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  1. #1
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    Alan H, the wrestling coach?

    I've just been offered the job of wrestling coach, right away and the track and field "throwing" coach (shot put, discus) at one of the high schools I've been substituting at. All told, those two jobs pay al little over about $5,000 a year, which I can't afford to do, but the thing is, they're making me think.

    I've been in IT support for ten years and I've been looking for a job for five months without much success. I just found out that the Arts College that invited me up for lunch...but yet lost my resume...that invited me for two interviews...but didn't give my resume to the people interviewing me...hired someone else. It took them a MONTH after that hire to get around to telling me about it, and they probably never would have but that yesterday afternoon I finally caught one of the Sr. Sys Admins in his office with a phone call and he told me. It's not leaving a good taste in my mouth,and although I now know that NOT getting that job was a blessing in disguise, that's knowledge in my head, but not my heart, yet..

    I've been doing IT support for over ten years and I'm pretty good at it, but not "Great". Before that I taught Biology at the community college level for about a decade and I was outstanding at it. I'll never get a local c.c. Biology teaching job, it'll never happen but maybe I could teach high school. I can't tell if I'd like it, or not.

    Is this a bit of a crossroads? I can't tell yet, but I know that if I had the time, I would love to be a high school wrestling coach. I remember my coach, you see?

    What to do? ...that's a rhetorical question, eh?

  2. #2
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    Alan, I am at a similar crossroads. Been in IT since college, even got my degree in MIS, so I have always been a computer geek. But it has changed over the past 5-10 years. IT used to be THE job to have. Now, with outsourcing, fewer IT grads, increased knowledge and expertise of the end users, and easier to use software, IT is not as good as it used to be. Now I am getting burnt out, and open for something new.

    If the coaching job is something that appeals to you, and you can make your bills with the salary (and remember any salary i sbetter than none!), then try it. The worst thing is that you continue your IT job search at the same time, and the best is that you get a job that is fulfilling and rewarding.
    The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long

  3. #3
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    Alan, I know you didn't ask me...but when the hell did that ever stop me

    I feel that Damaris and I are very fortunate do have met you and get to spend so time with you (and the others that make up our kilt nights). You are a very warm, itelligent and genuine person. The impact that you could make, hell, that you are making as a substitute teacher is huge. Is being a high school teacher your true calling? I don't know. But I do know that when Ashley is old enough to go to high school, I only hope that she will have teachers that can make a difference in her life, the kinda teacher you would be.

    Whatever you decide to do will workout for you because your are the kinda person that will always do well. And we as your friends will always be there, in awe of your accomplishments and applauding you along the way.

    Last edited by TimC; 14th October 06 at 01:05 PM.

  4. #4
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    Are the coaches not full time teachers? I thought that was a requirement. My mom was a teacher, so anyone that can teach will always get my respect.
    I've often thought of going back and getting a teaching certificate, but its the going back to school thing that stops me.

  5. #5
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    Alan, let me answer your question by asking another -

    Why is it that people will always stand at the door that has already been closed and will not take advantage of the doors that are opening?

    If I see an opportunity presenting itself, I'm not leaving it on the table for the next fellow to pick up.

  6. #6
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    Another element of the potential part-time coaching position is that, at least in this area, it is common for coaches to teach other classes as part of their teaching load . . . sounds like you could do a terrific job in a number of subjects.

  7. #7
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    Ah, the eternal choice: doing what you want and starving to death, or doing something else and staying above the poverty line.

    For the past three years, I've attempted to get into jobs that showcase my artistic talents: tattoo artist, graphic designer, comic book artist, knitting instructor, etc. All it got me was a serious brush with bankruptcy and no steady work to speak of.

    Personally, I've found that when it comes to artistic expression, the general population doesn't think it's worth paying for. Once they find out you do _______, the first thing they say is: Oh, you should do ________ for me! If you dare to ask how much they'll pay for it, most of the time you get an offended look and told to forget it.

    If you found out somebody was a mechanic, would you expect free oilchanges for nothing?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike1
    ... Why is it that people will always stand at the door that has already been closed and will not take advantage of the doors that are opening?
    The open door may not be the one you want, but sometimes they lead to a door that you do.


  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blu (Ontario)
    The open door may not be the one you want, but sometimes they lead to a door that you do.
    EXACTLY! If you're brave enough to step through the first door, that is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Red Lioness
    If you found out somebody was a mechanic, would you expect free oilchanges for nothing?
    You might be surprised at how often it happens. And if they don't want you to do the work for free, they are expecting you to loan them the tools so they can do it.

  10. #10
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    It sounds to me from what you have posted and talking with you that you get a kick out of teaching. It certainly sounds like you are good at it. If you and your wife can afford it, what do you have to lose by pursuing it for a year and a day and see where it leads?

    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

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