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  1. #1
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    Sierra Nevada Backpacking trip

    Most years, Joan and I get in at least one extended backpacking trip. We had to do without last summer, but this year we got out for 6 nights in the Emigrant Wilderness.

    Here's Yours Truly, in his "before" picture...ie, I'm relatively clean.

    And the Luminous Joan, looking not-so-luminous, but tough!

    We were out for six nights. Our first hike is short, just two miles to a lake close to the trailhead. Here, Joan kicks back and rests after our first days short hike to Powell Lake

    We spent the second night at Toejam Lake, but I didn't take pictures because:

    A. I was exhasuted, heavy pack, this wimpy dude hadn't got his wind, yet!
    B. there was this party of guys who really made us mad by disregarding all the Forest Service rules about where to camp and
    C. We've been there about five times!

  2. #2
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    So the next day we hiked to Long Lake...here's a composite shot of the trail out into Spring Meadow, from the North.

    It was another long day, but we made it to Long Lake. I've been meaning to get back here for years...I'll show you why.

    Long Lake Sunset

    Here's Joan enjoying her morning coffee before we start our day hike up the dome...

  3. #3
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    Well, here I am, climbing up the back-side of the dome that overlooks the lake. This IS a kilt board after all, and none of you have seen this kilt yet, so here are the obligatory shots: Reverse Kinguisse, digicamo poly-cotton, 20 pleats, velcro closure..etc. etc.

    The sweaty back is from the daypack, not pictured!

    The Pleats

    The Front...note the angle my feet are making...that's how steep it is.

  4. #4
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    Did we get to the top? Did we get to the top??? Here's proof!

    If you turn around and look the other way..... (composite picture)

    And then some guy in a kilt...

    Well, that was our "rest" day, since we only climbed the dome and carried a day pack. We stayed up and watched
    the Perseid meteor shower, which was increble and went to bed around 10:00 the next morning I woke up, opened
    up my pack and found that I wasn't the only one who liked my kilt!!!

    I hope Ms. Mouse got something warm for her nest!

  5. #5
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    Well, our visit to Long Lake had to end, so back to the trailhead we went. Here's Spring Meadow again, the
    trail leading out into the meadow from the south.

    and Yours Truly gulping down the last of the water in that bottle!

    Well, you have to fill your water bottles somewhere, and we tanked up at this pretty little pond along the trail.
    It's really a nothing-special little pond, except that it's pretty and it also has a lot of aquatic life in it.... we saw
    frogs, snakes, all sorts of insects....

    and I managed to get this shot, of which I am inordinately proud...

  6. #6
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    Well, I skipped the last night, because this is getting awfully long, but here's the Dynamic Duo, on the trail all sweaty and hot before the last hill. The picture is taken by another hiker... We had a lot of fun, got away for six beautiful days and 30 miles of hiking, and what's not to love about that?

    ........can't wait until next summer!

  7. #7
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    Excellent photos, Alan. Looks like a truly splendid trip. Love the kilt...I just finished one in that exact same fabric that I haven't worn once yet. Maybe you've inspired me to make a quick BP trip before school starts!

    And Joan really does look luminous! You're a lucky guy on many different levels.
    Kilted Teacher and Wilderness Ranger and proud member of Clan Donald, USA
    Happy patron of Jack of the Wood Celtic Pub and Highland Brewery in beautiful, walkable, and very kilt-friendly Asheville, NC.
    New home of Sierra Nevada AND New Belgium breweries!

  8. #8
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    Fantastic photo set, you should be proud of that pic, its great.

  9. #9
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    What a beautiful part of the world, thank you so much for sharing it with us.

  10. #10
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    Alan, that reminds me of 'Big Duck Lake' near Etna, CA. What a trip...Felt good to get out, didn't it!? Bet you found yourself saying "I should do this more often"...yep, so do I.

    Eòin ~
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