- book: World Tartans by Iain Zaczek
- The Kilt. A Manual of scottish National Dress. 1914
- The Art of Kiltmaking
- Scotland's Forged Tartans
- The Highlanders Of Scotland
- Looking for a book on Scottish history
- Whisky, Kilts, and the Loch Ness Monster
- MacLeay's Highlanders book & pix
- Looking for a book title/author
- Tartan Book Search
- Old & Rare Scottish Tartans - was D.W. Stewart Colour Blind?
- Born Fighting- How the Scots Irish shaped America review
- Waverley: or, 'Tis sixty years since (Sir Walter Scott)
- ReviewL The Last of the Celts by Marcus Tanner
- Walt Whitman's "Robert Burns as Poet and Person"
- A book called "Highlander"
- The Forest Laird
- John Prebble Writer
- The Scottish Clans and their Tartans
- Poetic Gems of McGonagall
- The Letters of Robert Burns
- Scotch Irish Pioneers in Ulster and America
- Best General Survey of English Civil War??
- His spirit was given only to warre
- White People, Indians and Highlanders
- Library Book Sale Find!
- Books at Clan Tents
- Tartan for Me, Reliability?
- Colonel J.A. Currie's "The Red Watch"
- Scottish Country, Charles MacLean & Christopher Simon Sykes
- The First Highlander: Major General David Stewart of Garth
- An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America: Maclean
- a couple for the macleans
- Harris Tweed Book Review
- The Kilt A Manual of Scottish National Dress by Loudon Douglas
- WOB and Vestiarium Scoticum
- The Scottish Companion
- Two Books from the 80's
- Irish kilt books
- Google Play (Android) - Free Scottish book downloads
- Back from the 1/2 Price Bookstore
- Frontier Scots
- So Your Going to Wear The Kilt
- Another for the Macleans
- So... what are you reading?
- The Art of Kilt Making ... A buying lesson!
- Gideon Scott May
- How the Scots Invented Canada
- Mary Queen of Scots by Antonia Fraser
- TAOK on Amazon
- Osprey Men-at-Arms (some kilt errors)
- The Highland Clans by Alistair Moffatt(2010)
- My Scottish Youth :Sir Robert Bruce Lockhart
- "The Last Highlander" by Sarah Fraser
- Recommendations for guides to clan tartans
- Robert Burns app for your phone
- "How The Scots Made America" by Michael Fry
- Adam Ardrey - Finding Merlin and Finding Arthur
- A little history, on how so many of our ancestors left Scotland
- Free Book on Amazon: Border Raids and Reivers
- Threads Magazine
- Three Strike Tartan Mobile App
- Scottish Exodus
- Latest National Geographic - Scots did invent the modern world!
- Not a kilt book, but
- Stuffed Lives
- and for a complete change of pace...
- "Before The Kilt" by Jerry Kelly
- The Scottish Clans and Their Tartans : With Notes
- Indifying Tartans by Blair Urquhart
- The Scottish Tartans
- Books based on Celtic mythology ?
- Wilsons of Bannockburn (Scottish Postal History Society)
- X Marks the Scot
- Book - Fight for a Throne - The Jacobit '45 Reconsidered
- The Knights Templar and Scotland by Robert Ferguson
- The History of the Irish Race
- Roots of Stone
- Fight For A Throne - The Jacobite '45 Reconsidered
- San Patricios book suggestions
- Highland Scots in North America
- The Rosslyn Hoax?
- A Scot's view of how little Scots are taught of their own history
- The Scottish Clans & Their Tartans - 1951 edition
- Scottish Tartans and Highland Dress: A Very Peculiar History
- An interesting book
- The Borders
- The Gentleman's Guide to Correct Highland Dress, 1909 - Ian MacKay Scobie
- New reads
- Scots today
- "Those Bloody Kilts" The Highland Soldier in The Great War
- How The Scots Invented the Modern World
- Clan Tartan Thread Count
- topical start of old favourite
- book: scottish history with out the boring bits by Ian Crofton
- The Scottish Tartans: 1920, 1945, 1961
- This kilt cost $50
- Sport in the Highlands
- Out of Copyright Books Online?
- The Kilt: A Manual of Scottish National Dress 1914
- Good general history
- Australian National kilt
- The Highland Clans by Alistair Moffat
- Septimius Severus: First Hammer of the Scots