- Scots pistol, flintlock, reproduction
- Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Officer's Dirk and Sgian
- Lets see historical Scottish weaponing...........
- Highland Revival Dirk?
- Inside waistband wear
- Youth Sized Sgian Dubh For a Mere $15.00 US
- Wool and Black Powder Smoke
- To dirk or not to dirk?
- Kilt Expert
- World War II re-enactor from San Antonio Highland Games
- Suitable for a camping sgian dubh?
- Sgian Dubh sheath slippage
- Picture of me holding a copy of the William Wallace Sword
- Assassin'S Creed 3 Video Game
- Source for sharpening.
- Rib handled Sgian dubh
- My first Sgian Dubh and Sgian Brew, Bog Oak and Cherry.
- How often do you actually use your Sgian Dubh?
- Sgian dubh
- 2013 Kansas City Scottish Highland Games
- Decorative display of weapons — how do you do it?
- Other versions of this sgian ?
- Kilted Archery
- Sgian Dubh - Officer's Pattern
- Visiting Scotland: Sgian Dubh's and Do(bh)n'ts
- Functional Sgians
- Has anyone else ever done this?
- Kit in progress (Here due to Rule 11)
- Sgian Achlais
- Legalities - and how the authorities classify the Sgian Dubh
- Help, a Sgian Achlais, a Dirk or fooled ?
- Suggestions of Scottish Weapons Forums?
- Dirks, yay or Nay!
- My little collection of sgian dubhs
- Piper's Dirk
- Handle for day use Sgian Dubh
- Sgian dubh as a work knife...
- A couple a really nice sgians ....
- R.G. Lawrie Dirk and Scottish Sgian-Dubh
- amazing vintage dirk on Ebay
- Sgian dubh
- What a total Dirk.
- Thought I would share this.
- Hiya from Santa Barbara
- Charles Edward Stuart's Targe
- Sgian Dubhs, what is appropriate?
- concealed carry while kilted
- How to wear a basket hilt
- Alaskan caribou handle for sgian dubh
- Interesting Dirks: Has Anyone Seen These Before?
- 97 Years Ago Today: Black Watch participating in a rifle grenade competition (1917)
- How about a lightsaber?
- Recommended Gem Cutter to Replace Cairngorm Stone on Sgian Dubh Pommel?
- Arrested or questioned for wearing sgians
- Basket Hilt Circa 1700
- The Sgian Dubh
- DIY Sgian Dubh 2.0
- MOD Pipers' dirk v Indian-made dirk
- Recent Addition To My Collection
- Modern Sgian Dubhs
- New Sword from Museum Replicas
- Mid-to-late 19th Century Kit
- Sgian and Hose - Dangerous Combo?
- Can you recomend a reasonable Sgian Dubh?
- Weapons Used On Outlander - Name Them? Like Them? Timely True?
- Recomend a baldrick for basket hilt + dirk
- The Perfect Sgian Dubh for Travelling
- Can someone recommend a proper baldrick for my basket hilt sword
- Sgian Achlais containing cutlery?
- Using a Mora No. 1 as a Sgian Dubh
- Steampunk
- Star Wars and Halloween and Kilts, OH MY!
- Regimental dirk question
- Single edged, smaller, functional Sgian Dubh?
- First try at a Sgian Duhb
- DIY dirk frog pattern
- Information required re. Grant crest & motto.
- A few DIY projects past and in progress Dirk, Sgian Dubh
- Making an antler Sgian Dubh...?
- For those with cash to spend . . .
- Where to get info on basket hilts, sgians etc?
- Wall-hanger dirk and weapons diplay opinions sought!
- New sgian from Taygrd
- Will this... errr... Cut it?
- Moment of pure Zen.
- Custom dirk
- Weapons in everyday life
- sgian dubh questions
- gatling gun at the dicken's festival riverside ca.
- Firing Blanks? DIY Pistol Grip Sgians?
- Ninja plastic Sgian
- A sgain to compliment your military tartan
- Has anyone seen these Dirks in person? are they decent?
- So I Needed a Sgian Dubh...
- My Latest Dirk/Sgian project (Slight Redux).
- Early Dirk,
- Not my work, but
- Picture for Son of the Rock's presentaion thread.
- My Second Sgian Dubh Project
- Beardie Beastie?
- New knife
- help in finding a Dirk
- Armpit Sgian Dubh?
- Sgian dubhs and Dress Codes
- Black Watch sgian by Art Pewter Silver
- WW2 Sgian Dubh
- Sgian Dubhs and UK Law
- ye olde fashione sgian dubh
- Original photos of sgian-dubh & dirk are needed.
- How to wear my 39 Inch broadsword
- Sgian Dubh handed down from my girlfriends grandfather
- Knife pocket in the kick pleat
- Safety or bladed
- Sgian dubh in church?
- Cold Steel Brave Heart Sgian Dubh Still Available
- dirks with non-ceremonial uniforms
- Black watch uniforms
- Some more historically inspired Highland cutlery with carved knotwork handles.
- Pretty photos of my new Sgian Dubh
- A powerful Sgian Dubh
- Sgian dhu, or no sgian dhu.....that is the question
- Baldric
- Gunn, not quite a kilt. . .
- Some pointy bits
- Vince Evans Sgian Dubh
- Sgain Dubh finished
- New Sgain Dubh ... Sort Of ...
- Kilted Swordplay
- Sgian Dubh image request
- New McClain Dirk
- decent quality sgian dhu
- seeking advise on a formal dirk / dagger
- buying a basket-hilt
- Any other Archers in the XMTS ?.
- My Best Side!
- Dirk
- My Sgian Dubh's
- Montreal police ticket for carrying traditional knife.
- Basket hilt
- Some dirks in progress
- miniature k-bar sgian-dubh
- Turning A Sgian Dubh Into Something More Formal
- New Sgian Dubh
- Nest of Sgian Dubhs
- use of a small fixed blade knife as a sgain dubh
- sgian dubhs / Brews to date
- New Buchanan Modern Targe Display
- I forged a dirk
- New Sgian
- Quality of Sgian Dubhs
- Just made a sgian!
- New Artisanal Sghian Dubh
- Taking my knives to UK
- Multiple sgian dubhs
- KA-BAR Tactical Spork 9909 or what I like to call the Sgian Spork
- Poshland knives
- 42nd F&I War Weapons
- Sqain dubhs at the Tattoo
- Sgian Dubh from knifemaker Ken Brock
- Where to get a nice sgian dubh or similar
- Sgian dubhs I made for a friends wedding
- Custom sgian dubh
- MacDonald, Clanranald, Basket Sword - Need help.
- A couple of Sgians......
- What does the rabble think?
- Fake vs real dirk.
- Ebay sgian blades
- James A Bullman Biodag - Knowledge And Pics
- A "Dirk" tattoo
- My latest purchases....
- Wearing a dirk casually
- Sgian Dubh Styling
- Opinions about Amazon Sgian dubh
- Demonstration sword fight at Clan Derby Burns Night.
- Wearing a Sgian Dubh in SPAIN
- New sgian
- Recommendation for Sgian Dubh company.
- Looking for a sgian brew
- Wedding Ceremony - Presentation of the Sword
- Yet another dirk!
- LOL Ebay dirk description
- MOD issue dirk v India copy
- Proper Sgian Dubh
- DIY Sgian Dubh
- My First Attempt.
- Custom Sgian Dubh
- Where can I purcahse the Lochaber axe
- Scottish stag horn
- unattended kids...LOL
- Anyone have a Sgian Dubh with a lanyard?
- Edge of Normal Workshop sgian dubh
- good places to learn sgian dubh making
- Vintage Accessories - Sgian Dubh
- Vintage Accessories - Sgian Dubh - Solved!
- My Argyll And Sutherland Officer's Dirk
- Sgian Dubh by Alan Wilkie
- New sgian dubh by Ullapool Box Creations
- Swapping Sgian Handles/Blades
- Woohoo!
- Sgian handle material ID?
- Thoughts & questions on making a targe
- Decoratively tying a sgian dugh into sheath for Faires?
- Newbie here, dirk and sgian dubh set
- Sheffield Stag Horn Crown Sgian Dubh
- What type of sgian Dubh is worn in the Highlands?
- Irish Long Hunter
- You guessed it.. another Dirk
- Scotia Metalwork
- 1750ish to 1767 Highland Regiments Backsword
- Scottish Back Sword
- Protecting Kilt Hose from Sgian Dubh Damage.
- Claymore???
- Pocket Knife with Kilt
- Strange Dirk & Other Knife You Tube Video
- What exactly is a mattucashlass?
- Sporran clasp pistol
- Funky little sgian duhb
- Antique Mid-18th Century dirk
- 1828 Pattern Scottish Highland Officer’s Basket-hilted Broadsword - Reproduction
- Recommendations for dirk restoration?
- Dirk from Mike McRae at Scotia Metalworks
- Christmas sgian
- Dress dirk
- Art Pewter Silver dirk 1984
- Basket hilt sword if of unknown origin
- Sgian duhb v....?
- Close enough...?
- Dirk restoration with embellishments
- Sgian Dubh dimensions
- Like my new dubh?
- DIY Sgian Dubh
- Customizing a commercial sgian dubh?
- Possible DIY idea.
- How does one wear the baskethilt broadsword?
- My new Breton / MacDonald of Sleat sgian dubh
- Antique Mid-18th C Dirk Measurements
- Two Handed Sword Question
- Kilted degree team Inner guard sword
- Dirk: typical erroneous Ebay description
- My first Sgian Dubh