View Full Version : Weapons as Kilt Accessories

  1. Scots pistol, flintlock, reproduction
  2. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Officer's Dirk and Sgian
  3. Lets see historical Scottish weaponing...........
  4. Highland Revival Dirk?
  5. Inside waistband wear
  6. Youth Sized Sgian Dubh For a Mere $15.00 US
  7. Wool and Black Powder Smoke
  8. To dirk or not to dirk?
  9. Kilt Expert
  10. World War II re-enactor from San Antonio Highland Games
  11. Suitable for a camping sgian dubh?
  12. Sgian Dubh sheath slippage
  13. Picture of me holding a copy of the William Wallace Sword
  14. Assassin'S Creed 3 Video Game
  15. Source for sharpening.
  16. Rib handled Sgian dubh
  17. My first Sgian Dubh and Sgian Brew, Bog Oak and Cherry.
  18. How often do you actually use your Sgian Dubh?
  19. Sgian dubh
  20. 2013 Kansas City Scottish Highland Games
  21. Decorative display of weapons — how do you do it?
  22. Other versions of this sgian ?
  23. Kilted Archery
  24. Sgian Dubh - Officer's Pattern
  25. Visiting Scotland: Sgian Dubh's and Do(bh)n'ts
  26. Functional Sgians
  27. Has anyone else ever done this?
  28. Kit in progress (Here due to Rule 11)
  29. Sgian Achlais
  30. Legalities - and how the authorities classify the Sgian Dubh
  31. Help, a Sgian Achlais, a Dirk or fooled ?
  32. Suggestions of Scottish Weapons Forums?
  33. Dirks, yay or Nay!
  34. My little collection of sgian dubhs
  35. Piper's Dirk
  36. Handle for day use Sgian Dubh
  37. Sgian dubh as a work knife...
  38. A couple a really nice sgians ....
  39. R.G. Lawrie Dirk and Scottish Sgian-Dubh
  40. amazing vintage dirk on Ebay
  41. Sgian dubh
  42. What a total Dirk.
  43. Thought I would share this.
  44. Hiya from Santa Barbara
  45. Charles Edward Stuart's Targe
  46. Sgian Dubhs, what is appropriate?
  47. concealed carry while kilted
  48. How to wear a basket hilt
  49. Alaskan caribou handle for sgian dubh
  50. Interesting Dirks: Has Anyone Seen These Before?
  51. 97 Years Ago Today: Black Watch participating in a rifle grenade competition (1917)
  52. How about a lightsaber?
  53. Recommended Gem Cutter to Replace Cairngorm Stone on Sgian Dubh Pommel?
  54. Arrested or questioned for wearing sgians
  55. Basket Hilt Circa 1700
  56. The Sgian Dubh
  57. DIY Sgian Dubh 2.0
  58. MOD Pipers' dirk v Indian-made dirk
  59. Recent Addition To My Collection
  60. Modern Sgian Dubhs
  61. New Sword from Museum Replicas
  62. Mid-to-late 19th Century Kit
  63. Sgian and Hose - Dangerous Combo?
  64. Can you recomend a reasonable Sgian Dubh?
  65. Weapons Used On Outlander - Name Them? Like Them? Timely True?
  66. Recomend a baldrick for basket hilt + dirk
  67. The Perfect Sgian Dubh for Travelling
  68. Can someone recommend a proper baldrick for my basket hilt sword
  69. Sgian Achlais containing cutlery?
  70. Using a Mora No. 1 as a Sgian Dubh
  71. Steampunk
  72. Star Wars and Halloween and Kilts, OH MY!
  73. Regimental dirk question
  74. Single edged, smaller, functional Sgian Dubh?
  75. First try at a Sgian Duhb
  76. DIY dirk frog pattern
  77. Information required re. Grant crest & motto.
  78. A few DIY projects past and in progress Dirk, Sgian Dubh
  79. Making an antler Sgian Dubh...?
  80. For those with cash to spend . . .
  81. Where to get info on basket hilts, sgians etc?
  82. Wall-hanger dirk and weapons diplay opinions sought!
  83. New sgian from Taygrd
  84. Will this... errr... Cut it?
  85. Moment of pure Zen.
  86. Custom dirk
  87. Weapons in everyday life
  88. sgian dubh questions
  89. gatling gun at the dicken's festival riverside ca.
  90. Firing Blanks? DIY Pistol Grip Sgians?
  91. Ninja plastic Sgian
  92. A sgain to compliment your military tartan
  93. Has anyone seen these Dirks in person? are they decent?
  94. So I Needed a Sgian Dubh...
  95. My Latest Dirk/Sgian project (Slight Redux).
  96. Early Dirk,
  97. Not my work, but
  98. Picture for Son of the Rock's presentaion thread.
  99. My Second Sgian Dubh Project
  100. Beardie Beastie?
  101. New knife
  102. help in finding a Dirk
  103. Armpit Sgian Dubh?
  104. Sgian dubhs and Dress Codes
  105. Black Watch sgian by Art Pewter Silver
  106. WW2 Sgian Dubh
  107. Sgian Dubhs and UK Law
  108. ye olde fashione sgian dubh
  109. Original photos of sgian-dubh & dirk are needed.
  110. How to wear my 39 Inch broadsword
  111. Sgian Dubh handed down from my girlfriends grandfather
  112. Knife pocket in the kick pleat
  113. Safety or bladed
  114. Sgian dubh in church?
  115. Cold Steel Brave Heart Sgian Dubh Still Available
  116. dirks with non-ceremonial uniforms
  117. Black watch uniforms
  118. Some more historically inspired Highland cutlery with carved knotwork handles.
  119. Pretty photos of my new Sgian Dubh
  120. A powerful Sgian Dubh
  121. Sgian dhu, or no sgian dhu.....that is the question
  122. Baldric
  123. Gunn, not quite a kilt. . .
  124. Some pointy bits
  125. Vince Evans Sgian Dubh
  126. Sgain Dubh finished
  127. New Sgain Dubh ... Sort Of ...
  128. Kilted Swordplay
  129. Sgian Dubh image request
  130. New McClain Dirk
  131. decent quality sgian dhu
  132. seeking advise on a formal dirk / dagger
  133. buying a basket-hilt
  134. Any other Archers in the XMTS ?.
  135. My Best Side!
  136. Dirk
  137. My Sgian Dubh's
  138. Montreal police ticket for carrying traditional knife.
  139. Basket hilt
  140. Some dirks in progress
  141. miniature k-bar sgian-dubh
  142. Turning A Sgian Dubh Into Something More Formal
  143. New Sgian Dubh
  144. Nest of Sgian Dubhs
  145. use of a small fixed blade knife as a sgain dubh
  146. sgian dubhs / Brews to date
  147. New Buchanan Modern Targe Display
  148. I forged a dirk
  149. New Sgian
  150. Quality of Sgian Dubhs
  151. Just made a sgian!
  152. New Artisanal Sghian Dubh
  153. Taking my knives to UK
  154. Multiple sgian dubhs
  155. KA-BAR Tactical Spork 9909 or what I like to call the Sgian Spork
  156. Poshland knives
  157. 42nd F&I War Weapons
  158. Sqain dubhs at the Tattoo
  159. Sgian Dubh from knifemaker Ken Brock
  160. Where to get a nice sgian dubh or similar
  161. Sgian dubhs I made for a friends wedding
  162. Custom sgian dubh
  163. MacDonald, Clanranald, Basket Sword - Need help.
  164. A couple of Sgians......
  165. What does the rabble think?
  166. Fake vs real dirk.
  167. Ebay sgian blades
  168. James A Bullman Biodag - Knowledge And Pics
  169. A "Dirk" tattoo
  170. My latest purchases....
  171. Wearing a dirk casually
  172. Sgian Dubh Styling
  173. Opinions about Amazon Sgian dubh
  174. Demonstration sword fight at Clan Derby Burns Night.
  175. Wearing a Sgian Dubh in SPAIN
  176. New sgian
  177. Recommendation for Sgian Dubh company.
  178. Looking for a sgian brew
  179. Wedding Ceremony - Presentation of the Sword
  180. Yet another dirk!
  181. LOL Ebay dirk description
  182. MOD issue dirk v India copy
  183. Proper Sgian Dubh
  184. DIY Sgian Dubh
  185. My First Attempt.
  186. Custom Sgian Dubh
  187. Where can I purcahse the Lochaber axe
  188. Scottish stag horn
  189. unattended kids...LOL
  190. Anyone have a Sgian Dubh with a lanyard?
  191. Edge of Normal Workshop sgian dubh
  192. good places to learn sgian dubh making
  193. Vintage Accessories - Sgian Dubh
  194. Vintage Accessories - Sgian Dubh - Solved!
  195. My Argyll And Sutherland Officer's Dirk
  196. Sgian Dubh by Alan Wilkie
  197. New sgian dubh by Ullapool Box Creations
  198. Swapping Sgian Handles/Blades
  199. Woohoo!
  200. Sgian handle material ID?
  201. Thoughts & questions on making a targe
  202. Decoratively tying a sgian dugh into sheath for Faires?
  203. Newbie here, dirk and sgian dubh set
  204. Sheffield Stag Horn Crown Sgian Dubh
  205. What type of sgian Dubh is worn in the Highlands?
  206. Irish Long Hunter
  207. You guessed it.. another Dirk
  208. Scotia Metalwork
  209. 1750ish to 1767 Highland Regiments Backsword
  210. Scottish Back Sword
  211. Protecting Kilt Hose from Sgian Dubh Damage.
  212. Claymore???
  213. Pocket Knife with Kilt
  214. Strange Dirk & Other Knife You Tube Video
  215. What exactly is a mattucashlass?
  216. Sporran clasp pistol
  217. Funky little sgian duhb
  218. Antique Mid-18th Century dirk
  219. 1828 Pattern Scottish Highland Officer’s Basket-hilted Broadsword - Reproduction
  220. Recommendations for dirk restoration?
  221. Dirk from Mike McRae at Scotia Metalworks
  222. Christmas sgian
  223. Dress dirk
  224. Art Pewter Silver dirk 1984
  225. Basket hilt sword if of unknown origin
  226. Sgian duhb v....?
  227. Close enough...?
  228. Dirk restoration with embellishments
  229. Sgian Dubh dimensions
  230. Like my new dubh?
  231. DIY Sgian Dubh
  232. Customizing a commercial sgian dubh?
  233. Possible DIY idea.
  234. How does one wear the baskethilt broadsword?
  235. My new Breton / MacDonald of Sleat sgian dubh
  236. Antique Mid-18th C Dirk Measurements
  237. Two Handed Sword Question
  238. Kilted degree team Inner guard sword
  239. Dirk: typical erroneous Ebay description
  240. My first Sgian Dubh

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