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  1. #1
    Chef is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Thumbs up Glenniff PC Review - Price, Quality and Service

    Wow, Wow, Wow!

    The mailman just dropped a package at my door. It is my new PC from Glenniff and I must say I am impressed with every aspect of the transaction.

    First, the reason I was in the market for a new PC is that I tore mine over the holidays. Given that I wear a kilt a great deal this time of year I needed another one as quickly as possible. Also I am not a fan of off-the-rack kilt jackets. I've nothing against them, they just don't tend to fit me very well so made-to-measure was what I was hoping for. Of course this was December 29th with just over three weeks till Burns. Knowing the usual lead time needed to order made-to-measure from this side I decided I would try ordering directly from Scotland .

    Anyway having seen that Glenniff does made-to-measure, I thought I would give them a try. Unfortunately my email went unanswered and so I figured I was out of luck. Being very busy over the holidays I decided to forego the idea of replacing my PC in time for the Burns season and just wear my Montrose for all the evening events I was doing.

    Now, the reason my email went unanswered was that Glenniff shuts for the holidays (nice to see, by the way). However when Scott from Glenniff returned on the 8th of January I received a reply saying that if I ordered the jacket today they could deliver it in time. Well I called Scott that afternoon. He assured me that delivery was no problem, he walked me through the measuring over the phone and I placed the order.

    Now only 9 days later I have the jacket and waistcoat in hand and I am very impressed. It fits like a glove and it is made from a very nice, heavy (16oz I believe) Barathea. It is beautifully finished and I can detect no flaws. It will look even better when I have it pressed, although it is in rather good condition considering the overseas trip.

    Cost. The total cost including the jacket (minus the xmarks discount), postage and the exchange fee from the bank came to $345. Now that is by no means the cheapest out there, but it is far from the most expensive made-to-measure and it is less than many off-the-rack possibilities. Now remember made-to-measure is not bespoke tailoring but it fits much better than an off-the-rack would.

    Ron (Riverkilt) is very fond of saying, "Price, Quality, Service...you can have two" and I tend to agree with him. However, I honestly think the jacket and transaction were all three. So than you Scot and thank you Glenniff. You will be getting more of my business in the near future.

    As for pictures I will get them up as soon as possible...probably after Saturday's kilt night.

  2. #2
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    Ver nice, can not wait to see photos

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Congratulations I can't wait to see the photos.

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