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  1. #1
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    Question Ever Heard of Them?

    While going about my usual habit of surfing the web for all things kilt related, I stumbled upon this website:


    They had a huge inventory and fairly reasonable prices. After looking around for a while, I started to think that the photos looked too familiar. As if I had seen them on other sites. I am not sure who would have been photo stealing though. Could just be my mind playing tricks, but I thought I would ask. Has anyone heard of this store? If so, what do you know about them? Thanks.

  2. #2
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    Oh no... who's going to tell him?

    ...I don't have the heart.

  3. #3
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    They are a company who have probably had their photos ripped for advertising.. one of their employees is a member of the forum and she could probably help you with questions dealing with the company.. Her name is Heather..
    “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
    – Robert Louis Stevenson

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by cbishop View Post
    After looking around for a while, I started to think that the photos looked too familiar. As if I had seen them on other sites. I am not sure who would have been photo stealing though.
    Heritage of Scotland is part of the Gold Brothers. Accordingly the pictures are to be seen on more of their web pages. In other words no photo stealing.

    By the way, I have bought kilts from Heritage of Scotland several times, most of them 5 yard wool kilts, but also two acryllic kilts. I'm most satisfied with products and customer service. The company has in every respect proved reliable and you get a lot of value for money.

    As a comparison: My HOS acryllic kilts are MUCH better than one I have bought from The Frugal Corner.

    Pictures show my 5 yard wool John Morrison kilt by Heritage of Scotland. Tartan: MacGregor. Fabric:13 oz by N.Batley. I paid £112 including shipment.


  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by GG View Post
    Heritage of Scotland is part of the Gold Brothers. Accordingly the pictures are to be seen on more of their web pages. In other words no photo stealing.

    By the way, I have bought kilts from Heritage of Scotland several times, most of them 5 yard wool kilts, but also two acryllic kilts. I'm most satisfied with products and customer service. The company has in every respect proved reliable and you get a lot of value for money.

    As a comparison: My HOS acryllic kilts are MUCH better than one I have bought from The Frugal Corner.
    I agree. HoS is their main web site I believe.
    Last edited by Larry124; 9th December 09 at 12:58 AM.
    [FONT="Georgia"][B][I]-- Larry B.[/I][/B][/FONT]

  6. #6
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    Cbishop, please forgive my off topic.
    Ditto GG my crop of your photo.
    Exactly my style also - kilt length, hose length, shoes.


    From the movie Tunes of Glory:
    Last edited by Larry124; 9th December 09 at 01:03 AM.
    [FONT="Georgia"][B][I]-- Larry B.[/I][/B][/FONT]

  7. #7
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    I wonder what Ryan means by his comment...

  8. #8
    Phil is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by cbishop View Post
    I wonder what Ryan means by his comment...
    Ryan has probably seen the numerous discussions here about Heritage of Scotland/Gold Bros. There are 2 distinct standpoints, one being from an Edinburgh resident's point of view where their "pile 'em high - sell 'em cheap" style of shops which have constant loud "pseudo-Scottish" music blaring into the street all hours appears as an unwelcome blot on the landscape. The other being from a tourist or ingenue point of view where they are a honeypot for all things "Scottish" at the sort of prices the tourist is prepared to pay. In truth, however, they do also provide reasonable quality kilts at an attractive price as some of our members here can attest. The bottom line is are you a "never mind the quality - feel the width" type of person who yearns for a closet full of kilts or do you prefer just one kilt of the best quality money can buy for a garment that will hang well, keep its appearance and last a lifetime (yours and probably your childrens' as well). I know which one I would choose, given my background and experience but each to his own.

  9. #9
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    My experience with them has been good.

    I ordered an 8 yard kilt from them when visiting Edinburgh in 2006, some time before I even heard of XMTS. The kilt arrived within a few weeks, it fit perfectly, and I had absolutely no complaints. I contacted them by e-mail after I returned home about the pleating and they quickly responded to my question and request.

    My only "disagreement" with them came while being measured: the clerk wanted to make the length to mid-knee, and I wanted it just resting at the top of the knee. He said mid-knee was the length worn in Scotland and no doubt thought I was some kind of barbarian, but he didn't argue the point with me and I got the length I wanted.
    Last edited by Sir William; 9th December 09 at 04:30 AM.
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  10. #10
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    I have had both good and bad experiences with the heritage of Scotland/Gold Bros businesses. Like Phil, although I am not a native scot or Edinburgher, I was offended and appalled by the blatant commercialism of poor quality cheap knock off merchandise and the loud music in the multiple shops they have taken over on both the Royal Mile and Princes Street in Edinburgh, that have taken down the historic and beautiful nature of both places to that of a cheap tourist trap. Before I went to Scotland, and at least twice since, however, I had good internet deals on two 8yd 16oz tartan machine sewn kilts which were well made and well fitting, as well as two other deals where I purchased tartan fabric during one of their special sales, at a substantial savings over regular prices available anywhere. I have also purchased a few other accessories of middling quality and price to match. Lastly they have had in recent past several episodes where their business practices and ethics have been called into question, namely selling trademarked tartans without paying the royalties due to the owners, etc..., among other concerns.

    While I would not recommend them for your one and only high quality heirloom level family handsewn kilt, or the highest of quality in all their accessories, there are some deals to be had with them if you desire to work with their company. Many would say their business style and ethic are enough to turn them off to any kind of dealings with them. And as mentioned above they do have a customer representative who goes here by the same name as thier customer rep on their website, that of Heather MacCain.

    Each person has to search within themselves for their own level of personal and professional comfort with regards dealing with HoS and the Gold Bros mutliple stores and outlets, both in Scotland and on the internet.

    Last edited by ForresterModern; 9th December 09 at 01:07 PM.

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