- Hemlines.....
- Cheapkilts wants advice/opinions
- Cleaning a traditional kilt...
- Waistlines
- Where is Folklore?
- Kilt Belts in the US
- Alternate wedding attire
- The Age Old Question
- Brooches/Pins
- Which kilt coat is best the Prince Charlie or Argyll Jacket?
- Argyll Jacket
- So you aren't a 46 regular ??
- Kilting in the cold
- Kilt pin damage
- Traveling with kilts
- Kilt weight
- Kilt shirts
- Welsh tartan kilts
- best kilt for hiking
- Traditional 8-Yard Kilting With a Gut
- Clansman knitwear
- Silk kilt
- Softening a canvas kilt
- How do you press pleats on a wool kilt
- Kilts on a bike
- Budget kilt
- Help identifying tartan
- Kilt makers in the US or Canada
- DIY kilt
- Dyeing
- Jackets, looking for reccomendations
- Anyone know how to make their own hose garters and flashes?
- Poly/viscose in the clammie summertime
- How to hang up a kilt?
- Making a Sgian dubh handle
- Advice for the newby -- HELP!!
- Sporran chain vs. Sporran leather strap
- Military Kilts
- Fabric
- Looking for Cameron tartan
- Cheapkilts poll... Time for a name change
- Stillwater Kilt question...
- "It's for special occasions only..."For anyone in
- pleating new kilt
- Tartan Choice
- Bells,Buckles 'n' Bows
- Storing a kilt?
- Fabric Question?
- info on kilt carrier as promised
- Not to be crass, but...
- tailcoat?
- Correct sporran question
- Nelson...question?
- Has anybody experience with
- Thinner material for summer
- Kilts and Dry Cleaning
- Kilts and skiing
- How can I avoid looking like a tourist in a kilt?
- Themed Kilts and corporate tartan
- Shopping on the Royal Mile
- kilt making instructions akaussie
- Which Kilt For a First Time Wearer?
- Pleating to set and stripe
- Socks ???
- Argyle Jacket
- Group Input on My Next Kilt
- What would you do... what would YOU do?
- how addicted are you?
- Sporran in airport security
- kilt pattern 3 weeks away
- spreading legs in kilt
- What Price Glory
- Yet another pleating question
- Stillwater
- Pleating a kilt question!
- Sporran belt inside or outside kilt belt?
- kilt belt question
- Brand of kilt for a beginner?
- ironing pleats
- Kilt under pleat cutting
- Of Irish Descent...Which tartan?
- Flip Flops & Kilts?
- More on Jackets
- Casual or Traditional?
- Black Watch Tartan..can you tell me about it?
- Which modern kilt next?
- So you're going to wear the kilt book
- Correct Length
- Kilts and Coats
- 8 yard kilts
- royal stewart & black hose
- Beach volleyball kilted??
- Double Check the Laundry
- Friends, Lend me your ears
- FIre Helmet Chaffing
- How to wear highland dress
- how to wear military kilt
- is ironing your kilt a problem? questions & suggestion
- The Sneaky Breeze
- Cold Snaps
- Halloween Advice...
- A tartan similar to the Classic Barbour Tartan
- What Kind of Kilt to Buy next???
- Kilt and braces?
- evening out the spacing on the side of your hips
- Natural Dye, UK White Workman's, and a Mad Scientist...
- HELP! Kilt newbie needs advice to keep b***s off chairs!
- Want help with material weight
- What Fabric Are You Seeing?
- Wool... quality information BEFORE you buy.
- Carnegie tartan synthetic?
- Bouncing Tassels
- Recommended Kiltmakers Please !
- Experiences with Tweed Fashion Kilt
- Wearing a clans tartan
- Sport Kilts ?
- That's it... my next kilt will be a...
- help pick Magnus' next tartan
- Stillwater Kilts
- a skirt-like kilt
- walking in kilt
- leather kilts
- French cravat
- Need advice for christmas.
- DIY Kilt Jacket ( daywear)
- Kare of the Kilt
- Thinking of buying my first tartan kilt
- So you're going to wear the kilt
- Pleat sizing
- what is a felling stitch, please
- Sporran problem
- "Up Aprons!"
- Instead of two halves..........
- Pittsburgh vs. Utilikilt
- wearing the great kilt
- Keeping It Clean
- Where can I buy Cloth?
- Advice on hose color
- Question on footwear
- Clothes Steamer
- Flash color suggestions
- Distinctives?
- A question on lightweight kilts......
- Apron question
- New Kilt
- Weathering
- north of st andrews kilts
- Father of the bride.........
- Kilt for hunting
- To cut or not to cut!
- Kilt To A Funeral?
- Irish County Tartans
- jacket question
- kilt making help
- No Iron Trick for Contemporary Kilts
- kilts and dancing
- Brother in Law of the Bride...
- Short Wasit Tuxedo Jacket
- kilt lifters
- Aloha Shirts with Kilts
- Solid kilts
- Shoe Question
- Faux Scots?!!!!
- Kilts and low waisted men
- Advice for first time Kilt buyer
- kilt for son
- Anyone ever dealt with Alexis Malcolm Kilts?
- Black? Brown? Help!!!
- Question of apropriateness?
- Hey could anyone help me
- clunk, clunk, clunk
- Looking for a family tartan.
- What the......
- Storing flashes
- "Restricted" Tartan vs. "Unrestricted" T
- Merchant Warning
- Kilt fuzz
- Crazy Idea - but Don't Want to Look the Fool
- 25 oz Worsted Wool Kilt !!!!!
- tartan?
- adjusting size
- Plaids and how to wear them
- Sett Size ?
- Sitting...
- Army Tartan
- Wearing a Fly plaid without pinning my jacket
- Sitting in a car, and pleat gathering...
- converting a jacket
- Alteration question for kiltmakers.
- Pleated to the stripe
- Universal tartans and heaviness of fabric
- Bearkilt Styles
- Fraser Hunting Pleated to Stripe - Your Opinion Please
- Pleat Depth
- Newly kilted Canadian
- Sizing down a kilt
- Attitudes To The Kilt.
- Question regarding waistsizes...
- District Tartans
- Bottom edge
- Ghillie brogue laces
- Any accessory suppliers recommended in TX?
- kilt shrinkage to expect?
- Fraser Red Pleated to a Red Stripe
- Best Tartans Pleated to Stripe?
- Has anyone had a dress, pleated-to-sett kilt resized?
- Traditional kilt length
- On keepin' yer laces high...
- Kilts and Customs Fees
- Dry Cleaning [Revisited]
- Stillwater Pleats
- CCW with a kilt
- What the heck do I wear?
- Family name, to Clan, to Tartan
- Sport Kilts etc
- El Cheapo kilts on Ebay...
- Dress Tartans are they woman's clothes?
- Iti
- My first weekend in the kilt
- Chafing...
- Anyone deal with House of Edgar?
- What tartans make the best kilts?
- Making kilts
- casual kilt pleated to stripe?
- gmbelt.com ??
- Selecting another kilt, long, need help
- Need advice on getting out cigarette odor..
- sporran strap
- stillwater standard
- plaid w/ a solid??
- sporran emergency!!
- Riding in cars with kilts
- Symmetrical Sett - Finding the Repeat
- Cotton Kilts
- UK's and Sporrans?
- Bear Kilt: Grizzly or Classic?
- Closet Hangers
- Kilt Record Sheet - Barb's Book
- NEW with Questions
- whatpriceglory.com
- lost in the wave of the informational hurricane
- Kilts for guys with guts
- narowed it down to 3
- UK Leather
- Back Support
- Can I wear Wallace?
- Celtic Croft questions
- New to the forum
- Who is Freelander?
- Looking for first kilt and I have questions
- I know full well that I shouldn't be in a hurry.
- Dry Cleaning
- All steamed up.... Again
- Necklaces with Kilts...??
- Stitching
- Argyll Kilt Jacket
- Help wanted
- Pennsylvania Tartan?
- Which SW would fit me better?
- Avance Highland
- but baby, it's cold outside....
- Need Help
- Celtic Croft Phillabeg
- SW Heavyweight Question
- The Rules and Exceptions Thereunto.
- Me "Boyo's"
- Are Acrylic kilts flammable?
- Tripp kilts on sale
- From the very beginning: I need advice!
- socks
- A bit of a delicate subjet
- Startch...???
- News and questions
- Buying first kilt need help
- Can I get your collective thoughts?
- Sleeve length of Argyll jackets
- Union Jack Kilt
- Hiking in kilts
- Darts on a stillwater standard
- Stillwater Washing
- for the record
- Stillwater heavyweights
- What to buy?
- A Website
- Photo of J. Charles Thompson
- Need some Tartan advice
- Advice for attending affairs!
- Welsh Kilt Pin
- Kilts in the office
- Appropriate kilt wear
- kilt weights
- casual kilts, work kilts, and nice kilts
- Help with a multitude of choices
- Tartans Similar to Nightstalker
- Kilts and funerals.
- Questions...
- Formal Kilt Wear
- Jacket Advice needed
- Need a Prince Charlie outfit
- Help me please Graham or Hamish!
- Care of a USA Kilt
- Casual Kilt
- Modern Kilts with Traditional Elements
- Kilt storage
- New AmeriKilt
- 4 yd. 16 oz. versus 8 yd. 11 oz.
- Stillwater Kilt moderations
- Sportkilt Hose
- Weight Loss
- Good Comebacks?
- Doublets
- Kilts at Epcot?
- breacan faile
- Looking for tartan
- Kilts on eBay
- Advice on District Tartans
- Geological tartans
- Kiltmart kilts?
- Pittsburgh Kilts: Yay or nay?
- Carhartt Canvas
- More on the Kidder, Buzz variety
- first pleat
- kiltmakers in my area
- Sewing a fell on a Stillwater Standard?
- Sewing my first kilt...
- A few overasked questions
- Shortening Length
- Opinions on a concept?
- Kiltmakers ID on ebay...
- Breech?
- kilt straps and buckles
- Fly Plaids....talk to me. I am ignorant
- Help! It happened...
- Help I'm Doing Laundry
- Jackets...
- Thinking ahead
- What do you wear under...
- What about this tartan?
- Straightening wool pleats
- Winter kilt choices?
- Advice on tie colour
- Threads count
- How formal is formal?
- full blown gonzo confused
- Big Men
- Cold weather kilt, not wool, what to buy?
- not a "kilt coat" but a kilt coat
- A Kilt & Tartan Encyclopedia/Dictionary
- Alt Colors for PC jackets
- Need help and/or advice
- Sporran all the time
- Sporran all the time
- Question for Hamish - White Dress Shirts
- the old fell-in-stillwaters question
- You guys really got me thinking
- outdoor kilts
- Unknown Tarten
- Experimenting again
- Oatmeal kilt hose
- tartans
- Thomas Gordan & Sons
- moths?
- Box pleats and winter
- Removing Embroidered Patch Adhesive
- Advice Needed-Brogues for Formal Wear
- Ordering a Traditional Kilt
- Buying a kilt for a friend
- Celtic Croft Boots
- Another call to Hamish...
- Shirts
- Which is the correct way to wear a plaid?
- welsh kilt (cilt)
- Black Kilt Hose
- How to make a belt?
- Tartan I.D
- Semi-formal outfit...opinions wanted within
- How to shrink kilt hose
- How snug to snug?
- Costa Rican Kilt
- Horseback Riding
- Fixing a pressing issue
- chafing
- Order Stuck in News Jersey
- New to kilts need help
- Weight?
- Kilt Pin
- Cumberbun with a kilt?
- Tartan
- Kilt wearing in the summer
- what color socks?
- Martha Stewart to the rescue?
- Kilt for big and tall folk
- What's Happened to BearKilts?
- Starting on my first kilt
- Inexpensive cloth
- Serious PC jacket question
- Which tartan to ware?
- Care and Feeding of a UtiliKilt
- Cell in the Sporran?
- Pleats under the apron?
- Stillwater Economy vs. Sport Kilt
- Order a kilt - but where?
- Color Choices
- Black Irish Tartan?
- ghillie brogues
- Seen this before?
- Gift for a Lady
- Button Holing PC Coat
- Q & A on first traditional kilt endeavor
- Running in a kilt
- Anybody ever buy fabric from www.periodfabric.com?
- Burns Night
- Stillwater Heavyweight or...?
- turning your fabric 90 degrees...
- USA Kilts PV fabric info?
- Modify a trad?
- Downsize a UK?
- Sporran advice
- Suggestions for a summer casual kilt.
- Urgent advice needed
- Which tartan?
- Got the fuzzies
- highland inspirations
- Stillwater questions
- n00b question...
- Look what I found
- Argyll waistcoat to match?
- Amerikilt weight
- Reactions
- Which kilt for St. Pat's?
- Need a kilt jacket for October wedding...
- sizing differences?
- Airline Travel w/ Kilt Pin
- union kilts
- Greatkilt Question
- tartanwear-direct casual
- Tartan or self-colour for everyday wear
- I Cant Make Up My Mind!!!!
- Hunting Fraser with PC Coat
- kiltrental.com? other options?
- Please help with my tartan selection
- Look Familier?
- Juan Moore Tartan??
- question about measuring
- another question, this time about jackets
- Kilt & Thistle Scottish Shoppes
- Time to make a kilt, looking for available material
- matching leathers? also footwear with socks
- Bring the whole outfit together
- RESPONSES to -What's up yer kilt?!
- A Predicament
- Buzz Kidder fit?
- Deluge of Pakistani Kilts on Ebay
- Packing a kilt for travel
- Mardi Gras Tartan?
- What about Sport Kilts?
- So, Who Actually Sews Up Pakistani Made Kilts?
- Kilt Info
- 8yd Balmoral vs. 8yd Top Value
- Tartan Designer?
- Buzz Kidder Kilts
- Over-joyed - and embarrassed...
- "hilts" Hemp Kilts
- Summer weight kilts
- New menber with ???'s
- To sporran, or not to sporran, that is the ??
- Oh Oh.. my kilts don't fit -what now?
- New UK
- Dealing with the wind?
- Walking in a kilt.
- Great Kilt
- tips
- sporran questions
- Trying to visualize a tartan
- Kilt Pockets
- Brown leather Sporran and Belt?
- How big of a sin is it?
- MacGregor Tartan?
- Best Socks for Tennis Shoes and a Kilt?
- looking for a formal look but not the price
- Any experience with KL Kilts?
- NeoKilts?
- Advice and a Story
- Help needed for final decision.
- Looking for some advice
- Wives' objections...kind of long...
- Cargo Kilt
- Restroom etiquite; lift, or split?
- Kilts in South Carolina
- Newbie asking for help!!
- Ocupational tartans?
- UKs and fluctuating waistline?
- In need of some advice...
- Sporran height?
- Casual sporran
- Kilt on a Student's Budget
- You socks too high...?
- Fabric for #1
- Kilt Definitions
- "Stone" colored hose
- Ebay kilts...
- Wearing a sporran
- Carrying a Sgian Dubh
- Going upstairs while regimental
- Help with some of the lingo...
- What is the addy?!?
- Choosing a tartan -- one week until the jones begins
- kilt yardage ?
- Stitching down those 3" belt loops!
- Boy's kilt - wherefrom?
- Researching Kilt Pins
- Eton Jacket modification Status
- Travelling with your kilt...
- Resizing a Kilt (moving straps)
- Fabric
- Turning down kilt hose...
- What I can and can't wear?
- Monarch's Tartan
- Questions from the NON-KILTED
- kilt hem finish?
- Kilt Do's and Don'ts
- brown leathers - blackwatch tartan?
- Sit!
- Any experience with...
- Do the Irish wear an Axe, Not Skien Dubh?
- I was saving for a 8yd 16oz traditional...
- uber formal on the cheap: dollar by dollar
- osha, kilts, and construction
- Balmoral kilts - a frugal purchase?
- How to prevent sporran wear?
- dressing for a wedding
- purple problem
- Right Gents - Have at me
- Barclay Tartan HELP!
- Yarn Color
- How do you manage your jonesing???
- pattern for Potaine jacket
- How many buttons?
- Hats and Kilts
- How to pleat this tartan?
- What to wear with black UK Survival?
- Tartans by the yard
- Delicate regimental question
- Plaid Brooch Advice
- Urinals???
- A Sport Kilt Dilema
- Over which shoulder??
- "dalbi" mill?
- Kilted golfing?
- care and feeding of canvas kilt
- UK alterations
- New Kilt Wearer Question
- How high is too high?
- new kilt wearer help on stillwater kilts please?
- Who knows hose?
- Ghillie laces?
- Kiltic Morning Dress
- Jacket conversion source
- Pleat depth spacing preferences?
- Sgian Dubhs and Dirks
- Non golfer playing tomorrow, what to wear?
- Travel Tip for Wrinkled Kilts
- High School Prom
- What to wear ...
- What is in Your Sporran?
- McNeil of Barra kilt
- Hems and pleat pressing
- Options besides wool hose
- sewn in weights (clipped from '4yd vs 8yd' thread)
- Temporay Closet shrinkage Solution
- Washing Flashes....?
- Mills
- Sporan Search
- A Question of Propriety
- BodyGlide!
- What Color Jacket?
- problems with the top half
- Nervous
- Lost in the sauce...
- Question on how to wear a belt with kilts
- A question of jackets
- Riding in cars with kilts
- Proper Jacket fitting
- 4-5 yard kilt good for a first timer?
- Making a sash: how wide?
- Pleat Splay
- How do I wear 'em?
- Jacket quandary, opinions wanted!
- How to care for hand-knitted woollen hose...
- Kilt Pin and Airplane Security
- Is Dublin kilt friendly?
- heavy sweating, bodyglide, deodorant and antiperspirant
- British DPM Kilt
- Kilt jacket measurements
- Beer and Mud
- new mannerisms required by kilt?
- Pattern for child's kilt
- Advice for Flying Needed
- Utilikilt lengths
- Jacket Buttons
- Jackets....go to a golf shop!
- Bankruptcy Laws
- care of wool before invention of the dryclean
- Denim kilt jacket
- Pleat hang problem with Stillwater Irish Saffron
- Galded **** syndrome
- Belt or No?
- Travel kilt necessities?
- Appropriate?
- "Get Shirty" kilts
- How often...
- Sport Kilt Swimming
- So I got this kilt on Ebay...(help?)
- Talk me out of it!
- links to known kiltmakers
- Can't find a belt...
- Stockings
- Help with color coordination
- Hose up....hose down
- Kilt Roll for Travel!
- Dancing with a sporran
- Hose with "modern gillies"?
- Fraser Hunting to the sett or white stripe?
- Flashless garters for kilt hose
- Brown Kilt Belts?
- Kilt Belt
- How do you kilt yourself?
- How do you measure up?
- Best jacket for business attire?
- Assessing Kiltmakers Remotely
- I could use some advise please.
- Which jacket?
- Where do you wear your kilt poll
- Kilt length poll
- Dealing with objections
- How to remove the pleat-stich on a new kilt
- tips for a great kilt n00b?!
- how hardy are kilts?
- Starch and cotton kilts
- Kilted at the Magic Kingdom?
- Graduation Attire Advice Please
- Jacket...
- Kilt wearing accepted?
- Prefered Kilt Style
- Cats and kilts
- 24" Stillwater Length
- Stillwater Saffron
- My first kilt.
- Hmmm... debating.
- Aprons and napkins
- Taming a Rogue Pleat
- Kilt boot opinions - asolo granite
- Scotland trip 2006: What to pack?
- Please critique the outfit
- I need advice on great kilt
- Conference attire
- Horn and Leather Treatment
- Apron Pilling
- White Kilt
- Montrose Jacket Fitting and Wearing Advice
- balck and brown freelander sporran, black belt and brown shoes?
- sporran in general
- inexpensive kilt in my clan tartan
- Advice on Sporran issues
- Kilt hose in progress
- Feedback?
- (Probably overasked) Qs from a newbie
- Carrying kilts on a motorcycle
- Fixing a hole?
- some kilt questions
- Sources for Dance Ghillies
- Kilt Alterations?
- Cotton tartan twill and pleats?
- R kilt Advice-any good?
- outfit advice
- A very UNFORTUNATE experience...
- heritage of Scotland is have a 20% sale
- Just an idea!
- Question about What Price Glory
- Everyday Kilt
- Hose color help
- A couple Box-pleated questions...
- Have any vendor recommendations????
- Proper Hose Length
- khaki hose?
- Formal Sporran Options that Don't Use Fur
- Ebay tanks
- Shirt in or out?
- Need advice QUICK!!
- perceptions of formal attire
- hey need some advice.
- ATTN: MARINES and the rest of ya
- Black shoes with brown sporran?
- Making do, length-wise...
- What to buy?
- Any opinions on the Buzz Kidder canvas?
- Someone with Fashion sense please.
- Any opinions on Geoffrey and Co.?
- Corduroy Union Kilts
- need kilt to rent
- Black & Decker Gizmo "Steam & Crease" Iron
- Saffron Flashes
- Sporran question....
- Stillwater Kilts
- kilt alterations
- A sporran question for the Aussies
- Tux with tails to Prince Charlie conversion
- Fashion challenged question?
- I need your opinions
- Told NO!
- do these "match"?
- Uk Kilt site
- What kind of shoes do you wear?
- Trouble with flashes
- prince charlie jacket fit advise
- Apron edge 'lifting'
- Cold Weather Kilting?
- What do flashes mean? Newbe Question alert!
- Opinions wanted: bonnet color
- Kilt Travel
- Tartan Ball
- Help with a casual kilt outfit on a (teenagers) budget
- kilt hose and stockings
- kilt jacket
- The Scotland Kilt Company - EBay
- Belt with Doublet
- Afternoon wedding / evening reception ?
- Sporran Loops
- Hose again
- Pleat sew-down
- Recommended kiltmakers in Highlands?
- Alternatives?
- okay going to the USMC Ball....
- Kilt's online
- Hose advice
- Loose Threads: Kilt Maintenance Needed???
- flashes color question
- 8 yard kilt - 13 or 16oz?
- Prince Charlie Kilt Jacket {COLOR}
- The Kilt Hose Quandary
- Kilt with Rugby Jersey?
- Black Solid Kiltstore Kilt Revisited
- 2 Questions
- Can't decide on first kilt...
- Performing at school
- ironing/steaming box pleats
- Dating a MOD kilt?
- Kilt for wedding - Help!
- Shipping Charges
- Outfit help please
- Formal Attire w/Kilt
- For the canadians
- And another newb question
- Large Man! Small Sporran!
- Outfit for Christmas Party
- Advice for formal attire
- Kilt Belts
- mean mother in law(to be)
- "Heritage of Scotland" kilts
- authenticity of pattern in question
- Cheap good quality kilt.
- Prom advice
- Which Jacket?
- tartan casual kilt: no belt no sporran?
- Dye in the Water While Washing Kilt Hose
- Deepening final pleats?
- Formal Kilt Oufit - Help!
- Hiring a kilt NYC....
- Help! Kilt pin discolored kilt
- Uh oh!
- Flashes question
- New Swk Leatherneck What To Do??
- Christmas Party attire help?
- Rolling a kilt for storage or travel
- rear pleats
- Confused About Measuring.
- A small problem...
- Another Christmas party thread ..
- Belly Wrinkles
- Kilt compliant winter jacket
- X Marks=Thrashers Kilt?
- Looking for Sporran sources
- A kilted christmas.
- New Kilt Question
- What to wear?
- removing gold plating from a kilt pin...
- jocobite shirt or not(pics)
- why I don't lose my kilt pin
- MA-1 Style Flight Jacket from US Cavalry
- Going to a family-ish Christmas supper...
- I need advice for a kilt repair
- Kilts and Trench Coats
- Stillwater Kilts
- How do I Make Flashes from Kilt Material?
- question about doing martial arts in kilt?
- Burns night on a Budget Advice...
- Need a shirt
- A really tough question for the kilt makers
- What to wear with a battle kilt?
- Military hose tops
- Getting out creases
- New kilt question from a newbie.
- mens scarves
- Where to where a kilt.
- Where to find Tartan material?
- What Price Glory
- Amount of material for a Great Kilt?
- Pricing info...
- where to by a Kilt in London?
- help! i need kilt patterns!
- 1st time kilt buyer looking for advise
- Tank with vest sweater=semi-dress enough?
- For throwing purposes
- New girl here could use some help! :-)
- For dads with kilted kids
- Horse hair sporran
- Burns Supper...which kilt?
- Tartan scarf with black kilt?
- ghillie shirts
- Stillwater Box Pleats
- which colour of leather?
- Over WHICH shoulder??
- Four yard box pleat help.
- How does this Look?
- keeping a white UK worksmans clean
- Newbie here, seeking advice.
- newbie question
- Quick advice!
- Can u buy a kilt in Chicago?
- Kilts in heat.
- My kilts are melting.
- PV vs Wool
- Sett size and pleat depth...
- Advice from our kilt makers please
- Moving/Adjusting straps
- Advice Needed
- Question about sewn down pleats
- Kiltstore.net kilts
- Heritage of Scotland, etc.
- Bodyglide
- Keeping pleats pleated
- http://www.thefrugalcorner.com/
- Need /Want name help
- 7 hole Doc Martens
- Cold weather wear
- Kilt in the House
- MacPherson Tartan.
- Storage & Travel
- Sport Kilt vs Utilikilt
- Quick Question
- Help With Loud MacLeod
- how do I get my PC lapel to stay down?
- Post American Civil War Kilted Regiments Uniform?
- Jackets
- Washing your casual
- Help me not look foolish!
- Looking for Kilt, rather particular...
- Kilts for "dummies"
- Colored Hose
- waist versus hips question
- Prince of Wales Tartan
- left or right
- Question
- Storing kilts
- What does a woman wear with a kllted skirt?
- Help on waistcoat
- I need you advice on 1st belt color
- The Whole Nine Yards and then some
- Fly Plaids
- Kiltmakers in Edinburgh, questions . . .
- i really dont know
- how snug??
- kilt socks
- Kilt Hose question??
- What is.....
- "Scottish-made" kilt
- Help Please
- Jacket issue
- what are these little black straps?
- ironing your kilt
- web sites that sell pipe band uniforms
- Question for the bigger guys
- headwear, bandanas: do or don't
- Help with the Wife!!!!
- Source of Cheiftan or Swordsman's Waistcoat
- Jacket Rental
- kilt to school next friday
- Scottish Wedding Threid!
- Unbuckling Kilt Straps For Storage
- Advice from servicemen and women?
- Belts or no?
- Sporran question
- Hose Colour: Opinions please
- Question about kilt pins
- Correct fitting of a fly plaid
- Comments on Highland Express?
- Freedom Kilts or RKilts
- Advice on contemporary/work kilts..
- Suggestions on jackets ?
- Lost Weight....Now What to do??
- I want to make a canvas kilt
- Buchanan tartan...
- Inexpensive Sporran? Under $65 Help
- I need help picking a tartan.
- Simple,as possible, kilt
- For The Newly Kilted
- Shipping times on the Utilikilt
- Another wannapeak
- dying a utilikilt
- Tattersal shirts???
- New guy here...Hi all
- Kilt Hose Colors?
- Dirk Frog
- Shirt colors?
- Ebay Sellers
- Found something...
- MacPherson Kilt
- How does your kilted wasitline work?
- Girlfriend Problems
- Fly plaid loop
- Looking For Some Kilt Guidance
- shirt to go with SWK Irish National
- Need to put together an outfit quick!
- Rent a Prince Charlie with High Vest
- Barathea Wool
- Tie with Prince Charlie
- Sgian Dubh Possibility
- Kilt for a wee lad
- Color Hose with Army Tartan
- For your consideration, daring or dumb?
- Itchy wool
- The tartan sash
- Dress Up Shirt Preferences
- Warm Climate Kilts
- Two piece kilt?
- Solicitation of Opinion: Sporrans
- Stillwater Heavyweight Length - Need Help (again)
- Machine stitches that look hand-sewn
- Baby Powder, Gold Bond, Etc???
- Serious opinions
- Casual kilt question
- Kilt Pin Locks!!!
- Teflon (R) fabric coating on kilt wool?
- Kilt Hose Color Help Please
- quick fix for a Freelander
- Mixing Tartans on accesories??????
- Kilt Police – Chime in Please
- Washing and Pressing an SWK Economy
- Orange tartans
- First time Kilt - little sewing experience
- How do I prevent the fell from coming un-stitched?
- Wearing the kilt...
- Measuring a beer gut for a kilt
- Tailor in Minneapolis, MN
- News Flash: Flashes Gone Missing!
- Belts and Vests
- First time kilted Comments please
- Fly Plaid and Button Hole
- Cold Weather Kilting?
- Question about kilt design
- casual kilts & footwear
- Fez or No Fez, HELP PLEASE ?????
- Non Leather Sporrans
- Daywear question
- What to wear questions
- Pioneer Period??
- historical info please
- Cost?
- House of Tartan Advice Needed
- Poly Viscose vs acryllic fabric question
- Dirt resistance for camping, working outside, etc.
- PC or regulation doublet?
- Painting Kilted....??
- loose stiching help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Sporran through USA through Customs
- how casual
- Washing a Stillwater Economy Kilt
- Sgian dubh opinion
- Right over Left or Left over Right?
- Buying advice
- Is this to flashy?
- ring belt?
- Economy Help!!
- Red Wine Stains
- Belt Buckle Advice
- Kilt prices?
- I'm about to order kilts for my grandsons
- Need some help
- Travel Advice Please
- In search of.......because I am curious
- In Search of Cheap Kilt
- Buying a Jacket,
- Pressing Kilt (Not resetting pleats)
- hose colors
- Shopping for a waistcoat (vest)
- Flashes with hose "scroonched down" ?
- Sewing Patterns for Argyle Jacket
- 13 oz vs 16 oz
- What to wear