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  1. #1
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    Help identifying a type of Maltese Cross

    Hi All,

    I wanted to ask the members for help in identifying the origin of this particular Maltese Cross (if there is any particular story to it). The lovely Flame-Haired Celtic Amazon Goddess had it and gave it to me to wear with my kilts. She can't remember where she originally got it and I have been asked about it a few times.

    I've tried Google under "Dolphin, cross" and "Whale, cross" with no luck. It's kind of a neat pendant and I thought that if there is a story to the design the rabble would know.


    Because it is a cross I wanted to put it to the Mods before posting.
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  2. #2
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    I tried googling "images" for starters, with several variations in search terms. One potentially relevant page that came up eventually {linked to the "image" google retrieved} is http://www.northvegr.org/lore/swastika/020.php - and between "fig. 41" on the page and the text {beginning w/the 2nd paragraph, "Cartailhac says: (1)" } - this seemed at least looking at.

    ... In Europe it appeared about the middle of the civilization of the bronze age, and we find it, pure or transformed into a cross, on a mass of objects in metal or pottery during the first age or iron. Sometimes its lines were rounded and given a graceful curve instead of straight and square at this ends and angles. [See letter by Gandhi, pp. 803, 805.] ... [2] the association (in fig. 41) on a slab from the lake dwellings, of the Maltese cross and reproduction of the triskelion; [3] a tetraskelion, which he calls a Swastika "flamboyant," being the triskelion, but with four arms ...
    I tried reading more fully, but my eyes began glazing over

    Maybe that info will lead to something more, search-wise?

  3. #3
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    Very interesting Modified swastika! $ fish with tails intersecting. Looks Pictish. Picts believed salmon to be sacred. Very Nice! I like it! Where did you get it?

  4. #4
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    I've never seen a Maltese Cross that looked like that. Although the symbol looks similar to a wiccan symbol I've seen several times before. I believe it was ment to represent the elements and how they move in unison and balance with each other.

  5. #5
    Kilted KT is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    they look to me like four whales...

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post
    I've tried Google under "Dolphin, cross" and "Whale, cross" with no luck. It's kind of a neat pendant and I thought that if there is a story to the design the rabble would know.
    You might also look for references to the fylfot in addition to the swastika.

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    It looks similar to a symbol on a Celtic cross from the Early Middle Ages. I have a replica of it in my kitchen. It's got the four arms that double back on themselves. That one is supposed to represent the sun and the Divine, but your's looks to much like fish for it to be much else, I think.
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    Kilted KT is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    here is a link to a similar cross...last one on the page. ( no info, though)


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    Jamie, firstly, it is a modified swastika and not a Maltese cross. The swastika was widely used throughout the world as a decorative symbol. It has/had various meanings, progress, ongoing life and balance in body, mind and soul. The one you have is similar to one I have seen in a tattooing design book from the 1920s featuring patterns from Micronesia and other Pacific islands, thus the "fish" imagery. I would humbly suggest you take it as a continuation of life and tradition. The FHCAG has given it to you and one day you will give it to one of the children and so on.....I hope this helps.
    Gentleman of Substance

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scratchy's Lass View Post
    ...I tried reading more fully, but my eyes began glazing over
    S L ,

    I have a book about rapiers and small swords that reads very much like this page did, great information but very dry and concentrated information. I read it if I am ever having trouble going to sleep.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beuth Sim View Post
    ... Very Nice! I like it! Where did you get it?
    B S ,

    Thank you the F-H.C.A.G. gave it to me but doesn't recall where she originally got it (she had it in her jewelry box for some years. I suspect it was from the Northern California Renaissance Faire

    Quote Originally Posted by katmills2005 View Post
    I've never seen a Maltese Cross that looked like that. Although the symbol looks similar to a wiccan symbol I've seen several times before. I believe it was ment to represent the elements and how they move in unison and balance with each other.
    That sounds very cool.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kilted KT View Post
    they look to me like four whales...

    That's what I thought.

    Quote Originally Posted by Big Mikey View Post
    Jamie, firstly, it is a modified swastika and not a Maltese cross....
    When I first saw the word "Swastika" in the responses to my post my eyes did this... !!!

    Then I remembered that the symbol was an ancient one that was adopted by Hitler (Sadly this tidbit came from the old Kolchak: The Night Stalker series "Horror in the Heights". episode )

    Quote Originally Posted by Big Mikey View Post
    ...The swastika was widely used throughout the world as a decorative symbol. It has/had various meanings, progress, ongoing life and balance in body, mind and soul. ... I would humbly suggest you take it as a continuation of life and tradition. The FHCAG has given it to you and one day you will give it to one of the children and so on.....I hope this helps.
    I think that is an excellent way to look at it.

    Thank you everyone for your help. This little pendant seems to encompass a lot of different things.
    The next time I’m asked about it I may not have a definitive answer, but I’ll have some pretty interesting ideas to pass along.


    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

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