13th July 14, 03:23 AM
Two Telling comments? The Answer Perhaps?
Almost monthly the question is asked here; "why don't the Scots wear the kilt daily?" Or, maybe; "why do the Scots wear the kilt only on special occasions?" And lo and behold two or three stock answers are trotted out and accurate though they are, I have always been left with the feeling that we are missing something. Now, perhaps, I may have one more answer to add to the list and perhaps, to my mind at least, is nearer the mark and may be nearer the truth than many of us might admit. However, I find these off the cuff and to be very clear here, totally innocent and unwitting comments, troubling as many from outwith Scotland, perhaps, will too.
Having spent a restless night thinking about these comments and also thinking about whether I should mention them here and bearing in mind the long and honest thread going at the moment about "wearing the kilt in Scotland" I have decided that I will.
Last evening we had a neighbours son and long term girlfriend call in to see us. Its always nice to see them and catch up with their news and how university is going? How are the grouse doing? Are they catching many salmon this season? That sort of thing. Anyway during the course of conversation, Sally said to Harry that she wished that Harry would wear the kilt more often when at home, like he used to. He would be dressed very much like Johnthebiker's picture in the "wearing the kilt in Scotland" thread . Then came the first bombshell! " I am not going to look like a tourist in my own country" replied Harry in a quite serious voice. Then came the second bombshell! "Oh come off it Harry you dont look anything like a tourist when wearing the kilt!" Reproached Sally gently......... and on went a very pleasent evening.
WOW!!! Thought I, that's a new slant on things! After considerable thought, I wonder if this goes to the subconcious thought processes of local Scots? Perhaps it did even in Victorian times when the wealthy "tourists" did the romantic Highland Thing and it was mainly them with their money and romantic ideas that wore the kilt? Perhaps I have missed this angle for the last 70+ years? Is this a modern way of thinking? In truth, I know not, but I am troubled by those two comments.
What do you think?
Last edited by Jock Scot; 13th July 14 at 07:13 AM.
Reason: put my glasses on!
" Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.
The Following 10 Users say 'Aye' to Jock Scot For This Useful Post:
13th July 14, 03:46 AM
By jove, I think he's got it.
This is my thinking exactly Jock. I wear my kilt while in Scotland, but then I wear a kilt everyday. It is my job. But I am instantly taken for a silly tourist quite often because of it.
I had to explain why I was wearing a kilt more times while in Scotland than I ever am while at home, or anywhere else for that matter.
When I travel around N. America I am greeted with comments like - "I love a man in a kilt." or "It's good to see someone celebrating their heritage." Even comments like "I wish I could wear my kilt more often."
While in Scotland I was met with "Oh, another American came to Scotland and bought himself a kilt."
But I did get my picture taken about a gazillion times by the other tourists, who thought I was a Scot till I spoke.
It's all about the myth, the dream, the romance. Tourists expect to see Scots in kilts and are disappointed. Scots instantly take you for a romance seeking tourist.
The Following 6 Users say 'Aye' to Steve Ashton For This Useful Post:
13th July 14, 03:48 AM
Well, Jock, I have heard an expression, whether tongue-in-cheek or not, that says "Two types of people wear the kilt... Scots in America, and Americans in Scotland." Your neighbor's son may be manifesting that perception.
On the flip side, I've been asked on more than a few occasions, while wearing the kilt, if I was from Scotland. So both sides of that coin may be perceived as truer than we'd care to believe.
Last edited by unixken; 13th July 14 at 03:50 AM.
Clan Buchanan
U.S. Coast Guard, Retired
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA
The Following 3 Users say 'Aye' to unixken For This Useful Post:
13th July 14, 03:58 AM
Does there need to be an explanation?
Maybe so for those outside the country to understand.....
I for one wouldn't wear a kilt daily because I find wearing it for a lot of activities, to be damned uncomfortable.
A suit or a jacket and slacks are far more comfortable. Ditto that for jeans and jersey or whatever.
Then there's all the hassle with sporrans, hose, belts etc. etc. I couldn't be arsed with all that each day!
Maybe many of you will disagree with that and fair on you if you do. It's just a personal opinion.
I suppose adopting the 'Duncan look' (Monarch of the Glen) wouldn't be too bad, at least he wasn't covered in clan this, clan that and clan bloody everything else!
One thing that may relate to me personally but not to the majority is that I think I've overdone it in the past. I used to play in two pipe bands at the same time, also played solo....I was hardly ever out the kilt.
Then there's the fact that I don't want to look like a tourist.
Think tourist in Paris with a red beret on head.
In fact, I actually saw some last year when there.....which is why I specifically mentioned that. By their accents almost certainly from one of the southern states of the USA. I gather they had some sort of French ancestry and were trying to blend in, but all they really did was look very stupid and touristy.
Maybe you should also be asking if there any national groups in particular who like to try and adopt what they think or perceive is the dress that belongs in some way to their ancestors?
I've seen people from all over, China and Japan included wearing the kilt, but the 'loudest dressed' and most frequently clad in outfits sporting 'clan bloody everything' were Americans. Sorry if that offends but it happens to be true.
Then maybe there is the whole 'northern Britons' thing. It's seen as quaint but should really only be brought out on occasions when some sort of national 'costume' is acceptable. And that in itself says something. The word 'costume' rather than 'national dress'.
To Scots is that an issue?
The majority of Scots in our past have lived not in the highlands but in what today is termed as the Central belt or lowlands. Is that part of the issue.....some remnant of seeing the highlands and its culture as being not quite as civilised?
Could it be that for some, the whole kilt and highland thing, clans and all....is seen as just a big invention?
The brigadoonery factor has to be in there somewhere as well. Or maybe that's related to the touristy thing?
However there are people in Scotland who wear the kilt almost every day if not actually every day and they do it out of choice.
My (late) godfather was one. He was a well known Edinburgh icon.
Another was my former boss....whom I don't think actually owned any trousers.
13th July 14, 04:02 AM
In my experience, with some exceptions (Tartan army, Burns suppers, occasional weddings, street buskers, or folk generally regarded as eccentrics...) the kilt as a form of daily garb for men is as unpopular in Scotland as it is anywhere else. Most Scots who see a Kilt being worn in a non-special setting in Scotland, naturally assume foreigner / tourist. And to be honest, they'd not be far wrong. I'm chums with some Scots who have never, and will never wear a Kilt.
It's just the way it is. This is why it's important to encourage the Kilt both within as well as outwith Scotland or the whole industry around production of same will just fade away, or worse, be consumed by shoddy low quality imports. But that's an argument for another day perhaps.
Last edited by English Bloke; 13th July 14 at 04:40 AM.
The Following 9 Users say 'Aye' to English Bloke For This Useful Post:
13th July 14, 05:24 AM
I went to pick up some people from the airport last night. I didn't know until one of them called my mobile number and I heard his voice that they were Scottish. I was wearing a cilt and sporran with the Welsh Dragon on the flap. On the homeward journey, I asked why he didn't wear a kilt and his reply was "I haven't got the balls!"
The Following User Says 'Aye' to Mel1721L For This Useful Post:
13th July 14, 05:36 AM
I agree with Jock and Steve here. Wearing a kilt on the street here in Scotland midweek I have often been taken for an American tourist.
The kilt is neither the most comfortable or practical garment for many activities.
For casual wear during warm summer weather I have found the Utility kilt style with pockets and no sporran is a comfortable alternative to shorts, yet non-trad kilts haven't caught on as mainstream wear here in Scotland where there is still an assumption that kilts should be tartan and are only for more formal occasions or for following the national soccer and rugby teams.
Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.
13th July 14, 08:18 AM
Interesting. Jock, you (and others) have danced all around it before, but just hadn't actually stepped on it. In fact, just the other night, after reading some comments on the other thread I told The Redhead that, "I believe Scots don't wear the kilt in Scotland because they're afraid they'll be taken for a tourist."
Or go to the Edinburgh Tattoo. I liken that to, many years ago, when I lived just outside Colonial Williamsburg. The LAST thing I wanted to do was go to Colonial Williamsburg.
Tulach Ard
13th July 14, 09:08 AM
The issue of anyone wearing the kilt in England doesn't have the same response, so I edited what I posted earlier...
Anyway, I think I throw people a curveball being a man of colour... Today, I dropped in on the Harpenden Highland Gathering, I was expecting to see perhaps 25 to 30% of the crowd who went to watch kilted... it was a sea of shorts and jeans, and aside from those running a stall, or pipers either playing or taking a break. Granted, I should have mine on (I was going to wear my black & white Menzies tartan, but I was working 'on call' and railway stations don't take kindly to kilts as it's not part of Health& Safety workwear if you're working near the track, or , bending down to fix equipment )... so I decided to forego the kilt this time... I packed it in the car, but there's no place to change into a kilt... Perhaps next year... I met Chas, but I don't know who else from the Forum dropped by...
Last edited by thecompaqguy; 13th July 14 at 11:50 AM.
Reason: too wordy...
Kilted Technician!
The Following User Says 'Aye' to thecompaqguy For This Useful Post:
13th July 14, 12:09 PM
Could it be the dilution of tradition over time Jock? As the younger generations get further from their own heritage, and by many Scot's admission, a heritage that is seen less and less, save for a couple of special gigs a year, the opportunity for the caricature Scot, as defined by others, increases. When tourists wearing the kilt far outnumber the natives in kilts, it is easy to see why the native would make the correlation to the tourist.
I assume this will continue at a somewhat exponential rate, as the result of a self-fulfilling prophesy. The less Scots wear the kilt to avoid looking like tourists, the greater the percentage of kilts seen are on tourists (and we all know how well most pull that look off ). Add to that the natural age related decline of a generation of native kilt wearers and, voila!, Harry meets Sally at your kitchen table.
I fear that pretty soon we'll have to send a contingent of Xmarks members to retrain the native population on their own traditions, based on what some old farmer name "Jock Scot" told us. 
Best to you and yours,
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