- USA Kiltmaker
- How I came to make my kilts...
- Of Kilts & Yardage
- History of the 4 yd box pleated kilt
- How RKilts came into being
- What's the Difference between a 4 yd box pleated kilt and an 8 yd knife pleated kilt?
- Too many styles of Kilts to choose from.
- Irish Kilts and Tartans
- A side-by-side comparison of Kilt Fabrics
- Misconceptions about pleat depth - what to know before you fire your kiltmaker
- Kilt Wearing Can Promote Mental Health
- Short Kilt Poem
- My first Kilt article.
- Just my thoughts
- Trip to Scotland 1983: Four and half months in the Highlands and Islands
- Too much travel
- Burns day
- Safety first
- Veterans Day
- I have not been active for awhile
- Nov 11th
- Thanksgiving