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Thread: Toe hose

  1. #1
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    Toe hose

    No, seriously... In Japan, toe socks are very popular and I've taken a shine to them too...

    One reason why I also like and wear them is because they go well with my Vivram Fivefingers shoes...

    Which I use for tooling around town and hiking... But since I also hike kilted, it would be IDEAL if instead of a pair of toe socks I could get me a pair of "toe kilt hose" for the purpose... How cool would that be? But even if I don't wear my VFFs, having toe kilt hose in regular shoes is still very nice... I find that my feet stink less this way, and having my toes individually wrapped helps develop better muscle control and strength in the feet.

    Now, I can pretty much GUARANTEE that no such thing exists anywhere, and mine would most likely be the first and only such pair to be put into existence, which means either a complicated DIY project (ugh...) or getting some kind, skilled hose knitter to make them for me.

    What do you suppose it would cost (in time and money) to have a pair of kilt toe hose made up by someone? I would be chuffed if it were possible.

  2. #2
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    I would look at having kilt hose uppers attached to normal toe socks. I think that any local knitter would be able to do that for a fair price. Then you could have any massproduced kilt hose converted without breaking the bank.

    as an aside I really do like those shoes. Will have too look into those.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
    I would look at having kilt hose uppers attached to normal toe socks. I think that any local knitter would be able to do that for a fair price. Then you could have any massproduced kilt hose converted without breaking the bank.
    At first, in principle, it seems like a good idea, but I just don't know how you could pull it off without looking like a "bad Photoshop job" but in real life. I dunno -- maybe I'm wrong. Maybe a skilled knitter could make it look relatively or even completely seamless... But you would certainly be restricting yourself to certain materials, but just as importantly, colors. Other than black, every other color would have to be carefully matched -- a daunting task. For that matter, even in black, back isn't always the same black from one product to the next.

    I like your creative thinking though...

    For the record, however, I was able to find a knit pattern for some regular, (toed) lateral cable socks here: http://ummeyusuf.blogspot.com/2007/1...-with-toe.html which is a step in the right direction. The next step would be to just make them thick and long enough to be kilt hose...

  4. #4
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    Well couldn't it be connected further down say just befor the toes start? Then it would just look like colored toes on your toe socks. Color matching wouldn't matter at all. Say like green hose with black toes or black hose with red toes.

    Only real other option would be getting some commisioned.

    How thick can you make toesocks before they start being uncomfortable between your toes?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
    Well couldn't it be connected further down say just befor the toes start? Then it would just look like colored toes on your toe socks. Color matching wouldn't matter at all. Say like green hose with black toes or black hose with red toes.

    Only real other option would be getting some commisioned.

    How thick can you make toesocks before they start being uncomfortable between your toes?
    Ahhhhh! NOW I grok ya! Wasn't visualizing it properly before... Basically, you would be taking a pair of regular HALF-SOCKS and Frankensteining them with a pair of regular kilt hose..

    Like THIS:

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by CDNSushi View Post
    Ahhhhh! NOW I grok ya! Wasn't visualizing it properly before... Basically, you would be taking a pair of regular HALF-SOCKS and Frankensteining them with a pair of regular kilt hose..

    Like THIS:
    By Joe I think he's got it! Grab a cheap pair of toe socks and those white kilt hose we all have stuck in the back of our sock drawer, a little thread and a darning needle and get to work.

    I would make the transition as close to the toes as you can to make the color change look more intentional but thats just me being picky. really the toe sock tips are for your comforn not for the look. If you do it be sure and post pics.

  7. #7
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    <chortle> If anyone has something, it will probably be Sock Dreams. Select "toe socks" in their home page links.

    Probably they will be rather thin, mostly cotton, and usually the sizing discussed is women's US sock sizes. But I see a pair of argyle knee-highs---how cool is that?
    Ken Sallenger - apprentice kiltmaker, journeyman curmudgeon,
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by fluter View Post
    <chortle> If anyone has something, it will probably be Sock Dreams. Select "toe socks" in their home page links.

    Probably they will be rather thin, mostly cotton, and usually the sizing discussed is women's US sock sizes. But I see a pair of argyle knee-highs---how cool is that?
    Haha! First place I went to check as well!
    I have always tempered my killing with respect for the game pursued. I see the animal not only as a target but as a living creature with more freedom than I will ever have. I take that life if I can, with regret as well as joy, and with the sure knowledge that nature's ways of fang and claw or exposure and starvation are a far crueler fate than I bestow. - Fred Bear

  9. #9
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    I actually had more luck at ToeToe http://www.toesocks.co.uk/ It IS possible to get outdoor or trekking toe socks, which means they are a little thicker and taller too.

    Still, this might actually be something I would be willing to commission custom, price being reasonable.

  10. #10
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    Very cool site. Def bookmark. Thanks!
    I have always tempered my killing with respect for the game pursued. I see the animal not only as a target but as a living creature with more freedom than I will ever have. I take that life if I can, with regret as well as joy, and with the sure knowledge that nature's ways of fang and claw or exposure and starvation are a far crueler fate than I bestow. - Fred Bear

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