- Converting a tweed sport coat to a Braemar jacket
- Jacket Conversion in an Afternoon
- Three different ways to Make Kilt hose Flashes
- Kilt Jacket conversation explained
- Link to X Kilt Instructions Site
- Corduroy X-Kilt
- The One Book You NEED to Learn How to sew a Traditional Kilt
- DIY Bow Tie
- Tourie replacement
- Found a link: How to make cockades
- Oh Darn!
- To dye ever darker...
- Looking for photes of Brian Boru Jacket for Converson
- Fly plaid
- Argyle hose pattern again
- Argyle hose pattern again
- Starting another kilt belt... have questions
- From where can I order 1" and 1Œ" leather straps and buckles?
- Thoughts on PV characteristics?
- Source of Black PV in Britain
- starting my xkilt
- making a balmoral bonnet
- Observations regarding the Greek Economic Meltdown
- Box pleat calculator
- American PV Suppliers
- a couple of measuring questions
- DIFM (Do It For Me) XKilt?
- Firefighter's maltese cross pin-Need some help
- Sporran Help
- Celtic conchos
- Sporran Leather Weight Questions?
- 2010 Braemar School of Highland Dancing & Kilt Making
- Making a kilt & full plaid
- Making a kilt out of military surplus wool blanket
- What sporran to build next
- Source for Hemp/recycled PET fabric
- Does anybody have a good source for heavy solid colour fabric?
- How do I make a half belted plaid?
- Source for Mil Spec Velcro and other stuff
- CaptMac's new kilt hose
- Brown boots to black boots
- Kilt Belt Hardware - Any good sources?
- Making a new kilt pin
- X-Kilt modification?
- Making a Leather kilt
- Hair Sorran. Pouch Only?
- Full Mask Cookie Monster Sporran
- Looking for buttons....
- Dockers type Anti-wrinkle fabric
- Heavy Heavy Heavy Denim
- Tweed Pleating...
- Length of Ghillie Brogue Lace
- Creating a cockade
- Making a beret into a balmoral bonnet
- Tartan waiscoat design and fabric
- Tartan doublet DIY notes and details.
- Help with X-Kilt!
- Looking for someone who works with brass or copper
- First attempt
- Internal pockets?
- Is this fabric useable?
- Looking for a special type of clasp
- Source for Barathea
- Looking for Barathea to make a Prince Charlie
- Intro and Cantle Question
- Do you consider your tartan when pleating?
- real or fake?
- Helping out a friend
- Wanting to make a kilt from recycled jeans.
- Fusing metal, not steel or aluminum...advice?
- Full Mask shaping
- Fashion etiquette
- DIY Skinny Neckties
- Sporran snap
- Box Pleat assistance needed...
- "This kilt is too small ..." she said
- Felt dandelions anyone?
- Hair Canvas?
- Made my own sporren hangers.
- Files for Knives
- Full-mask sporran construction?
- Kilt Stress Points
- That's a hose of a different color
- Mk2: Girl's Box Pleat in Roscommon County Crest Tartan
- How to make a PIPER'S PLAID
- 1st X-Kilt - selvedge of material.
- Bull Denim
- DIY hide sporran help
- Can I make cotton flannel keep pleats?
- Buffalo pelt help!?
- Pockets
- More Pleats or Deeper?
- Deeper Pleats or More?
- Need help finding someone who works with pewter
- Inverness Cape
- Sporran materials
- Vest advice
- Wool X-Kilt?
- Sewn Garter Ties
- Kilt Hose
- converting my sport coat to a Kilt cut
- Went shopping today
- What about the waistcoat?
- hose with Black Stewart
- Anybody know what this is?
- Question on Kilt Pins
- Hand Knit Kilt hose?
- Pin Backs?
- Driving/Ivy Cap
- Knitting Garter flashes
- Hose for Black Watch kilt (Not White?)
- Triple box pleats?
- How much should a kilt pin weigh?
- How tight should a sgian sheath grip?
- Kilt making Class in Boston Area
- Tearing Tweed
- Square one for DIY sgian dubh.
- Custom Sporran Maker?
- Am I on the Right Track for Kiltmaking?
- Tender Fingers
- Button, Button
- Making a full mask sporran
- Oh what should I do....
- A reflection upon fabric, value and so on
- Sporran rolled edges
- Bulge at underapron strap
- Fraser and Kirkbright remnants....none
- Sizing Prince Charlie
- Cedar kist
- Beeswax for Strap Backs and Other Leather Accessories?
- Swapping sporran tassle cones
- Wearing a basket hilt.?.
- Ripping PV
- Need for tweed
- Maple leaf - better late than never
- landscaping X-Kilt
- Tartan hose book
- Wood for Sgian Dubh
- Looking to get some military bling
- sewing down and re-pleating a sportkilt for a kiltless friend...
- Horse hair sporran DIY (hopefully)
- David's jacket conversion thread?
- service uniform...ummm..coincidence?
- Making a Kilt Pin
- Kilt jacket or bust!
- Pewter advice needed.
- New tweeds
- fur sporran advice...cantle advice etc.
- Replacing i.e. swapping jacket buttons
- for folks making their own kilts...
- Reason most sporrans have a center tassel?
- apron flare from hip?
- finished sport coat conversion
- Where can I find this kilt pin for sale
- The Wild West sporran, very limited utility
- Wool fabric costs
- Source for 13oz - 16oz Wool Fabric for Kilts
- Weaving advice
- A lesson learned the hard way-A tale of 2 pieces of tartan
- Ferguson Britt Inverlochy copycat W.I.P.
- Chincilla pelts available
- Match or contrast sporran
- Highland Horn???
- what is going on here?
- first Xkilt
- Ladies' Kilt repair
- Balmoral Help
- half belted plaid advice sought
- Jacket conversion -- how much leeway in size?
- Reversable Sporran Idea
- What to do with the tam?
- Dirk help
- Full Face Sporran help
- Is there a problem at Alexis Malcolm's Kilts?
- Spreading the good word: TAoKM
- alternate means for dying leather
- Folkwear PC jacket pattern anybody have any advice?
- Calling all professional and amateur tailors...
- Help! Boer War Leatherworking Advice Needed
- need info.
- Sock Summit 2011-Kilt by Assn class!!
- NewB--In Pleat Color help please
- My First DIY Full Mask Sporran
- Rotating Prince Charlie Buttons
- how much curve in the front of a Sheriffmuir?
- Sgian scabbard
- Help, pockets, molle, sizing
- Make your own kilt
- 2.5" grosgrain ribbon in black?
- Button: Seeking silver colored Irish Harp buttons
- My son wants a mask sporran
- Rev-k & x-kilt help please
- Suitable material for X-kilt?
- mariner cuffs
- Argyll curve
- red horsehair tassels?
- Traditional Tie garters question
- excellent fabric choice for contemporary kilt
- Fleece kilt?
- New XKilt,
- xKilt front apron width poll
- To sporranize this or not?
- Sporran help
- Converting a Sporran?
- doublet from cutter and tailor pattern book
- Stag Head Hose
- kilts for Basic Training graduation
- X-Kilt help
- Where to find a plant-fiber Black Watch tartan?
- Pattern for knitted Traditional Garter Ties
- Military Box Pleats: how much "excess" to cut-out of the fell?
- DRipper Is The Answer To My Prayers!
- Sewing down pleats of thrifty... How to?
- Tweed jacket with center split back conversion
- link to film for making a sporran our of leather
- New to Kilt Making - Need Tips
- Anti fray tip
- DIY sgian dubh kits?
- Kilt Belt I think I might try to make...
- Military Box Pleat With A Hem
- doublet flap connection?
- Rainnea SG DIY kits
- DA Tartan?
- Making drone ribbons for a piper - advice requested
- Rise in Child's Kilt?
- Preparing to make first traditional kilt
- Thinking about making my own sleeved waistcoat
- Hummel bonnet with very flared crown
- Link Share: Stitching
- Rainnea SG DIY kits
- Weight of Tartan - Swatch
- Marking the front apron
- Record Sheet
- Inkle (Card) Waving & Scottish patterns
- Considering a mask sporran
- Jacket conversion - leaving two buttons?
- Potential Beret Project?
- Make your own sigan
- Kilt hemming
- Tartan cockade?
- X-kilts and getting ahead of myself
- Rabbit Fur
- converting a jacket
- waistcoat pattern needed
- a new trick for pleating
- Dirk and skean dhu blade blanks?
- Basic kilt question (circle diameter)???
- A few of the basics in accessories.
- Source for Solid Color Wool Fabric
- Pleating alternative?
- Balmoral Ribbon Tying ?
- You pleat it how?
- Thickness leather?
- where to buy leather
- Can you re-size a kilt?
- Hair Canvas/Hymo Substitute?
- Kilt belt pattern
- Prevent rusting blades
- DIY elk kilt pin
- Highland cuarrans
- Apron shaping help, please
- Easy Sporran
- Goat Hair sporran heaven....
- Single button tux to Eton/short waist
- First attempt to make a kilt - Czech National
- 3-button vest - fabric requirements
- Castellated hose pattern?
- Toorie / Pom Pom
- Sewing machine?
- Waistcoat Pattern Recommendation
- 3 piece suit source?
- Skunk Fur Dress Sporran
- Skins or Pelts or Furs
- At it, again...
- Hose patterns
- I fixed my broken kilt belt
- Help with Horse Hair Replacement
- Barathea
- knot and loop closure
- The next project: a throwing/pubbing kilt for GGGP!
- Sourcing hides
- Wet-formed bullhide sporran
- Because every little girl should have a kilt just like Daddys
- First kilt, what fabric?
- Kid's sporran size?
- Hand sewing buttonholes on a tartan waistcoat
- UK sporran materials supplies
- DIY sporran makeover
- shaping tam o shanter?
- Next project - glues?
- rip or cut PV
- Making First Kilt - Question
- Sourcing cap rivets in UK
- Any Disney kilt pins?
- cadagh and waistcoat planning
- I> rings for sporran chains
- Salt tanning?
- Dyeing a fur sporran?
- Wollen fabric suppliers UK
- Bias waistcoat question
- Fringe on a piper's plaid
- Casing leather help
- Symbolic links to the early Jacobite risings
- Ladies kilt jacket
- Darts in tartan vests
- Help Choosing X-Kilt Fabric?
- What is a good traditional wood for a Jacobite dirk?
- Great pewter buttons source
- Ideal leather for plain sporran with lots of junk in it?
- supply source for miltary kilt refurbishing?
- Pattern Quest
- Who Wants Angora Goat Hair??
- Need info on pocket watches
- Source for Gold Harp Buttons ??
- Arlen's Garter Ties help...
- Reversible box pleat kilt.. possible?
- Thread for leatherwork?
- N. Batley tartan fabric?
- Leather Sporran Construction - Help!
- The endless military box pleat questions...
- Posts on about anything as kiltpin
- Jacket pattern 5029
- Most forgiving fabric for 1st build?
- Retrofitting a Sporran with an Organizer?
- tartan flat cap help
- Pipers & Drummers Plaid instructions
- Leather for Sporran
- Attaching Cuffs to Tall Socks?
- Symmetry
- Pipers sporran some questions
- Split advice requested
- Waistcoat Alteration
- Fur sporran help
- Making My XMARKS Kilt - Help!
- Hand sewing a hem
- Adapting a Cheap Leather Sporran
- Tea Dyeing?
- Where can I get a blade for a dirk?
- First DIY kilt underway
- New sporran and a thought
- Belt buckle for a wide belt
- Why wax thread?
- Loin cloth for me kilts
- Shortening a heavy leather belt
- Pressing PV?
- What do I do differently with kilt #2?
- re-dying a leather sporran?
- Dyeing Juzo Compression socks with Dylon dye
- Found an online source for cheap(er) tartan material
- Tashes anyone?
- Twill and tweed weaving book on eBay
- Sporran Strap Holder
- Disappearing A-line
- DIY Tartan Project #2
- Hunting Sporran Construction Details
- Found a new source for wool tartan
- Harris tweed & Highland Shop?
- Altering the closure on a Horse hair Sporran
- Xkilt Fabric Questions
- MOD Brass Cantles
- Diy #3
- anyone knit thier own hose?
- pin closure supplier
- Kilt jacket tailor
- First DIY Kilt
- Two xkilt questions
- Child's sgian dubh
- tartan hose
- Belted Evening Plaid
- Possible new project - FD leather sporran
- Hey guys, a little help here?
- Any wood sgian handle treatments you would like to see?
- Help with Hair canvas
- PLEAT TAPER guidance.
- How to adjust the apron for 12-pack abs?
- Waistcoat Conversion - Buttons
- Dyeing a Jacket
- Making a day plaid (aka laird's plaid)
- Uh oh! MOD sporran cantle trouble
- Hand stitching
- Kilt pins revisited
- Fabric Supplier Inquiry
- Full mask sporran
- Fur question concerning sporrans
- Need Source for Knife Parts
- Assistance with attaching badge to balmoral hat
- Flashes and Source for Grosgrain Ribbon
- New fur - new sporran
- The downside to weight loss.......
- Pattern ideas, to dress 2 little girls for the games. please help.
- shirts
- Problems downloading the Box Pleated Kilt instructions?
- Dress Sporran fur flap vs. full face
- 100+-year-old kilt hose knitting instructions (free online)
- Tweed: how thick is too thick for a hemmed kilt?
- Need Fur Sporran closure ideas
- Eppaulette help needed
- Making raccoon Rob Roy--tail or no tail--opinions please
- making socks on a loom knitting ring
- Sprorran: Measurements??
- Vintage Sporran making Video!
- Kilt belts?
- Yarn for tartan
- Buckles
- Stamp/dye or dye/stamp?
- question regarding my first xkilt
- Another Question on another first X-Kilt DIY attempt
- Wonder Knitter Garter Tie Help Needed: Fringe?
- Paracord garter ties?
- Checked fabric for RevK X-kilt
- tartan for suiting
- Need a pattern for a Rob Roy or Glengyle sporran
- Waistcoat dilemma's
- Box Pleating question: Balancing deep pleat size with inner pleat gap size
- X-Kilt pattern
- Forward tilting belt line = tilting hem line
- Tartan Scraps
- Almost finished xkilt...what do you think of the length?
- a kilt to make for the lady in your life
- Sewing down pleats on thrifty kilt
- DIY HELP! Dyeing a Tweed Jacket?
- less expense Harris Tweed, for a kilt (still looking)
- determining weight of cloth?
- Making kids kilts
- Lightweight Poly viscose tartan on Ebay (caveat: too light for kiltmaking)
- My Evil Twin Brother===tailors form
- Waistband questions
- Best Christmas Present
- Spencer / Eton jacket into formal kilt jacket.
- Number of Snaps
- micro suede
- Non tartan knife pleat help
- Inverness Cape questions
- Christmas present for the Mrs.
- How do you make Kilt Rosettes ?
- Pleat Size Help
- looking for tartan
- Walking stick
- Sporrans I want to make, one more than a little bit different.
- Aninteresting experiment
- Kilt Pins
- Searching for a vendor for tartan scraps
- Reviving Bees Wax
- What kind of glue to use ? for Horse hair sporran
- Making a belt?
- Acceptable for a kilt jacket
- Need Help Finding A Pattern/Tartan
- Where do you buy Tartan material?
- Jacket conversion help.
- Match the Plaid when making single welt pockets
- Bog oak texture on Sgian Dubh handles
- Flask bell sling
- Need Advice: Leather for Hybrid Sporran - hand sewing, etc.
- Hose pattern - non-knit
- Question #1 - XKilt project
- Plethora of Pleat Options - What do you think looks best?
- Leather dye and kilts
- Newbie constructing a sherriffmuir type jacket
- DIY Full Mask Fox Sporran
- Sporran too stiff to snap
- Stretch a Balmoral
- Just got my Xmarks tartan
- Where can I get a Robert Mackie balmoral?
- No stripe kilt
- Highland cow sporrans?
- Thanks to this forum
- There's a Bump!
- X-Kilt question- What is confusing me?
- X-Kilt Question
- Venturing into philabeg land...an inquiry (or three)
- Knitted garter ties
- Hummel Bonnet Pattern Perchance??
- The Arizona tartan yarn has arrived!
- Kingussie Pleating Questions
- Fabric suggestions for a Jacobite-era coat?
- Sporran strap loop help
- Colored sporran strap?
- PSA: PV MacInnes tartan yardage sighted
- Source for cantles.
- Conversion question.
- Rifle Green?
- Building Kilt Pins
- Thread (for sewing)
- Completly expermental.
- Trusted Grosgrain Ribbon Source
- Ironing Pleats
- Basting for the clumsy ones
- Converting a suit coat to kilt use.
- x kilt
- Balmoral Bonnet #4 - Too much slouch?
- New here with some question.
- A sporran question that's probably alread been answered.
- knitting question from a novice
- More antique patterns, free online
- Hemming a Utilikilt
- Tweed jacket question
- Anyone have any input about dying a grey coat?
- X-kilt closure question
- wool hat making questions
- Fabric/pattern question
- MOD sporran strap design?
- Help with Kilt Aprons
- Learning to use a sewing machine - not doing very well
- thread for kilts
- Kilt Pin Idea (Would Appreciate Input)
- 2 1/2 in Solid Brass Square Center bar Strap Buckle source
- DIY Kilt Jacket Conversion
- Fabric sources, types for practice
- Help! need 3 MOD style black kilt buckles
- X-Kilt washing/pressing sanity check
- Back waist/Back hip measurement
- 5 button waistcoat to double breasted waistcoat
- Tennis or canvas shoes with kilt?
- Let's Talk Buckles
- Brass cantle source?
- Alternative Materials For Cantles
- Oops - marking pleats is hard!
- Absolutely VITAL assistance and advice for kiltmakers, everywhere...
- Horse Hair sporran question.
- Why...Oh Why?????
- Best material for a test kilt
- Sewing machine advice wanted
- Which silk lining.
- Questions on Tweed Coat Conversion
- Kilt pin project questions
- Sewing the Fringe Edge of the Apron
- where can I buy a cantle like this?
- How can I get an embroidery pattern for a clan crest?
- Leather for Sporran Making
- Free "tartan" knitting patterns
- sgian dubh carving
- waist measurements for a woman's kilt
- construction of a great kilt (belted plaid)
- Help! I'm looking for a source for Brass Tacks (Domed)
- Best thread for sewing leather?
- where can I find those buckles?
- Pattern for knitted tie
- Thoughts on pleating a MacLachlan kilt?
- How to make long hair sporran
- does anyone have a ghillie brogue pattern that i can use?
- I got a Balmoral hat yesterday at the Scottish Festival yesterday. I have a few quest
- Alternative source for a leather punch?
- Paying it forward - free to a good home.
- cantle
- Need bolts for cantle
- leather covered cantle
- tartan waistcoat
- what is a commercially available tartan that you use
- Kilt hose pattern
- how to make a sport coat into a kilt jacket
- Micro fiber suede
- Hodden/Wadmel material/fabric?
- tweed balmoral
- Kilt Pin Repair
- ideas for a unique kilt pin
- Underapron Pocket?
- Roving yarn for felted bonnets?
- sewn felt. balmoral or tam
- Garter fringe
- sporran pattern needed
- Updated source for garter tie pattern?
- Dyeing Hose
- Knitters: camels, rabbits, mink and yaks?
- RŽLyeh Sett waistband
- Bright Hose for Halloween
- Construction of kilt with reinforced wasitband
- 3" kilt belt buckles?
- Prince Charlie pattern
- Fresh Flower Kilt Pin?
- Help - Spencer Cut Jacket
- Tartan alternatives?
- Another leather-work video
- hose top crochet
- Cleaning material pre-work
- Sporran design question
- 2.5 Inch Brass Kilt Belt Buckles (Found!)
- 12 inch sett!!
- Question about the X-Kilt
- If you want to make a flat cap
- Contrast insert pleat on an XKilt
- Pattern for an Argyle jacket
- square silver or pewter buttons
- What to Wear With an X-Kilt at the Faire?
- Looking for poly viscous ontario tartan
- I'm a short guy with a short drop
- Looking for a thistle cantle
- Clanart on Etsy, anyone buy from them?
- Confused....
- Full Mask sporran closure?
- Canvas interfacing
- Value fabric?
- Getting the pleat right at the join.
- Sources for Cotton or polycotton tartan
- Loom for Weaving Tartan?
- Rebagging MOD cantle, correct leather weight
- ironing ham
- Tandy Leather sporran kit and video offering
- Advice for the Renn Faire people, on a budget.
- X-Kilt & Waistcoat Advice
- Add short pleats to gain waist length?
- Attaching Fur to Sporrans during or after main construction
- Camo X-Kilt help needed
- Which Tartan?
- Need Advice - Cutting the Pleats
- First Home Made Kilt is Finished!
- Problems with my Apron
- First time making kilt using The art of kiltmaking
- Selvedge: how to know where the tartan pattern stops?
- Completely removing creases from wool
- An X-Kilt deep pleat question
- measurements...
- SPORRAN TASSEL CAPS (make your own)
- leather selection for kilt
- Minimum depth of a deep pleat
- MoD Culloden Cantle - bag attachment points question
- Kilt belt buckle question
- Length of material for a great kilt?
- Polyviscose Fabrics?
- Converting Patterns for a kilt jacket
- making a jacket smaller
- Uneven lower kilt hem
- Kilt Jacket Conversion
- Tweed jacket alteration advice needed.
- please help with sporran material decisions
- Question about flare/hem
- X-Kilt fabrics
- Considering making a second kilt
- Just finished my first belt & sporran
- Reusing tartan fabric.....
- 2.5" box pleat too wide?
- 11 oz tartan... what sort of kilt would this yield
- Iron setting for PV?
- Sporran cantles
- Solid color fabric
- Instructions for Kingussie and (so-called) military box or roll pleat kilts
- Hunting Sporran - rivet replacement
- Apron shape?
- Any videos for stitching the pleats?
- New X-Kilt Project - Wish me luck.
- Wide knife pleat vs box pleat
- PC Jacket buttons, What do they say?
- Sizing a Balmoral
- removing sellotape from acrillibeast pelt
- Box Pleated Kilt clarification please
- Apron Splits and Taper?
- Tartan scarf advice needed
- Belt hook supplier
- Cheap wool in Canada?
- Loom for DIY Self Tie Garters?
- missing rivets on hunting sporran
- DIY Culture
- Bear mask sporran
- Hybrid Xkilt
- The Art of Kiltmaking
- Horse hair sporran
- The Hand Crafted Contemporary Kilt -A New Guidebook ?????
- DIY Rob Roy Style Sporran help
- Daywear Sporran - leather finishing?
- Difference between Catch and Herringbone Stitches per AOK
- Attaching the Stabilizer
- First Jacket Conversion Results
- Bag sock & Rob Roy sporran pattern/tutorials for five year old?
- Anyone with an eight yard Tweed kilt, for feedback?
- Best way to sew a Great Kilt?
- Kilt-Fabric - numbers for yarn-colors (color-system)?
- Adding a cockade to hand-knitted Balmoral
- Ministry of Defense (MOD) Cantle Snaps
- Lining question??
- Making the Best of a Tat Situation
- Where to buy cromach in USA
- DIY full mask sporran?
- Buying modern cantles
- How are hair sporrans constructed?
- Hair canvas or similar interfacing in EU?
- A Couple of Oddball Questions About Materials
- Dirk blank source
- Belt Hardware
- Fur sporran design pointers please - BEWARE pelt pictures inside
- Airport kilting
- Custom toorie
- Harris Tweed on sale; big discount
- Thomson Blue Modern matching thread help
- Any DIYers here making masks?
- Potential vest option
- What do I need to build a handmade kilt
- Help Removing an Invisible Stitched Hem
- sporran cantles source
- Layout and Ironing Spaces
- My planned project - and some questions
- Kilting canvas ~free to a good DIYer home
- Tartan recognition request
- Horsehair Sporran Making: How to Attach Hair?
- Formal dress accesories
- Glengarry pattern?
- Diamond Twill
- Tearing Polyviscose To Width
- to those who have done formed sporrans
- I went ahead and did it
- Kilts found in pawn shops
- Fixing my pleats
- Where to buy tartan in UK?
- Kilt + Pleat Calculator
- Belted plaid questions...
- Length of tartan for the robust man, or woman
- sporran mold
- Sources for wool kilt hose, traditional colors?
- Hand-knitting socks/hose
- DIY Inverness cape
- Source for heavy weight hair canvas?
- sett vs stripe
- Culloden Sporran Cantle Dimesions
- New invention (as far as I know...) "The Idaho Skilt"
- lot of sporrans and bits
- Sporran Plate
- Was "The Hand-Crafted Contemporary Kilt" ever made available?
- Download links for "Making a Traditional Box Pleated Kilt"