized
  873. To Help you understand the Scots so you wear the kilt with Pride
  874. i need to know about these historic people
  875. Thread Resurrections????
  876. The best news from Edinburgh
  877. Battle of Resaca
  878. Offer of Help
  879. Tribal Wars SPEED server!
  880. Kilted Hunters
  881. Question About Cooking a Haggis
  882. A few of my favourite things...
  883. Pro-independence leader takes helm in Scotland
  884. Hello All, from Sunny Ireland!
  885. Pesky garden dwellers
  886. Moving Day
  887. moving...
  888. Kiltday.com
  889. Back from Hospital.
  890. Good vibes needed.
  891. Some Input Please re: Craft Faire Clothes
  892. House of Gordon Cousins
  893. Looking for SEWN Scotland flag. Need help!
  894. New tools instead of kilt.
  895. Car Rental in the UK ?'s
  896. gadget help...Tattoobradley?
  897. Well this sucks...
  898. Woohoo!
  899. A photo for cessna152towser
  900. Today is the day...
  901. Need whisky? GO TO FRANCE!!!!
  902. I'm going to retire at 36 years of age, WOHOO!!
  903. Cutty Sark
  904. Great Pride
  905. Now where did this come from.
  906. a bit off topic but some of you might like it
  907. I met my first kilted gentleman today (it was Furrycelt)
  908. Welcome to Spring Time in the Rockies
  909. fingers crossed, if you don't mind
  910. You know you are a true Scot if..........
  911. The Light's On at the Signpost
  912. Another job interview.
  913. Does size matter?
  914. A huge sigh of relief!
  915. This is going to be AWESOME!
  916. Nessie spotted again
  917. Burying the hatchet, so to speak... :lol:
  918. Kilt & Train & Whisky
  919. Kilts ARE Winning!
  920. Master and Commander
  921. Southern Grandma in Court
  922. Moving to Tahlequah, OK
  923. Proud day!
  924. 63 Years Ago Today
  925. Amazing Grace
  926. Keep us in your thoughts please
  927. Anyone a Member of the SCA?
  928. I Have Returned!
  929. Seen while walking the dog
  930. To our esteamed Panache
  931. A Good Book
  932. From the League of the Moderators: Of Zeppelins, Monorails, and Chickens
  933. America's Cup 2007
  934. XMarks military members
  935. Before and after pics.
  936. Endings and beginnings
  937. Little smile I had today
  938. Scotland travel plans?
  939. A Little Southern Humor
  940. Returning...and departing
  941. Dogpipe
  942. 80 miles to windward in an ultralight
  943. Panache and the Great Hunt for the Acryli-Beast
  944. Any Hornby Railfans/Collectors?
  945. Garlic truffles anyone?
  946. More Smiles for Today
  947. Vulcan to the Sky & Cold War Jets Collection
  948. Umbrella pelts, Rosettes & Inverness capes
  949. Lookie What I Got!!!
  950. Other pipers!
  951. Celtic Symbols
  952. Sashing it out
  953. Houston Science Fiction Convention
  954. Picture of my Grand dad
  955. Alan H, You owe me a shot of LAPHROAIG
  956. tartan cats
  957. Being dragged to New York...
  958. Vancouver Island pics.
  959. A joke from our English friends
  960. A good deal
  961. Prayer request...
  962. Off to YOOTAH!
  963. Catalina at Carlisle
  964. St. Kentigern's Church, Irthington
  965. Decommissioning and departure from TW
  966. By the shining big sea water...
  967. People are losing their jobs
  968. Back CONUS
  969. another obsession
  970. Some of my music...
  971. Model Railroads
  972. Dread?
  973. Historical Reading and Spelling
  974. Scottish/Celtic customs for dedicating a new home?
  975. A moment of silence; 7:00 PM 6/19
  976. The passing of my name sake
  977. A MacDonald in France
  978. I'm Going Crazy!!!!
  979. Yay I am happy
  980. Genealogy overoad... brain smoldering....
  981. HEY, where is...
  982. Search Engine Optimization - I need your help
  983. Hello All!
  984. Eastern Canada
  985. A Small Death in the Family
  986. A Passing
  987. Fly tyers?
  988. Going for a little sail
  989. Still Here (I Think)
  990. Dr. Who and the Master
  991. Hoorah for eBay!
  992. Denver Memorial Service
  993. my daughter forwarded this...
  994. ECW Slogan Contest
  995. I feel pretty lucky
  996. Arson Fire at Tartan Thistle
  997. Tattoo Idea
  998. Wish Me Luck
  999. For all the Mackays...
  1000. Culloden Center

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