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  1. #1

    Review: SHO Standard Kilt

    I recently purchased a Standard Kilt from Skye Highland Outfitters (SHO) and I am very happy with it.

    Skye Highland Outfitters is based in California (USA) and is owned by a member of this forum, NorCalPiper. His website is here: http://www.skyehighlandoutfitters.com

    SHO’s Standard Kilt is a machine sewn 8-yard 100% wool kilt that is available in numerous tartans and sells for $299.99 (plus $17.00 for shipping in the US). Josh told me the Standard Kilt is made by a husband and wife kilt making team in Scotland.

    I ordered my kilt on 23 Oct 2009 and received it on 30 Nov 2009, which is within the 4-6 week timeframe stated on the website. Josh’s customer service was excellent. Emails were answered very quickly (usually within an hour).

    Here is a picture of the front of the kilt. The items on top of the kilt (a set of matching tartan flashes, a kilt hanger, and a card listing the kilt’s measurements and who it was made for) were included with it.

    When I order the kilt, I provided the usual measurements (waist, hip and length), the tartan (Campbell of Argyll 13 oz.) and choice of pleating (to the sett). The kilt I received was exactly as I specified. The straps and buckles were adjusted to fit on the middle hole. Each strap had 5 holes.

    Features of the kilt include: 3 buckles and straps, 4.5 inch deep pleats, pleats sewn down at the fell, a tapered and fringed outer apron, 2 belt/sporran loops in the back, 2 hanging loops inside the waist and a black cloth lining.

    Construction was solid and, in my opinion, above average for a machine sewn kilt (especially one in this price range). Attention to details was obvious. Materials used were first rate. It looks good enough to wear to formal events and will probably outlast me.

    I highly recommend a SHO Standard Kilt. It is a very nice kilt at a very reasonable price.

    I will post pictures of me wearing the kilt this weekend.

  2. #2
    bricelythgoe is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    That is where I plan on getting my next kilt (8yard pv). I have not even purchased from him and he has been great at answering my questions. Plus, he is 50 dollars cheaper than other kilt makers on this forum (and still gives the same quality from what I see). I would not buy a PV or wool kilt from anyone else.


  3. #3
    NorCalPiper is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Can't wait to see the pics!!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Displaced 3rd generation Californian now residing in the "old" State of Jefferson, USA
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    Congratulations, looks nice. Look forward to seeing the rest of the photos.
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  5. #5
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    Outstanding! Thanks for the review.

  6. #6
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    Thanks for the review. Knowing Josh as I do, and liking him a lot, I am very happy to hear such good things about his kilts.

    good show.
    Jim Killman
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  7. #7
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    Josh, who owns and runs Skye Highland Outfitters, is not just a member here but a very active one with a great wealth of knowledge and experience as a piper and long time kilt wearer. I foresee some products with the sky highland outfitters logo in my closet one of these days. Keep up the good work, Josh.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Wow that's by far the best machine-sewn kilt I've seen! Looks great.

    I ordered a six-yard machine-sewn kilt from a place in Scotland a few years ago and was disappointed. It was made of very nice 13oz tartan, and the pleats were sewn acceptably, but the overall shape was entirely wrong. It hung straight like a dishrag and had none of the nice flare/taper that a real kilt has.

    This Skye Highland Outfitters kilt obviously has the correct shape... I would never guess it being a machine-sewn kilt.

  9. #9
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    Any pics of you in it? I'm nearing close to making a decision on what to order, and if thats a good kilt, thats a great price, and may well go with him!

    Let me know!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    ok--HOW did I miss this place?! Nice collection of items Josh. That Skyemuir is VERY interesting!
    [I][B]Ad fontes[/B][/I]

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