26th October 08, 12:01 PM
Blanket coats etc
Winter is COMING.
Is a COAT or CAPE made from a BLANKET a GREAT IDEA ?? IMHO YES !!!!

WHY ??? IMHO narrowing it to the genre of "captes ( in the current common usage of the word) is to narrow
1. The word Capote = COAT, Cloak etc
2. Historically - A large variety of COATS, Capes etc. were made from BLANKETS.
3. Whether for daily wear or reenacting, your choices are open.
Some options to concider
Great Coats 
Mackinaws ( with or w/o fringe)
Capote From the simple to the "fancy"

HBC Point- ( here are a couple of sites explaning this genre http://witneyblanketstory.org.uk/WBP...orth%20America
http://www.hbc.com/hbcheritage/faq/pointblanketfaq/ ) NOTE HBCs are EXPENSIVE but can be found for GOOD $$ if you look. All mine were bought for under $150.00 The Green & Blue were NEW. The lighter one was used ( GREAT condition for $50.00)
Here are some pictures. #1 are mine. #2 is a selection

Other choices
A large varity of GOOD WOOL blnkets are avail. Although not as heavy as HBC(some come close) these blankets a FAR LES $$$ & IMHO GREAT for Capes, Great Coats & even capotes.
26th October 08, 12:59 PM
Empire Canvas Works makes a "Wool Blanket Shirt" that looks pretty comfy...
26th October 08, 01:28 PM
Puffer, you are correcdt, the Hudson Bay Company blanket coats certainly are warm. When paired with a good wool sweater you can work outside in almost any temperature. I'm not certain how one would look with a kilt, but it would definately be an interesting look.
His Exalted Highness Duke Standard the Pertinacious of Chalmondley by St Peasoup
Member Order of the Dandelion
Per Electum - Non consanguinitam
26th October 08, 02:06 PM
The Hudson Bay Company blanket coats are great with kilts. I have one that I bought (I think it was from Dixie Gun Works) around 12 years ago.
26th October 08, 04:58 PM
 Originally Posted by Standard
Puffer, you are correcdt, the Hudson Bay Company blanket coats certainly are warm. When paired with a good wool sweater you can work outside in almost any temperature. I'm not certain how one would look with a kilt, but it would definately be an interesting look.
Actualy, IMHO, they look GREAT with a kilt.
i. Long style ( bottom of calf to ankle, hides the kilt, but BOY is it WARM. !!
2. Shorter style ( aka Mackinaw = GREAT sim. to tis look with my blanket shirt, BUT warmer.

27th October 08, 04:45 AM
Puffer, I like the green blanket shirt/coat in your pic. Is that one from Empire, mentioned by Brad?
Andy in Ithaca, NY
Exile from Northumberland
27th October 08, 02:44 PM
 Originally Posted by andyfg
Puffer, I like the green blanket shirt/coat in your pic. Is that one from Empire, mentioned by Brad?
Looks like one of Townsend's:
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~ Benjamin Franklin
27th October 08, 05:22 PM
Actually the "blanket shirt was made by a friend from a Good med Wgt. blanket I had
Here is another GREAT source http://www.pantherprimitives.com/products.html They make QUALITY products ( the shirt is appox. $55.00 ) They also make a Great "Blanket Wool Cloak.
27th October 08, 11:19 PM
I've got an Empire Canvas Works blanket shirt that I really like with my kilt on a cold day...

I've also got a short Hudson Bay Blanket coat that I found in an antique shop in Kennebunk, Maine. I've never worn it with my kilt, though...
[B]Clan Rose[/B]-[SIZE="2"][B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Constant and True[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][I]"I cut a stout blackthorn to banish ghosts and goblins; In a brand new pair of brogues to ramble o'er the bogs and frighten all the dogs " - D. K. Gavan[/I][/SIZE]
28th October 08, 05:12 AM
 Originally Posted by Woodsheal
Thanks Brian.
Andy in Ithaca, NY
Exile from Northumberland
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