View Full Version : Kilt Advice

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  1. Hemlines.....
  2. Cheapkilts wants advice/opinions
  3. Cleaning a traditional kilt...
  4. Waistlines
  5. Where is Folklore?
  6. Kilt Belts in the US
  7. Alternate wedding attire
  8. The Age Old Question
  9. Brooches/Pins
  10. Which kilt coat is best the Prince Charlie or Argyll Jacket?
  11. Argyll Jacket
  12. So you aren't a 46 regular ??
  13. Kilting in the cold
  14. Kilt pin damage
  15. Traveling with kilts
  16. Kilt weight
  17. Kilt shirts
  18. Welsh tartan kilts
  19. best kilt for hiking
  20. Traditional 8-Yard Kilting With a Gut
  21. Clansman knitwear
  22. Silk kilt
  23. Softening a canvas kilt
  24. How do you press pleats on a wool kilt
  25. Kilts on a bike
  26. Budget kilt
  27. Help identifying tartan
  28. Kilt makers in the US or Canada
  29. DIY kilt
  30. Dyeing
  31. Jackets, looking for reccomendations
  32. Anyone know how to make their own hose garters and flashes?
  33. Poly/viscose in the clammie summertime
  34. How to hang up a kilt?
  35. Making a Sgian dubh handle
  36. Advice for the newby -- HELP!!
  37. Sporran chain vs. Sporran leather strap
  38. Military Kilts
  39. Fabric
  40. Looking for Cameron tartan
  41. Cheapkilts poll... Time for a name change
  42. Stillwater Kilt question...
  43. "It's for special occasions only..."For anyone in
  44. pleating new kilt
  45. Tartan Choice
  46. Bells,Buckles 'n' Bows
  47. Storing a kilt?
  48. Fabric Question?
  49. info on kilt carrier as promised
  50. Not to be crass, but...
  51. tailcoat?
  52. Correct sporran question
  53. Nelson...question?
  54. Has anybody experience with
  55. Thinner material for summer
  56. Kilts and Dry Cleaning
  57. Kilts and skiing
  58. How can I avoid looking like a tourist in a kilt?
  59. Themed Kilts and corporate tartan
  60. Shopping on the Royal Mile
  61. kilt making instructions akaussie
  62. Which Kilt For a First Time Wearer?
  63. Pleating to set and stripe
  64. Socks ???
  65. Argyle Jacket
  66. Group Input on My Next Kilt
  67. What would you do... what would YOU do?
  68. how addicted are you?
  69. Sporran in airport security
  70. kilt pattern 3 weeks away
  71. spreading legs in kilt
  72. What Price Glory
  73. Yet another pleating question
  74. Stillwater
  75. Pleating a kilt question!
  76. Sporran belt inside or outside kilt belt?
  77. kilt belt question
  78. Brand of kilt for a beginner?
  79. ironing pleats
  80. Kilt under pleat cutting
  81. Of Irish Descent...Which tartan?
  82. Flip Flops & Kilts?
  83. More on Jackets
  84. Casual or Traditional?
  85. Black Watch Tartan..can you tell me about it?
  86. Which modern kilt next?
  87. So you're going to wear the kilt book
  88. Correct Length
  89. Kilts and Coats
  90. 8 yard kilts
  91. royal stewart & black hose
  92. Beach volleyball kilted??
  93. Double Check the Laundry
  94. Friends, Lend me your ears
  95. FIre Helmet Chaffing
  96. How to wear highland dress
  97. how to wear military kilt
  98. is ironing your kilt a problem? questions & suggestion
  99. The Sneaky Breeze
  100. Cold Snaps
  101. Halloween Advice...
  102. A tartan similar to the Classic Barbour Tartan
  103. What Kind of Kilt to Buy next???
  104. Kilt and braces?
  105. evening out the spacing on the side of your hips
  106. Natural Dye, UK White Workman's, and a Mad Scientist...
  107. HELP! Kilt newbie needs advice to keep b***s off chairs!
  108. Want help with material weight
  109. What Fabric Are You Seeing?
  110. Wool... quality information BEFORE you buy.
  111. Carnegie tartan synthetic?
  112. Bouncing Tassels
  113. Recommended Kiltmakers Please !
  114. Experiences with Tweed Fashion Kilt
  115. Wearing a clans tartan
  116. Sport Kilts ?
  117. That's it... my next kilt will be a...
  118. help pick Magnus' next tartan
  119. Stillwater Kilts
  120. a skirt-like kilt
  121. walking in kilt
  122. leather kilts
  123. French cravat
  124. Need advice for christmas.
  125. DIY Kilt Jacket ( daywear)
  126. Kare of the Kilt
  127. Thinking of buying my first tartan kilt
  128. So you're going to wear the kilt
  129. Pleat sizing
  130. what is a felling stitch, please
  131. Sporran problem
  132. "Up Aprons!"
  133. Instead of two halves..........
  134. Pittsburgh vs. Utilikilt
  135. wearing the great kilt
  136. Keeping It Clean
  137. Where can I buy Cloth?
  138. Advice on hose color
  139. Question on footwear
  140. Clothes Steamer
  141. Flash color suggestions
  142. Distinctives?
  143. A question on lightweight kilts......
  144. Apron question
  145. New Kilt
  146. Weathering
  147. north of st andrews kilts
  148. Father of the bride.........
  149. Kilt for hunting
  150. To cut or not to cut!
  151. Kilt To A Funeral?
  152. Irish County Tartans
  153. jacket question
  154. kilt making help
  155. No Iron Trick for Contemporary Kilts
  156. kilts and dancing
  157. Brother in Law of the Bride...
  158. Short Wasit Tuxedo Jacket
  159. kilt lifters
  160. Aloha Shirts with Kilts
  161. Solid kilts
  162. Shoe Question
  163. Faux Scots?!!!!
  164. Kilts and low waisted men
  165. Advice for first time Kilt buyer
  166. kilt for son
  167. Anyone ever dealt with Alexis Malcolm Kilts?
  168. Black? Brown? Help!!!
  169. Question of apropriateness?
  170. Hey could anyone help me
  171. clunk, clunk, clunk
  172. Looking for a family tartan.
  173. What the......
  174. Storing flashes
  175. "Restricted" Tartan vs. "Unrestricted" T
  176. Merchant Warning
  177. Kilt fuzz
  178. Crazy Idea - but Don't Want to Look the Fool
  179. 25 oz Worsted Wool Kilt !!!!!
  180. tartan?
  181. adjusting size
  182. Plaids and how to wear them
  183. Sett Size ?
  184. Sitting...
  185. Army Tartan
  186. Wearing a Fly plaid without pinning my jacket
  187. Sitting in a car, and pleat gathering...
  188. converting a jacket
  189. Alteration question for kiltmakers.
  190. Pleated to the stripe
  191. Universal tartans and heaviness of fabric
  192. Bearkilt Styles
  193. Fraser Hunting Pleated to Stripe - Your Opinion Please
  194. Pleat Depth
  195. Newly kilted Canadian
  196. Sizing down a kilt
  197. Attitudes To The Kilt.
  198. Question regarding waistsizes...
  199. District Tartans
  200. Bottom edge
  201. Ghillie brogue laces
  202. Any accessory suppliers recommended in TX?
  203. kilt shrinkage to expect?
  204. Fraser Red Pleated to a Red Stripe
  205. Best Tartans Pleated to Stripe?
  206. Has anyone had a dress, pleated-to-sett kilt resized?
  207. Traditional kilt length
  208. On keepin' yer laces high...
  209. Kilts and Customs Fees
  210. Dry Cleaning [Revisited]
  211. Stillwater Pleats
  212. CCW with a kilt
  214. What the heck do I wear?
  215. Family name, to Clan, to Tartan
  216. Sport Kilts etc
  217. El Cheapo kilts on Ebay...
  218. Dress Tartans are they woman's clothes?
  219. Iti
  220. My first weekend in the kilt
  221. Chafing...
  222. Anyone deal with House of Edgar?
  223. What tartans make the best kilts?
  224. Making kilts
  225. casual kilt pleated to stripe?
  226. gmbelt.com ??
  227. Selecting another kilt, long, need help
  228. Need advice on getting out cigarette odor..
  229. sporran strap
  230. stillwater standard
  231. plaid w/ a solid??
  232. sporran emergency!!
  233. Riding in cars with kilts
  234. Symmetrical Sett - Finding the Repeat
  235. Cotton Kilts
  236. UK's and Sporrans?
  237. Bear Kilt: Grizzly or Classic?
  238. Closet Hangers
  239. Kilt Record Sheet - Barb's Book
  240. NEW with Questions
  241. whatpriceglory.com
  242. lost in the wave of the informational hurricane
  243. Kilts for guys with guts
  244. narowed it down to 3
  245. UK Leather
  246. Back Support
  247. Can I wear Wallace?
  248. Celtic Croft questions
  249. New to the forum
  250. Who is Freelander?
  251. Looking for first kilt and I have questions
  252. I know full well that I shouldn't be in a hurry.
  253. Dry Cleaning
  254. All steamed up.... Again
  255. Necklaces with Kilts...??
  256. Stitching
  257. Argyll Kilt Jacket
  258. Help wanted
  259. Pennsylvania Tartan?
  260. Which SW would fit me better?
  261. Avance Highland
  262. but baby, it's cold outside....
  263. Need Help
  264. Celtic Croft Phillabeg
  265. SW Heavyweight Question
  266. The Rules and Exceptions Thereunto.
  267. Me "Boyo's"
  268. Are Acrylic kilts flammable?
  269. Tripp kilts on sale
  270. From the very beginning: I need advice!
  271. socks
  272. A bit of a delicate subjet
  273. Startch...???
  274. News and questions
  275. Buying first kilt need help
  276. Can I get your collective thoughts?
  277. Sleeve length of Argyll jackets
  278. Union Jack Kilt
  279. Hiking in kilts
  280. Darts on a stillwater standard
  281. Stillwater Washing
  282. for the record
  283. Stillwater heavyweights
  284. What to buy?
  285. A Website
  286. Photo of J. Charles Thompson
  287. Need some Tartan advice
  288. Advice for attending affairs!
  289. Welsh Kilt Pin
  290. Kilts in the office
  291. Appropriate kilt wear
  292. kilt weights
  293. casual kilts, work kilts, and nice kilts
  294. Help with a multitude of choices
  295. Tartans Similar to Nightstalker
  296. Kilts and funerals.
  297. Questions...
  298. Formal Kilt Wear
  299. Jacket Advice needed
  300. Need a Prince Charlie outfit
  301. Help me please Graham or Hamish!
  302. Care of a USA Kilt
  303. Casual Kilt
  304. Modern Kilts with Traditional Elements
  305. Kilt storage
  306. New AmeriKilt
  307. 4 yd. 16 oz. versus 8 yd. 11 oz.
  308. Stillwater Kilt moderations
  309. Sportkilt Hose
  310. Weight Loss
  311. Good Comebacks?
  312. Doublets
  313. Kilts at Epcot?
  314. breacan faile
  315. Looking for tartan
  316. Kilts on eBay
  317. Advice on District Tartans
  318. Geological tartans
  319. Kiltmart kilts?
  320. Pittsburgh Kilts: Yay or nay?
  321. Carhartt Canvas
  322. More on the Kidder, Buzz variety
  323. first pleat
  324. kiltmakers in my area
  325. Sewing a fell on a Stillwater Standard?
  326. Sewing my first kilt...
  327. A few overasked questions
  328. Shortening Length
  329. Opinions on a concept?
  330. Kiltmakers ID on ebay...
  331. Breech?
  332. kilt straps and buckles
  333. Fly Plaids....talk to me. I am ignorant
  334. Help! It happened...
  335. Help I'm Doing Laundry
  336. Jackets...
  337. Thinking ahead
  338. What do you wear under...
  339. What about this tartan?
  340. Straightening wool pleats
  341. Winter kilt choices?
  342. Advice on tie colour
  343. Threads count
  344. How formal is formal?
  345. full blown gonzo confused
  346. Big Men
  347. Cold weather kilt, not wool, what to buy?
  348. not a "kilt coat" but a kilt coat
  349. A Kilt & Tartan Encyclopedia/Dictionary
  350. Alt Colors for PC jackets
  351. Need help and/or advice
  352. Sporran all the time
  353. Sporran all the time
  354. Question for Hamish - White Dress Shirts
  355. the old fell-in-stillwaters question
  356. You guys really got me thinking
  357. outdoor kilts
  358. Unknown Tarten
  359. Experimenting again
  360. Oatmeal kilt hose
  361. tartans
  362. Thomas Gordan & Sons
  363. moths?
  364. Box pleats and winter
  365. Removing Embroidered Patch Adhesive
  366. Advice Needed-Brogues for Formal Wear
  367. Ordering a Traditional Kilt
  368. Buying a kilt for a friend
  369. Celtic Croft Boots
  370. Another call to Hamish...
  371. Shirts
  372. Which is the correct way to wear a plaid?
  373. welsh kilt (cilt)
  374. Black Kilt Hose
  375. How to make a belt?
  376. Tartan I.D
  377. Semi-formal outfit...opinions wanted within
  378. How to shrink kilt hose
  379. How snug to snug?
  380. Costa Rican Kilt
  381. Horseback Riding
  382. Fixing a pressing issue
  383. chafing
  384. Order Stuck in News Jersey
  385. New to kilts need help
  386. Weight?
  387. Kilt Pin
  388. Cumberbun with a kilt?
  389. Tartan
  390. Kilt wearing in the summer
  391. what color socks?
  392. Martha Stewart to the rescue?
  393. Kilt for big and tall folk
  394. What's Happened to BearKilts?
  395. Starting on my first kilt
  396. Inexpensive cloth
  397. Serious PC jacket question
  398. Which tartan to ware?
  399. Care and Feeding of a UtiliKilt
  400. Cell in the Sporran?
  401. Pleats under the apron?
  402. Stillwater Economy vs. Sport Kilt
  403. Order a kilt - but where?
  404. Color Choices
  405. Black Irish Tartan?
  406. ghillie brogues
  407. Seen this before?
  408. Gift for a Lady
  409. Button Holing PC Coat
  410. Q & A on first traditional kilt endeavor
  411. Running in a kilt
  412. Anybody ever buy fabric from www.periodfabric.com?
  413. Burns Night
  414. Stillwater Heavyweight or...?
  415. turning your fabric 90 degrees...
  416. USA Kilts PV fabric info?
  417. Modify a trad?
  418. Downsize a UK?
  419. Sporran advice
  420. Suggestions for a summer casual kilt.
  421. Urgent advice needed
  422. Which tartan?
  423. Got the fuzzies
  424. highland inspirations
  425. Stillwater questions
  426. n00b question...
  427. Look what I found
  428. Argyll waistcoat to match?
  429. Amerikilt weight
  430. Reactions
  431. Which kilt for St. Pat's?
  432. Need a kilt jacket for October wedding...
  433. sizing differences?
  434. Airline Travel w/ Kilt Pin
  435. union kilts
  436. Greatkilt Question
  437. tartanwear-direct casual
  438. Tartan or self-colour for everyday wear
  439. I Cant Make Up My Mind!!!!
  440. Hunting Fraser with PC Coat
  441. kiltrental.com? other options?
  442. Please help with my tartan selection
  443. Look Familier?
  444. Juan Moore Tartan??
  445. question about measuring
  446. another question, this time about jackets
  447. Kilt & Thistle Scottish Shoppes
  448. Time to make a kilt, looking for available material
  449. matching leathers? also footwear with socks
  450. Bring the whole outfit together
  451. RESPONSES to -What's up yer kilt?!
  452. A Predicament
  453. Buzz Kidder fit?
  454. Deluge of Pakistani Kilts on Ebay
  455. Packing a kilt for travel
  456. Mardi Gras Tartan?
  457. What about Sport Kilts?
  458. So, Who Actually Sews Up Pakistani Made Kilts?
  459. Kilt Info
  460. 8yd Balmoral vs. 8yd Top Value
  461. Tartan Designer?
  462. Buzz Kidder Kilts
  463. Over-joyed - and embarrassed...
  464. "hilts" Hemp Kilts
  465. Summer weight kilts
  466. New menber with ???'s
  467. To sporran, or not to sporran, that is the ??
  468. Oh Oh.. my kilts don't fit -what now?
  469. New UK
  470. Dealing with the wind?
  471. Walking in a kilt.
  472. Great Kilt
  473. tips
  474. sporran questions
  475. Trying to visualize a tartan
  476. Kilt Pockets
  477. Brown leather Sporran and Belt?
  478. How big of a sin is it?
  479. MacGregor Tartan?
  480. Best Socks for Tennis Shoes and a Kilt?
  481. looking for a formal look but not the price
  482. Any experience with KL Kilts?
  483. NeoKilts?
  484. Advice and a Story
  485. Help needed for final decision.
  486. Looking for some advice
  487. Wives' objections...kind of long...
  488. Cargo Kilt
  489. Restroom etiquite; lift, or split?
  490. Kilts in South Carolina
  491. Newbie asking for help!!
  492. Ocupational tartans?
  493. UKs and fluctuating waistline?
  494. In need of some advice...
  495. Sporran height?
  496. Casual sporran
  497. Kilt on a Student's Budget
  498. You socks too high...?
  499. Fabric for #1
  500. Kilt Definitions
  501. "Stone" colored hose
  502. Ebay kilts...
  503. Wearing a sporran
  504. Carrying a Sgian Dubh
  505. Going upstairs while regimental
  506. Help with some of the lingo...
  507. What is the addy?!?
  508. Choosing a tartan -- one week until the jones begins
  509. kilt yardage ?
  510. Stitching down those 3" belt loops!
  511. Boy's kilt - wherefrom?
  512. Researching Kilt Pins
  513. Eton Jacket modification Status
  514. Travelling with your kilt...
  515. Resizing a Kilt (moving straps)
  516. Fabric
  517. Turning down kilt hose...
  518. What I can and can't wear?
  519. Monarch's Tartan
  520. Questions from the NON-KILTED
  521. kilt hem finish?
  522. Kilt Do's and Don'ts
  523. brown leathers - blackwatch tartan?
  524. Sit!
  525. Any experience with...
  526. Do the Irish wear an Axe, Not Skien Dubh?
  527. I was saving for a 8yd 16oz traditional...
  528. uber formal on the cheap: dollar by dollar
  529. osha, kilts, and construction
  530. Balmoral kilts - a frugal purchase?
  531. How to prevent sporran wear?
  532. dressing for a wedding
  533. purple problem
  534. Right Gents - Have at me
  535. Barclay Tartan HELP!
  536. Yarn Color
  537. How do you manage your jonesing???
  538. pattern for Potaine jacket
  539. How many buttons?
  540. Hats and Kilts
  541. How to pleat this tartan?
  542. What to wear with black UK Survival?
  543. Tartans by the yard
  544. Delicate regimental question
  545. Plaid Brooch Advice
  546. Urinals???
  547. A Sport Kilt Dilema
  548. Over which shoulder??
  549. "dalbi" mill?
  550. Kilted golfing?
  551. care and feeding of canvas kilt
  552. UK alterations
  553. New Kilt Wearer Question
  554. How high is too high?
  555. new kilt wearer help on stillwater kilts please?
  556. Who knows hose?
  557. Ghillie laces?
  558. Kiltic Morning Dress
  559. Jacket conversion source
  560. Pleat depth spacing preferences?
  561. Sgian Dubhs and Dirks
  562. Non golfer playing tomorrow, what to wear?
  563. Travel Tip for Wrinkled Kilts
  564. High School Prom
  565. What to wear ...
  566. What is in Your Sporran?
  567. McNeil of Barra kilt
  568. Hems and pleat pressing
  569. Options besides wool hose
  570. sewn in weights (clipped from '4yd vs 8yd' thread)
  571. Temporay Closet shrinkage Solution
  572. Washing Flashes....?
  573. Mills
  574. Sporan Search
  575. A Question of Propriety
  576. BodyGlide!
  577. What Color Jacket?
  578. problems with the top half
  579. Nervous
  580. Lost in the sauce...
  581. Question on how to wear a belt with kilts
  582. A question of jackets
  583. Riding in cars with kilts
  584. Proper Jacket fitting
  585. 4-5 yard kilt good for a first timer?
  586. Making a sash: how wide?
  587. Pleat Splay
  588. How do I wear 'em?
  589. Jacket quandary, opinions wanted!
  590. How to care for hand-knitted woollen hose...
  591. Kilt Pin and Airplane Security
  592. Is Dublin kilt friendly?
  593. heavy sweating, bodyglide, deodorant and antiperspirant
  594. British DPM Kilt
  595. Kilt jacket measurements
  596. Beer and Mud
  597. new mannerisms required by kilt?
  598. Pattern for child's kilt
  599. Advice for Flying Needed
  600. Utilikilt lengths
  601. Jacket Buttons
  602. Jackets....go to a golf shop!
  603. Bankruptcy Laws
  604. care of wool before invention of the dryclean
  605. Denim kilt jacket
  606. Pleat hang problem with Stillwater Irish Saffron
  607. Galded **** syndrome
  608. Belt or No?
  609. Travel kilt necessities?
  610. Appropriate?
  611. "Get Shirty" kilts
  612. How often...
  613. Sport Kilt Swimming
  614. So I got this kilt on Ebay...(help?)
  615. Talk me out of it!
  616. links to known kiltmakers
  617. Can't find a belt...
  618. Stockings
  619. Help with color coordination
  620. Hose up....hose down
  621. Kilt Roll for Travel!
  622. Dancing with a sporran
  623. Hose with "modern gillies"?
  624. Fraser Hunting to the sett or white stripe?
  625. Flashless garters for kilt hose
  626. Brown Kilt Belts?
  627. Kilt Belt
  628. How do you kilt yourself?
  629. How do you measure up?
  630. Best jacket for business attire?
  631. Assessing Kiltmakers Remotely
  632. I could use some advise please.
  633. Which jacket?
  634. Where do you wear your kilt poll
  635. Kilt length poll
  636. Dealing with objections
  637. How to remove the pleat-stich on a new kilt
  638. tips for a great kilt n00b?!
  639. how hardy are kilts?
  640. Starch and cotton kilts
  641. Kilted at the Magic Kingdom?
  642. Graduation Attire Advice Please
  643. Jacket...
  644. Kilt wearing accepted?
  645. Prefered Kilt Style
  646. Cats and kilts
  647. 24" Stillwater Length
  648. Stillwater Saffron
  649. My first kilt.
  650. Hmmm... debating.
  651. Aprons and napkins
  652. Taming a Rogue Pleat
  653. Kilt boot opinions - asolo granite
  654. Scotland trip 2006: What to pack?
  655. Please critique the outfit
  656. I need advice on great kilt
  657. Conference attire
  658. Horn and Leather Treatment
  659. Apron Pilling
  660. White Kilt
  661. Montrose Jacket Fitting and Wearing Advice
  662. balck and brown freelander sporran, black belt and brown shoes?
  663. sporran in general
  664. inexpensive kilt in my clan tartan
  665. Advice on Sporran issues
  666. Kilt hose in progress
  667. Feedback?
  668. (Probably overasked) Qs from a newbie
  669. Carrying kilts on a motorcycle
  670. Fixing a hole?
  671. some kilt questions
  672. Sources for Dance Ghillies
  673. Kilt Alterations?
  674. Cotton tartan twill and pleats?
  675. R kilt Advice-any good?
  676. outfit advice
  677. A very UNFORTUNATE experience...
  678. heritage of Scotland is have a 20% sale
  679. Just an idea!
  680. Question about What Price Glory
  681. Everyday Kilt
  682. Hose color help
  683. A couple Box-pleated questions...
  684. Have any vendor recommendations????
  685. Proper Hose Length
  686. khaki hose?
  687. Formal Sporran Options that Don't Use Fur
  688. Ebay tanks
  689. Shirt in or out?
  690. Need advice QUICK!!
  691. perceptions of formal attire
  692. hey need some advice.
  693. ATTN: MARINES and the rest of ya
  694. Black shoes with brown sporran?
  695. Making do, length-wise...
  696. What to buy?
  697. Any opinions on the Buzz Kidder canvas?
  698. Someone with Fashion sense please.
  699. Any opinions on Geoffrey and Co.?
  700. Corduroy Union Kilts
  701. need kilt to rent
  702. Black & Decker Gizmo "Steam & Crease" Iron
  703. Saffron Flashes
  704. Sporran question....
  705. Stillwater Kilts
  706. kilt alterations
  707. A sporran question for the Aussies
  708. Tux with tails to Prince Charlie conversion
  709. Fashion challenged question?
  710. I need your opinions
  711. Told NO!
  712. do these "match"?
  713. Uk Kilt site
  714. What kind of shoes do you wear?
  715. Trouble with flashes
  716. prince charlie jacket fit advise
  717. Apron edge 'lifting'
  718. Cold Weather Kilting?
  719. What do flashes mean? Newbe Question alert!
  720. Opinions wanted: bonnet color
  721. Kilt Travel
  722. Tartan Ball
  723. Help with a casual kilt outfit on a (teenagers) budget
  724. kilt hose and stockings
  725. kilt jacket
  726. The Scotland Kilt Company - EBay
  727. Belt with Doublet
  728. Afternoon wedding / evening reception ?
  729. Sporran Loops
  730. Hose again
  731. Pleat sew-down
  732. Recommended kiltmakers in Highlands?
  733. Alternatives?
  734. okay going to the USMC Ball....
  735. Kilt's online
  736. Hose advice
  737. Loose Threads: Kilt Maintenance Needed???
  738. flashes color question
  739. 8 yard kilt - 13 or 16oz?
  740. Prince Charlie Kilt Jacket {COLOR}
  741. The Kilt Hose Quandary
  742. Kilt with Rugby Jersey?
  743. Black Solid Kiltstore Kilt Revisited
  744. 2 Questions
  745. Can't decide on first kilt...
  746. Performing at school
  747. ironing/steaming box pleats
  748. Dating a MOD kilt?
  749. Kilt for wedding - Help!
  750. Shipping Charges
  751. Outfit help please
  752. Formal Attire w/Kilt
  753. For the canadians
  754. And another newb question
  755. Large Man! Small Sporran!
  756. Outfit for Christmas Party
  757. Advice for formal attire
  758. Kilt Belts
  759. mean mother in law(to be)
  760. "Heritage of Scotland" kilts
  761. authenticity of pattern in question
  762. Cheap good quality kilt.
  763. Prom advice
  764. Which Jacket?
  765. tartan casual kilt: no belt no sporran?
  766. Dye in the Water While Washing Kilt Hose
  767. Deepening final pleats?
  768. Formal Kilt Oufit - Help!
  769. Hiring a kilt NYC....
  770. Help! Kilt pin discolored kilt
  771. Uh oh!
  772. Flashes question
  773. New Swk Leatherneck What To Do??
  774. Christmas Party attire help?
  775. Rolling a kilt for storage or travel
  776. rear pleats
  777. Confused About Measuring.
  778. A small problem...
  779. Another Christmas party thread ..
  780. Belly Wrinkles
  781. Kilt compliant winter jacket
  782. X Marks=Thrashers Kilt?
  783. Looking for Sporran sources
  784. A kilted christmas.
  785. New Kilt Question
  786. What to wear?
  787. removing gold plating from a kilt pin...
  788. jocobite shirt or not(pics)
  789. why I don't lose my kilt pin
  790. MA-1 Style Flight Jacket from US Cavalry
  791. Going to a family-ish Christmas supper...
  792. I need advice for a kilt repair
  793. Kilts and Trench Coats
  794. Stillwater Kilts
  795. How do I Make Flashes from Kilt Material?
  796. question about doing martial arts in kilt?
  797. Burns night on a Budget Advice...
  798. Need a shirt
  799. A really tough question for the kilt makers
  800. What to wear with a battle kilt?
  801. Military hose tops
  802. Getting out creases
  803. New kilt question from a newbie.
  804. mens scarves
  805. Where to where a kilt.
  806. Where to find Tartan material?
  807. What Price Glory
  808. Amount of material for a Great Kilt?
  809. Pricing info...
  810. where to by a Kilt in London?
  811. help! i need kilt patterns!
  812. 1st time kilt buyer looking for advise
  813. Tank with vest sweater=semi-dress enough?
  814. For throwing purposes
  815. New girl here could use some help! :-)
  816. For dads with kilted kids
  817. Horse hair sporran
  818. Burns Supper...which kilt?
  819. Tartan scarf with black kilt?
  820. ghillie shirts
  821. Stillwater Box Pleats
  822. which colour of leather?
  823. Over WHICH shoulder??
  824. Four yard box pleat help.
  825. How does this Look?
  826. keeping a white UK worksmans clean
  827. Newbie here, seeking advice.
  828. newbie question
  829. Quick advice!
  830. Can u buy a kilt in Chicago?
  831. Kilts in heat.
  832. My kilts are melting.
  833. PV vs Wool
  834. Sett size and pleat depth...
  835. Advice from our kilt makers please
  836. Moving/Adjusting straps
  837. Advice Needed
  838. Question about sewn down pleats
  839. Kiltstore.net kilts
  840. Heritage of Scotland, etc.
  841. Bodyglide
  842. Keeping pleats pleated
  843. http://www.thefrugalcorner.com/
  844. Need /Want name help
  845. 7 hole Doc Martens
  846. Cold weather wear
  847. Kilt in the House
  848. MacPherson Tartan.
  849. Storage & Travel
  850. Sport Kilt vs Utilikilt
  851. Quick Question
  852. Help With Loud MacLeod
  853. how do I get my PC lapel to stay down?
  854. Post American Civil War Kilted Regiments Uniform?
  855. Jackets
  856. Washing your casual
  857. Help me not look foolish!
  858. Looking for Kilt, rather particular...
  859. Kilts for "dummies"
  860. Colored Hose
  861. waist versus hips question
  862. Prince of Wales Tartan
  863. left or right
  864. Question
  865. Storing kilts
  866. What does a woman wear with a kllted skirt?
  867. Help on waistcoat
  868. I need you advice on 1st belt color
  869. The Whole Nine Yards and then some
  870. Fly Plaids
  871. Kiltmakers in Edinburgh, questions . . .
  872. i really dont know
  873. how snug??
  874. kilt socks
  875. Kilt Hose question??
  876. What is.....
  877. "Scottish-made" kilt
  878. Help Please
  879. Jacket issue
  880. what are these little black straps?
  881. ironing your kilt
  882. web sites that sell pipe band uniforms
  883. Question for the bigger guys
  884. headwear, bandanas: do or don't
  885. Help with the Wife!!!!
  886. Source of Cheiftan or Swordsman's Waistcoat
  887. Jacket Rental
  888. kilt to school next friday
  889. Scottish Wedding Threid!
  890. Unbuckling Kilt Straps For Storage
  891. Advice from servicemen and women?
  892. Belts or no?
  893. Sporran question
  894. Hose Colour: Opinions please
  895. Question about kilt pins
  896. Correct fitting of a fly plaid
  897. Comments on Highland Express?
  898. Freedom Kilts or RKilts
  899. Advice on contemporary/work kilts..
  900. Suggestions on jackets ?
  901. Lost Weight....Now What to do??
  902. I want to make a canvas kilt
  903. Buchanan tartan...
  904. Inexpensive Sporran? Under $65 Help
  905. I need help picking a tartan.
  906. Simple,as possible, kilt
  907. For The Newly Kilted
  908. Shipping times on the Utilikilt
  909. Another wannapeak
  910. dying a utilikilt
  911. Tattersal shirts???
  912. New guy here...Hi all
  913. Kilt Hose Colors?
  914. Dirk Frog
  915. Shirt colors?
  916. Ebay Sellers
  917. Found something...
  918. MacPherson Kilt
  919. How does your kilted wasitline work?
  920. Girlfriend Problems
  921. Fly plaid loop
  922. Looking For Some Kilt Guidance
  923. shirt to go with SWK Irish National
  924. Need to put together an outfit quick!
  925. Rent a Prince Charlie with High Vest
  926. Barathea Wool
  927. Tie with Prince Charlie
  928. Sgian Dubh Possibility
  929. Kilt for a wee lad
  930. Color Hose with Army Tartan
  931. For your consideration, daring or dumb?
  932. Itchy wool
  933. The tartan sash
  934. Dress Up Shirt Preferences
  935. Warm Climate Kilts
  936. Two piece kilt?
  937. Solicitation of Opinion: Sporrans
  938. Stillwater Heavyweight Length - Need Help (again)
  939. Machine stitches that look hand-sewn
  940. Baby Powder, Gold Bond, Etc???
  941. Serious opinions
  942. Casual kilt question
  943. Kilt Pin Locks!!!
  944. Teflon (R) fabric coating on kilt wool?
  945. Kilt Hose Color Help Please
  946. quick fix for a Freelander
  947. Mixing Tartans on accesories??????
  948. Kilt Police – Chime in Please
  949. Washing and Pressing an SWK Economy
  950. Orange tartans
  951. First time Kilt - little sewing experience
  952. How do I prevent the fell from coming un-stitched?
  953. Wearing the kilt...
  954. Measuring a beer gut for a kilt
  955. Tailor in Minneapolis, MN
  956. News Flash: Flashes Gone Missing!
  957. Belts and Vests
  958. First time kilted Comments please
  959. Fly Plaid and Button Hole
  960. Cold Weather Kilting?
  961. Question about kilt design
  962. casual kilts & footwear
  963. Fez or No Fez, HELP PLEASE ?????
  964. Non Leather Sporrans
  965. Daywear question
  966. What to wear questions
  967. Pioneer Period??
  968. historical info please
  969. Cost?
  970. House of Tartan Advice Needed
  971. Poly Viscose vs acryllic fabric question
  972. Dirt resistance for camping, working outside, etc.
  973. PC or regulation doublet?
  974. Painting Kilted....??
  975. loose stiching help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  976. Sporran through USA through Customs
  977. how casual
  978. Washing a Stillwater Economy Kilt
  979. Sgian dubh opinion
  980. Right over Left or Left over Right?
  981. Buying advice
  982. Is this to flashy?
  983. ring belt?
  984. Economy Help!!
  985. Red Wine Stains
  986. Belt Buckle Advice
  987. Kilt prices?
  988. I'm about to order kilts for my grandsons
  989. Need some help
  990. Travel Advice Please
  991. In search of.......because I am curious
  992. In Search of Cheap Kilt
  993. Buying a Jacket,
  994. Pressing Kilt (Not resetting pleats)
  995. hose colors
  996. Shopping for a waistcoat (vest)
  997. Flashes with hose "scroonched down" ?
  998. Sewing Patterns for Argyle Jacket
  999. 13 oz vs 16 oz
  1000. What to wear

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