View Full Version : The Pub

  1. A Tonic Sampler
  2. Opening Time
  3. Sheep Dip!
  4. Pub pics
  5. Une
  6. Gordon Ramsay
  7. Pimm's
  8. Why's the Rum All Gone?????
  9. Favourite Photo
  10. A taste of heather
  11. XMTS Gin Lovers Unite!
  12. La fée verte
  13. Baked Bananas with Cinnamon & Rum
  14. The Jura Malt Whisky Writer Retreat
  15. Rory Guinness
  16. Your personal favorite single malt scotch
  17. Often ignored art
  18. Pub Coupons - NW Valley Phoenix
  19. Vat 69
  20. Report on Dublin Pub
  21. Milkshakes have grown up.
  22. Favorite Beer
  23. Homebrew ?
  24. Meerschaum dilema when kilted.
  25. Scotland's World Cup qualifiers
  26. What is the worst pub you have been in.
  27. County's Place In National Brewing League
  28. Opinions of Pumpkin ale...
  29. Happy Birthday To Brew
  30. Pumpkin Ale Recipe
  31. Braggot Recipes?
  32. Macallan single malt
  33. Mini-meet in Vancouver, WA
  34. How much will you spend
  35. Newcastle Brown Ale (Move)
  36. Scotch tasting in Dallas
  37. Edradour scotch
  38. Walker Workers Show Their Bottle
  39. 'The Macallan' Scotch Tasting
  40. Cigar Malt
  41. Haggis Recipe
  42. Traditional Scottish food recipes
  43. I Am Happy
  44. I'm in trouble now...
  45. Chocolates
  46. Mead and Cider (and Peary too) Mmmmm
  47. Making a Scotch Ale
  48. Banana beer
  49. It's beginning to look a lot like...
  50. Beyond Pangal Pani ?
  51. Scotch on Ice Since...1909
  52. Need help IDing a plaid
  53. West mosby volunteers' haggis
  54. World's strongest beer?
  55. Scotch on the rocks?
  56. Beer Of The Month
  57. Any good places in New Orleans?
  58. Got them done
  59. A Toast to Panache
  60. Three Sheets to Scotland
  61. What beer should you drink?
  62. Bourbon and Branch Beverage Academy Class
  63. They know you to well when...
  64. Why no pubs in America?
  65. Scotch eggs
  66. family toast
  67. Plaid - it's everywhere
  68. Hogmanay!
  69. now for something with the tea!
  70. Home Brew Supplies question
  71. Vintage Port?
  72. Beer Geek Brunch Weasel (Islay Edition)
  73. Have you heard of this?
  74. Talisker 18 - Where's It??
  75. Beer & Cheddar Fondue
  76. My Irish Grandmother's recipe for Dandelion Wine
  77. Rye Whiskey
  78. Hangover cure
  79. Westvleteren
  80. Scotch shopping
  81. Only $100 a year!!
  82. I need a recipe
  83. My Little Blue Book
  84. A stout homebrew, a dog and eureka!
  85. Your favourite drink?
  86. For Panache - gin cocktail recipes
  87. Scotch !
  88. Single malts that fell short?
  89. New Homebrew on its way--Heavy Hitter!
  90. Any Irish whiskey Drinkers Out There
  91. Found this interesting...I say another round!!!
  92. Rate the Singles
  93. Scottish-American Ale?
  94. MacCallums
  95. Milwaukee Museum Food & Froth -Sat Feb 20
  96. Deerstalker 18 year
  97. Rating the Singles PART 2
  98. Ever get mad at your local?
  99. Restaurant reviews?
  100. Kilted Yak Cocktail Recipe
  101. Quest for my Favourite Lager
  102. Charleston (SC) Brewvival
  103. World Of Beer June 5, 2010 (Milwaukee Area)
  104. A haute version of Scotch eggs
  105. Scones with just a touch whiskey
  106. Something a little classic for the season
  107. Moylan's
  108. Home Brew-Mission accomplished!
  109. Drunk Monk Homebrew Contest - Kilted Tomorrow
  110. Creme Brulee Bourbon Porter brewing Sunday
  111. Chocolate Guinness Cake
  112. Good places to eat in Boston and Cambridge?
  113. Favourite Variety of Potato
  114. Grants
  115. What's the Beef ?
  116. The Buckner Mint Julep Ceremony
  117. Blend your own barrel of whiskey in Portland, OR
  118. The Box Bar & Grill
  119. My first experience with Laphroaig!
  120. Asheville wins "Beer City, USA"
  121. A Sinlge-Malt I Canniot Recommend
  122. Moylans Kilt Lifter Scotch Ale
  123. Scotch tasting techniques?
  124. Basil Gimlet
  125. Good Irish pub in Fredericksburg, VA
  126. A pleasant surprise
  127. Scottish Soul Food
  128. Scones in a can?
  129. Blue Smurf
  130. Scottish Soul Food
  131. Scottish Marmalade?
  132. The coffee maker heaven sent.
  133. Biography of Johnny Walker
  134. Squirrelly Scottish Beer
  135. 100 year-old Scotch
  136. Food Network featured my local pub!!
  137. A nice flask
  138. If you're going to go out to the pub... Do it right!
  139. Non-Alcoholic Whiskey?!
  140. Your Favorite Glass - A Photo Log
  141. Scotch Whiskies to Avoid!
  142. Non-Scottish Whisky: Japanese, Indian, Dutch, et al?
  143. Best Scotch for the $ ?
  144. Whisky Collecting
  145. Guinness resumes US distribution of "Foreign Extra"
  146. 50% at St. Andrews NYC
  147. VT trip - Brewfest & Golf
  148. Ordering Haggis over the internet
  149. Tour of Copper Fox Distillery: Wasmund’s Single Malt
  150. Sausages
  151. 'Tis the season for chocolate
  152. Bullfrog Brewery
  153. Second Visit to Box Bar & Grill in Plymouth, MI
  154. Horrible Halloween Haunted Happening
  155. Scotch Whisky Tasting at the Trinity Hall
  156. Rosemary
  157. Walking with Johnnie
  158. Book on Scotch
  159. Upcoming Scotch Tasting at Trinity Hall
  160. Book on how to make whisky
  161. Have an Extra $500,000?
  162. Shortbread for Christmas
  163. Gluten Free Beer
  164. A "wine closet" to build
  165. Mead Brewing
  166. Oatmeal: How Do You Make Yours?
  167. Spruce Beer?
  168. Scottish Picnic Customs: Compare and Contrast
  169. And so it begins
  170. So Ted, What are you going to do with all of that blue corn anyway?
  171. Glasgow Wins Curry Capital Title Again
  172. Eggnog
  173. Not sure if this should be sure here or in the craft section
  174. Christmas Mincemeat- pies and tarts
  175. slowly making progress...
  176. Vancouver Whiskey
  177. Whiskey brownies
  178. Anyone think of themselves as a hunter?
  179. Irish Creme Recipe
  180. What Whisky to Donate?
  181. Whisky for groomsmen toast...
  182. Whisky for Christmas
  183. Roasting Nuts in Winter
  184. Rick Steves: The Scottish Spirit
  185. 120 to 80 proof?
  186. Scotty does love a wee dram
  187. Yet another reason to drink Guiness ...
  188. 19th century Scotch found in Antarctica
  189. Yuck!!!!!
  190. A nice Speyside and a Leslie Neilsen flick
  191. Kiltlifter at Costco
  192. scottish foods, who's tried...
  193. Johnny Jump Up
  194. Old Pulteney water jug
  195. Go blow it out yur goat?
  196. Sundowner...
  197. Cock-a-Leekie Soup
  198. rugby
  199. Hard Cider and Lager
  200. well every pub has a tv...
  201. Cultural/National differences on.....French Toast
  202. Serendipity...found Finnan Haddie
  203. Is scotch getting sweeter?
  204. thewhiskyexchange.com questions/advice
  205. New Keith's Beer
  206. Has anyone been to Tuscany?
  207. Wayne's St. Pat's Extravaganza
  208. Cowal Highland Gathering...
  209. Shepard's pie recipes anyone?
  210. Blackberry Whisky a la Gun Dog?
  211. Guiness milk shake
  212. Help with the name of a drink
  213. Rainier Ale
  214. Whisky journal
  215. Any Mead brewers in the house?
  216. Blessing over beer
  217. What's in your collection?
  218. Just One Whisk(e)y
  219. Why Guinness?
  220. Beau's Lugtread Ales
  221. Kicked my Bradley into high gear
  222. New Irish Pub in Raleigh, NC
  223. Show us your "Home Pub" pics!
  224. Shieldaig Speyside 18yo by Wm. Maxwell?
  225. Liquor shipment help
  226. Tell Me Your Sandwich
  227. Scotch vs. Bourbon
  228. Church Leader Pint Glasses?
  229. Make your own 6 pack
  230. A surprise from Ireland
  231. Beer Slushie (Sorbet For The Fancy Types)
  232. Tell me your favorite recipe with kale
  233. Ardbeg Alligator
  234. Alternative Whisky Academy
  235. What's the weirdest thing you ever ate?
  236. Connosr
  237. Isle of Skye brew named the Campaign for Real Ale's Champion Beer of Scotland 2011.
  238. Salmon
  239. 21 years old
  240. Drink by the Dram
  241. Wanted: Good vegetarian recipes
  242. Summer drinks
  243. New York Whiskey Fest 2011
  244. The Art of Manliness Guide to Scotch Whisky
  245. Penderyn - Welsh Whisky
  246. Any home brewers out there?
  247. Homemade RUM!!!!! The best summer ever
  248. Summer wines brewing now
  249. Haggis
  250. Cigars
  251. Houston/Galveston area folks...
  252. Beer drinking turns you female
  253. $765 !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  254. dish network outage info
  255. McClelland's Single Malt Highland Scotch Whisky
  256. The Famous Grouse & Black Grouse
  257. Scotch eggs Texas style
  258. Eclipse: Black&Tan variant
  259. Dark Island from Orkney Brewery
  260. Best Beer Ever!!!!
  261. Recipes we all can make!
  262. Brewers and ale lovers, well lager lovers too.
  263. Pint for Pint
  264. Black Lager?
  265. House Of Walker Experience
  266. A new flask....
  267. who all has started making their Christmas fruitcakes?
  268. What the Froach!
  269. Found a new stout!
  270. Favorite Duck Recipes
  271. Texan Traveling to Europe and need advice. (non kilt related)
  272. Guinness Black Lager?
  273. What's the most "interesting" beer you've ever tasted?
  274. Scotch and snack foods
  275. Whisky Fest in NYC
  276. So many choices!!
  277. Whisky tasting at the Loch Ness Whisky Parliament
  278. EANABs - Share your recipes
  279. So begins the Candy holidays
  280. Bottle Opener from the Arts & Crafts Store
  281. J.W. Lees Harvest Ale (Lagavulin Whisky Cask)
  282. Pick Your Poison triple IPA
  283. My new flask wrap!
  284. Glenfiddich Snow Phoenix
  285. Christmas hampers?
  286. laphroaig land lease pictures, please
  287. Isle of Jura whisky 'Secret Sample'
  288. Eating Until You Pop!
  289. Unique scotch gift for a summit and friendship
  290. I’m baaa-aaack!
  291. The coming shortage on Scotch Whisky
  292. Giving the Gift of a Scotch Guide - Your Recommendations?
  293. Thanks a lot!
  294. New Mario Grandi tobacco pipe
  295. Octomore 2.1 from Bruichladdich - my Festivus/Birthday Present Comes Early!
  296. An Unexpected Pleasant Surpise
  297. Smoking
  298. New Record Auction Price for a Bottle of Single Malt
  299. Failed sweet making
  300. What whiskey for Burns Supper?
  301. Whiskey stone?
  302. Non-Jacobite Songs from the Rising?
  303. Android / iPad Apps for Whisky Fans & Collectors.
  304. Moonshine
  305. Any of y'all make your own jerky?
  306. Moonshine, with the mods permission.
  307. That's the way I roll!!
  308. Evening in London
  309. Glenmorangie unveils new "Private Edition" Whisky
  310. The Star: Scotch lovers to be offered their whisky in a can for $5
  311. Friends of Laphroaig
  312. Tennessee Squire?
  313. Iron Thistle
  314. Kilt wearing opportunity and a beer....
  315. pooh bear?
  316. Haggis... fried?
  317. Demi-haggis?
  318. Ways of cooling scotch.
  319. Mead?!
  320. horse's neck?
  321. Haggis, first attempt--pretty tasty
  322. 60 yo Single Malt
  323. Recycle use for old whiskey bottles
  324. OMG I have found it, the nectar of the gods!
  325. Ok, folks, here I go!
  326. First impressions of scotch
  327. Irish party menu?
  328. Laissez les bons temps rouler
  329. Scotch Tasting at Sir William's
  330. Pancakes, Waffles, Flapjacks, Etc.
  331. Crunchy Food
  332. Great, just great!
  333. Whisky Fair 2012 (Limburg Germany)
  334. Any Sherry drinkers here?
  335. Bockfest in Cincinnati
  336. Got some nearly exotic wine from far off lands...
  337. Epicurious "guide to Irish pubs"
  338. Rattray's booklet on tobacco blending
  339. 60oz Guinness in a pub!!
  340. Mekhong...rum or whisk(e)y?
  341. Hankering for some bangers
  342. I got a box
  343. Irish Whiskey?
  344. Cure suggestions?
  345. Homebrewers: Finally made some beer!!! It's been ~6 months
  346. booze pics
  347. singlemalt advice
  348. Belhaven Scottish Wee Heavy
  349. Upcoming Pipe Shows
  350. Wrap Your Laughing gear Gear Around This
  351. Ken Loach's The Angel Share
  352. Scotch in Space
  353. Grant's Whisky and Scotland's Oldest Woman
  354. Glenlivet to launch "Single Cask" Editions
  355. Plans Approved for new Lochaber Distillery
  356. Peaty and Delicious!
  357. New distillery in South-Central Pennsylvania
  358. Major Single Malt Scotch Disappointment
  359. Game of Thrones fans: My wife and I are a couple of geeks.
  360. New Acquisition----Glenmorangie Artein single malt scotch whisky
  361. whisky tasting ithis Wednesday Santa Ana CA
  362. Lusting after teenagers
  363. The Haven, Boston Ma
  364. Laphroaig tartan
  365. E-Smoking
  366. Laphroaig 18 yr-old
  367. Nice to be enjoying a beer when....
  368. For my Marine friend returning home: Viking Blood Mead!!!
  369. new to Scotch inform me please.
  370. Jura Origin for Fathers Day
  371. Early Father's Day Surprise
  372. Any ideas on how I can determine the age of this hand-me-down Haig & Haig Pinch?
  373. Any ideas on how I can determine the age of this hand-me-down Haig & Haig Pinch?
  374. One non "high street" whisky @ ~ £80 ?
  375. Advice from any Pipe Smokers out there? (Ontario)
  376. Chicago Rabble. a raid on the Pipeworks Brewery?
  377. chutney and whiskey tasting Saturday 7/14
  378. Suggestion for a pub in Richmond, UK
  379. Down goes another independent distiller - Bruichladdich
  380. Tweaking the recipe
  381. National Scotch Day
  382. A flavor of popsicle that I thought the forum would appreciate
  383. My first one year old RUM!!!!!!!!!
  384. Coming World Record for the Famous Grouse
  385. scotch woes...
  386. e-cigarettes and kilt hose
  387. For the Scottish Ale drinker who has everything………..
  388. Highlander Pub, Ottawa
  389. Dayton, Ohio Ale Fest
  390. Moylan's "Kilt Lifter" 8% scotch-style ale
  391. Everything you need to know about scotch
  392. Dilemma Fork
  393. Atholl Brose question
  394. Whisky fair dates in Germany in autumn
  395. Richmond Pipe Show Oct. 5-7
  396. Bowmore 1957 Auction
  397. Laphroaig Bottle Signing - Dallas - Sep 27, 2012
  398. Map of "every brewery in Europe"
  399. The best "swill"?
  400. The Best Gifts Are Hand Crafted
  401. Fantastic Halloween Whisky Glass!
  402. Your Personal Tobacco Shoppe
  403. Scotch whisky distilleries pronunciations
  404. Scottish Song - Anyone know the title?
  405. Old Speckled Hen or Spitfire Ale bar towel...
  406. Long term storage of good scotch in an partial bottle - not a good idea - saveable?
  407. Scotch Christmas tree
  408. Seasonal thanks to Jock Scott
  409. Breaking Whisky News- Bunnahabhain discovers 40yr old casks at it's distillery!
  410. Scottish Beer
  411. Just Signed Up For FoL
  412. Laphroaig 18 yr old Diamond Jubilee - A nice farewell
  413. Pickled eggs
  414. Pickled tofu
  415. Bottled Christmas Gifts
  416. Christmas cakes
  417. Bruichladdich Octomore 5.1 for Crhistmas
  418. Islay Gin - "The Botanist" by Bruichladdich
  419. Islay Whisky
  420. Haggis sandwiches?!
  421. Poor quality veggie haggis in the UK?
  422. Flu Shots
  423. New Dewars Advert
  424. free whisky tasting in San Francisco
  425. Whisky tasting at Burns dinner
  426. Never Would Have Guessed They'd Have Three Kinds of Scottish Beverages at a Mexican
  427. Pipe Tobacco favorites
  428. Try Rye!
  429. another free Whisky tasting
  430. Is Scotland having water difficulities?
  431. Talisker Storm
  432. A question for the Single Malt crowd
  433. N/A Whisky?!
  434. Whisky Shop Tasting - Irish whisky - San Francisco
  435. Wee Heavy Brew Day!
  436. Crabbie ginger beer
  437. Cider!
  438. The Wonderful World of Whisky Art
  439. Redundancy gift
  440. Diageo Plan New Malt Whisky Distillery in Scotland
  441. scotch eggs
  442. Gluten free Scots recipes?
  443. 10th Annual World of Beer (and Mead and Cider) Fest in Milwaukee, Wi June 1
  444. Dalwhinnie
  445. Summer Beer
  446. Scotch Whisky Sojourn
  447. another free tasting
  448. Whiskey Makers Court Jewish Market
  449. Drinkin' wine spodiodi
  450. Check this article out
  451. Post from Laphroaig USA
  452. It was THIS BIG, Honestly!
  453. Favorite Brew
  454. What is the Scotch equivelant?
  455. Food, glorious food
  456. Poor Boy's Orange Duck
  457. New competition - closng date last year...
  458. Ardbeg Cycling Club And Ardbeg Club Jersey!
  459. Beer After Workouts?
  460. Birthday treats
  461. Drink Good Beerfest, Long Beach CA
  462. Breckenridge Octoberfest
  463. cool Islay Single Malt shirts on Ebay
  464. Clootie dummpling
  465. NYT article about "Arthur's Day" (re Guinness)
  466. Foods from native USA plants
  467. I'll just have one thanks!
  468. What dram is in your quaich?
  469. Help on some Scottish food to sample
  470. Christmas preparations.
  471. "Civilized Haggis"
  472. The Scottish School System... from not that long ago...
  473. Back in the Pink
  474. Best of Scotland: Five Destinations for Barflies
  475. Quarterly visit to Ackroyd's Scottish Bakery
  476. Holiday Meal
  477. Costco 40 year old Glenlivet
  478. Impromptu Single-Malt Tasting
  479. Newcastle and Johnnie Walker
  480. Blood Pudding Recipes
  481. Great deal
  482. Diabetic haggis recipe needed
  483. Pubs in dunblane scotland
  484. The Balmoral Hotel in Edinburgh?
  485. Burns Supper Salad Suggestions Needed
  486. The Magic of the Kilt: Part II - the event!
  487. Alpha Edition
  488. Scotch Egg Casserole?!
  489. More Scottish bakery goodies
  490. irish tea?
  491. New Distillery Proposed for Jedburgh in the Scottish Borders
  492. 2 forum post on one forum
  493. Haggis finally gets a fair shake in the press!
  494. Buzzfeed website on Scottish Food
  495. Last of "The Two Fat Ladies" gone
  496. How I celebrate a promotion
  497. Free Glenlivet
  498. Glasgow and beer
  499. Scapa single malt
  500. World Whisky Day
  501. The Jug And Kilt, Barboursville WV
  502. Famous last words
  503. A Dram on the Titan Crane
  504. Laphroaig
  505. New distillery in town
  506. Babysitting today
  507. Excellent Article on "The Five Things Malt Drinkers Do Wrong"
  508. 'Not the Headline News'
  509. what is your favorite way to eat haggis?
  510. A cocktail?
  511. No Better Way to End the Day
  512. Springbank Whisky School
  513. My Oatcake Recipe
  514. how many of you use "patum pepperium" products
  515. Dad's Army - Operation Kilt
  516. family recipes
  517. whisky aerator??!!
  518. food
  519. Space whiskey
  520. A Changing of the Guard
  521. Fall harvest treats
  522. A Lucky Day
  523. Enough to make a grown man cry
  524. Japanese Whisky Wins Honor
  525. Recipe swapping
  526. Mortlach Single Malt?
  527. Ever wonder what's left at the bottom of your glass?
  528. Whisky Scented Tweed
  529. Well Lit Up
  530. Heritage Brewing Company's First Anniversary
  531. Homebrewers
  532. The Scotch Whisky Regulations 2009
  533. Scotch Whisky's Emerging and Disappearing Markets
  534. Smoke em if ya got em
  535. It's not a matter of what I LIKE... It's what I can AFFORD!
  536. "Way Up Yer Kilt" tapping event
  537. Four Peaks Brewery
  538. Well, maybe a different kind of bar
  539. Horn whiskey tots
  540. Unexepected Gift !
  541. It's back to earth. Let's drink
  542. Scotch Whisky Legends
  543. National Scotch Day
  544. Scotch Whisky Distillery Planned for my Home Town!
  545. Scotch in the Beer Tent--Left to Right
  546. Craft Beer
  547. Another Free Whiskey Tasting in San Francisco
  548. Whisky in Space
  549. WHAT is going on with the Islay Malts???
  550. Roll out the barrel
  551. Raise the Macallan events
  552. Mount Vernon unveils rare whisky collaboration with Scotland’s best distillers
  553. If you've had Iron Bru. . .
  554. Distiller's Showcase, Manchester NH, November 12th
  555. Kilt Can
  556. How do you like your porridge ?
  557. Haggis!
  558. Cigar snobs only!
  559. Scotch Whiskey Advent Calendar
  560. Lagavulin, Nick Offerman Yule Log
  561. Santa gets Tilted
  562. Water . . . ?
  563. Whisky is not Whine
  564. Chocolate Dipped Bacon Shot Glasses
  565. Brewing a wee heavy
  566. Pipe Weed Recommendations
  567. Belhaven Scottish Ale in the US
  568. If you do add water, how much?
  569. English Muffin Bread
  570. Birthplace of Whisky.. Anniversary and.. reborn!
  571. Great recipes
  572. Watering whisky
  573. Highland Park Dark Origins
  574. Scotch Whisky - The Elixir of Longevity!
  575. Recent Pipe Tobacco Adventure ...
  576. Just thought I would share this song
  577. New Scotch Distilleries Opening This year
  578. If you're lookin' to quench a thirst . . .
  579. Irn Bru... Irnestly
  580. Whisky Facts.
  581. Let's talk wine
  582. Just a few drops
  583. Shame on me
  584. Collection
  585. Pubs near to Porland, Oregon
  586. Scottish Pub in Manhattan (St. Andrews is Gone!)
  587. Advice from Scotland please
  588. Kilt Inspector
  589. Fox blood / Foxblood
  590. Columba Cream...?
  591. An old poem . . . .
  592. Birthday booze
  593. Guinness says this is the world's oldest pub....
  594. BBC article about old whisky distillery excavation.
  595. Bridgeland Distillery - Calgary
  596. Brewdog Scotland?
  597. Scotch Documentary on Amazon Prime
  598. The three drinkers do scotch whisky
  599. Scotch: The Golden Dram (2018 documentary)
  600. Hey Gents, I could use some Help.
  601. Ardbeg 10 v Shieldaig 14
  602. Macallan 18
  603. new kinds of wiskey
  604. Bridgeland Distillery
  605. So wrong, so wrong, so wrong!
  606. Good news for whisky lovers
  607. Is anyone else watching the Scottish Cricket team in the T20 World Cup?
  608. Pipes, cigars, relaxing smoke
  609. Whisky Galore
  610. Pre-Christmas treat
  611. the Scotch Whiskey Assoc.
  612. Boudin. Is it really just Cajun haggis?
  613. Alcohol Licence Granted for Former Kilt Shop
  614. Scots whisky liqueur
  615. Any Other Kilted Pipe Smokers?

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