Watching the CBS show Dangerous Minds with my wife when i realize that the actor Mandy Patinkin, who plays Gideon on the show, played Inigo Montoya from the Princess Bride!
Last edited by GreenDragon; 19th April 07 at 11:57 AM.
And don't forget "Dead Like Me". If you didn't have Showtime when this series came on, do yourself a favor and rent the DVD's. I know it comes on SciFi channel now, but they cut it up alot to show it.
Watching the CBS show Dangerous Minds with my wife when i realize that the actor Mandy Patinkin, who plays Gideon on the show, played Inigo Montoya from the Princess Bride!
This had me looking at a Mandy P website...I had plumb forgotten several of the really cool things that he's done.
I forgot that he played the immigrant father in the movie of Ragtime.
And I forgot one of the weirdest and most spellbinding movies that I've ever seen: The Music of Chance...not only is this one just strange but you also get Charles Durning and Joel Grey thrown in.
Mr. Patinkin seems to be one of those actors who always makes really good choices as to the roles he takes...