View Full Version : Professional Kiltmakers Hints and Tips

  1. Hey what gives!!
  3. altering a kilt
  4. Canada Kilts URL
  5. What happend to Rocky's Contest??
  6. For All Kilt Makers
  7. What Price Glory
  8. Question for USA kilts
  9. Kiltmart, Stillwater Kilts, reviews etc etc... HELP PLEASE
  10. To all kiltmakers:
  11. Post Office shipping deal
  12. Bears new site
  13. market research
  14. New Machine!
  15. Critical appraisal Please
  16. Four-yard, box pleated kilts
  17. Harris Tweed kilt -- limited time!
  18. Business Cards
  19. Moving kilts from festivals to daily wear
  20. Fabric Sizing
  21. Confederate Memorial Tartan
  22. Sporran parts
  23. Looking for kiltmaker...
  24. I been helped!!!! Yayyyyyyy!!!!!
  25. Saltire Sporran
  26. Good hang of pleats and stitching
  27. linen?
  28. Right side of fabric
  29. Buying Tartan...
  30. Buzz Kidder
  31. who has some kilt material for me?
  32. Dealing with the "Fat Tax"
  33. Lightweight and cool kilt for backpacking
  34. Where to get snaps?
  35. Hey Barb...
  36. Review of snapsource.com snaps
  37. California Tartan wool Kilt
  38. AmeriKilts in an Office Setting
  39. Kilt makers in Virginia?
  40. Pattern
  41. I like asking questions
  42. I like asking other questions
  43. Question for all the Kilt Makers
  44. Canvas Kilt, ACK!!!!
  45. A Few Questions for Any Commercial Kilt Makers
  46. An open invitation to all kiltmakers
  47. Starting a kilt, got questions!
  48. PermaPleat system
  49. I scored!
  50. Sporran guiding
  51. help with pleat spacing
  52. British Tan Sporran
  53. Plain Black Faille
  54. First Trad Kilt: an ongoing thread
  55. pleat depth for 4" sett?
  56. Where?
  57. Accomidating a very ample backside :)
  58. OMG, my first kiltmaking contract
  59. Robertson Hunting
  60. how do you....
  61. A Question for the Kiltmakers
  62. face of fabric ??
  63. Machine Made Kilt Problems...
  64. Darn Indian Knock Offs!
  65. Tartan Fabric on Ebay
  66. need help with aprons
  67. Is Pittsburghkilts back into business?
  68. Gobantex
  69. Question for Barb, or any of the other fine kilt makers here
  70. Rocky, USA Kilts
  71. Rocky, USA Kilts
  72. New photos on the site
  73. New Kilt wearer
  74. Just an Idea
  75. Got Pattern?
  76. fabric length
  77. fabric supplier
  78. I need help!
  79. Bear Kilts
  80. Bingo!!!
  81. Wherefor art thou Bear ?
  82. Stillwater Question
  83. Best wishes to Bear
  84. Tartan Weaving
  85. What's with this fabric?
  86. determining a fabrics weight...
  87. Weight loss and Kilt Size
  88. Measurement questions
  89. Hem and PV question
  90. Apron question
  91. Fabrics, etc
  92. Stupid Question for the day...
  93. Tossing it out there
  94. Kilt wanted - I supply the fabric
  95. Wish List
  96. Boxed knife pleats!?
  97. Box pleating formula?
  98. Building a kilt from two regimental kilts?
  99. Kids Kilts
  100. Kilt How-to CD ROM
  101. eBay fabric store
  102. Military box pleat trial
  103. Sewing Machines
  104. Craft Kiltmaker in Peebles
  105. That wasn't very nice ...
  106. Raw materials...
  107. Questions about using canvas duck material
  108. Rkilts Tasmanian Devil Sporran
  109. Stillwater Kilt Straps
  110. Hemming a kilt
  111. Kilt lining interfacing and lining.
  112. Finally met a fellow local kiltie!
  113. Kiltmaking day?
  114. Modern MacGillivray tartan for sale
  115. 3 to 4 yard "recycled" box-pleated kilt
  116. Harp Jacket Buttons
  117. Tartan Fabric-> ALL MAKERS!
  118. Marton Mills wool/poly tartan
  119. Tartan from D.C. Dalgliesh
  120. 4.5 inch sett isn't big enough, so I want your opinion
  121. The King Kilt 2.0
  122. pinstriped fabric question...
  123. The King Kilt 2.0 Introduced
  124. Source for American/Bicentennial tartan?
  125. Please clarify reverse pleats
  126. That's more like it.
  127. Thanks, Matt
  128. Twill Question...
  129. kilt modification questions, unusual dye colors
  130. contemporary box pleat kilt: an ongoing thread
  131. steeking?
  132. Oregon Tailor Supply Co., Inc.
  133. where to wear a kilt?
  134. Renegade Kilts
  135. Speaking of turning heads
  136. Horse Hair Canvas-> $6/yard-74" wide.
  137. New advertiser?
  138. Instructions for an 8 yard reverse Kinguisse style
  139. Awwww darn it !!!
  140. Need some quick help with a term
  141. Virign wool for a kilt???
  142. 2007 Kilt Kamp
  143. A question for you folks that DIY
  144. Nothing slows down kiltmaking like stupidity
  145. My daughter as a frec during frosh week
  146. Trews pattern
  147. A kilt from leftover fabric
  148. Sewing machines!
  149. Need help finding material
  150. How to explain kilt making to my Brasilian mother in law
  151. Friday the 13th
  152. The old R-kilt still lives....
  153. Cutting Down a Féileadh Mòr
  154. Natural Hemp RKilt
  155. making a trad kilt?
  156. Tartan price
  157. AN RrrrKilt for Chrrrristmas
  158. Adventures in Kilt Making
  159. 4yd vs 8yd
  160. Box pleat kilt instructions
  161. Corduroy Cord (Channel) direction
  162. Converting a sport coat?
  163. New(ish) Member
  164. Material Choice ?
  165. Leatherneck wool on ebay
  166. New Kilt Maker Online
  167. Was someone looking for PV?
  168. Buzz Kidder ?
  169. Revisions for The Art of Kiltmaking
  170. Suiting wool for kiltmaking?
  171. Maple Leaf tartan on ebay
  172. Stabilizer and Apron Canvas...?
  173. okay who knows.....
  174. Weird juxtaposition
  175. 65 Wool 35 Poly Pleating?
  176. Kiltmakers in the USA
  177. Hector Russell Canada??
  178. Canvas interfacing for kilts
  179. Kilt making classes
  180. Kilt maker needed...
  181. Amerikilt question
  182. Most Popular Kilt Model
  183. need about 10 navy blue kilts for the fire Dept.
  184. UK based kiltmaker wanted
  185. Wholesaler for shop owners
  186. A challenge to all kilt makers
  187. No strings attached
  188. 2007 Kilt Kamp Announcements
  189. splayed
  190. apron not tapered
  191. working with herringbone tweed
  192. Kilt Material
  193. Any training available in England for wannabe kiltmakers?
  194. Poly-viscoes by the yard
  195. I have found 13oz. P/V!!!
  196. Some pics at Fraser & Kirkbright
  197. My first kilt
  198. Alexis Malcolm kilts
  199. Tailor in Minneapolis, MN
  200. MacArthur Tartan and Marton Mills
  201. Brown kilt straps
  202. Request for someone to teach me to baste pleats
  203. New Kilt Maker. - now online
  204. List of Kiltmakers?
  205. Question for kiltmakers
  206. wearer's height?
  207. Weaving Tartan
  208. Proper description of kilt dimensions?
  209. How do I begin making my own kilt?
  210. Singer 347
  211. Pre-washing Poly-viscose
  212. Reet Pleat for Macdonald of Sleat?
  213. Opinions: Ancient Campbell Pleat Options?
  214. I need a piece of tartan
  215. DC Dalgliesh Tartan images
  216. In search of colors, not clans
  217. Kathy Lare?
  218. Ebay tartan fabric quality
  219. Project Great Kilt (belted plaid)
  220. Non-Tartan Fabrics
  221. Beware the Spreadshirt
  222. How to: Make our own Flahes?
  223. 2008 Dates for Kiltmaking seminars
  224. Making my next two kilts
  225. Considering Military Box Pleat
  226. Factors Affecting Pleat Swing
  227. "Improving" lightweight aprons?
  228. Kilt making?
  229. waistband tartan for a very tall man's kilt
  230. Hostess Skirt
  231. New Double Box Pleat Kilt
  232. 2008 Kilt Kamp in Franklin, NC
  233. Itchy kilts
  234. R-Kilts!
  235. Alexis Malcolm New Website
  236. Lardbelly, or "the tale of the tail" and Barb's fine book
  237. Help. Looking for specific kilt maker from Highland Games
  238. MacDonald Pleating
  239. replacing canvas backing
  240. question for custom kiltmakers
  241. remnants
  242. too long?
  243. Hemming a kilt
  244. A word of appreciation
  245. Robertson Red in cotton
  246. Possibility for mini Kilt Kamp
  247. Making a kilt with polyviscose fabric
  248. Barrel pleats
  249. A little help box pleating please? :)
  250. how to pleat this tartan?
  251. my kilt
  252. Trim for top band of Black Watch kilt
  253. Military Kilt repairs
  254. Questions on bidirectional pleating
  255. Black Watch to the stripe: checking my math
  256. Handmade custom kilt work
  257. Labeling various parts of the kilt
  258. How do I taper for identical hip and waist measurements?
  259. Advice on kiltmaking supplies?
  260. Kilt Kamp 2009
  261. 20 oz per yard?
  262. Montrose Doublet
  263. Inverted Pleat Question
  264. What does this mean?
  265. Construction Method/Modern Kilt
  266. My book arrived!
  267. How do I end my stitching?
  268. A question about PV material
  269. Belly considerations!!
  270. calculating fabric weight?
  271. Tie Dye
  272. Catanach #20
  273. Kelly Green Material advailable
  274. Update on Kilt Kamp 2009
  275. Apprenticeship availability?
  276. Apron edge to last pleat stitching question
  277. Buckles & Straps
  278. Pleating the corner of a fly plaid...
  279. Box pleat kilt instructions
  280. reducing bulk in kingussies
  281. What size the rise?
  282. Almost Done!
  283. It's official: I'm now a skirt maker
  284. My first kilt skirt
  285. Got me a sewing machine!
  286. Straps 2? 3? & a good source
  287. Will this buckle work?
  288. It is Finished! pics inc.
  289. Tour of my shop and the making of Mach5
  290. Need a Dbl check on my measurements
  291. Buttonhole technique
  292. What size buckle straps
  293. Where to buy material?
  294. what about pockets?
  295. Weights for Tartan
  296. Resizing Questions
  297. enough material?
  298. Explain Splits for me
  299. Inverted Pleat 50/50 ?... Barb ...Help
  300. False Lower Strap?
  301. Single Box Compared to Double Box pleat in Yardage?
  302. I just bought Tartan
  303. those stupid 5 yard kilts and their shallow pleats: WRONG
  304. Any experience making kilts with fabric from the Batly mill?
  305. Which type of pleats should I choose?
  306. Buckles & straps
  307. Need advice on double wide set
  308. Tartan suppliers
  309. Preparing to make my first kilt...some questions
  310. Handwoven Tartan for a kilt
  311. Kiltmaker in Northern California needed
  312. Measurements and Splits
  313. Wifes grand idea
  314. Ancient MacDonald pleating?
  315. pink kilts
  316. Kilts, leather and dry-cleaning
  317. Pleat Swing Physics?
  318. Making a Sporran
  319. gordon highlanders kilt
  320. An idea
  321. pinstripe kilts...any kiltmakers on board tackled one?
  322. Show of Hands for Elsie's XMTS Kiltmaking Course!
  323. First time kilt making
  324. Seattle Area Kiltmakers for Hire?
  325. Repair of torn kilt
  326. a little encouragement here please
  327. Trouble with my overapron
  328. RK and direction of fabric
  329. What makes the best kilt liner?
  330. A question for the kiltmakers: What would you do with this tartan?
  331. Kilt tailoring
  332. Kilt size
  333. Avoiding the 'pleat flip'
  334. First time pleating to the sett. (Maple leaf tartan)
  335. Question about thread counts
  336. Lessons of a kilt maker - Splits
  337. Apron shaping help.
  338. Cost of Tartan Fabric Only
  339. sutherland
  340. Batley Mill?
  341. Making my first kilt - opinions please!
  342. Elements of a sett
  343. Kilt repair
  344. I Got my Tartan today! Red Ulster
  345. Barb Tewksbury/Art of Kiltmaking's New Website
  346. 2010 Braemar School Flyer
  347. Kilt maker in SF Bay Area?
  348. Question about twill
  349. $5000 kilt
  350. Under Apron Hem?
  351. New Tartan Herald Article
  352. Pre-shrinking traditional kilt fabric?
  353. Stripe Pleating Question
  354. pressing
  355. How long does it take to make a kilt?
  356. Altering Apron flare
  357. Sewing machine advice
  358. EMS tartan
  359. Suggestion to all kilt-makers!
  360. Hair canvas source?
  361. Where are the darts
  362. Girls' Kilts
  363. brown straps and brass buckles
  364. Basting tips?
  365. Self-Colored Kilt
  366. A question about popular sizes
  367. Irish Tartan's in PV
  368. Shortening a kilt?
  369. Yardage needed?
  370. What's all the hubub about hand stiching?
  371. Making kilts for others
  372. Cutting turnout fabric?
  373. No Sheep jokes, please...
  374. Hose with Heritage of Scotland
  375. Can it be done? This would be MONSTER of a conversion
  376. Tartan is skewed at selvedge
  377. Hemming and hawing...
  378. referal for tartan vest tailor
  379. MM Jura width
  380. How much cloth for a lady's pleated tartan skirt?
  381. Adjusting buckles on 8-yard kilt
  382. Alter Kilt to Make It Larger
  383. Steeking
  384. Kosher Hair Canvas
  385. Montgomery Blue\Green Pleating
  386. Spinning for tartan
  387. Moving the buckles-TAKE NOTE
  388. Kilt Kamp March 2012 Victoria?
  389. Kilt material differences.
  390. MoD Kilt Hanging Strips
  391. Cut Off Point
  392. Hemming a PV/Acrylic Kilt
  393. Help me learn from my mistakes
  394. Advice requested on making a military box pleated kilt
  395. finishing the reverse and deep pleats
  396. Apron Shaping
  397. 4.5m of fabric
  398. Name those Stitches....
  399. The Wavy Kilt
  400. Historically inspired knockaround kilt
  401. 7yds of 60" weathered black watch
  402. Buckle mishap-Will leather do?
  403. Interesting find on a Geoffrey the Tailor kilt
  404. help with a hem question (Weavers)
  405. Moth holes...what can be done?
  406. Skirting Obscenity
  407. Interesting things you find when working on other maker's kilts....
  408. Surprise with the US Air Force Reserve Pipe Band Tartan
  409. kilt buckles
  410. Photos of Pleat Sewing Position?
  411. pro's and con's of tartan cargo
  412. Kilt Kamp 2012 - Who wants to learn to make a kilt?
  413. Difference Between US Marine Corps Tartan & Leatherneck Tartan
  414. Re-sizing a Lochcarron Kilt...
  415. Kilt with no hair canvas
  416. Pleating this tartan to the sett
  417. Kilt makers or Tailors in the Anaheim/Fullerton area...
  418. Unidentified Tartan
  419. What to consider when shoping for a kilt?
  420. Questions & Pics of my New Seaforth Box
  421. 6 yard box pleated kilt in the making
  422. Make an adjustment to resize kilt.
  423. Need fabric mended and a kilt made
  424. Kilt Kamp 2013 - details and registration!!!
  425. How do I soften a leather belt?
  426. How do I store my new wool kilt?
  427. Strathmore Woolen Company
  428. A "stabilizer" for belt loops?
  429. thread size
  430. Lost weight
  431. Which Tartan Is This?
  432. Barb T: And so it begins....
  433. stitch-up bottom of inverted pleat?
  434. Calculation of pleats in Kilt
  435. Kiltmaker in Portland, OR?
  436. re-re-sizing old band kilts
  437. Which Dancer's Tartan to Choose?
  438. Reverse pleat on right hand side of the under apron
  439. A few questions before I tear into this tartan...
  440. Photos from Kilt Kamp 2013
  441. left-handed kilt makers
  442. Need one db yd MacKenzie Mod. 13 oz. 12" sett
  443. Double buckles
  444. Kilt Slope
  445. Kingussie pleating
  446. Kilt Kamp 2014 - Who's up for it?
  447. School me on industrial thread for kilts
  448. The Official Kilt Kamp 2014 Registration thread
  449. Kiltmakers' experience with Strathmore fabric?
  450. Kilt rise height
  451. 2 Spots at Kilt Kamp have opened up
  452. Hand Sewing Needles?
  453. Weight of wool?
  454. Turning skirt into kilt
  455. Kilt maker
  456. A Photo Journal of Kilt Kamp 2014
  457. proper fell line
  458. Kilt rpair questions and suggestions
  459. Tearing PV material
  460. Ripping out pleats
  461. pant height kilt fit
  462. "How to Make a Kilt"
  463. Kilt Kamp 2015 - who's up for it?
  464. Re-placemrnt kilt straps
  465. Pleating X Marks
  466. Pressing Pleats, what I'm considering
  467. Gordon small sett
  468. Kilt Kamp 2015 - official registration thread plus more details
  469. Better too small, or too large?
  470. how to sew the Waist Band
  471. Fabric Weight?
  472. Having a custom weave done in a smaller pattern repeat
  473. Removing machine stiching needle "holes"?
  474. How much "Room to Grow"
  475. Maple Leaf pleating options
  476. High quality Poly-viscose Tartan fabric.
  477. Tapered apron vs straight apron.
  478. Stitching the edge of pleats on a utility kilt?
  479. Pleat under the over Apron?
  480. Non-tapered utility kilts?
  481. removed - found my answer
  482. Planning for alterations when making a kilt
  483. Knife/box; one easier?
  484. HoE Heavyweight Clan Tartan(s) availability?
  485. Dates set - Kilt Kamp 2016
  486. Seam on pleat of Kilt
  487. altering a kilt
  488. Making a kilt smaller
  489. Question about the Rise
  490. How do you work out a seat from a kilt?
  491. Can a kilt be lengthened?
  492. Inner apron cants and "peeks."
  493. The offical 2016 Kilt Kamp registration thread
  494. P/V vs Wool for Kiltmaking?
  495. Question about an old post
  496. Shortening a military box pleat from the top?
  497. Polyviscose kilt and hair canvas
  498. Kilt for a tall, thin dancer.
  499. Selvedge or Hem?
  500. Alterations Question
  501. Military buckles
  502. Alteration question
  503. Question about a box pleat
  504. Pleating options in lower yardage kilts
  505. advice on pleating / yardage
  506. Photo Journal for Kilt Kamp 2016, Victoria, British Columbia
  507. attaching the waistband
  508. Kilt weight 16 oz 18 oz
  509. Flaw in Tartan - how to work around
  510. sending kilt by mail
  511. Old time kilt making instructions
  512. Tartan faults
  513. Quality Polyviscose Fabric
  514. Changing pleating
  515. Advice/help needed
  516. How are costs kept so low?
  517. Where to buy straps and buckles
  518. Is this Kilt made right or am i just being picky
  519. Kilt Kamp 2017 - who's up for it?
  520. First kilt, first question...the A-line flare
  521. Wedding kilt -- is pleating to the sett more appropriate?
  522. Quick splits question
  523. Looking for kiltmaker - washington state
  524. Confused about pleating to the sett
  525. Under apron question
  526. Pressing and/or basting pleats before stitching
  527. Dart at the inverted pleat
  528. Kilt Kamp 2017 - official registration thread plus more details
  529. Adjustments for contemporary band height query
  530. Adjustments for scaling with very small kilts
  531. Adjustments for ladies' kilts/kilt skirts apron/underapron sides
  532. Determining kilt size
  533. Best place to buy a kilt in Alaska?
  534. Encouragement?
  535. Re-doing pleats on a box pleat?
  536. "Military" box pleat construction question
  537. Sett width question.
  538. Cutting pleats in a low yardage knife pleat
  539. Kilt Kamp 2017 - The photo thread
  540. Asymmetrical top apron?
  541. Amount of tartan?
  542. Kilt Kamp 2018
  543. Salvage job
  544. Adding slant pockets to traditional kilt
  545. Kilt Kamp 2018 - The Registration Details
  546. Kilt Kamp 2018 - The Registration list
  547. Broken selvedge
  548. Custom made kilt jacket
  549. skipping the button hole for the under skirt buckle
  550. Reasonably priced Kilt maker
  551. Custom Weave of Welsh Tartan
  552. How to Take Measurements From an Existing Kilt
  553. Sizing question
  554. Size Altering?
  555. Kilt Kamp 2018 Photo Journal
  556. 42w 45h split
  557. Fringed selvedge
  558. Looks like someone tried to add a bit of girth
  559. Kilt Apron Question(s)
  560. Simple Stitching Question
  561. Again a “split” question
  562. Announcing the dates for Kilt Kamp 2019
  563. Kilt Kamp 2019 Contemporary course information
  564. RAF Tartan
  565. Kilt Kamp 2019 Traditional course information
  566. Kilt Kamp 2019 - official registration thread plus more details
  567. altered kilt on Ebay
  568. worsted twill tape?
  569. A Kilt Kamp 2019 cancellation
  570. Kilt Kamp 2019 photos
  571. MacBean tartan pleated to the sett question
  572. Kilt Makers Willing To Work On Kilts They Didn't Make
  573. Homeade kilts for kids
  574. Kiltmaking using Harris Tweed: rip or cut double width?
  575. top band of kilt
  576. Kilt Kamp 2020 - official registration thread plus more details
  577. Gauging interest in a Contemporary Style Kilt Kamp
  578. Steeking Question
  579. Towel Method
  580. The Measure of a Man
  581. Look what has arrived!!
  582. Resizing advice needed
  583. Looking for advice on ordering tartan
  584. Any one use metric in your kilt making ?
  585. Measuring Question
  586. very narrow color blocks
  587. is wool wool
  588. County Donegal tartan from Clan.com
  589. Pleating Wildcat tartan to the sett
  590. Thoughts on pleating to the stripe
  591. Fabric fringed on both edges
  592. First pleat on kilt with large sett size
  593. Long Shot - Bells of Dunoon??
  594. Would a single buckle closure fare well?
  595. Making a kilt from P/V
  596. Replace a fringe?
  597. Large waist measurement
  598. Advice wanted for hand weaving tartan for dancer and piper kilts
  599. Kilt facings
  600. Kilt braces, or to use the non-British term, suspenders
  601. Pipe Band ordered to iron kilts
  602. Campbell of Argyll
  603. Wrinkle-resistance of tartan fabrics, used for suit and coat
  604. reverse pleat or lack thereof
  605. Can a quality wool kilt jacket be tailored to a smaller size?
  606. Kilt Kamp?????
  607. Can two ladies kilts be combined to make a larger waist kilt for a lady?
  608. Advice on Repairing Pleats and Thread Question
  609. Hair canvas requirements
  610. Reworking Makenzie old colors kilt
  611. Alteration Question
  612. MyKiltMaker.com (Susan Rose) - What's going on?
  613. What's Up with That Selvedge?

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