Richard Hillary Memorial & Charterhall Airfield
The former RAF Charterhall, near Duns, Scottish Borders, is a spooky place, with a large collection of World War II buildings still in situ, many of which are now used for grain warehousing. There is still a serviceable runway which sees very occasional use by GA aircraft and microlights. Occasionally the drone of a low-flying Tocano from RAF Linton-on-Ouse will break the eery silence as it banks to alter direction overhead the old airfield while on a navigation exercise.

Memorial to Battle of Britain ace Richard Hillary, situated at the entrance to the airfield.
Shot down by a German Me-109, Hillary baled out of his burning Spitfire on 3rd September, 1940, was picked up from the sea by the Margate Lifeboat and survived to fly again, only to be killed while flying in a Bristol Blenheim light bomber near here in 1943.

In the background we see one of the two surviving hangars with other WWII buildings in foreground. Only the portakabin and modern car in extreme left give the game away that this is a 21st centrury view.

A closer view of the long building on right of the above picture.

Another cluster of WWII buildings. I believe Charterhall has been used as a location by film makers.
Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.