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Thread: The Glenlivet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    21st December 05
    Hawick, Scotland
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    The Glenlivet

    I received in the post a 16-page booklet all about the history and manufacture of the Glenlivet Whisky, including contact details for arranging a guided tour of the distillery. Although I've already drank more than my life's rations of whisky and wine in my younger days and am now teetotal, I seem to be still on a few mailing lists for alcoholic products. It brought back memories of a holiday on Speyside about fifteen years ago when we would go walking or distillery visiting by day then return to the lodge for dinner in the evening where I would don my black watch kilt and sample a few highland malts as an aperitif. Glenlivet was a favourite as the lodge was situated only about five miles from the Glenlivet distillery, which we also saw during the holiday. Glenlivet distillery is set in a rural location, but in the opposite direction there were several distilleries in and around Dufftown. Kilts were de rigeur in Dufftown, when all the kilted distillery guides were out and about in town during their lunch break. Well although I don't intend drinking any more Glenlivet because my liver wouldn't agree with it, the £3 off coupon certainly won't be wasted and I will use it at my local Morrisons store towards the purchase of a bottle to share out at the Dumfries X-markers Burns Supper next month.
    Last edited by cessna152towser; 7th December 06 at 07:10 AM.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    28th January 04
    Foothills of North Carolina
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    I have been to their distillery and it is well worth a visit.
    This evening I will see if I can find a photo or two.
    I sure hope they send their US market a coupon as well.int:
    "Every man dies. Not every man really lives"

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