For those of you who want to see just how ugly I really am: Hope the link works. if not it's on my profile.
Doona sae tha' ai dinna warn yae!
My eyes, my eyes, oh the pain of it... Actually in all honesty you look good, congrats on the site.
Last edited by McMurdo; 31st December 06 at 05:06 AM. Reason: spelling
Nice slide show. Your pretty red-haired lady compensates for your own lack of looks Castle Fraser looks like a spooky location for MGM's next horror movie.
Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.
I added ya to my 360
Knowlege is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad Originally Posted by Dreadbelly If people don't like it they can go sit on a thistle.
Well, thank you for sharing that with us! It is great putting faces to names.
Elvis? Is that you? What happened?
All those fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches!
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