View Full Version : Athletics

  1. So you want to be an athlete?
  2. So you need some practice equipment?
  3. Cool subforum!
  4. Craig Smiths site
  5. Scottish hammer, my tips
  6. Rhino Games
  7. I bought a caber
  8. 28 pound weight for distance
  9. Overhead Squats Article
  10. Caber hunting
  11. body memory
  12. Personal best
  13. Here is a caber
  14. A big thanks to Alan and Yaish
  15. Rambles in my head
  16. An UNBELIEVABLE day at Livermore
  17. Prescott, Az - A throwers story
  18. Goals - Post 'em if ya got 'em
  19. shaggin buddy
  20. Practicing with lighter weights in the WFD
  21. First Highland Games Experience
  22. Highland Games Athletes. What kilt and what's under the Kilt?
  23. I Did it!!
  24. Highland Games SAAA Results Page
  25. Opened my big mouth
  26. Im tossing in September!
  27. Question on contests
  28. Highland Practicing...how many events?
  29. 56lb. weight experience
  30. Foot-slide during hammer practice
  31. Game #4 in the books
  32. How many Highland Athletes are here on XMTS?
  33. Lettin' it rip
  34. Hammer conundrum
  35. Coach?
  36. First workout in six weeks
  37. Highland Games Injuries and Prevention
  38. Seaside Games in Ventura
  39. Sheaf hints
  40. First games back!!!
  41. My second competition results
  42. pulling tape and shagging implements
  43. some practice video
  44. Ramping up for Seaside Games
  45. Last game of the season
  46. First Practice
  47. Getting into power position
  48. Ok, the real last games of the season!
  49. My turn
  50. 3rd competition results & video
  51. And Arlen starts training...
  52. Nothing like consistancy
  53. Need some Caber advice, please
  54. End of the season????!
  55. Preparing for 1st Competition
  56. Year's stats--just a place to BEGIN training this year
  57. Off- Season Plans
  58. Pics
  59. Stones clinic
  60. Organization Day for the Army + Kilt
  61. 'splain THIS!??
  62. 2009 Goals and Training
  63. Well.....end of the road, maybe?
  64. Frozen Stones Jan 1 2009
  65. Back in the gym: slow and easy on the lower body and core
  66. Kettle bells for training
  67. Homemade throwing implements
  68. 190 lb. Class
  69. Great *CHEAP* WOB standard instructions
  70. Ohio Tundra Games
  71. Looking for Athletes in Western Kentucky Area.
  72. New Guy .. Team in CT?
  73. Acquiring a practice caber
  74. Great Lakes area--good games needs competitors
  75. Snow melted=first full practice with "The Beast"-with pics!
  76. PR
  77. 2nd practice of the year
  78. Savannah, GA Athletes?
  79. one guys thoughts re: first season weight training
  80. p90x
  81. First Games of the Season Marks...and last Games Marks
  82. My new toy
  83. A HUGE practice
  84. Tennessee was a blast!-pics
  85. Las Vegas Clinic; late May-June
  86. What would the song be?
  87. Little contest today
  88. GAA in Florida?
  89. Enumclaw
  90. Hammer/caber gloves
  91. how does one begin to train for events such as these?
  92. best lifts to start training for throwing events
  93. New Guy Looking for Training Partners in the Cleveland Ohio Area
  94. Big sheaf improvements today
  95. I'm giving it a go
  96. Bellingham 2009
  97. Organizations and Sanctioning Bodies
  98. is it pride or stupidity?
  99. Workshop with Josh Grace
  100. Pride and stupidity pictures ;-)
  101. Mental tricks
  102. Intro/Training
  103. Dunsmuir
  104. I am freaking annoyed
  105. Mid-season already?
  106. 30-YO Rookie.
  107. Talk about equipment!
  108. Great Practice
  109. Low, slow, go...UP
  110. Next Year's Masters World Championships are in Denver!
  111. DIY WOB standards
  112. Yaaay!
  113. Congratulations jgorley
  114. Monterey Games
  115. Any Athletes in Vancouver/Portland?
  116. A "Throwing Jones" too??
  117. Ramping up for Pleasanton
  118. A "bad" day brings new perspective
  119. Mikes Toeboard Drills
  120. Wooo-hooo!!!!
  121. Over 30
  122. Well
  123. Kerrrrraaaaaaaap!
  124. Need help!!!!!!!!!!!!
  125. End of the season analysis
  126. broke 30 on open stone
  127. A few pictures to remember the season
  128. Good pics from 2009
  129. New Practice Caber
  130. Winter Workout for Broke Guys (and Gals)
  131. Score!
  132. And score again!!!
  133. "Lycra Shorts are for Wimps"
  134. Making Real Highland Games Implements
  135. looking at pictures pays off
  136. On the advice of my personal trainer (NOT)
  137. I've come to the conclusion that....
  138. The Squat Progression
  139. Alan H's training log
  140. 2009 Finals and 2010 Goals
  141. Pete's whimping, winding way back into shape
  142. Weight Training Bags
  143. Rotator cuff tear / injury
  144. Help!
  145. 1st games of the year
  146. Looking for OverHead Swing on WFD.
  147. 2009 Games Videos
  149. Alan H's ON-Season Training Log
  150. Hey Boys...kinda quiet here
  151. Your first games and why?????
  152. FINALLY! **happy dance**
  153. Thoughts about lifting and throwing
  154. sheaf toss practice?
  155. New Hammer PR ...video
  156. Question about boundary lines
  157. LWFD video
  158. Masters Worlds 2011: Victoria, B.C.
  159. First day of practice and no one died.
  160. I CAN do it....
  161. Footwear
  162. My welcome to bizaro land
  163. Season finally opens in the Great White North
  164. Very light workout tonight, but....
  165. First Game of the Season This Weekend
  166. LWFD vid
  167. Emperor penguins sighted in hell...
  168. Not taking good with the bad--its all good now
  169. Old Man Sweat: videos
  170. A picture of another wee caber!
  171. Santa Cruz Ren Faire and Games
  172. That o1d dude guy, he's pretty smart
  173. 2010 Games Videos Posted
  174. Even old dudes can learn something
  175. One more 'tune up' and its off to MWC
  176. 2010 Progress
  177. messed up knee
  178. Enumclaw
  179. Monterey: a big day
  180. Master's World Championships
  181. Cleared the bar at last
  182. Knock Off vs Fixed Bar in Weight Over Bar
  183. Canada WINS! Go Team Canada! Oh, C a n a d a...
  184. 30th anniversary present from Joan
  185. Sheaf Fork Ideas for AlanH
  186. Of kilts and throwing heavy things
  187. Pleasanton 2010
  188. Musings on the Last Games of the Season: Ventura
  189. Seaso Wrap-up
  190. Prolonged QT
  191. What to wear?
  192. Red Hose Race
  193. 2011 Goals, training and throwing
  194. Hip flexors, quads, lower back all ache
  195. Where to find gear?!
  196. Off-Season weight training
  197. January/February workout plan
  198. Questions galore
  199. couple of videos
  200. Throwing and the inside of my head
  201. Camp Pockoski ... a great 4 days spent throwing
  202. So you've decided to try this throwing thing...
  203. trying to find anyone in hawaii
  204. Fighting back against snowmageddon...
  205. Dare I think beyond the incremental?
  206. BIG day in the gym
  207. The Off Season is *over*
  208. Ardenwood Stones
  209. Anyone in Tucson Training?
  210. New PR's at Ardenwood
  211. NAHA Highland/Strongman event coming to California
  212. Woodland goals
  213. Could it be---I may be finished????
  214. New Scottish 56lb Weight for Height Record
  215. Highland Wrestling
  216. Practically Miraculous
  217. The Road to Costa Mesa
  218. That's ONE!
  219. Costa Mesa Multi caber Toss Video
  220. Heavy Athletes Wanted
  221. First Annual Iceland Highland Games
  222. First time games in Monterey, CA
  223. Newbie looking for training in Orange County, CA
  224. For you guys throwing in USA Casual kilts...
  225. Heavy Athletics?
  226. Had my first practice today...
  227. Following in the footsteps of fellow newbie eclarkhb, I had my first OC practice
  228. Training Videos or books?
  229. Not getting any younger....
  230. Last of the season: with pictures
  231. Competing in hiking boots
  232. 2012 MWC in SC
  233. Kilted? Now RACE!
  234. Off-season training
  235. Litvinov workout revised by Dan John
  236. New caber
  237. The Video Thread
  238. Teflon?
  239. Fitocracy stuff
  240. In case you thought YOU were tough....
  241. 2012 Goals
  242. What is this forum about? One guys thoughts..
  243. Heavy athletic competitors in Stl Mo
  244. Make a practice throwing weight
  245. Triskaidekaphobia - Joshua's Training
  246. Training schedule & how to make a hammer, etc
  247. Queen Mary
  248. Training in St. Paul / Minneapolis?
  249. Practicing sheaf
  250. Is 41 to old to get back in shape and start highland games?
  251. Delaney's Training Log
  252. Highland Games inuries
  253. In-Season Training
  254. Alan H's 2012 in season log
  255. To the people thinking ... "maybe"
  256. Seriously, is there an answer...?
  257. Wah hoo!
  258. That Sound? Rubber Hitting Road.
  259. First full-on practice of the year
  260. Bakersfield HG
  261. Neeed Hammer Spikes!
  262. RIP, Steven Aitkin
  263. Might Be A Daft Question...
  264. Costco is just littered with practice equipment!
  265. Masters Worlds review
  266. Roger Saunders 2012 In-Season Log
  267. Armed Forces Highland Games - Afganistan
  268. GAA Hurling in Philadelphia this Sunday
  269. GGGP kills it
  270. X Marks at the National Heavy Events Championship (Pleasanton)
  271. 2012 Goals: part 2
  272. Trog Log: Transforming a 170-pound weakling into a highland athlete.
  273. Heavy Events instructional videos I've made
  274. New guys and gals! kudos, and some totally basic training stuff
  275. Duncans videos
  276. Martin roy training log
  277. Throwin' for MacLeods.
  278. Alan H's 2012-2013 OFF-season log
  279. MacFhearchair's off-season anti-slack
  280. The Road to Albuquerque 2013
  281. Powerballs
  282. Roger Saunders Off Season 2012-1013 Off Season Log
  283. Drat!
  284. Video Challenge, and an observation
  285. To boldly go where skinny guys dare!
  286. Difference in belting levels...protection
  287. Heavy Athletics, tradition and the kilt - questions
  288. Custom Throwin' Kilt
  289. Ardenwood
  290. Manhood Stones
  291. non-tartan kilts on the field.
  292. History of the Highland Games - athletics
  293. Athletic Kilt Hose?
  294. Roger Saunders 2013 Season Log
  295. Sheaf Fork on it's way... now what?
  296. Alan's 2013 Season Log
  297. Return of the One-legged Thrower
  298. Anyone have a 20# sheaf? Dimensions?
  299. How to get started?
  300. Homemade weights
  301. New (?) Games in Dana Point CA, Aug 24-25 2013
  302. Awesome Pics from Frederick Md Games
  303. Athletics-specific tartans
  304. Dinosaur throws - first edition of a short manual
  305. The Log bears fruit!
  306. Arkansas Throwers
  307. New Heavier and Longer Caber for Pitlochry Games
  308. Boy Scout merit badge
  309. Probably the best HG throwing guide, ever
  310. Highland Games for the Older Athlete
  311. Highland Games for the older athlete, Rev. 2...as in, enough already.
  312. Alan H's 2013/2014 Offseason Log
  313. Starting from Scratch - MacFhearchair's recovery/off season log
  314. throwing help
  315. Throwing Clinic in Prescott, AZ
  316. New Athletics club in Prescott, AZ
  317. Mark's Training Log: I may be weak, but at least I'm slow.
  318. Black Highland Athletes
  319. Throwing Camp
  320. Getting Started in Heavy Athletics
  321. 2014 Kilted Canter
  322. Ramping Down
  323. Felicia Fischer in San Diego newspaper
  324. How Small is Too Small?
  325. For someone who's "ramping back" I'm still working pretty hard.
  326. Last night I looked through.....
  327. First Kilted mile, at age 48!
  328. Sheaf Toss Fork Modifications?
  329. New Texas games
  330. My first homemade practice throwing weight :D
  331. Map of Highland Games for 2016
  332. Kilt Run
  333. Stone throw with...Panache
  334. New Website Resource for Highland Games
  335. Anyone still around?
  336. Map of Highland Games for 2017
  337. Finally getting my 28lb Highland Games throwing weight made
  338. List of Highland Games competitions in mid-Atlantic states/Northeast USA

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