View Full Version : The Library

  1. book: World Tartans by Iain Zaczek
  2. The Kilt. A Manual of scottish National Dress. 1914
  3. The Art of Kiltmaking
  4. Scotland's Forged Tartans
  5. The Highlanders Of Scotland
  6. Looking for a book on Scottish history
  7. Whisky, Kilts, and the Loch Ness Monster
  8. MacLeay's Highlanders book & pix
  9. Looking for a book title/author
  10. Tartan Book Search
  11. Old & Rare Scottish Tartans - was D.W. Stewart Colour Blind?
  12. Born Fighting- How the Scots Irish shaped America review
  13. Waverley: or, 'Tis sixty years since (Sir Walter Scott)
  14. ReviewL The Last of the Celts by Marcus Tanner
  15. Walt Whitman's "Robert Burns as Poet and Person"
  16. A book called "Highlander"
  17. The Forest Laird
  18. John Prebble Writer
  19. The Scottish Clans and their Tartans
  20. Poetic Gems of McGonagall
  21. The Letters of Robert Burns
  22. Scotch Irish Pioneers in Ulster and America
  23. Best General Survey of English Civil War??
  24. His spirit was given only to warre
  25. White People, Indians and Highlanders
  26. Library Book Sale Find!
  27. Books at Clan Tents
  28. Tartan for Me, Reliability?
  29. Colonel J.A. Currie's "The Red Watch"
  30. Scottish Country, Charles MacLean & Christopher Simon Sykes
  31. The First Highlander: Major General David Stewart of Garth
  32. An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America: Maclean
  33. a couple for the macleans
  34. Harris Tweed Book Review
  35. The Kilt A Manual of Scottish National Dress by Loudon Douglas
  36. WOB and Vestiarium Scoticum
  37. The Scottish Companion
  38. Two Books from the 80's
  39. Irish kilt books
  40. Google Play (Android) - Free Scottish book downloads
  41. Back from the 1/2 Price Bookstore
  42. Frontier Scots
  43. So Your Going to Wear The Kilt
  44. Another for the Macleans
  45. So... what are you reading?
  46. The Art of Kilt Making ... A buying lesson!
  47. Gideon Scott May
  48. How the Scots Invented Canada
  49. Mary Queen of Scots by Antonia Fraser
  50. TAOK on Amazon
  51. Osprey Men-at-Arms (some kilt errors)
  52. The Highland Clans by Alistair Moffatt(2010)
  53. My Scottish Youth :Sir Robert Bruce Lockhart
  54. "The Last Highlander" by Sarah Fraser
  55. Recommendations for guides to clan tartans
  56. Robert Burns app for your phone
  57. "How The Scots Made America" by Michael Fry
  58. Adam Ardrey - Finding Merlin and Finding Arthur
  59. A little history, on how so many of our ancestors left Scotland
  60. Free Book on Amazon: Border Raids and Reivers
  61. Threads Magazine
  62. Three Strike Tartan Mobile App
  63. Scottish Exodus
  64. Latest National Geographic - Scots did invent the modern world!
  65. Not a kilt book, but
  66. Stuffed Lives
  67. and for a complete change of pace...
  68. "Before The Kilt" by Jerry Kelly
  69. The Scottish Clans and Their Tartans : With Notes
  70. Indifying Tartans by Blair Urquhart
  71. The Scottish Tartans
  72. Books based on Celtic mythology ?
  73. Wilsons of Bannockburn (Scottish Postal History Society)
  74. X Marks the Scot
  75. Book - Fight for a Throne - The Jacobit '45 Reconsidered
  76. The Knights Templar and Scotland by Robert Ferguson
  77. The History of the Irish Race
  78. Roots of Stone
  79. Fight For A Throne - The Jacobite '45 Reconsidered
  80. San Patricios book suggestions
  81. Highland Scots in North America
  82. The Rosslyn Hoax?
  83. A Scot's view of how little Scots are taught of their own history
  84. The Scottish Clans & Their Tartans - 1951 edition
  85. Scottish Tartans and Highland Dress: A Very Peculiar History
  86. An interesting book
  87. The Borders
  88. The Gentleman's Guide to Correct Highland Dress, 1909 - Ian MacKay Scobie
  89. New reads
  90. Scots today
  91. "Those Bloody Kilts" The Highland Soldier in The Great War
  92. How The Scots Invented the Modern World
  93. Clan Tartan Thread Count
  94. topical start of old favourite
  95. book: scottish history with out the boring bits by Ian Crofton
  96. The Scottish Tartans: 1920, 1945, 1961
  97. This kilt cost $50
  98. Sport in the Highlands
  99. Out of Copyright Books Online?
  100. The Kilt: A Manual of Scottish National Dress 1914
  101. Good general history
  102. Australian National kilt
  103. The Highland Clans by Alistair Moffat
  104. Septimius Severus: First Hammer of the Scots

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