11th October 10, 03:38 PM
Cleaning method for my USAK?
What is the reccomended method of cleaning a USA Kilt? I have a 160z/8 Yrd Premium Italian-American that I've worn several times that I'm considering having cleaned.
Thanks in advance,
11th October 10, 04:27 PM
Everyone has their own opinion, Antonio. Best to hear from the kilt makers, especially Rocky, since he made your kilt! Good luck, whatever you choose!
11th October 10, 04:29 PM
LOL! That's why I put it here!
12th October 10, 06:01 AM
If you aren't comfortable wet washing wool (which many people aren't), then I'd suggest a trusted dry cleaner. They don't need to "press" the kilt, JUST CLEAN it.
If you CAN wet wash wool and are comfortable "risking it", the following should help. PLEASE NOTE... the washing machine acts as a TUB OF WATER and a SPIN CYCLE ONLY. A wool kilt should NEVER be just thrown in the wash. The agitate cycle is what screws everything up. Also, please note that you WILL NEED to re-iron the pleats on a wool kilt after a wet wash.
1. Fill up your washing machine with cold water but LEAVE THE TOP OPEN
2. Put in woolite or other wool cleaner.
3. Dunk kilt and lift it up and down gently. GENTLY swish it side to side as well. Do this several times and then let it soak for a "little while" (15 to 20 min).
4. Repeat dunking and let sit again for a few min
5. Turn washing machine to SPIN cycle and close lid. The water will drain and the machine will spin the water out of the kilt.
6. Stop the machine and REFILL with water (JUST water) to rinse the kilt
7. Dunk kilt a few times to get cleaner out of material.
8. Put machine BACK ON SPIN.
9. If you want to double check all cleaner is out of the kilt, repeat step 6, 7 and 8.
10. Once the rinse water is out of the kilt, take the kilt out of the machine and lay it flat to dry.
HINT: Straighten the pleats WHILE THE KILT IS DAMP. It will make ironing the kilt easier later.
Last edited by RockyR; 12th October 10 at 06:06 AM.
12th October 10, 06:04 AM
If you don't have a top load washer, then you can use a bathtub filled with water as well. Instead of "spin cycle", you'll have to pull out the kilt and let it drip a few minutes. Then put it between some towels and press them together (press meaning pressure, NOT AN IRON) with the kilt inbetween. It will help to absorb excess water.
12th October 10, 07:50 AM
Thanks Rocky! I think I'll find a Dry Cleaner around my area... but just in case I decide to do it myself, any suggestions on how to iron it?
12th October 10, 11:02 AM
 Originally Posted by Antonio
Thanks Rocky! I think I'll find a Dry Cleaner around my area... but just in case I decide to do it myself, any suggestions on how to iron it?
I've had Burnett's & Struth dryclean and press my kilt. Does seem a little unusal I admit to send one to Canada from the US, but they do a fantastic job at a reasonable price. I don't have the nerve to trust any local cleaner with my kilts. Contact Brandon here on the board as Burnett's Struth, he give you the details.
12th October 10, 11:06 AM
It seems you could do this with a front loader on gentle, or set short times for running.
12th October 10, 11:33 AM
Great tip! I just sent Brandon a PM! Thanks!
12th October 10, 11:39 AM
 Originally Posted by EHCAlum
It seems you could do this with a front loader on gentle, or set short times for running.
You have to be VERY careful... If it agitates too much, the wool will get fuzzy.
Kelly uses our Meile machine to do mine, but it has some kind of setting where the drum fills a little with water, then rotates 180 degrees every minute, then sits, then rotates again. This allows for the same kind of motion as doing it by hand yourself.
Again, don't risk it unless you're 100% sure of what you're doing. I don't want to be the cause of a ruined kilt.
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