View Full Version : Member Written Articles

  1. USA Kiltmaker
  2. How I came to make my kilts...
  3. Of Kilts & Yardage
  4. History of the 4 yd box pleated kilt
  5. How RKilts came into being
  6. What's the Difference between a 4 yd box pleated kilt and an 8 yd knife pleated kilt?
  7. Too many styles of Kilts to choose from.
  8. Irish Kilts and Tartans
  9. A side-by-side comparison of Kilt Fabrics
  10. Misconceptions about pleat depth - what to know before you fire your kiltmaker
  11. Kilt Wearing Can Promote Mental Health
  12. Short Kilt Poem
  13. My first Kilt article.
  14. Just my thoughts
  15. Trip to Scotland 1983: Four and half months in the Highlands and Islands
  16. Too much travel
  17. Burns day
  18. Safety first
  19. Veterans Day
  20. I have not been active for awhile
  21. Nov 11th
  22. Thanksgiving

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