View Full Version : DIY Kilt and Accessories Help

  1. Converting a tweed sport coat to a Braemar jacket
  2. Jacket Conversion in an Afternoon
  3. Three different ways to Make Kilt hose Flashes
  4. Kilt Jacket conversation explained
  5. Link to X Kilt Instructions Site
  6. Corduroy X-Kilt
  7. The One Book You NEED to Learn How to sew a Traditional Kilt
  8. DIY Bow Tie
  9. Tourie replacement
  10. Found a link: How to make cockades
  11. Oh Darn!
  12. To dye ever darker...
  13. Looking for photes of Brian Boru Jacket for Converson
  14. Fly plaid
  15. Argyle hose pattern again
  16. Argyle hose pattern again
  17. Starting another kilt belt... have questions
  18. From where can I order 1" and 1Œ" leather straps and buckles?
  19. Thoughts on PV characteristics?
  20. Source of Black PV in Britain
  21. starting my xkilt
  22. making a balmoral bonnet
  23. Observations regarding the Greek Economic Meltdown
  24. Box pleat calculator
  25. American PV Suppliers
  26. a couple of measuring questions
  27. DIFM (Do It For Me) XKilt?
  28. Firefighter's maltese cross pin-Need some help
  29. Sporran Help
  30. Celtic conchos
  31. Sporran Leather Weight Questions?
  32. 2010 Braemar School of Highland Dancing & Kilt Making
  33. Making a kilt & full plaid
  34. Making a kilt out of military surplus wool blanket
  35. What sporran to build next
  36. Source for Hemp/recycled PET fabric
  37. Does anybody have a good source for heavy solid colour fabric?
  38. How do I make a half belted plaid?
  39. Source for Mil Spec Velcro and other stuff
  40. CaptMac's new kilt hose
  41. Brown boots to black boots
  42. Kilt Belt Hardware - Any good sources?
  43. Making a new kilt pin
  44. X-Kilt modification?
  45. Making a Leather kilt
  46. Hair Sorran. Pouch Only?
  47. Full Mask Cookie Monster Sporran
  48. Looking for buttons....
  49. Dockers type Anti-wrinkle fabric
  50. Heavy Heavy Heavy Denim
  51. Tweed Pleating...
  52. Length of Ghillie Brogue Lace
  53. Creating a cockade
  54. Making a beret into a balmoral bonnet
  55. Tartan waiscoat design and fabric
  56. Tartan doublet DIY notes and details.
  57. Help with X-Kilt!
  58. Looking for someone who works with brass or copper
  59. First attempt
  60. Internal pockets?
  61. Is this fabric useable?
  62. Looking for a special type of clasp
  63. Source for Barathea
  64. Looking for Barathea to make a Prince Charlie
  65. Intro and Cantle Question
  66. Do you consider your tartan when pleating?
  67. real or fake?
  68. Helping out a friend
  69. Wanting to make a kilt from recycled jeans.
  70. Fusing metal, not steel or aluminum...advice?
  71. Full Mask shaping
  72. Fashion etiquette
  73. DIY Skinny Neckties
  74. Sporran snap
  75. Box Pleat assistance needed...
  76. "This kilt is too small ..." she said
  77. Felt dandelions anyone?
  78. Hair Canvas?
  79. Made my own sporren hangers.
  80. Files for Knives
  81. Full-mask sporran construction?
  82. Kilt Stress Points
  83. That's a hose of a different color
  84. Mk2: Girl's Box Pleat in Roscommon County Crest Tartan
  85. How to make a PIPER'S PLAID
  86. 1st X-Kilt - selvedge of material.
  87. Bull Denim
  88. DIY hide sporran help
  89. Can I make cotton flannel keep pleats?
  90. Buffalo pelt help!?
  91. Pockets
  92. More Pleats or Deeper?
  93. Deeper Pleats or More?
  94. Need help finding someone who works with pewter
  95. Inverness Cape
  96. Sporran materials
  97. Vest advice
  98. Wool X-Kilt?
  99. Sewn Garter Ties
  100. Kilt Hose
  101. converting my sport coat to a Kilt cut
  102. Went shopping today
  103. What about the waistcoat?
  104. hose with Black Stewart
  105. Anybody know what this is?
  106. Question on Kilt Pins
  107. Hand Knit Kilt hose?
  108. Pin Backs?
  109. Driving/Ivy Cap
  110. Knitting Garter flashes
  111. Hose for Black Watch kilt (Not White?)
  112. Triple box pleats?
  113. How much should a kilt pin weigh?
  114. How tight should a sgian sheath grip?
  115. Kilt making Class in Boston Area
  116. Tearing Tweed
  117. Square one for DIY sgian dubh.
  118. Custom Sporran Maker?
  119. Am I on the Right Track for Kiltmaking?
  120. Tender Fingers
  121. Button, Button
  122. Making a full mask sporran
  123. Oh what should I do....
  124. A reflection upon fabric, value and so on
  125. Sporran rolled edges
  126. Bulge at underapron strap
  127. Fraser and Kirkbright remnants....none
  128. Sizing Prince Charlie
  129. Cedar kist
  130. Beeswax for Strap Backs and Other Leather Accessories?
  131. Swapping sporran tassle cones
  132. Wearing a basket hilt.?.
  133. Ripping PV
  134. Need for tweed
  135. Maple leaf - better late than never
  136. landscaping X-Kilt
  137. Tartan hose book
  138. Wood for Sgian Dubh
  139. Looking to get some military bling
  140. sewing down and re-pleating a sportkilt for a kiltless friend...
  141. Horse hair sporran DIY (hopefully)
  142. David's jacket conversion thread?
  143. service uniform...ummm..coincidence?
  144. Making a Kilt Pin
  145. Kilt jacket or bust!
  146. Pewter advice needed.
  147. New tweeds
  148. fur sporran advice...cantle advice etc.
  149. Replacing i.e. swapping jacket buttons
  150. for folks making their own kilts...
  151. Reason most sporrans have a center tassel?
  152. apron flare from hip?
  153. finished sport coat conversion
  154. Where can I find this kilt pin for sale
  155. The Wild West sporran, very limited utility
  156. Wool fabric costs
  157. Source for 13oz - 16oz Wool Fabric for Kilts
  158. Weaving advice
  159. A lesson learned the hard way-A tale of 2 pieces of tartan
  160. Ferguson Britt Inverlochy copycat W.I.P.
  161. Chincilla pelts available
  162. Match or contrast sporran
  163. Highland Horn???
  164. what is going on here?
  165. first Xkilt
  166. Ladies' Kilt repair
  167. Balmoral Help
  168. half belted plaid advice sought
  169. Jacket conversion -- how much leeway in size?
  170. Reversable Sporran Idea
  171. What to do with the tam?
  172. Dirk help
  173. Full Face Sporran help
  174. Is there a problem at Alexis Malcolm's Kilts?
  175. Spreading the good word: TAoKM
  176. alternate means for dying leather
  177. Folkwear PC jacket pattern anybody have any advice?
  178. Calling all professional and amateur tailors...
  179. Help! Boer War Leatherworking Advice Needed
  180. need info.
  181. Sock Summit 2011-Kilt by Assn class!!
  182. NewB--In Pleat Color help please
  183. My First DIY Full Mask Sporran
  184. Rotating Prince Charlie Buttons
  185. how much curve in the front of a Sheriffmuir?
  186. Sgian scabbard
  187. Help, pockets, molle, sizing
  188. Make your own kilt
  189. 2.5" grosgrain ribbon in black?
  190. Button: Seeking silver colored Irish Harp buttons
  191. My son wants a mask sporran
  192. Rev-k & x-kilt help please
  193. Suitable material for X-kilt?
  194. mariner cuffs
  195. Argyll curve
  196. red horsehair tassels?
  197. Traditional Tie garters question
  198. excellent fabric choice for contemporary kilt
  199. Fleece kilt?
  200. New XKilt,
  201. xKilt front apron width poll
  202. To sporranize this or not?
  203. Sporran help
  204. Converting a Sporran?
  205. doublet from cutter and tailor pattern book
  206. Stag Head Hose
  207. kilts for Basic Training graduation
  208. X-Kilt help
  209. Where to find a plant-fiber Black Watch tartan?
  210. Pattern for knitted Traditional Garter Ties
  211. Military Box Pleats: how much "excess" to cut-out of the fell?
  212. DRipper Is The Answer To My Prayers!
  213. Sewing down pleats of thrifty... How to?
  214. Tweed jacket with center split back conversion
  215. link to film for making a sporran our of leather
  216. New to Kilt Making - Need Tips
  217. Anti fray tip
  218. DIY sgian dubh kits?
  219. Kilt Belt I think I might try to make...
  220. Military Box Pleat With A Hem
  221. doublet flap connection?
  222. Rainnea SG DIY kits
  223. DA Tartan?
  224. Making drone ribbons for a piper - advice requested
  225. Rise in Child's Kilt?
  226. Preparing to make first traditional kilt
  227. Thinking about making my own sleeved waistcoat
  228. Hummel bonnet with very flared crown
  229. Link Share: Stitching
  230. Rainnea SG DIY kits
  231. Weight of Tartan - Swatch
  232. Marking the front apron
  233. Record Sheet
  234. Inkle (Card) Waving & Scottish patterns
  235. Considering a mask sporran
  236. Jacket conversion - leaving two buttons?
  237. Potential Beret Project?
  238. Make your own sigan
  239. Kilt hemming
  240. Tartan cockade?
  241. X-kilts and getting ahead of myself
  242. Rabbit Fur
  243. converting a jacket
  244. waistcoat pattern needed
  245. a new trick for pleating
  246. Dirk and skean dhu blade blanks?
  247. Basic kilt question (circle diameter)???
  248. A few of the basics in accessories.
  249. Source for Solid Color Wool Fabric
  250. Pleating alternative?
  251. Balmoral Ribbon Tying ?
  252. You pleat it how?
  253. Thickness leather?
  254. where to buy leather
  255. Can you re-size a kilt?
  256. Hair Canvas/Hymo Substitute?
  257. Kilt belt pattern
  258. Prevent rusting blades
  259. DIY elk kilt pin
  260. Highland cuarrans
  261. Apron shaping help, please
  262. Easy Sporran
  263. Goat Hair sporran heaven....
  264. Single button tux to Eton/short waist
  265. First attempt to make a kilt - Czech National
  266. 3-button vest - fabric requirements
  267. Castellated hose pattern?
  268. Toorie / Pom Pom
  269. Sewing machine?
  270. Waistcoat Pattern Recommendation
  271. 3 piece suit source?
  272. Skunk Fur Dress Sporran
  273. Skins or Pelts or Furs
  274. At it, again...
  275. Hose patterns
  276. I fixed my broken kilt belt
  277. Help with Horse Hair Replacement
  278. Barathea
  279. knot and loop closure
  280. The next project: a throwing/pubbing kilt for GGGP!
  281. Sourcing hides
  282. Wet-formed bullhide sporran
  283. Because every little girl should have a kilt just like Daddys
  284. First kilt, what fabric?
  285. Kid's sporran size?
  286. Hand sewing buttonholes on a tartan waistcoat
  287. UK sporran materials supplies
  288. DIY sporran makeover
  289. shaping tam o shanter?
  290. Next project - glues?
  291. rip or cut PV
  292. Making First Kilt - Question
  293. Sourcing cap rivets in UK
  294. Any Disney kilt pins?
  295. cadagh and waistcoat planning
  296. I> rings for sporran chains
  297. Salt tanning?
  298. Dyeing a fur sporran?
  299. Wollen fabric suppliers UK
  300. Bias waistcoat question
  301. Fringe on a piper's plaid
  302. Casing leather help
  303. Symbolic links to the early Jacobite risings
  304. Ladies kilt jacket
  305. Darts in tartan vests
  306. Help Choosing X-Kilt Fabric?
  307. What is a good traditional wood for a Jacobite dirk?
  308. Great pewter buttons source
  309. Ideal leather for plain sporran with lots of junk in it?
  310. supply source for miltary kilt refurbishing?
  311. Pattern Quest
  312. Who Wants Angora Goat Hair??
  313. Need info on pocket watches
  314. Source for Gold Harp Buttons ??
  315. Arlen's Garter Ties help...
  316. Reversible box pleat kilt.. possible?
  317. Thread for leatherwork?
  318. N. Batley tartan fabric?
  319. Leather Sporran Construction - Help!
  320. The endless military box pleat questions...
  321. Posts on about anything as kiltpin
  322. Jacket pattern 5029
  323. Most forgiving fabric for 1st build?
  324. Retrofitting a Sporran with an Organizer?
  325. tartan flat cap help
  326. Pipers & Drummers Plaid instructions
  327. Leather for Sporran
  328. Attaching Cuffs to Tall Socks?
  329. Symmetry
  330. Pipers sporran some questions
  331. Split advice requested
  332. Waistcoat Alteration
  333. Fur sporran help
  334. Making My XMARKS Kilt - Help!
  335. Hand sewing a hem
  336. Adapting a Cheap Leather Sporran
  337. Tea Dyeing?
  338. Where can I get a blade for a dirk?
  339. First DIY kilt underway
  340. New sporran and a thought
  341. Belt buckle for a wide belt
  342. Why wax thread?
  343. Loin cloth for me kilts
  344. Shortening a heavy leather belt
  345. Pressing PV?
  346. What do I do differently with kilt #2?
  347. re-dying a leather sporran?
  348. Dyeing Juzo Compression socks with Dylon dye
  349. Found an online source for cheap(er) tartan material
  350. Tashes anyone?
  351. Twill and tweed weaving book on eBay
  352. Sporran Strap Holder
  353. Disappearing A-line
  354. DIY Tartan Project #2
  355. Hunting Sporran Construction Details
  356. Found a new source for wool tartan
  357. Harris tweed & Highland Shop?
  358. Altering the closure on a Horse hair Sporran
  359. Xkilt Fabric Questions
  360. MOD Brass Cantles
  361. Diy #3
  362. anyone knit thier own hose?
  363. pin closure supplier
  364. Kilt jacket tailor
  365. First DIY Kilt
  366. Two xkilt questions
  367. Child's sgian dubh
  368. tartan hose
  369. Belted Evening Plaid
  370. Possible new project - FD leather sporran
  371. Hey guys, a little help here?
  372. Any wood sgian handle treatments you would like to see?
  373. Help with Hair canvas
  374. PLEAT TAPER guidance.
  375. How to adjust the apron for 12-pack abs?
  376. Waistcoat Conversion - Buttons
  377. Dyeing a Jacket
  378. Making a day plaid (aka laird's plaid)
  379. Uh oh! MOD sporran cantle trouble
  380. Hand stitching
  381. Kilt pins revisited
  382. Fabric Supplier Inquiry
  383. Full mask sporran
  384. Fur question concerning sporrans
  385. Need Source for Knife Parts
  386. Assistance with attaching badge to balmoral hat
  387. Flashes and Source for Grosgrain Ribbon
  388. New fur - new sporran
  389. The downside to weight loss.......
  390. Pattern ideas, to dress 2 little girls for the games. please help.
  391. shirts
  392. Problems downloading the Box Pleated Kilt instructions?
  393. Dress Sporran fur flap vs. full face
  394. 100+-year-old kilt hose knitting instructions (free online)
  395. Tweed: how thick is too thick for a hemmed kilt?
  396. Need Fur Sporran closure ideas
  397. Eppaulette help needed
  398. Making raccoon Rob Roy--tail or no tail--opinions please
  399. making socks on a loom knitting ring
  400. Sprorran: Measurements??
  401. Vintage Sporran making Video!
  402. Kilt belts?
  403. Yarn for tartan
  404. Buckles
  405. Stamp/dye or dye/stamp?
  406. question regarding my first xkilt
  407. Another Question on another first X-Kilt DIY attempt
  408. Wonder Knitter Garter Tie Help Needed: Fringe?
  409. Paracord garter ties?
  410. Checked fabric for RevK X-kilt
  411. tartan for suiting
  412. Need a pattern for a Rob Roy or Glengyle sporran
  413. Waistcoat dilemma's
  414. Box Pleating question: Balancing deep pleat size with inner pleat gap size
  415. X-Kilt pattern
  416. Forward tilting belt line = tilting hem line
  417. Tartan Scraps
  418. Almost finished xkilt...what do you think of the length?
  419. a kilt to make for the lady in your life
  420. Sewing down pleats on thrifty kilt
  421. DIY HELP! Dyeing a Tweed Jacket?
  422. less expense Harris Tweed, for a kilt (still looking)
  423. determining weight of cloth?
  424. Making kids kilts
  425. Lightweight Poly viscose tartan on Ebay (caveat: too light for kiltmaking)
  426. My Evil Twin Brother===tailors form
  427. Waistband questions
  428. Best Christmas Present
  429. Spencer / Eton jacket into formal kilt jacket.
  430. Number of Snaps
  431. micro suede
  432. Non tartan knife pleat help
  433. Inverness Cape questions
  434. Christmas present for the Mrs.
  435. How do you make Kilt Rosettes ?
  436. Pleat Size Help
  437. looking for tartan
  438. Walking stick
  439. Sporrans I want to make, one more than a little bit different.
  440. Aninteresting experiment
  441. Kilt Pins
  442. Searching for a vendor for tartan scraps
  443. Reviving Bees Wax
  444. What kind of glue to use ? for Horse hair sporran
  445. Making a belt?
  446. Acceptable for a kilt jacket
  447. Need Help Finding A Pattern/Tartan
  448. Where do you buy Tartan material?
  449. Jacket conversion help.
  450. Match the Plaid when making single welt pockets
  451. Bog oak texture on Sgian Dubh handles
  452. Flask bell sling
  453. Need Advice: Leather for Hybrid Sporran - hand sewing, etc.
  454. Hose pattern - non-knit
  455. Question #1 - XKilt project
  456. Plethora of Pleat Options - What do you think looks best?
  457. Leather dye and kilts
  458. Newbie constructing a sherriffmuir type jacket
  459. DIY Full Mask Fox Sporran
  460. Sporran too stiff to snap
  461. Stretch a Balmoral
  462. Just got my Xmarks tartan
  463. Where can I get a Robert Mackie balmoral?
  464. No stripe kilt
  465. Highland cow sporrans?
  466. Thanks to this forum
  467. There's a Bump!
  468. X-Kilt question- What is confusing me?
  469. X-Kilt Question
  470. Venturing into philabeg land...an inquiry (or three)
  471. Knitted garter ties
  472. Hummel Bonnet Pattern Perchance??
  473. The Arizona tartan yarn has arrived!
  474. Kingussie Pleating Questions
  475. Fabric suggestions for a Jacobite-era coat?
  476. Sporran strap loop help
  477. Colored sporran strap?
  478. PSA: PV MacInnes tartan yardage sighted
  479. Source for cantles.
  480. Conversion question.
  481. Rifle Green?
  482. Building Kilt Pins
  483. Thread (for sewing)
  484. Completly expermental.
  485. Trusted Grosgrain Ribbon Source
  486. Ironing Pleats
  487. Basting for the clumsy ones
  488. Converting a suit coat to kilt use.
  489. x kilt
  490. Balmoral Bonnet #4 - Too much slouch?
  491. New here with some question.
  492. A sporran question that's probably alread been answered.
  493. knitting question from a novice
  494. More antique patterns, free online
  495. Hemming a Utilikilt
  496. Tweed jacket question
  497. Anyone have any input about dying a grey coat?
  498. X-kilt closure question
  499. wool hat making questions
  500. Fabric/pattern question
  501. MOD sporran strap design?
  502. Help with Kilt Aprons
  503. Learning to use a sewing machine - not doing very well
  504. thread for kilts
  505. Kilt Pin Idea (Would Appreciate Input)
  506. 2 1/2 in Solid Brass Square Center bar Strap Buckle source
  507. DIY Kilt Jacket Conversion
  508. Fabric sources, types for practice
  509. Help! need 3 MOD style black kilt buckles
  510. X-Kilt washing/pressing sanity check
  511. Back waist/Back hip measurement
  512. 5 button waistcoat to double breasted waistcoat
  513. Tennis or canvas shoes with kilt?
  514. Let's Talk Buckles
  515. Brass cantle source?
  516. Alternative Materials For Cantles
  517. Oops - marking pleats is hard!
  518. Absolutely VITAL assistance and advice for kiltmakers, everywhere...
  519. Horse Hair sporran question.
  520. Why...Oh Why?????
  521. Best material for a test kilt
  522. Sewing machine advice wanted
  523. Which silk lining.
  524. Questions on Tweed Coat Conversion
  525. Kilt pin project questions
  526. Sewing the Fringe Edge of the Apron
  527. where can I buy a cantle like this?
  528. How can I get an embroidery pattern for a clan crest?
  529. Leather for Sporran Making
  530. Free "tartan" knitting patterns
  531. sgian dubh carving
  532. waist measurements for a woman's kilt
  533. construction of a great kilt (belted plaid)
  534. Help! I'm looking for a source for Brass Tacks (Domed)
  535. Best thread for sewing leather?
  536. where can I find those buckles?
  537. Pattern for knitted tie
  538. Thoughts on pleating a MacLachlan kilt?
  539. How to make long hair sporran
  540. does anyone have a ghillie brogue pattern that i can use?
  541. I got a Balmoral hat yesterday at the Scottish Festival yesterday. I have a few quest
  542. Alternative source for a leather punch?
  543. Paying it forward - free to a good home.
  544. cantle
  545. Need bolts for cantle
  546. leather covered cantle
  547. tartan waistcoat
  548. what is a commercially available tartan that you use
  549. Kilt hose pattern
  550. how to make a sport coat into a kilt jacket
  551. Micro fiber suede
  552. Hodden/Wadmel material/fabric?
  553. tweed balmoral
  554. Kilt Pin Repair
  555. ideas for a unique kilt pin
  556. Underapron Pocket?
  557. Roving yarn for felted bonnets?
  558. sewn felt. balmoral or tam
  559. Garter fringe
  560. sporran pattern needed
  561. Updated source for garter tie pattern?
  562. Dyeing Hose
  563. Knitters: camels, rabbits, mink and yaks?
  564. RŽLyeh Sett waistband
  565. Bright Hose for Halloween
  566. Construction of kilt with reinforced wasitband
  567. 3" kilt belt buckles?
  568. Prince Charlie pattern
  569. Fresh Flower Kilt Pin?
  570. Help - Spencer Cut Jacket
  571. Tartan alternatives?
  572. Another leather-work video
  573. hose top crochet
  574. Cleaning material pre-work
  575. Sporran design question
  576. 2.5 Inch Brass Kilt Belt Buckles (Found!)
  577. 12 inch sett!!
  578. Question about the X-Kilt
  579. If you want to make a flat cap
  580. Contrast insert pleat on an XKilt
  581. Pattern for an Argyle jacket
  582. square silver or pewter buttons
  583. What to Wear With an X-Kilt at the Faire?
  584. Looking for poly viscous ontario tartan
  585. I'm a short guy with a short drop
  586. Looking for a thistle cantle
  587. Clanart on Etsy, anyone buy from them?
  588. Confused....
  589. Full Mask sporran closure?
  590. Canvas interfacing
  591. Value fabric?
  592. Getting the pleat right at the join.
  593. Sources for Cotton or polycotton tartan
  594. Loom for Weaving Tartan?
  595. Rebagging MOD cantle, correct leather weight
  596. ironing ham
  597. Tandy Leather sporran kit and video offering
  598. Advice for the Renn Faire people, on a budget.
  599. X-Kilt & Waistcoat Advice
  600. Add short pleats to gain waist length?
  601. Attaching Fur to Sporrans during or after main construction
  602. Camo X-Kilt help needed
  603. Which Tartan?
  604. Need Advice - Cutting the Pleats
  605. First Home Made Kilt is Finished!
  606. Problems with my Apron
  607. First time making kilt using The art of kiltmaking
  608. Selvedge: how to know where the tartan pattern stops?
  609. Completely removing creases from wool
  610. An X-Kilt deep pleat question
  611. measurements...
  612. SPORRAN TASSEL CAPS (make your own)
  613. leather selection for kilt
  614. Minimum depth of a deep pleat
  615. MoD Culloden Cantle - bag attachment points question
  616. Kilt belt buckle question
  617. Length of material for a great kilt?
  618. Polyviscose Fabrics?
  619. Converting Patterns for a kilt jacket
  620. making a jacket smaller
  621. Uneven lower kilt hem
  622. Kilt Jacket Conversion
  623. Tweed jacket alteration advice needed.
  624. please help with sporran material decisions
  625. Question about flare/hem
  626. X-Kilt fabrics
  627. Considering making a second kilt
  628. Just finished my first belt & sporran
  629. Reusing tartan fabric.....
  630. 2.5" box pleat too wide?
  631. 11 oz tartan... what sort of kilt would this yield
  632. Iron setting for PV?
  633. Sporran cantles
  634. Solid color fabric
  635. Instructions for Kingussie and (so-called) military box or roll pleat kilts
  636. Hunting Sporran - rivet replacement
  637. Apron shape?
  638. Any videos for stitching the pleats?
  639. New X-Kilt Project - Wish me luck.
  640. Wide knife pleat vs box pleat
  641. PC Jacket buttons, What do they say?
  642. Sizing a Balmoral
  643. removing sellotape from acrillibeast pelt
  644. Box Pleated Kilt clarification please
  645. Apron Splits and Taper?
  646. Tartan scarf advice needed
  647. Belt hook supplier
  648. Cheap wool in Canada?
  649. Loom for DIY Self Tie Garters?
  650. missing rivets on hunting sporran
  651. DIY Culture
  652. Bear mask sporran
  653. Hybrid Xkilt
  654. The Art of Kiltmaking
  655. Horse hair sporran
  656. The Hand Crafted Contemporary Kilt -A New Guidebook ?????
  657. DIY Rob Roy Style Sporran help
  658. Daywear Sporran - leather finishing?
  659. Difference between Catch and Herringbone Stitches per AOK
  660. Attaching the Stabilizer
  661. First Jacket Conversion Results
  662. Bag sock & Rob Roy sporran pattern/tutorials for five year old?
  663. Anyone with an eight yard Tweed kilt, for feedback?
  664. Best way to sew a Great Kilt?
  665. Kilt-Fabric - numbers for yarn-colors (color-system)?
  666. Adding a cockade to hand-knitted Balmoral
  667. Ministry of Defense (MOD) Cantle Snaps
  668. Lining question??
  669. Making the Best of a Tat Situation
  670. Where to buy cromach in USA
  671. DIY full mask sporran?
  672. Buying modern cantles
  673. How are hair sporrans constructed?
  674. Hair canvas or similar interfacing in EU?
  675. A Couple of Oddball Questions About Materials
  676. Dirk blank source
  677. Belt Hardware
  678. Fur sporran design pointers please - BEWARE pelt pictures inside
  679. Airport kilting
  680. Custom toorie
  681. Harris Tweed on sale; big discount
  682. Thomson Blue Modern matching thread help
  683. Any DIYers here making masks?
  684. Potential vest option
  685. What do I need to build a handmade kilt
  686. Help Removing an Invisible Stitched Hem
  687. sporran cantles source
  688. Layout and Ironing Spaces
  689. My planned project - and some questions
  690. Kilting canvas ~free to a good DIYer home
  691. Tartan recognition request
  692. Horsehair Sporran Making: How to Attach Hair?
  693. Formal dress accesories
  694. Glengarry pattern?
  695. Diamond Twill
  696. Tearing Polyviscose To Width
  697. to those who have done formed sporrans
  698. I went ahead and did it
  699. Kilts found in pawn shops
  700. Fixing my pleats
  701. Where to buy tartan in UK?
  702. Kilt + Pleat Calculator
  703. Belted plaid questions...
  704. Length of tartan for the robust man, or woman
  705. sporran mold
  706. Sources for wool kilt hose, traditional colors?
  707. Hand-knitting socks/hose
  708. DIY Inverness cape
  709. Source for heavy weight hair canvas?
  710. sett vs stripe
  711. Culloden Sporran Cantle Dimesions
  712. New invention (as far as I know...) "The Idaho Skilt"
  713. lot of sporrans and bits
  714. Sporran Plate
  715. Was "The Hand-Crafted Contemporary Kilt" ever made available?
  716. Download links for "Making a Traditional Box Pleated Kilt"

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