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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Pinckney, Michigan
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    Possible Repurpose to Sporran?

    I have acquired this bag in hopes to repurpose to a sporran.
    The plan is to take the side straps off and possibly the strap on the cover.
    The shoulder strap is more than long enough to make a sporran belt out of.

    The different look are with the flapped pulled tight.

    Is this to big? Thick? Do I need to make the flap smaller?

    any thought? would it be a waste of time
    Last edited by MrShoe; 1st February 10 at 03:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Kerrville, Texas
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    Just looking at it, the conversion could be pretty simple. You could cut the stitches from the side tabs and re-use the leather by stitching them on the back, using the old stitch holes to lay out the new holes you'd have to punch. Then stitch it on the back with needle and thread.

    It would make a rather large and boxy sporran, but if you like it, go for it!

    If you've held it in front of yer kilt where it would sit as a sporran and you think it's not too large for your tastes, it's probably worth the effort. For me, though, if it was too big and I were looking at having to redo the flap or other parts of it to make it work like I wanted, I'd forget the whole project. That's a lot of rework and it would probably be easier to build another from scratch.

  3. #3
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    It's a bit on the wide and thick side. It will likely be uncomfortable on your thighs when sitting and walking for extended periods. Usually between 6" and 7 width and 1" -1.5" gusset is used. Being that thick could look a bit like you are wearing a briefcase around your waist.

    You could modify it a bit by ripping out the stitching and recutting the body, then restitching it. The leather looks great. With a little work you could end up with a really nice day sporran. How do you plan to address the stitching holes left behind after removing the tabs on the side and front?

  4. #4
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    So I went ahead had worked with what I had. I worked off and on for a month and have it nearly complete. At least complete enough to use. I still need to do something to the face. The leftover stitch holes and the magnet back will obviously need to get covered. Initially I was just going to secure a badge over it. I have been thinking of a full design on the from of my family crest, but don't know how I would do that.

    The clasp was removed and the top of the front panel was trimmed.
    The magnetic closure items were kept in the same positions.
    It is now 6" tall when closed.

    The sholder strap was removed and the side leather was cut along the old stitch holes down reattached, It is now 1.25" think.

    The shoulder strap attachments were stitched on to the back.
    Now a chain can be attached or a belt run thru the rings.

    Using existing rivets on the shoulder strap, I attached the front clasp hardware to make a belt and added the belt keeper. I sill have a 12" strip of shoulder strap with an attached buckle left over. Don't know what, if anything, I will do with that.

    The inside holds all I need. Keys, Phone, Smoke and Lighter. The inside pocket is very handy to put ID, CC/ATM and some Cash. This allows me to leave the wallet at home.

    Here is a picture of it on.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Jefferson, Georgia, USA
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    Ya done good!

    One idea, and I'm saying this without knowing if he would do it, Check with Mark at Tyger Forge. He makes some beautiful designs in hammered brass, copper, silver,... that he could probably make up a small plate that you could a fix to the flap to hide the snap. He showed me a brooch he made that would be a nice size for your sporran. You can see some of his designs at the Scottish Tartans Museum gift shop.

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