25th February 07, 09:49 AM
I didn't mean to say that someone with LOTS of posts is more knowledgeable than someone with less posts (sorry it came out that way). I just meant that as a hard and fast rule, the more posts you have, the more it shows you're up here, the more you MIGHT know.
I agree with what others said... if it aint broke, don't fix it. Is changint the whole "setup" of # of post structure really going to enhance the "xmarks experience"? No. Is it worth time and effort debating? No.
25th February 07, 04:32 PM
While I agree that if it ain't broke... I do think that welcome to newbies should also be included in the non post enhancing catagory.
25th February 07, 08:30 PM
T'would also be nice if the calendar included all those 'special' days for those who need an excuse to kilt up - St. David's Day, the anniversary of Culloden, etc.
- The Beertigger
"The only one, since 1969."
25th February 07, 09:01 PM
I have found that I just do not respond, just to respond. If i don't have something either witty (at least I think it's witty), or informative, I don't feel a response is necessary, though sometimes they are fun.
Thanks for the two calendars, I know they will be very useful by all!
Mark Dockendorf
Left on the Right Coast
25th February 07, 10:02 PM
 Originally Posted by Beertigger
T'would also be nice if the calendar included all those 'special' days for those who need an excuse to kilt up - St. David's Day, the anniversary of Culloden, etc.
Anyone can put those special days in the calendar. Feel free to add some of them. Every little bit helps and adds richness to our knowledge pool.
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
25th February 07, 10:03 PM
 Originally Posted by neo71665
I had an event entered on april 22
I can not see your event on April 22nd. Can you see that I've entered St. David's Day on March 1, 2007 in the default calendar?
25th February 07, 10:33 PM
 Originally Posted by walkerk
I can not see your event on April 22nd. Can you see that I've entered St. David's Day on March 1, 2007 in the default calendar?
I canae.
- The Beertigger
"The only one, since 1969."
26th February 07, 03:41 AM
Ummmm... Mike, I hate to be a pain, but it looks like the calendar is a "Personal Calendar" and not a "Group Calendar". No one can see the events I posted but me. I can't see events that OTHERS have posted.
The "Personal Calendar" kind of defeats the purpose I talked about in this thread. Is there any way to fix it's functionality?
Again... thanks to the mods (especially Mike1) for being so helpful and responsive with this.
26th February 07, 04:53 AM
No problem Rocky. Take a look and see if things are working properly now.
I exchanged a bit of communication with Rocky about the calendar function, yesterday. The developers of this software suggest the calendar is the least-used function in the entire package and I'm betting they are spot on. I own two vBulletin licenses of my own, help Highlandtide with this one and The Pub and moderate and handful of others and had never even looked at the calendar parameters before setting up the new one on here. 
"Calendar? What calendar? You mean to say there is a calendar?!?"
26th February 07, 05:16 AM
Looks perfect to me! Now people can just click on the event and see what's going on.
I still think there should be a sticky in the Games and Kilt night forums about what your posts should include (i.e. what should go in the title... City, State... and what should go in the body... who, what, where, when, how much), but that's just me.
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