- Sgian dubh Build-along
- Skian Dubh-It-Y'Salf
- X-Kilt: Sew Your Own, manual available for download
- Hand Knitted Hose Patterns
- O'Neille makes Pewter Kilt Pins
- First attempt...
- Kilt work apron: what's on my kitchen table right now
- So, I made a kilt . . .
- My DIY Kilt and Jacket
- Here's number 2!!
- First X-kilt experiment
- Tartan kilt #2 nearly done
- Welsh Dragon in Leather-Checkbook
- Just finished 1st X-Kilt
- Kilt Jacket No 3
- Jacket conversation explained
- Jacket conversation explained
- DIY semi-mask sporran
- Jacket Conversion-(Bias Binding for curve)
- Dress Sporran pics and measurements?
- Buckles and straps?
- Kilt Belt
- First sporran attempt
- Speaking of making sporrans...
- Not another targe
- Where to buy fabric
- ARGH! Sporran woes!
- Sporran #4
- Sewing Techniques for Leather
- Help with pleating to the sett
- need patterns for kilts!
- Award for most bizarre "fur" sporran!!!!
- Brand New Sgian Dubh
- Taxidermy basics, for Mask sporran making?
- 2007 Kiltmaking classes in AZ,UT,NY,CA
- X Kilt in 13 oz material?
- First attempt at a jacket remod...
- My first kilt
- Opinions: Jacket Remod...?
- Easy* Two-Page Kilt Instructions
- Center Back Pleat
- #5-Irish Harp Sporran
- Kilt belt "loop" dimensions please
- First attempt for hockey kilt
- Online source for cotton poly twill?
- Day Plaid Dimensions?
- First kilt underway
- My new outfit
- Best Colors for "Batman" Balmoral?
- My Kilt - Completly done by me and my grandmother
- Modular Sporran
- Damascus, Bayleen, Ivory Sgian Dubh Build
- First kilt in Black Watch miniature
- Fabric for wedding Kilts
- DIY flashes help
- A Sporran For Christmas
- Fly/Day/Shoulder Plaid
- 4 tartans for sale on eBay
- DIY Kilt jacket Pattern
- Hand Made Rob Roy Sporran!
- Sporran #6: Silver Lion
- I just finished my first Tank
- $5.00 kilt jacket?
- Silver Lion Complete!
- Haha - I obvs. dont know what im doing
- Muskrat Sporran
- First jacket attempt
- My next two projects
- X-Marks Kilt pattern
- My 2nd and 3rd kilts
- Sporran #7 Silver Harp
- When do you know you've been beaten?
- Next project...
- Mountain Kilt
- An idea.
- Making bag hose
- My DIY Flashes
- camo kilt update
- Tatting fringe
- My first DIY kilt
- He'p me! Sewing machine advice
- 2 new projects
- Pink tartan kilt?
- Dora kilt!
- Cheap kilt hangers
- Plum Tree
- fabric stores are dangerous places...
- Dirk construction
- Making an X-Marks Tartan Kilt: an ongoing thread
- Box pleating to sett! How to . . .
- Need patterns for GLENGARRY and sporran
- Two questions - making a new kilt
- Targe pattern
- Sporran # 8: Silver Welsh Dragon
- Handmade Sporran
- Leather Kilt jacket
- Sewing Help Needed
- Suggestions please
- Enjoying a Black and Tan
- Phillabeg, Feilidh-beag, or "Little Kilt"
- Who Has Made (or is *currently* making) an X-Kilt?
- Tweed jacket conversion - starting point
- Sporran #8 Silver Welsh Dragon
- My $10.00 X-Kilt
- buckles and straps
- Sporrans, how stiff are they?
- Dry clean new wool
- Making an Inverness Cape from a Greatcoat
- Buckles revisited
- Prototype sporran.
- Lay off my blue suede sporran
- Damascus Sgian
- first attempt at a sporran
- Targe: $8.85
- Sort of a DIY/Celtic Music thing
- Sewing pleats in a great kilt
- What do you use?
- My Last Tartan Kilt???
- Prototype sporran complete
- US Army Corps of Engineers Sporran
- I need a simple sporran design
- Fraser and Kirkbright remnants: Douglas, Lindsay, RCMP
- I have to share this...
- Over The Top! OOOO-RAH!
- Machine sewn pleats - fell to waist or...
- SF Bay Area springtime sew-it-yourself Saturday
- how much leather
- Prototype revisited.
- Sewing Practice
- US Bicentennial In Progress
- suppliers of tartan cloth?
- Making a 4-yard, Box Pleat in the California Tartan:an ongoing thread
- My Dress Sporran
- DIY Sporran Question
- Worlds UGLIEST Sporran!
- Six-pack sporran.
- Sporran sewing directions
- Tandy sale items for DIY-ers
- Dragonhide Sporran.
- My Sporrans
- Kilt Belt - New Project
- MacKenzie Tartan bargain
- Looking for a FOB
- Begging for opinions on a sewing machine
- The Art of Kiltmaking
- X-Marks Tartan for My Son
- Dragonhide Sporran.
- Starting the next project (finally)
- Antler kilt pin
- Sporran Help
- Making my own straps
- Sporran leather in Mid-Maryland
- Sewing pleats on Amerikilt?
- Hey, Dreadbelly!
- Now I gotta start making some bags
- Need Pics Of Dress Sporran
- There's something different about this bag
- OI! Dreadbelly! hose knitting pattern.
- Metal Casting - Where do I start to learn correctly & safely?
- Fire me will ya ? I'll just kilt myself !
- Kangaroo fur semi-dress sporran
- New Dirk
- Cheer up Mrs. Dreadbelly!
- Cantles on eBay
- Wide Grosgrain Ribbon
- I did it
- charming the lasses: a quick tartan skirt
- Velcro Question
- Just finished...
- Targe making directions...
- thread count chart
- Pleated Tartan Skirt, Where do I start?
- tutorials
- Roadblock kilt finished!
- source for doublets patterns?
- OK, all you kilted bikers who sew...
- Flashes, a how-to pictorial
- Flashes - an alternative style
- My flashes--in yet another style.
- A turpin convertible for a lucky X-Marker
- step by step fringed tartan garter ties
- Made a quick skirt for the wife.
- Camo kilt pics (finally)
- My Black Stewart
- Chain mail
- Pleating to the sett - How?
- MacGregor tartan
- Hose tops
- Hey, $8 P/V Maple Leaf Tartan!!
- Good sources for tartan by the meter
- Hemming a Stillwater
- kilt length
- "poor man's sporran"
- Rabbit Fur
- lochness
- Feltwork.
- The first sporran prototype.
- Added weight to Sport Kilt
- Cantle alterative
- Corduroy X-Kilt
- Tips on making a Fly Plaid
- What Do You Think Of A Tartan Sporran?
- Help with an X-Kilt
- X-Kilt Makers
- Grey Green Teaser
- Refurbished sporran
- Phillipeno Kilt, Any Ideas?
- herringbone tweed
- ideas on a DEATHMETAL sporran.
- Clan Badge Generator
- It's Alive!
- Grey Green - Finished Product
- I flipped my lid for this Sporran!
- Sgian Dubh Two
- One for the fisher-folk?
- Cheap Tail Coat for PC
- How do you attach kilt straps?
- A tapering nightmare.
- Box-pleated Tartan PV X-Kilt Hiking Hybrid!
- Made a doodad for my economy sporran
- Need help with x-kilt apron deep pleat
- Knife-pleat tapering info
- Macdonald Modern Dress flashes
- does anybody have.....
- Leather Supplier and Type
- Fly Plaid - Macdonald Modern Dress
- Tartan bargains
- Flashes with embroidery
- Celtic t-shirt
- New Pouches and Sporrans
- Opinions please.
- We don't need no stinking badgers
- Hand made sporrans?
- Spiro plaid kilt - weird/retro/upholstery
- Altering a UTILIKILT
- box pleated kilt
- my new sporran
- Buckles
- I admit it! I am no artist!
- Sporran decorating
- Chainmail coif completed.
- Braided Epaulet "How-to"
- ok, so I get bored...
- Jonesing a Sgian Dubh
- Black bull denim for my Brother-in-law
- Our try at an X-Kilt
- DIY long hair sporran
- Prince Charlie Conversion
- Before I mess up...BADLY
- Public debut this weekend
- Sgian Don't...couldn't resist
- Deer antler kilt pin
- A $50 dollar Pierre Cardin PC conversion
- MacPherson Kilt
- Where in the U.S. can I find unusual woods?
- Sgian Dubh - Mark II
- Sporran instructions?
- Question for cavscout
- Tang help (Blademakers, please)
- "another knifemaking help needed"
- Kilt Pattern?
- Sgian for a bet...
- Ladies wear.
- Sporran Placement
- How do I make a Kilt Belt?
- DIT sporran tassels
- X-Marks "Cheerleader" Skirt
- box pleats compared to knife pleats, cloth usage
- Finished beaver sporran Have Questions
- My first X-kilt!!!!
- Cool weather kilt hose on the cheap.
- drying wood
- Finished the DIY sporran
- Searching for Sgian Dubh Blanks
- Just starting first Sgain
- Making a belt and strap
- Mini-kilt for the wife.
- New Sgian Project
- Wash and Wear apron guard.
- Yet another first Sgian Dubh project . . .
- Interesting kilt pins (?)
- Building a dirk
- Beaver Head and Feet
- Look what I got for ten bucks!!
- Where did I see...
- I
- Jacket Bonanza
- A Christmas Present for Jamie
- Show some Sgian and do the Dubh!!!!
- Nice cantle on Ebay Canada
- Does anyone in Canada...
- Starting a pinstripe kilt suit.
- Sgian (?) #3
- How wide do you make...
- Pleating the X-Kilt
- sew fell up or down
- My first real kilt in action
- Two More Projects Complete !!!
- Kilt Hose Pattern
- Sgian "4" Mac
- A fun full face sporran
- Waist suppression, literally.
- The wife's woodwork
- Question about kilt adjustment
- crease resistant poly cotton twill
- There went that idea.
- Bull denim pleats.
- Cantle(r) for dress sporran
- Looking for Sewing Machine
- The True Cost of a PC Conversion
- Celtic Knots - Draw Your Own
- The wife does it again!
- Looking for RM Noble...
- Shopping for Sewing Machine
- Covering a leather sporran
- Glengarry rosette patern
- blade blanks.....
- Hand Weaving?
- Sgian #5
- Plse Advise re: hemming a Phillabeg
- Acid Etching ...as requested!
- Mactrailerpark Lawnmowing Kilt version 0.1 alpha
- Small Kiltie
- Kilt complete for the KC games!
- Help with beginner kilt
- A Military box pleat kilt
- Ghillie Kinguisse
- Pleats and fastenersor whatever
- Another PC Conversion
- 5 Yards of 13 oz P/V available
- a semi-dress sporran
- Desert Camo Casual Ver 0.2 alpha
- Dress Gordon Tartan, Flannel
- Made my first kilt
- Dying a Fur Sporran
- Great kilt dimensions?
- Another Kilt Pin
- Leather kilt making
- I made a leather sporran belt.
- Pipers Doublet !
- Birthday present
- The Whole 2 Yards.
- sporran idea
- Chainmaille sporran chain
- Home Again Sgian
- if I sleep, the numbers will get me, if I sleep, the numbers will get me, if I sleep
- More Great Kilt Dimensions
- X kilt Second attempt
- Completely Hypothetical....
- New member starts an X-Kilt
- Flash pattern
- Blood, sweat and tears
- DIY 2 Cantles Work in progress
- Kilt Belt Another project complete
- Some new sgians soon!
- New Kilt Pin
- Shoes
- Work Kilt ver 0.3 Alpha
- Removing Kilt Pin Rub Stains
- My dumb idea for kilt pin
- MacPherson Flashes
- New sgians in progress
- Kilt w/Frugal Corner material
- Acrylabeast Sporran (with leather tooling)
- Troy, NY Kilt Kamp
- Some Assembly Allowed....SWK
- Leatherneck tartan material on ebay
- New x-kilt maker question
- Just found X
- Shoulder Plaid Pin/Brooch
- Ivy wood Sgian dubh
- Another X-Kilt
- The Hound sgian
- x kilt questions on pleats
- PC Conversion
- fabric questions
- Converting great kilt to trad 8 yard small kilt
- Pink Panache
- My wifes work
- Stepping outside the square!
- Dirk blade
- Faux Scrimwshaw Sporran Closure
- FINALLY..... I am making an X-Kilt for myself
- Old hard drives are good sources of strong rare earth magnets.
- Sgian Hog? and Cane
- Leather dye question.
- How fast can I make a "kilt"?
- "Low rise" kilt question
- Pressing PV Kilts
- MacArthur Banner
- Custom Hose Colors
- Zipper repair
- Weaving tartan (pics)
- Some assembly allowed...Sport Kilt
- Kilt pins and Crested Sporrans
- it has begun......
- Need Leather
- Another score from the army surplus!
- Another Sgian Don't
- Leather weight...
- Sources for inexpensive fabric
- Ok, you guys talked me into it.
- Faux Sgian
- Hunting Mactrailer ver 0.4 alpha
- HoE Barclay Dress Muted 13oz
- Improvised Kilt hangers
- The Fastest X-Skirt imagineable
- Shetland weave?
- adjusting a SWK standard kilt??
- Thumb Wrestling
- Day and Evening Sgian Dubh Wedding Gift
- Blazn tackles 2 X-Kilts
- Projects in the works.
- I learned something from my quick-and-dirty-kilt
- Camo Material for casuals
- New timber
- "Excess" material removal question
- A D.I.Y sex change operation...
- 1 week and $26 later
- Taking on the X-Kilt
- A sad day for DIY's...
- Lizard hat.
- Singer 328K help
- Adding 'hidden' pocket?
- Hand sew a X-Kilt
- Making a glengarry
- Rare Earth Magnet Size and other questions
- The making of a damascus Sgian Dubh (picture heavy)
- The Art of Kiltmaking
- Blade Blanks in Canada
- Greeting and X-kilt endeavor
- A great appreciation for kiltmakers
- Kilted "PC conversion"
- Welsh Dragon Sporran
- F&K remnant 11 oz Poly/Wool advice?
- "One World" Kilt Prototype
- Targe
- Digital Camo Halvsies, Anyone???
- Question on Knife Pleats
- X-Kilt 2.0 (Beta)
- Thrift Store Jacket Conversions
- My First X-kilt
- My First Box-pleated Kilt
- Thanks to cousin Colin!
- Gordon sgian
- different thought for jacket
- Boxxer for Birthday
- Jacobean or Grandfather shirt pattern
- Art of Kiltmaking has gone to the printer - finally!!
- Converting a tweed sport coat to a Braemar jacket
- Stupid question about A-shaping
- "Improving?" a SWK Thrifty
- Suggestions for Sporran
- How do you hand-stitch a Box Pleat?
- X-Kilt (and first kilt, period) and a question
- Mini-sgian dubh kilt pin in progress
- Finishing off a DIY PC
- Casual to semi-dress Sporran
- SWK Thrifties arrived.
- Really dumb question....
- Another kilt pin
- spotted on my travels
- Where can I get some Stag horn?
- Heavy Kilt
- Cones?
- Vetran DIYers: help!!
- Knitted Hose Ties
- Geometry pop quiz.
- My homemade wooden kiltpin
- Pour one for me
- Kilts #3 & 4 complete
- Upgrade your sporran belt
- Scottish Tartan Museum - a step above again
- For the sewing machine ignorant
- matching wool/yarn to tartan green
- Finished sewing down the fell.
- Maple Leaf Kilt Pin
- Sgian Dubh Presentation Box
- Attention future sgian builders
- bog oak cufflinks
- 2 X-Kilts and a proud son
- The Berserk Sporran Project
- Purchase of tartan
- A Duct Tape Kilt
- How to taper an x-kilt to the waist??
- Formal Sporran Chains
- Another Damascus Sgian Dubh
- Wanting to make a modern kilt, help
- source for sgian dubh handle blanks
- Crown Antler, Pewter Bolster, Sgian Dubh
- Thanks Rab Gordon
- Welsh Dragon pin draft version
- Good Instruction for Box Pleats
- Art of Kiltmaking shipping tomorrow
- Novice tailor tackles X-kilt
- Acknowledgments in The Art of Kiltmaking
- Fur/Pelt sporrans
- Got USMC tartan / Advice on stripe to pleat
- x-kilt direction questions HELP
- My DIY sporran, the mex-sporran
- His and Her's Moose Anter, Pewter Sgian Dubhs
- Argyle alteration
- A Keeper Damascus Sgian Dubh
- What's in the mail today?
- Taking in a waist 2"
- Denver Fabrics
- I'd like to make a sporran
- Pewter Sgian Dubh Kilt Pins in Three Flavors
- Making a bodhran
- New pair of kilt pins
- XKILT Question - Determining Under Apron/Pleat Width?
- Making my own Kilt.
- Braemar/Argyll jacket
- Uh-oh
- A spot of flower arranging
- One Year of X-Kilts; chime in!
- Creating new patterns for kilt jackets
- Camo Kilt - HELP!
- Day sporran to semi-dress sporran
- Hemming a Kilt, Sewing Accessories that Help
- Concept for a kilt
- Kilt #5 complete
- Jacket conversion
- My New X-Marks Box Pleat
- Quilted cloak
- DIY Kilt Hose
- Sources for kilt components/accessories
- Xmarks Tartan Pleated to Yellow Stripe
- I need a weaver, a Calton weaver
- Marton Mills Help!!
- Magnet source
- X marks Damaged Selvedge
- Speaking of sporran chains...
- My latest creation
- St. David's Pleated to Center White Stripe
- Irish national retailor underway
- Waste not
- Flannel kilts?
- An X-Kilt for Panache
- Pleater! Questions about your kinguisse kilts
- hair on goat hides
- 3 kilts, ambitious project
- Art of Kiltmaking - shipment to UK
- Sporran Cantle supplier
- Tweed Jacket conversion
- Interfacing material for a PV material
- Braided Leather Sporran Strap
- My first home made
- Celtic Knot Sporran
- Bass Drum - yes, kilt related!
- Sporran Kit
- Dressing A Spencer Jacket
- Sort of kilt with sleeves
- Review :Woolery made Sgian Dubh
- Does anyone have a Loom?
- Question about making a sporran
- Labels for self-made items?
- 3 is the magic number...
- Synthetic Tartan Fabric - WHERE?
- Black Friday
- Starting my first solid color
- New take on a kilt jacket
- Box Pleat
- new sgian dubh
- Finished my first kilt
- How much do you love your friends???
- Moose Antler, Pewter, Sgian Dubh, and Kilt Pin
- Three Candles kilt Pewter Kilt Pin for the Holidays
- Making your own extra-swell tartan flashes
- Stag Sporran Image
- Flashes, sporrans and... facial hair?
- Maple Leaf PV on Ebay - over it
- damascus sgian
- New blade... ok not a sgian dubh, but it was going to start as one.
- Another Kilt hose pattern
- Knitting for Knumptys
- Completed sgian dubh
- X-Skirt, instructions for download
- Ok, here I go
- Sgian Dubh fittings
- *grumble*....*snarl*
- Another DYI Flashes Tutorial
- Leather stitching
- How much tartan for a kilt?
- Ironwood Pewter Sgian Dubh
- My "history lesson" Sgian dubh
- "Fixing" a cheap cantle
- Drawstring Belted Plaid
- About to start a kilt!!!!
- The sewing machine
- Tweed Jacket Conversion Question
- Sporran Chain Help
- Sporran Questions
- 1st Homebrew Kilt
- Hair canvas - in UK?
- My DIY Tweed jacket
- Hose knitting question
- Anyone work with African Blackwood?
- Santa Claus Kilt
- Late Christmas Present
- Black Cororoy jacket conversion
- Inverness Cape
- Knitting trouble, and it's all your fault!
- Dream Kilt “Project: Excalibur”
- Could Have Been a Sgian
- Balmoral Pattern/Instructions
- Sporran Beaver + +
- Tartan "Micarta" Sgian Dubh
- Etch Your Sgian for Little to No Cost?
- A tweed jacket and a beard!!!!!
- an inexpensive sporran
- Wrap around garter flashes on the super cheap.
- Just acquired...
- Fastest kilt yet
- Enough for a dayplaid?
- Snowed in...so starting a new kilt
- Sewn-in box pleats
- Tartan proportions question
- Key fobs make great kilt pins
- Mini Sgian Dubh Fun
- infant kilt
- while we're on the topic of alternative material
- New Hose!
- Arizona Tartan
- New Practice Pieces
- Jacket conversion!
- Kilt Pin - Tiki
- Finally started a kilt and mostly finished
- New Denim X-Kilt
- DIY Regulation Doublet
- DIY *.Carta Questions
- Custom Flask by Moosedog
- DIY Gaunlet Style CUff -Jacket Conversion
- fur tassels
- Well, I did it, I made meself a kilt
- Sporran Knife in Carved Moose Antler Celtic Dove design
- XKilt in USMC Digital
- Latest sgian project -- lots o' wee piccies
- USMC Buckles
- USMC Sporrans
- Masonic Sporran
- Sgian dubh project
- The latest kilt...
- My first Sgian
- New items for dress sporan
- Damascus, Ironwood, Mesquite, Sgian Dubh
- New Sgian Dubh (and Don't) from Panache
- Inverness Cape Patterns
- Kinguisse in Multicam?
- Latest sporran project
- Repairing wool tartan
- Sgian Don't
- A dressier antler sgian dubh
- Time to attempt a sgian dubh
- Cunningham kilt--big pics
- Q: Sgian dubh tang
- The Bride has me stumped
- belt buckles
- Making my first X-Kilt
- fabric advice
- Modded Black Kilt Jacket and belt
- My Toirneach Kilt Hose
- Kilt Hose from a pattern from Paton's
- Boot/Moc Conversion
- Repleating an old kilt
- Pewter casting
- How to sew a beret from a vintage sewing site
- OT my latest project
- Car 1, Fox 0
- First Selfmade Dress Sporran
- Dyeing an SWK
- Hancock Fabrics, one stop Valentines Day shopping
- Rose Kilt
- Ya asked for it!
- My first belted plaid
- Period Reenactors
- Making a skirt with a "flash 'o tartan"
- Sporran Belt/chain
- Dagger (Dirk) Knife Sheath
- Ebay fabric!
- Waists on kilts
- Kilt Buckle in Moose Antler Crown
- A wonderful gift
- No more pins for make an XKilt
- Cheap, wide brass buckles
- Celtic Cross Sporran (Next)
- Begging the mods' forbearance . . . P^^^s question
- Need ideas on what to do with some fabric
- Xmarks Tartan Pleated to the yellow stripe
- my first box-pleated kilt
- Making St Patty's Day flashes
- Wood cantle?
- first sgian dubh
- Second Kilt Completed.
- bleccch...yuck, ewwww! Pppbbbbbbbbttttttt!!!!!
- box pleat call for help
- 2 Hour sporran project
- Molded Sgian Dubh Sheath
- Molded Sgian Dubh Sheath
- Red Deer Stag Antlers and Karmic Goodness
- Is 8oz. a good choice for a Southern Scot DIY kilt?
- Prince Charlie jacket buttons
- Double box pleat kilt project !
- Obsidian sgain dubh
- The sgian dubh that I probably won't make, but might
- As I promise the pics of my new X-Kilt
- Finished two kilt projects tonight!
- Advice about types of material
- Re-worked sporran
- Anybody good at soldering?
- Suit jacket conversion for PTK induction
- DuctTape Kilt?
- Rob Roy sporran
- Thinking about exact meaning of "remnants" word
- Where is the apocryphal Box Pleat manual?
- Tartan Fabric
- to buy a crappy ebay kilt for project?
- Media player carrier
- Leather Questions (Tandy/Leather Factory)
- Dress sporran plates
- Free Kilt Hose Knitting Instructions
- Celtic Cross Sporran #1 Complete
- How to dye leather sporran
- Converting a tweed sport coat to a Crail jacket
- For a lady...a kilt in silk or satin
- arm pit knife
- kilt buckles
- Yet another tweed kilt jacket...but with sporran!
- 'Jacobite' sporran fixer
- damascus sgian dubh
- XMTS Tartan pic.
- Flay Plaid Fringe Twister
- Fabric for sale, MacKay and Co. Clare
- Sgian Don'ts
- Making casual kilt.
- Celtic Targe Pattern
- XKilt Pleat Taper for the big guys
- First jacket conversion
- Handmade Scramasax
- 4 Sporrans in one
- An attempt at a modern kilt. The 'Worky'
- Homemade Sgian Dubh - Opinions wanted
- My first jacket conversion
- One of my recent kilts
- Simple homemade dirk sheath
- Weaving Tartans
- Sock pattern treasure trove!
- Walking Stick
- Damascus Sgian Dubh
- The acrylibeaver lives (well, sort of!)!
- Trews from 10-11 ounce wool
- Bonnets !
- Sgian Dubh
- Frugal flashes
- Frugal Corner material
- New Kilt; New Kiltie....Meet Stuart
- Damascus knife blanks
- What to do with a snake skin?
- a better sporran holder
- Make a Kilt Weekend: a proposal
- I just finished a sgian dubh
- Improved Sporran Chain
- Blue Bonnet
- New cable damascus sgian dubh in progress
- An X-Kilt over spring break (aka "Project Cheapskate")
- Had an itch...outfit from scratch.
- handmade sporran step by step
- Homemade sporran strap
- 2009 Storm Cape review/tutorial
- Sewing Pron! For The Win
- Grey Kilt Socks
- My first two X-kilts
- gotta dig the box pleats
- Here comes a new Carolina Box-pleat!
- Patterns?
- Internal Front Pockets
- sporran cantles
- My latest dirk
- Kilt Jacket Instructions
- x-kilt for baby
- NOT AGAIN! Cars 2, Fox 0
- The Dandelion plant badge.
- Startin' from scratch...
- Farlander's First X-Kilt
- Denim Nightstalker
- A left handed question
- X-Kilt sort of Weeekend
- 16 oz wool...solid Color
- Small Black Watch tartan remnant needed
- Kilt pins?
- X Kilt with tartan lined pleats
- First sewing project-Beret
- Maroon Death kilt
- Xmarks and the nature of DIY
- Jacket patterns
- Found a great site
- Kilted at the Yarn Harlot Book Tour
- Thread, thread
- Source for military camo fabric
- Mink sporran
- DIY sgian dhu types
- Berserk Sporran MKII Finished
- Enough for a sporran?
- new hoodie
- hat patterns?
- help in finding fabric quickly
- High Vis Kilt
- Favorite Camo Source
- first sporran attempt
- Curse EVILBAY-more Cunningham tartan
- Poly wool blends
- advice about leather?
- First-time sgian dubh
- Dirk
- Greek key design?
- Mmmmm, the feel of new leather
- casting pewter
- Almost 1/2 way there
- Converting Normal Jacket to Kilt Jackets?
- My First Sgian Dubh
- 3 new kilts in Belgium
- How much is too much?
- Pipers Plaid Sewing Pattern
- Damascus Sgian Dubh blades on eBay
- Marine opinions, Please.
- Results of test of new Dual Duty XP thread
- Flashesy Lego
- Kilt start to finish
- Distressed leather and coyote face sporran
- Rob Roy Jacobite Style Leather Jacket Pattern
- DIY Kilt #2
- Jay's Garter Ties
- Jonesing update
- Arrrrrrrrrrgh.
- Question for kiltmakers
- Latest Sgian Dubh
- My 1st Sgian
- 2008 Braemar Kilt Kamp - Schnectady, NY
- Tartan question
- Matheson Tartan
- Knife Pleated Denim, and dumb t-shirt
- A Berserk Bishop Sporran
- New Stuff
- Kilt Pin Design
- Displaying Kilt Pins
- Hand-Knitted Flashes
- Don't you LOVE packages with a postmark like this.......
- Chinese Lionhead Belt Buckle
- converted sport coat and Jacobite shirt
- Matching Sgian Dubh and Dirk set
- Where Did The Time Go?
- One done, one in process, one in the planning stages
- Old butcher knife blade to sgian dubh?
- sporran closure
- Gold-tone kilt accessories (my plan)
- Putting an antler on a knife
- If you jump in head first its only knee deep
- Dirk Sheath
- Bog Oak questions
- Confessions........
- Made first sporran!
- Pattern for jacobite waistcoat
- Strap repair question
- Finally Managed To Make Ghillie Brogues
- New to board and lots of pics
- Looking for buttons
- five-eighths inch beads?
- The Art of Kiltmaking as a e-book?
- The Inverness Cape I made
- Weight of fabric vs. style of pleat
- "Disappearing" tailor's chalk
- Simple Sporran
- My first attempt at a sporran
- Newish targe
- targe help
- Just stitches away....
- Joann's Sale June15-21
- My 1st Sporran
- My first Kilt
- a different sgian
- The new cammo kilt
- pretty good first attempt
- X-Kilt Excel Spreadsheet
- AK pleating
- My 1st & 2nd Attempt at Kiltmaking
- My latest jacket conversion
- Looking to buy Tartan Wool
- hose flashes
- Tenative Nor-Cal Make a Kilt Weekend
- This might be of interest to the DYI"S
- Skin and Bones - - and Metal
- SWK sporran hanger tweak
- Deer Antler Kilt Pin
- Swirling apron
- Need buttons to convert a jacket
- hair on goat
- Kilt Pockets
- Carving deer antler
- SWK Sporran snap closure size?
- My New Dirk
- Dirk Beginnings
- First XKilt is complete and in the washing machine...
- James McMillan's New Inverness cape
- Linen Jacket Conversion
- Sporran Belt Question
- Black Coat Conversion
- Braided brogue sporran
- Skunk sporran
- Newest Kilt
- First Xkilt Complete
- Guatemalan tartan Kilt
- Cammie X-Kilt #1
- How about a Massachusetts Kilt making weekend
- Finally Finished
- DIY #1 Sporran
- Workman Belt modification...
- Simple Toorie making
- Fake ivory and fake onyx???
- My first attempt at kilt-making
- Kilt jacket for Aracos
- Couple of questions
- A couple of pieces of wool fabric
- Rabbit sporran and belt
- Cammie X-kilt #2
- Small Pipes DIY
- Bagpipe banner
- Traditional Garter Ties
- making a leather kilt
- Flashes / Garter ties help
- Can't find fabric
- ALERT, ALERT! Fraser and Kirkbright has Loud MacLeod
- Dying Leather Boots
- a question
- seat covers from tartan?
- A New, Soft Sporran
- Just Another Homemade Sgian
- My First Sgian
- Argyle Cuffs
- X-Kilt Apron and First Pleat Problems
- hybrid hunting sporran
- First Sgian Dubh - Thanks for the help!!!
- Help finding materials again
- McMUrdo's new Inverness style cape
- New Sporran
- Tie tack vs. bar pin backing
- DIY Kilt #3: MacPherson Red
- Sgian Dubh by Howard Clark
- First Attempt
- My latest sgian
- Going to sew my own kilt, any suggestions before I start?
- My second attempt at kilt-making: X-Kilt
- making a kilt
- My son's kilt and sporran
- Seaforth military box pleated kilt
- Is heavyweight poplin ok?
- First X-Kilt,
- Tailor (new member) asking for help
- Finally Bit the Bullet
- My XKilt #2 (Khaki)
- Poly/Rayon fabric at Joann Fabrics
- Stabilizer for a StillWater
- Kilt belt clasp
- How's this braid?
- What's your time worth?
- Going to start on sewing a simple kilt, will post pictures
- My first self made tank
- DIY Sporran straps
- Does this count??
- My First Kilt: Sort of xkilt... Pictures
- Kilt Strap and Buckles Review
- 1st DIY
- X Kilt first attempt
- First Jacket Conversion
- DIY Kilt #3
- DIY Kilt #4
- Knitting pattern for kilt hose?
- my first diy
- In the middle of an X-Kilt, need some clarification. . .
- First X-Kilt, in camo
- Antlers !
- Cost of fabric for an X-kilt...?
- First attempt @ Sporran
- A trade?
- My first Mil Box Pleat kilt DIY
- First DIY Kilt
- My DIY Sgian don'ts - inspired by Panache
- New kilt for Brighton Pride 2008
- Snake Headed Sgian
- Vest conversion
- First DIY Sporran
- hello! Prince charlie conversion?
- DIY'ers a sgian trade
- Where to get leatherworking stuff?
- Make your own skunk (or make me one...)
- im looking to make a kilt for myself
- Father and Son Sporrans
- Hand-sewn "MacWerner Watch"
- my first sgian dubh
- What is the X-Kilt for?