View Full Version : How to Accessorize your Kilt

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  1. Finally bought some more colors
  2. New Sporran
  3. Outdoor/Country Brogues
  4. Scouters: Free jewelery
  5. House of Cheviot ancient blue hose with brick red garter ties?
  6. Antique silver and hair sporran - another great find!!
  7. fossil ivory buttons
  8. What length should I make a kilt pin?
  9. My take on CmcG's buckled ghillie brogues
  10. Kilts and Ties
  11. Kilts and Suspenders
  13. Kilt Jacket and Vest on Ebay
  14. Sporran opinions...
  15. The bloody things are breeding......
  16. Dual-purpose waistcoat
  17. So, this guy down at the pub.........
  18. I found this sporran-like bit on Etsy
  19. Black tie jacket ideas
  20. French cuff shirt troubles
  21. Casual footwear
  22. Glengary Bonnets
  23. Jacket conversions...some thoughts.
  24. Shirts
  25. American Made Sporrans
  26. Ordered a nice daywear plaid
  27. ?? on an older glengarry
  28. Argyle question
  29. Possible New Flashes
  30. Kilt Pins & Rosettes
  31. Shooting socks.
  32. Scottish Goods in Las Vegas, NV
  33. Interesting hose... vintage photo
  34. Red jackets?
  35. interesting vintage sporens on Ebay
  36. Doublets
  38. Ubiqitous, yes, but I love the look.
  39. interchangeable hose tops
  40. Annular brooch fastened with antler
  41. button design on buckle
  42. Tweed Bomber Jacket
  43. Thoughts on "Jaunty" Glengarry Angle?
  44. Glengarry
  45. New sporrans
  46. kilt loafers
  47. very nice sporran on Ebay
  48. A Beautiful New Balmoral
  49. What on earth is THIS?! (Suspicious eBay Find)
  50. Kilt belt
  51. I need some advice about my vintage sporran please
  52. Shoe care
  53. Sometimes a good understanding (big feet) pays off
  54. Pocket Square Bonanza
  55. Regimental ties
  56. Formulating a Back-up Formal Outfit
  57. New Kilt (Cilt) Arrived
  58. current Ebay military sporran oddities
  59. Shirts
  60. Glengarry with dicing... thoughts?
  61. New Shirt
  62. Evening dress jacket for "stouter" gents
  63. What Happened to House of Labhran's Doublets?
  64. Finally finished my kilt pin
  65. Regulation Doublet Shipped!
  66. Brass MOD "Culloden" cantles
  67. Another Fly Plaid question
  68. glengarryhats.com Regulation Doublet Review
  69. Working toward an Inverness Cape - kinda long
  70. Ghillie Brogue laces leaving marks
  71. Where does this sporran fit?
  72. Hackles on the Balmoral
  73. $24 vest sale at Wild West Mercantile
  74. A Terrifying eBay Atrocity (P/C Jacket...)
  75. Kilt Pin
  76. "U" Shaped Waistcoat Versus a "V" Shaped Waistcoat
  77. Ebay Sporran
  78. Scored a P/C jacket and vest at the thrift store!
  79. Metal rivited plates wanted
  80. First Kilt
  81. What does Matchy - matchy refer to?
  82. For Those Starwar's Fan So Inclined!
  83. Unique...chain maille sporran hanger/straps
  84. Full mask sporrans revisited...
  85. Sock find, ENORMOUS calves.
  86. My Sgian Dubh from Scotia Metalwork
  87. Feather sporran?
  88. Opinions Wanted: New Kilt Jacket (PIC)
  89. Mahogany Daywear Leather Sporran
  90. Macgregor Macduff Glen Orchy tweed jacket and waistcoat.
  91. Pattern for a MoD Culloden Sporran
  92. Double-Buckle belt.
  93. sporran- How bad or not is this one ?
  94. 3 button waistcoat with Black Argyle Jacket
  95. Wedding kilt and accessories.
  96. Berets
  97. Fore-and-aft hat compliments.
  98. New Jackets and my 100th Post!
  99. William Anderson Dress Sporran
  100. Casual Hot Weather Ceilidh Outfit Advice
  101. Lucky find!!
  102. Beret to bonnet conversion
  103. Diced hose
  104. Bonnets for Growing Children
  105. Inverness Cape
  106. Beverly's bonnie bonnets
  107. New bonnet badge
  108. Three Jacket Conversions
  109. Buckled Brogues
  110. eBay Mess Jacket
  111. Canadian motif kilt pin
  112. Shepherd's / Laird's / Day Plaid... with a backpack?
  113. Diced hose colors
  114. Would love to have this reproduced......
  115. Recommendation for Quality Brown Ghillie Brogues?
  116. Ghillie Brogue style sporran?
  117. New tweed
  118. yet another cool vintage buckle from Ebay
  119. Finally I got one...
  120. Recommendations for a quality pocket watch & chain
  121. Belt Buckle review
  122. Recycled and reused
  123. hat to wear
  124. "rob roy" sporrans
  125. Tartan for the ears
  126. Pocket watch chain fob?
  127. Balmoral for hunting season!
  128. Jacobite wool jacket
  129. Kilt jackets
  130. Argyle socks
  131. Cheap garter & flashes.
  132. Seven days without a THCD post makes one weak : tartan jackets, anyone?
  133. Need a 6"x6" Black Watch / Muir Tartan Swatch
  134. A Real Picasso
  135. Unique Vintage Sporran
  136. Cromach Arrived
  137. Question about Sporrans
  138. Which of these sporrans do YOU prefer?
  139. wool waistcoats
  140. New (to me) jackets!
  141. Masonic accessories?
  142. Rob Roy movie - large belt buckle
  143. Tams
  144. Tams
  145. New Victorian Kilt Pin
  146. Irish "Pimp My Kilt!"
  147. 1758 straight lasted buckled shoes
  148. Wearing the balmoral
  149. Ferguson Britt Strap?
  150. You tell me, is this sporran made from rabbit or tabby cat?
  151. 1st day out in buckled shoes
  152. This hat needs Jock'd.
  153. Sporran tease... Don't look if you're fur averse
  154. Fur Sporran with silver cantle
  155. Help! I need a hard to find balmoral bonnet!
  156. Kilt jackets
  157. An unlikely source for Lovat-green hose
  158. Hair sporran question
  159. Finally the perfect footwear for a kilt!
  160. Slipper socks for kilts
  161. black watch hair sporran on ebay
  162. Argyle top hose - where to buy?
  163. Accessory Quality, StillWater Kilts
  164. A few of my accessories both DIY and picked up
  165. Looking for a good sgian brew
  166. What's this jacket?
  167. Renn Faire shirt?
  168. Plain Sporrans after 18:00
  169. Sandy St. James' Vests
  170. Balmoral, shepherd's maud & clay pipe
  171. My $4 sgian brew
  172. Anybody wearing fur dress sporrans with non-tradtional casal attire?
  173. Tweed Kilt Jackets - From Whom
  174. A new bonnet
  175. Boots?
  176. Custom Sgian Dubh fom the heart--thoughts ideas?
  177. Made to Measure Jacket
  178. Why they hate for the flat cap?
  179. Getting jackets in either Denver or Boston area
  180. Muskrat Sporran
  181. New Sporran
  182. "Jocking" my balmoral
  183. Cotton knit ties on sale
  184. Need some help
  185. New from House of Cheviot: Kyle kilt hose / shooting socks
  186. when your Scottish horse gets married...
  187. Matching tartan flashes?
  188. Doublet from Pakistan
  189. help on Doublet Jacket
  190. Doublet Jacket & Kilt
  191. DEKS Clan Badge
  192. Pretoria Highlanders
  193. Kilt hose for hiking
  194. Kilt-length sweaters
  195. J. Higgins Hose
  196. New Artificer Texas bobcat with MOD Culloden cantle
  197. R'lyeh sett accessory
  198. Fabric sporrans?
  199. another strange Ebay sporran
  200. Your thoughts on linen?
  201. "Jocked" Balmoral Streched
  202. Tarnished Clan Badge
  203. Callaway Monterey Golf Brogues - Review
  204. Should I polish it?
  205. Kilt Hose Color Recomendations
  206. Sash brooches?
  207. Clericals with Kilts
  208. disrespectful?
  209. Irish accoutrements
  210. Jocking a Mackie
  211. Which sporran style, can't decide
  212. Extra storage - just curious
  213. Prince Charlie - Lapels
  214. sporrans
  215. WWI Canadian Sporran
  216. Free Pair of Boys' kilt hose
  217. In shopping for a tweed jacket and waistcoat soon.
  218. Has anyone found a source for formal brogues?
  219. Brown Mackie bonnet?
  220. Kilt-Length Blazer
  221. New boots
  222. Highland Dress Accoutrements
  223. Buckles for MOD Buckle Brogues
  224. Incremental Accessorization Question
  225. Any non-formal brogues?
  226. Brogues, boots, what is casual? What is dressy?
  227. Balmoral hat
  228. Hose Color (Revisited)
  229. Entry-level Prince Charlie jacket?
  230. Hose to go with Isle of Skye tartan kilt.
  231. New Kilt Jacket and Waiscoat
  232. Hose Color for Scottish National Tartan /w Day Charcoal Jacket
  233. Fancy sporran chain
  234. Craigie sporrans? Where'd they go?
  235. Any pocket-watch aficionados?
  236. Dirk style kilt pin - antique or not?
  237. for train enthusiasts
  238. Which tweed?
  239. Hand knit garter ties on Etsy
  240. tying garters
  241. A novel sporran for my son.
  242. WW2 Leather Cavas Shoes
  243. Caps
  244. Taking up the bagpipes (Gibson or McCallum Chanter?)
  245. Are Blackthorn Bushes Really Becoming Scarce?
  246. WW2 Kilt Apron
  247. Wearing a glengarry
  248. Handknit kilt hose from Janette Murray
  249. Tweed jacket opinion
  250. Anyone make a purchase here?
  251. Where oh where?! Duluth Traders?
  252. Need a belt maker
  253. Question on a Jacket
  254. vintage jacket sizing >:- (
  255. Sporrans and Possibles Bags
  256. Roller Buckle Belt
  257. So it's cold out
  258. Scottish FA partners up with Harris Tweed
  259. Help needed. Plaid No 1
  260. brown brogues with black sporran
  261. The right jacket for my body type
  262. Glen Carron style jacket?
  263. Where to Get Robert Mackie Balmoral in UK
  264. Buying Garters for a pair of flashes
  265. Sporran w/ built-in Sgian Dubh!
  266. New Cantle
  267. oddest sporran ever? (dangling heads)
  268. Sporran organizer option
  269. hideous kilted Scot lamp
  270. Meet my thrift store tweed jacket!
  271. Sporran belt vs chain
  272. Doublets and Black Tie
  273. Tossing the Torrie
  274. Budget Sporran - Tartanista
  275. looking for sporran maker
  276. 18th Century Neck Cloths
  277. 18th Century Work Shirts
  278. Real Cairngorm Stone?
  279. Sporran
  280. Socks / Hose
  281. White Cockade?
  282. Non-Blond, er, Non-White Cockades?
  283. Short sporran chains/belt
  284. Lewis kilt hose color question
  285. neither fish nor fowl (jacket mashup)
  286. Legion/VFW cap with kilt
  287. new balmoral
  288. Oxblood shoes/boots, anyone?
  289. Which sporran?
  290. Opinion: the wearing of Sports Socks with Kilt (Soccer,Hockey,Baseball)
  291. Not Exactly Kilt Shoes, but...
  292. two Ebay Scots Guards sporran oddities
  293. Which shirt with Montrose Doublet?
  294. Custom Chuck Taylors Matched to Tartan?
  295. New to me Jacket and Waistcoat
  296. Kilt Belt w/o Buckle
  297. Show Us Your Flasks!
  298. belts?
  299. Correct kilt pin for white tie?
  300. Newbie needs advice on ghillie brogues or similar footwear
  301. odd Cameron Highlanders sporran Ebay
  302. Is it considered excessive if one wears multiple clan crest accessories?
  303. Scottish Wildcat pin?
  304. A Balmoral problem...
  305. Patrol Jacket??
  306. Hose for summer
  307. Dressing for the dreaded 'semi-formal' event... advice appreciated
  308. Question about sleeve length
  309. Kilt pin, sporran on 5.11 Tactical Kilt?
  310. Scottish Wildcat Tartan kilt suit
  311. cotton kilt socks for ginormous calves and normal humans
  312. fox head sporran- not
  313. need sporranmaker for MOD rebag
  314. New Hunting Sporran
  315. Nice article about tweed
  316. 'peat' tweed kilt jacket HOE
  317. FYI: new Tilley classic Winter Hat in Harris Tweed
  318. Feathers in flashes?
  319. exotic sock colour-names
  320. Weatherproof Sporran?
  321. Sale of Cloaks and Capes
  322. Really high-end socks
  323. Kilt Pins - Are there specific Kilt Pins for Ladies?
  324. Freelander Sporran update / upgrade
  325. Thoughts on choosing new tweed jacket and hose (for Farquharson kilt)
  326. Diced and Argyle Hose Sources?
  327. A cool weather gift.
  328. Bead caps for tassels...
  329. How do you put on a kilt pin?
  330. Sporran taxidermy help...
  331. Versatility of the Rob Roy style sporran
  332. Kilt Cover
  333. New sporran! Thank you for the help rabble!
  334. Hose advice please
  335. How to wear bright colored hose?
  336. Looking for well priced hose
  337. Glengarry Questions
  338. Tweed vs. Wool kilt jacket?
  339. Anniversary gift ideas
  340. Pipe Band Sporran Advise Needed From The Rabble, Please!
  341. Robert Mackey Balmoral
  342. Cap badges
  343. Kilt Jacket and Waistcoat
  344. Trying to see what will look good with my kilt.
  345. Blazer Question
  346. Tweed Sports Coat to Kilt Jacket Conversion
  347. Please opine about the Robert Mackie bonnets.
  348. Custom shirt question
  349. On single front button Argyll jackets, should the button sit at the natural waist?
  350. Opinions on the Piper Flex Argyll Jacket?
  351. Fly plaid with a black kilt
  352. Claret Prince Charlie
  353. Is this an old "X-Marks" kilt pin?
  354. Kilt belt width
  355. Tilley classic Winter Hat in Harris Tweed - half-price with caveat
  356. Sporran Strap/Chain Buckle Location
  357. Tan Diced Balmoral/Bonnet, non MOD?
  358. traditional garters?
  359. Clan Badge Necktie
  360. Best complementary hose colors for predominantly red & green kilts?
  361. Tam O'Shanter
  362. Anybody know where to buy hat dicing?
  363. morrison vs l&m sporrans?
  364. Sporran antique and aged vs new mfg.
  365. Footwear contemplation
  366. Knit Tie
  367. Sporran alternative
  368. Which Hat or Nae Hat?
  369. Manbag in Lieu of Sporran?
  370. singular of hose
  371. MOD Cantle Sporran Bag Maker
  372. Native American Scotsman Allowed feathers
  373. US Military Tartan and appropriate footwear.
  374. Sport Kilt kilt hose (socks)
  375. military surplus sporrans
  376. Looking for Kilt Hose for Shorter People
  377. Quality Sporrans for less money
  378. A Maud
  379. Wyvern Leatherworks Sporran
  380. Gauging Interest - "Modern" Sporrans
  381. Extra-long Garter Ties?
  382. buyer beware Ebay listing
  383. Should I forget about a brown belt and sporran?
  384. tweed shooting waistcoat with kilt?
  385. argyle sweater vest
  386. Allen Edmonds Long Branch boots
  387. Fly Plaid Brooch Options?
  388. Product Review: L & M Full Mask Muskrat Sporran
  389. Diced hose colour options
  390. Experiences with GlengarryHats.com?
  391. Cap Badge Etiquette
  392. Let's See Your Fly Plaid Brooches
  393. thoughts on red waistcoat with formal jacket?
  394. How to wear a jabot and cuffs?
  395. Imperfect match between tartan and kilt hose?
  396. Thoughts on a Donegal (Irish) tweed for an Argyll coat..?
  397. Mass market pewter kilt pins... Tourist tat, or prized possession?
  398. Sporran Selection Advice...
  399. Where to get a personalized cap badge?
  400. Just ordered a Balmoral
  401. Birthstone Kilt Pins?
  402. "Rob Roy" Sporran?
  403. Brass cantle for formal sporran?
  404. Sporran identification
  405. Iroquois/Oneida Beaded Glengarry Bonnet
  406. Hunting sporran?
  407. Need Recommendations for Self-Tie Flashes
  408. Your Opinions on a Formal Shoe Idea
  409. Kilt vest vs suit vest
  410. Evolution of Kilt Stocking/hose.
  411. Custom contemporary kilt jacket - need someone to create
  412. How would you accessorize my kilt?
  413. Kilt and Tie
  414. My new Wyvern Leathworks Sporran.
  415. Seal Skin Dress Sporran
  416. Stingray Rob Roy Sporran....here it is...
  417. Wyvern Leatherworks “Tree of Life”
  418. Silk flashes/ties for formal dress - any validity?
  419. Tartan Bowties?
  420. Buckled shoe styles
  421. The importance of a good tailor
  422. Ebay buckle: not silver
  423. black shoes brown sporran
  424. Looking for colour recommendations...
  425. Wyvern Leatherworks Custom Sporran
  426. Hose color
  427. www.samuel-windsor.com
  428. Unique Kilt Pin
  429. Nylon Sporran hangers?
  430. Weird jacket
  431. Bored with my neckties, let's talk about options
  432. new source of striped ties
  433. Can you identify this Scottish Broach.
  434. More Vintage Scottish Jewelry...can you help to identify?
  435. Dress Sporran...what determines a fromal/dress Sporran.
  436. Sporrans and Bonnets
  437. What makes a kilt pin a kilt pin?
  438. The Psychology of Tie Colours
  439. another bad Ebay description
  440. Personal Preference with Bonnets
  441. Safety / fake Sgian dubh
  442. interesting Ebay sporran badge
  443. Shooting Socks, Hiking Socks, Kilt Hose
  444. Acrylic Pipers Hose
  445. Appropriateness of sweater vest or cardigan in lieu of tweed jacket for day wedding
  446. Shoe Search help
  447. Transitioning from day to evening
  448. Formal kilt hose -- opinions sought
  449. Sporran shapes?
  450. Sporran cantle options
  451. Is this occasion appropriate enough to wear the Jabot and cuffs.
  452. Another vintage tweed jacket/waistcoat
  453. Sporran hangers
  454. School (University) tie
  455. sporran badge
  456. Differences in Kilt Hose
  457. A right nice little day sporran...
  458. My latest "formal" Sporran
  459. Christmas comes early for me!
  460. Estate sale sporran
  461. Khaki hose ... again
  462. Cromach from Tony Espley in Wales
  463. Kilt jacket with Club-Crest?
  464. New Goat Hair Sporran on MoD Culloden Cantle!
  465. Two Ribbons on the back of the Balmoral cap.
  466. Clan-motif lapel pins. Thoughts?
  467. New kit - County Cavan amd Wyvern sporran
  468. Goat hair sporran...
  469. Sporran Chain
  470. Softening Leather Sporran
  471. Scot McKay Ghillie Brogues?
  472. Plaid Brooches
  473. My New Mackie Balmore, Love It, the Lovat.....
  474. Various alternatives to the stardard garter flashes of today.....acceptable or not
  475. Neckties...?
  476. Vintage kilt pin
  477. Clan crest bonnet badges
  478. Questions about Outfit Names & Origins
  479. Socks for ultra-casual
  480. Ghillies with tongues?
  481. Accurate pictures of a Scottish bonnet?
  482. Norwegian made Sporran
  483. Cap Toe shoes with Day Dress?
  484. Kilt belts
  485. Yet Another Kilt Hose Color Thread
  486. Belt Sizes and Styles
  487. I Have Two Tweeds Now
  488. ordering direct from Thistle Shoes Scotland
  489. Pouch-style sporrans like the Freelander
  490. Artificial Mask Sporrans
  491. What to do
  492. Favourite hose (style/make, not colour)
  493. bizarre pelt+sporran on Ebay
  494. Argyll Jacket & waistcoat from 1900
  495. Choice of Three Sporrans
  496. Name of sporran style
  497. Possible spotting of an estate tweed on the wrong side of the pond
  498. Accessorizing a Ferguson Weathered
  499. my vintage sporrans
  500. Tip for pocket squares
  501. Ghillie boots?
  502. Just ordered a Mackie Balmoral
  503. Boutonniere Options
  504. African sporrans
  505. Best boots and accessories for a drinkin' Kilt...
  506. less common style flashes
  507. Advice needed- How to repair moth holes in my old Balmoral?
  508. Vaiozo 1910 Vintage Collar-less Shirt
  509. Tweed jacket
  510. wanting check tweed jacket
  511. Brown and black leather accessories
  512. Law in UK regarding the sgian-dubh
  513. Can one use a clan crest badge as a kilt pin?
  514. Custom Dress Sporran Maker
  515. Sporran chain/strap/hanger ?
  516. Sporrans On Shopgoodwill
  517. New Balmoral
  518. Cousin Jack alert: Cornish sporrans reduced price
  519. Recent eBay purchases
  520. A couple of recent purchases
  521. First House of Cheviot Hose!
  522. Jack Pyke Shooting Socks
  523. Indecision, i need the rabbles assistance once again.
  524. Favorite flashes / garter ties
  525. What is a ‘Lauder’ axe
  526. Pocket watch chain with some history
  527. Shirts and sporrans question.
  528. Two Kilts, One Good pair of hose
  529. A life long struggle - finding flat caps in XXL sizes
  530. leather strap with dress sporran
  531. How to use a fly plaid as a room decoration?
  532. New waistcoat
  533. Hose?
  534. Hose?
  535. In the Absense of Diced or Full Argyll
  536. thoughts on bow-tie material with black argyle
  537. Differing clan badge from other side of the families Tartan
  538. any Deeks buckles out there?
  539. Early 18th Century Brass Sporran Cantle
  540. Source for antler buttons
  541. Velvet Argyll jackets
  542. Blackcock Feather Hackles
  543. Affordable Glengarry Suggestions Guys?
  544. open-top Argyll pockets
  545. Non-wool lovat blue hose?
  546. is this a kilt pin?
  547. Crossed or straight sporran tassels
  548. strange blobs inside sporran
  549. Clan Crest kilt pins
  550. What's with Cow-head sporrans?
  551. What makes a quality sporran?
  552. Interesting hose color
  553. Sporran strap/belt with hooks
  554. interesting poss early sporran Ebay
  555. how NOT to choose a sporran
  556. Hose Suggestions
  557. vintage thistle clan? badge
  558. Robert Allison?
  559. silly photo, nice tweed jacket
  560. Scottish attitude toward waistcoats
  561. Opinions on tassels of a different colour to the front piece of a sporran?
  562. When you have too much stuff for a sporran
  563. Kilt pin vs. broach
  564. A different kind of Sporran ...
  565. The Victorian Aesthetic, MacLeay Inspiration
  566. Scotweb - Tweed Jacket
  567. Belt Buckle Bulk Issue
  568. Kangol Hats and kilts?
  569. Lothlórien leaf
  570. Vintage Regulation Doublet
  571. What boots are therse?
  572. New kilt, new sporran, new outfit
  573. Hose flash question
  574. Non-wool hose review
  575. Who makes bespoke tartan waistcoats in North America?
  576. Looking for a proper length casual jacket...
  577. Matching textures; an outfit's feel
  578. Opinions on these hose
  579. Forsyth raised shapes on sporrans
  580. Vintage Clan Badge
  581. Clan bonnet badge makers & sizes
  582. Lace up boots
  583. finally joined the Fawn Mackie club
  584. Non-metal Accessories
  585. Chasing Unicorns
  586. Kilt Pin
  587. Casual and/or low cost kilt socks
  588. Commissioning a bespoke argyll and waistcoat?
  589. of Hunting sporrans
  590. Gairloch Pattern Hose
  591. Custom Hose Addiction
  592. Lovat Green Jacket Pairings
  593. A tip for Some more options for Fancy Sporran Chains
  594. Experience with Carolina Celt
  595. Hose for warmth in May!
  596. Boot Toe Style
  597. Controversal musing on sporrans- and looking for advice.
  598. ease of access sporrans
  599. Hose Color?
  600. Argyle kilt hose
  601. Is Artificer retired? How can I contact him?
  602. Vintage sporrans for sale
  603. First Kilt is coming together. Advice on accessory colors.
  604. Gaiters with the kilt
  605. New Diced-top Hose from Anne Stewart Knitwear
  606. jacket price versus tweed selection
  607. Margaret Morrison sporrans
  608. Escaping the Black Argyll
  609. My new Lovat blue jacket and waistcoat
  610. Clan badge mystery ...
  611. new (to me) sporran maker
  612. Help with Leatherneck tartan accessories!
  613. Prince Charlie
  614. New Sporran!
  615. Safety Brogues anyone?
  616. Loud tweeds
  617. Kilts and Military Uniforms
  618. Piecing it together
  619. Bespoke Glengarry bonnet?
  620. A review of a very generous gift.
  621. Who made this sporran..?
  622. alternate buttons on Prince Charlie?
  623. As Johnny Cash said- “One Piece at a Time”.
  624. Quick kilt pin question.
  625. Brown or black kilt belt?
  626. Finally Got My White Whale!
  627. Is a 1 ¼” (31.75mm) badge too small for a glengarry cap?
  628. "Double-duty" tweed?
  629. Sporran ID/information?
  630. Interesting vintage sporran (Ebay find)
  631. New cap!
  632. Which jacketing material is lighter?
  633. Looking for opinions on tweed colors.
  634. Why isn't blue more popular for tweed?
  635. Mackie Balmoral
  636. J. Alex Swift hose/socks
  637. Wool sweaters in unusual places!
  638. Black barathea argyle question
  639. New bespoke Margaret Morrison sporran
  640. What do those square buttons say?
  641. Campwear/Footwear
  642. Inverness Cape
  643. What is this thing on my new sporran?
  644. My new, old sporran
  645. Kilt Belts
  646. A "new" old kilt jacket and that OTHER Harris Tweed
  647. Hose for Formal Occasions
  648. Tartan hose
  649. What kind of jacket is this?
  650. Is this a real regimental tie?
  651. New (to me) Harris Tweed Jacket and Waistcoat
  652. Formal options for a larger man.
  653. shepperd's Crook or market stick
  654. Alternative Kilt Pins
  655. Shooting socks vs kilt hose
  656. Help with Tweed
  657. Vintage Doublet
  658. Police fancy sporran chain?
  659. Jacket advice for colorblind person
  660. Painting buttons
  661. Matte finish buttons
  662. Size up from St. Kilda?
  663. Evening Sporran styles
  664. Bowtie Question
  665. What happened to my clan badge?
  666. Robert Mackie - update
  667. Pakistan sporran maker using UK photo
  668. Livery Buttons
  669. What is best Balmoral option now that Mackie not available
  670. Neck ties
  671. Balmoral or Glengary with trousers
  672. Kilt Pin or Brooch
  673. modern "Semi Dress" sporrans
  674. Military Doublet question
  675. How can I 'fix' this ex-hire argyll?
  676. New two tone kilt hose!
  677. Ordered some proper kilt hose
  678. Sharing Picture of Marching Band Uniform
  679. quality vintage sporran chain
  680. Belt Buckle question
  681. Kilt pin bling
  682. Vintage thong-through-flap sporrans
  683. Seeing double with a knotted kilt-pin
  684. Looking for shoes with a very wide toe box
  685. Kilting at the Gym
  686. What makes vintage sgian dubh so expensive - are they worth the price..?
  687. Isle of Man kilt accessories
  688. Sporran Selection
  689. Restoring an Old Sporran
  690. Sporran maker?
  691. Earl of Airlie's kilt-pin
  692. Black tie, Prince Charlie, but the tie is DECIDEDLY not black

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