6th November 08, 06:56 AM
6th November 08, 07:31 AM
6th November 08, 12:00 PM
And, just introduced in my latest story:
Ms. Partridge

Kate Winslet
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
6th November 08, 04:34 PM
Now I have to look up which one gave Wompet the Dog a rub in your first story ...
7th November 08, 05:50 AM
 Originally Posted by Wompet
Now I have to look up which one gave Wompet the Dog a rub in your first story ... 
Actually, it was the second story "The Girl with the Silvery Smile."
Our exchange:
 Originally Posted by Wompet
... speaking of promises, wasn't I supposed to get my ears rubbed by Ms. Hawk?
 Originally Posted by davedove
Rest assured, all eight ladies of my team probably gave you plenty of that. 
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
7th November 08, 09:21 AM
Oh I think I am going to like it here. What excellent taste I discover in the portraits of the fair sex.
Greetings, gentlemen of X Marks the Scot.
Allow me to introduce myself, in the appropriate syntax.
Brown. James Brown.
I have been entrusted with the means of entry to your forum by Madam Pleater, General Director of MHICE, and entreated to continue the narration of her sojourn in the alternate reality where Fashion Furs imposed its rule.
I have never yet refused a request from lady, hence my arrival here.
I am restricted to this 'off topic' section having given my word to venture no further before the ladies left on their latest attempt to resolve some of the paradoxes of real and unreal time within this continuum.
The early explorers, starting at some future date, caused considerable disruption in the past as they did not realise that they were moving between realities and actually causing conjunctions. In many cases these were beneficial, driving evolution, continental drift and so on, but also causing chaotic situations sometimes revealed by modern science, such as impossible alterations in DNA, or the fossil record showing one date for an event and the living tissues indicating another. They are of course all correct, just for different realities.
The term continuum is one which was coined some time ahead of now, before it was realised just how non continuous most time lines in this area would become in the past.
The ladies are proving to be more able to resolve paradoxes, combining the characteristics of numeracy and femininity seems to be the key.
This has now freed me from the calls upon my time which have hitherto kept me away from this quiet area on the edge of the New Forest, where the colours of Autumn are, though it seemed impossible to imagine last year, even more splendid. I have spend many happy hours in wandering the countryside, and even attempted to capture scenes in paint, but now that rain is becoming all too frequent I have removed indoors, and have been spending time in the Rotunda, working on some of the devices and equipment which Madam 'liberated' on her travels, and also in this little suite of rooms at the end of the converted mews, which is far cosier and has the advantage of not having a kitchen - which was quite difficult to arrange in this temple to the culinary arts.
But now, afternoon tea has been brought and poured for me. I must attend to it, but I will return shortly to further investigate this most interesting and diverting experience.
Farewell for the moment
J. Brown, Esq.
7th November 08, 09:39 AM
Quick, Ms. Starling, do we have a dossier on this Brown fellow?
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
7th November 08, 01:24 PM
Ah Ms Starling - with those amazing hazel eyes.
If you do not have a dossier, dear lady, allow me to provide any information you require - you can be certain of my personal attention anytime.
Do wear blue - deep clear blue should be most flattering to your unusual colouring.
J. Brown Esq.
21st November 08, 06:23 AM
And just introduced in my tale:
Ms. Crane

Catherine Zeta-Jones
I picture Ms. Crane's personality as sort of a cross between Elena in "The Mask of Zorro" and Velma Kelly in "Chicago."
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
21st November 08, 08:31 AM
I kept wondering when Catherine Zeta-Jones Was going to turn-up.
Too weird I just saw on Bio a bio of her. That is just too weird.
Very Sir Lord MrBill the Essential of Happy Bottomshire
Listen to kpcw.org
Every other Saturday 1-4 PM
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