View Full Version : Craig's Corner: The Humorous side of Kilts and XMTS

  1. Welcome to Craig's Corner!
  2. Let the Pun begin!
  3. Scottish Tourism poster
  4. The Doctor...
  5. Twangggg!
  6. If the King...
  7. An oldie but goodie
  8. The Olde Sea Captain
  9. You'll have to sing this one.....
  10. A ... walks into a ... thread
  11. One of Craig's own
  12. Fairst Prize
  13. Where do kings keep their armies?
  14. Sitting by the Loch
  15. The trap
  16. The holiday
  17. The Scottish National bus driver
  18. Sad & Sadder
  19. Scots with broomsticks
  20. Ah, the Honesty of the Scots
  21. Make your Own (funny) Clan Badge
  22. Some real groaners
  23. If Nelson went to Trafalgar today...
  24. Hats
  25. Jokes that made my wife laugh
  26. Great whiskey, bad jokes!
  27. Puns for the Educated Mind
  28. Day off from work
  29. I found a picture of a friend of mine on Fail Blog...
  30. The Obituary Notice
  31. Timeless wisdom from Will Rogers
  32. Timeless wisdom from my dog
  33. Cat's view of human beings
  34. Cat Haiku
  35. My new favorite quote
  36. M8 car chase
  37. The Bagpiper
  38. whispered to avoid troubling mate
  39. so i got bored and i may now be banned
  40. Little joke
  41. anti-climax jokes... I wouldnt help laugh when reading them!
  42. Scary Halloween Costume
  43. Who's my kitty?!?!
  44. The Ballad of Jock MacLean
  45. Man jailed for letting young daughter wear sporran.
  46. Funnily enough they could be talking about me!
  47. Pirate jokes
  48. Cowboy Wisdom
  49. Cat Humor
  50. Marrage After Widowed
  51. Scottish Joke
  52. truth about kilts...
  53. How Fights Start
  54. Not Quite Michaelangelo
  55. We Know It's True
  56. Handerpants!
  57. A funny (PG13) birthday gift
  58. Kilting Song Parodies (Inspired by McMurdo)
  59. What's the difference..
  60. Part time job incident.
  61. Scottish Christmas
  62. Camping
  63. Christmas Access
  64. Just in from Copenhagen
  65. Castro's Army
  66. A muscian walks into a bar...
  67. probably been heard before- not mine originally
  68. Two Scots drinking
  69. A Christmas Tale
  70. A Pre-Christmas Warning
  71. The Piper
  72. What do you get?
  73. A Scot in the Big apple
  74. Ow I'm laughing so hard!
  75. They just don't get it
  76. Snow Days
  77. Doctor Finlay's Casebook
  78. Scottish or Whoien Whit
  79. The economy is HOW bad?
  80. wisdom in a shoebox
  81. Chicago Politics
  82. Funny Things Said In Court
  83. And now I give you...
  84. off menu
  85. There was a . . .
  86. Pringle of Scotland: the jumper
  87. Minister on a train
  88. Kilt hose
  89. C'est en faisant n'importe quoi qu'on devient n'importe qui
  90. "Who put the dancing monkey up there?!?!"
  91. Scotland by Billy Connolly
  92. Psychiatric Help
  93. An Interview with R.L. McSterlingthong
  94. Touched My Heart
  95. A little rural humor for you
  96. Those economical Scots!
  97. After Monday and Tuesday....
  98. British Humor
  99. Kilt salesman wannabe
  100. Erin Go Bark!
  101. Irish Humour
  102. Mrs. O'Connor wants a divorce
  103. Superheroes gather in Scotland!
  104. Groan zone
  105. Demolition girl
  106. Oldie but goodie
  107. car theft recovery
  108. To funny to pass up!
  109. The Minister and the Stranger
  110. Home Remidies
  111. Double-fired
  112. "National Lampoon" Classic
  113. X-Marks the Cat
  114. ...why...?
  115. Oh, son of a...
  116. This is a 2nd grade computer test in China
  117. Perfect Fishing Bait
  118. Ten Simple Questions
  119. "To Ignorance and Beyond!!!"
  120. Neiiigh!
  121. Sailor's Harmonica
  122. Laugh yer socks off
  123. Scottish Mulligans (Golf)
  124. Closing time
  125. Blond jokes! Yeah, I know...
  126. Jock the Canny
  127. An Obituary
  128. Technology and being Scottish
  129. Old Mule
  130. Raise a dram on 08/18/2010 (Retro Red)
  131. angus TV commercial
  132. Knock Knock joke
  133. Finnegans' Dog
  134. 'Over a pint...
  135. Any Navy people here?
  136. Helicopter/Helo/Chopper
  137. We all know Scots are Frugal
  138. No Kilt Wedgies
  139. 3rd Place in the Scottish Raffle
  140. Argyle Sweater (not what yout think!)
  141. Irish Golfer and the Leprechaun
  142. An Englishman in Scotland
  143. The Nun and the Construction Workers
  144. Bamford Comic Postcard from the 1970's
  145. State_ment
  146. That explains a lot
  147. Lost piper
  148. Elephant Story
  149. A Halloween Ghost Joke
  150. Hello God, Scotland Calling
  151. American lawns
  152. A Halloween Story
  153. Halloween II
  154. Threat Levels
  155. Shingles
  156. Another country heard from
  157. Insert politician of choice...
  158. RMR again
  159. 1st Christmas joke- Scottish
  160. The 10 worst products for men!
  161. Jokes that only work in Scotland
  162. St Andrew...
  163. Toy robot detours traffic near Coors Field, meets demise
  164. Scottish Air Traffic Control
  165. Paraprosdokians
  166. The Affair
  167. Next Time You Visit Scotland...
  168. Bagpipe Jokes
  169. Digital Christmas
  170. Penguins love bagpipers
  171. It's a gung ho Christmas after all!
  172. Merry Christmas, Lord Vader!
  173. The Rasta Scot?
  174. BBC forced to cancel airing of Ivanhoe
  175. Funny Gifts you have received...
  176. Important Data-Airport Security
  177. From a scot to a scot
  178. Is this Sir Sean?
  179. Scotch?
  180. The Good Old Days
  181. "Time to make with tha lightnin bolts Willy!"
  182. This made me laugh...
  183. The Origin of Irish Dance?
  184. I'm not Irish, I'm Scottish
  185. The Manslator
  186. No words for this...
  187. Farm Kid In Basic Training
  188. Scottish Compassion
  189. Quebec rules!
  190. The Scots lottery.
  191. Canadian Humour.
  192. Hilarious British animal voiceovers
  193. I think I gotta change my prices
  194. Super Bowl Tickets
  195. Mentally unstable farmhand
  196. New diet
  197. my blackberry is not working
  198. The Male Cycle
  199. bad dream...
  200. Scottish Voice Operated Lift
  201. Prejudice
  202. So, do dogs go to heaven?
  203. The Best Pub
  204. The Friendly Pint
  205. Wifely Duties
  206. Baby Gaga Ice Cream?
  207. UNIX/Linux Shell Jokes
  208. A very Canadian joke for anywhere.
  209. The origins of Irish Dancing
  210. Scottish passwords
  211. The Genie
  212. coffee psalm
  213. What a cute puppie!
  214. The Threat
  215. Penalty box!
  216. Old MacDonald's Farm
  217. Got to love it.
  218. Did Phillip fart?
  219. Crocheting Dolls
  220. Almost
  221. I don’t suffer from Witzelsucht…
  222. LOLCATS: Hey, Joey!
  223. Kilt in the Funnies
  224. Now I'm scared
  225. New signs for Scotland
  226. Steve Ashton to Replace Charlie Sheen!
  227. Healthy Insanity
  228. Military Wisdom
  229. Gotta to love smart mouths
  230. A Scottish Love story
  231. Getting a hair dryer through customs
  232. A Wee Bit of Easter Humor
  233. The Blind Cowboy
  234. The world's greatest minds defend beer.
  235. Life, explained
  236. Spiders with kilts!
  237. Sunday's Garfield Comic
  238. God finds out about lawns.
  239. Things Confucius did NOT say.
  240. Passover joke
  241. Aussies.
  242. Two Glaswegians - humor
  243. Happy Star Wars Day!
  244. The heavy metal legend and the pop diva
  245. Over The Hedge - Utila-kilt comics
  246. Of Scots and Cats
  247. How to respond to a heated thread on XMTS:
  248. God blessed Texas
  249. I <3 bagpipes!
  250. The recession is worse than I thought...
  251. Tweed Driving Cap
  252. Honoring a dead friend
  253. In the beginning according to the Scots
  254. Stupid neighbour!
  255. Military having fun
  256. Scottish Joke
  257. I feel a distubance in the force...
  258. Five pearls of Scottish wisdom to remember:
  259. Scottish Military Field Hospital
  260. Update on Cinderella
  261. Highland gamer photoshopped
  262. It lies.
  263. New answer for the uninitiated
  264. Interesting Morning Exchange
  265. The complete idiots guide to becoming a pirate!
  266. Poor man...
  267. That's where it all went
  268. Sisters of Mercy
  269. Where are the bodies burried?
  270. What way are you?
  271. Smart ***-joke
  272. Christmas in (almost) July
  273. A history of the Internet
  274. funny utilikilt commercial
  275. poor man's bagpipes
  276. relationship analysis
  277. Funny Video!
  278. Uh oh...looks like they're getting organized...
  279. My nieces comment on my kilt
  280. So, a Scotsman walks into a bar...
  281. Lawyers
  282. Confused Preacher
  283. 5 pearls of scottish wisdom
  284. The bachelor's new neighbors
  285. Forrest Gump Dies And Goes To heaven
  286. Scotland for ever!
  287. pregnant at 71
  288. 90 Year Old Bridegroom
  289. Career options
  290. Hector Brocklebank from HB Fash!
  291. Late For School
  292. How the Irish learned to dance...
  293. This is the coolest dog EVER!!
  294. 5 pearls of Scottish wisdom
  295. A personality test
  296. "Keeping Up Appearances" question
  297. Danny Bhoy
  298. The Green Thing.
  299. Futurama and Kilts
  300. Entertainment for auld folks
  301. Horrible Histories
  302. The Maple Kind?
  303. Since there are a lot of newlywed posts...
  304. A Piper's Tale
  305. The best MPG yet!!
  306. Music by which to wait for kilt deliveries...
  307. The biggest darned fire hydrant...
  308. Expensive Vet!
  309. Tartan clown bloopers...
  310. Celtic Culinary Languages
  311. What kind of wool?
  312. Visit Scotland
  313. Funny Cartoon
  314. most talented bag pipper ever...
  315. Little kilted guy at the WI highland games :)
  316. Shampoo Danger
  317. New management
  318. Westlake Hardware stresses zombie preparedness!
  319. iPhone users: the Angry Scot iPhone app
  320. All right, which one of you jokers made this poster?
  321. Oops
  322. Canadian CSI
  323. And sometimes, this is us!
  324. Happy Halloween!
  325. Scottish food
  326. Shaun the Sheep: Bagpipe Buddy.
  327. British humour...
  328. "Cuz' I'm Scottish" You Tube video
  329. Would you buy this book?
  330. And now for our daily "***?!?!"
  331. You will NEVER get this out of your head!
  332. Bagpipes
  333. For the clergy
  334. An afternoon with my AT-AT!
  335. Self defense for women
  336. Highland bedding
  337. Taking your vow of silence a little too far...
  338. Nothing to do with kilts whatsoever: Pirates
  339. Hilarious videos about movie trailers.
  340. Kilts on a Construction Site
  341. The All Blacks vs. Scotland
  342. Did you write a letter to Santa this year?
  343. Just glue some gears on it
  344. Christmas caroling with Yoda
  345. One elf that doesnt make toys...
  346. Two yank draftees, WWI
  347. A bit of humor...
  348. Personal ad
  349. A mother's prayer?
  350. The Arab and the Scotsman
  351. Ode To a Haggis for Burns Supper - Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre
  352. A pirate walks into a bar....
  353. New Kilt Idea
  354. Men in Skirts
  355. Sign in a store window
  356. Getting Siri to get a kilt (via iphone)
  357. Clean Demotivational posters
  358. LOLs
  359. Bugs in Scotland
  360. Misconceptions about me...
  361. What I look like
  362. Nothing whatever to do with kilts, just the sense of humour of kilties
  363. British Hospitality
  364. A Kind Hearted Scotsman!
  365. Scottish iPhone
  366. Lottery, heh!
  367. Repent, Scottish Sinner!
  368. An 80 year old Scotman
  369. Perhaps
  370. A heart-warming story...
  371. For geeks and Pipers
  372. Why do chicken coops have only two doors?
  373. Best bobblehead ever!!
  374. Beer and border collies
  375. Neature Walk - How neat is that?
  376. We will rock you!
  377. Omg!!
  378. True Story: Britishman
  379. Made my gal a mini kilt - it might be too short. Help me decide.
  380. Bagpipes at a Funeral
  381. Gilly Suite Formal or Day wear...
  382. Free! $1000 Victorian sporran!
  383. Weird eBay item!
  384. What's under the kilt????
  385. Going on a cruise?
  386. The Swan Parade in Stratford Ontario
  387. Lawn mower problems
  388. A guide to the songs of the Brittish isles
  389. This is only true MOST of the time!
  390. It's not a skirt!
  391. the leading cause
  392. Scottish Wales
  393. Airport Security.
  394. As Seen on Twitter
  395. S.F. Chronicle 5/12/12
  396. Kilt- Are You Brave Enough?
  397. Kiltfort Wind Conditon Scale
  398. Three Scots women
  399. Only in the USA
  400. Computer Error
  401. what would you like to hear said about you, at your wake?
  402. Rain in Scotland
  403. Irish? Scottish? Welsh? ...
  404. How Do You Keep A Kilt Addict In Suspense?
  405. Need A Caption For This Picture
  406. I love the bagpipes but this is funny
  407. Potluck
  408. A Promise
  409. Cesar, Cassius and Brutus
  410. kilted tortoise
  411. Scottish Short Joke.
  412. Abbott and Costello on the Olympics
  413. Giant Pandas revealed as new owners of Rangers.
  414. Shitterton comes on top of list of Britain's worst place names - this is true
  415. Hilarious Scottish mug
  416. A tale of Trids
  417. Scifi Pub Quiz
  418. New Job !
  419. All hands on deck!!! This be the pirate thread!
  420. Banking Chuckle
  421. one for the books
  422. Gentleman
  423. What's My Line?
  424. Kilt-related cartoon
  425. A smiler
  426. Please, don't knit and drive.
  427. Made life worth living
  428. Scottish Parking Only
  429. Dundee error message
  430. One Liners
  431. A Cautonary Tale to Bagpipers this Thanksgiving
  432. Thanksgiving jokes!
  433. Mick Jagger and a Scotsman
  434. Redneck Tech
  435. More Seasonal Poetry
  436. Winter joke!!
  437. THe Sun Never Sets on the Brittish Empire
  438. People can be so mean!!
  439. Complete vs Finished
  440. Five Scots Surgeons.
  441. In honour of the day!
  442. Crow research findings
  443. Don't Mess with Seniors
  444. The Hazards of Being a Cat
  445. This comedian is pretty funny. Check out his kilts bit.
  446. punology
  447. Military Rivalry Humor
  448. You Know You're Scottish If ...
  449. Not Running
  450. Aaargh!
  451. Late night lecture.
  452. Piraro's Bizarro
  453. Scotty Cash
  454. How it all got started
  455. Science of Kilts
  456. Not sure where to post this
  457. Drone Warfare
  458. Threat Levels Raised
  459. Threat Levels Raised
  460. It's a cat... dressed like a shark...
  461. Blacksmith
  462. It's Dangerous To Go Alone!
  463. A true Scotsman
  464. I thought this was humorous…
  465. Gota love it
  466. Frog Bait
  467. Underwer?
  468. Sad Cat Diary
  469. Hot Coffee
  470. Seems I've heard this discussion elsewhere . . . .
  471. A nice reception after a sea voyage
  472. A Chance encounter
  473. The birds & the bees
  474. Hooked on Phonics
  475. Scots vs Marines
  476. A photon checks into a hotel
  477. Early Scot Passing Through British Customs
  478. End of the workweek jig
  479. Scottish sailors
  480. Kilted rider
  481. For H.P. Lovecraft and Star Trek fans
  482. The Kind-Hearted Scotsman
  483. Sort of reminds me of one of the other dicussions.
  484. A date and a knife
  485. An Englishman, a Frenchman, and a Scotsman
  486. Cell Phone Karma
  487. The origins of our favorite garment ...
  488. cabre
  489. Comic Kilt
  490. Decisions, decisions...
  491. The cat's revenge
  492. catnip?
  493. Does this count?
  494. Felix
  495. Its a good question...
  496. 1755 English Dictionary definition of "oats"
  497. How Tough Are Scotsmen?
  498. Woven in Scotland
  499. Puttin on the Plaid
  500. I said sit!
  501. Och! Aye!
  502. A Little Irish Humo(u)r
  503. Greeks Began, Scots Enabled
  504. Keeping more than yer ears warm!
  505. Cartoon
  506. Smile Of The Day
  507. the man's the gowd
  508. eleven....eleven...
  509. Yikes
  510. For xmarkers in the UK; not kilt related but funny
  511. A Haunted Scottish Castle
  512. One verse from a song
  513. Place It On Your Organ
  514. Kilt wearers beware!
  515. Kilt?Skirt?
  516. A Present For The Teacher
  517. Irish Jig
  518. Thing that make you go hmmmm ...
  519. Tryin' Not to Fight
  520. Meanwhile in Scotland
  521. An oldie, but a Goldie - spike Milligan
  522. 8 Scots Jokes
  523. Not hard to find the Scot.
  524. Hoppy Easter
  525. Fun with Naval Midshipmen
  526. A Martini
  527. Why Parents Get Grey
  528. One I've never heard....
  529. The first "McJob"
  530. Also on FB. "The worst Irish dancer ever."
  531. kilty pleasures
  532. And they call it heritage . . .
  533. A view on Climate Change
  534. When washing childrens' kilts . . .
  535. Wimbledon
  536. How Scottish are you really?
  537. Batman kilted
  538. Fast food
  539. Fire Hydrant for Mayor
  540. goodbye to tax disks...
  541. A Good Scottish Laugh.
  542. Now I'd love that on a t-shirt...
  543. Smile of the Day 2.0
  544. The Supper
  545. Gift for the kiltie in your life
  546. What did the pirate say?
  547. Hadrian's wall
  548. There was an explosion at the local distillery.
  549. Scottish Lunch
  550. scottish pole dancer
  551. Summer in Scotland
  552. Fake "Laird" Title Purveyors Get Schooled on Twitter
  553. One story for my upcoming book
  554. Mandarin misrepresentation
  555. Scottish Lorry
  556. last free drink
  557. Don't take my kilt!
  558. 50 Shades of Golf
  559. Bagpipe humor and sound effects.....
  560. Avoid a “Glasgow Kiss”
  561. World War II book
  562. 1930's Minstrel gag
  563. A Man & His Dream
  564. Ladies at the Club
  565. I need one of these...
  566. Lowland Haggis
  567. Scottish Breathalyzer
  568. I feel just like this some days
  569. Romantic Scotsman
  570. Old Houses are Like That
  571. From the pipe major
  572. Which door to enter..
  573. An awesome side of kilts
  574. Never believe an Irishman
  575. "As others see us..." Too funny not to share
  576. From my front doorstep:
  577. Old dog, new trick!
  578. It's a kilt day today
  579. How to know a McDonald
  580. Batman schools Robin on tartan kilts
  581. Billy Connolly - Scottish Highland National Dress...
  582. Smoked Sausage?
  583. The Difference if you Marry a Scottish Girl
  584. Yes, kilts can be warm in winter.
  585. Frog Genealogy
  586. Sheep S Kilt Apron
  587. Cousin Eddie...
  588. White hoses
  589. Ohh Siri...
  590. A rhyme
  591. The Morning Person
  592. Lint philosophy...
  593. Wife has taken pity on me
  594. Your worst puns
  595. Most Interesting Man in the World says
  596. It's that day again...
  597. A sign that humor is alive and well
  598. Scottish Wine Bottle Holder
  599. Scotsman in a London Pub
  600. Is it crazy
  601. Uh ... Whoops?
  602. Scottish comedian Rikki Fulton
  603. An old one put to music
  604. What do you call a kilted rabbit?
  605. World's Worst Thesaurus
  606. Resilience
  607. Robin Williams in a kilt. NSFW
  608. Finally found the best place to wash a kilt
  609. Rare Scottish Hummingbird
  610. What's going on?
  611. Scotch on the Rocks????
  612. Some people -
  613. The danger of candles
  614. Inadvertent misunderstanding
  615. Superbowl tickets
  616. Any critiques for this kilted outfit?
  617. At the gas pump
  618. A Wee Dram
  619. Kilt-related funny story...sort of
  620. Can it be .....
  621. Quote of the day
  622. Aw shucks...
  623. Don't even ask . . . .
  624. Today's Pickles strip
  625. Helpful directions in Edinburgh
  626. Mooses
  627. Scottish humour?
  628. The Aberdonian
  629. A little St. Patrick's Day humor
  630. I'm Irish apparently
  631. Suit yourself
  632. Tea and cake....
  633. Kilts n Toilets....
  634. choose wisely...
  635. Well...it happened
  636. A MacDonald at Oxford
  637. Burns cousin, humor
  638. This is what we’re up against
  639. Why you should learn to play the bagpipes in 2020
  640. COVID-19 the Scottish way, or the Irish way, whichever you prefer...
  641. Tae a Virus
  642. Coronavirus Rhapsody
  643. Kilted against COVID-19
  644. Not kilt related, but . . . .
  645. DIY Face Mask Video
  646. Looks like even Nessie gets it.
  647. Scottish solution to a natural habit.
  648. Not as I imagined it...
  649. how did they know
  650. Scottish solution to a natural habit. A practical demonstration.
  651. Bagpipe bungie jumping
  652. Why do the people of Athens hate mornings?
  653. The wisdom of the Scots…
  654. The most Scottish superhero ever.
  655. Whadda ye wan' fer Christmas?
  656. Possible new Utility Kilt accessory - Underglow
  657. Laddie Bug
  658. A kilted wedding
  659. SAS, The Scottish Air Service
  660. Just a misunderstanding
  661. A joke so old it was in BC
  662. Looking for an apartment?
  663. Is it a cow?
  664. Subject Line
  665. Worst costume?

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