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  1. #1
    Panache's Avatar
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    James Bond Favorites

    Some of you may know that the James Bond Franchise is being rebooted with the new film "Casino Royale". Of course 007 is our favorite Scottish Secret Agent (Ian Flemming made the literary Bond a Scot after Sean Connery started playing him on film). I was wondering if there were other Bond fans out there and if so here are some questions for you.

    Your favorite Bond (and why):

    Your Three Favorite James Bond films:

    Your least favorite Bond Film:

    Favorite villian:

    Favorite Bond Girl:

    Favorite Bond Song:

    Worst Bond Movie Theme Song:

    Bonus Question Favorite Quote:

    Here are mine.

    Your favorite Bond (and why): Timothy Dalton (Most like Bond in the Books)

    Your Three Favorite James Bond films:

    You Only Live Twice
    For Your Eyes Only
    The Living Daylights

    Your least favorite Bond Film: License to Kill (Or what would happen if James Bond wanders into a Charles Bronson Revenge Movie :confused: )

    Favorite Bond Girl: Jane Seymour "Solitaire" (Because she is so lovely!)

    Favorite Bond Villain: Kristatos ("For Your Eyes Only")

    Favorite Bond Song: You Only Live Twice

    Worst Bond Movie song: Man with the Golden Gun ("He's got a powerful weapon. He charges a million a shot. An assassin whose second to none...the MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN! )

    Bonus Question Favorite Quote: "Whoever she was I scared the Living Daylights out of her"
    Last edited by Panache; 16th November 06 at 01:48 PM.
    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache
    Your favorite Bond (and why): Timothy Dalton (Most like Bond in the Books)
    I'll second this one. I'd read all of the books before watching the films, and Dalton was definitely closer than the others.

    I did not enjoy Lazenby at all.

  3. #3
    macwilkin is offline
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    (Ian Flemming made the literary Bond a Scot after Sean Connery started playing him on film).
    Fleming reportedly based Bond on a Scot, Panache -- General Sir Fitzroy Maclean, who served as a liason to Tito's partisans in Yugoslavia, although there are several candidates, including Fleming himself, who was involved in clandestine ops in WWII:





  4. #4
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    Your favorite Bond (and why): Sean Connery because he can do no wrong, but Daniel Craig looks and acts for like Bond from the books.

    Your Three Favorite James Bond films: Goldfinger, Goldeneye, The Living Daylights.

    Your least favorite Bond Film: Anything with Roger Moore, nothing wrong with him, just not my favorite.

    Favorite villian: Odd-Job.

    Favorite Bond Girl: Pussy Galore.

    Favorite Bond Song: Goldfinger.

    Least Favorite Bond Movie song: The world is enough.

    Worst Bond Movie Theme Song: Moonraker.

    Bonus Question Favorite Quote: "I expect you to Die Mr. Bond."

  5. #5
    Panache's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot
    Fleming reportedly based Bond on a Scot, Panache -- General Sir Fitzroy Maclean, who served as a liason to Tito's partisans in Yugoslavia, although there are several candidates, including Fleming himself, who was involved in clandestine ops in WWII:




    I was misinformed, thanks for the correction.

    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  6. #6
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    Your favorite Bond (and why): Sir Sean Connery The first was best.

    Your Three Favorite James Bond films: Thunderball, Diamonds are Forever,Dr No

    Your least favorite Bond Film: Any Roger Moore

    Favorite villian: Odd job

    Favorite Bond Girl: Usula Andress

    Need I say more

    Favorite Bond Song: Diamonds are for ever

    Least Favorite Bond Movie song: living daylights

    Worst Bond Movie Theme Song:

    Bonus Question Favorite Quote: Do you expect me to talk ? No Mr Bond I expect you to Die

    Here are mine.

    Your favorite Bond (and why): Timothy Dalton (Most like Bond in the Books)

    Your Three Favorite James Bond films:
    All the Best.....David.
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    Your favorite Bond (and why): Connery - Most likely because he was my intoduction to Bond. Lazenby - I think he was the most realistic (it was a great movie as well)

    Your Three Favorite James Bond films: Thunderball, On HM Secret Service, Live and Let Die

    Your least favorite Bond Film: Never say Never Again

    Favorite villian: Odd - Job He had great lines..

    Favorite Bond Girl: Solitaire - Always Loved Jane Seymour

    Favorite Bond Song: Live and Let Die

    Least Favorite Bond Movie song:

    Worst Bond Movie Theme Song:

    Bonus Question Favorite Quote: He had a lot of guts! (Bond in regards to skier who fell in front of snowblower)

    I like Roger Moore (though he was the Saint in Bond clothing) and Pierce Brosnan, Timothy Dalton did a great job, but was not what the public expected.
    Mark Dockendorf
    Left on the Right Coast

  8. #8
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    well i cant answer all of them as i havent seen a whole lot....

    but i will say
    Your favorite Bond (and why): Sir Sean Connery The first was best.

    Freelander Sporrano i stole your words!

  9. #9
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    Very much a personal thing but my favourite is The Living Daylights because Ann and I were on holiday in Gibraltar and Morocco around the time the film was being made in 1986. I climbed the Mediterranean Steps on the Rock of Gibraltar where the guy in the opening sequence has his rope cut and falls to his death. In Morocco we visited the Arms Dealer's House which is really a small private museum of military models and miniatures, located on the outskirts of Tangiers. We also travelled to the edge of the desert to watch them filming one of the sequences.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  10. #10
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    b]Your favorite Bond (and why):[/b] I have to go with Sean Connery, he made the role and no one has been able to match it yet.

    Your Three Favorite James Bond films: From Russia with Love, View to a Kill, and Goldeneye

    Your least favorite Bond Film: Sorry guys, but everyone with Timothy Dalton and most with Roger Moore

    Favorite villian: I kind of liked Sean Bean as Alec Trevelyan

    Favorite Bond Girl: Halle Berry, but Eva Green looks like she will be taking that role soon

    Favorite Bond Song: View to a Kill, Goldeneye, and of course the main theme used in the first few films.

    Least Favorite Bond Movie song: Moonraker,

    Worst Bond Movie Theme Song: Thunderball, Nobody Does it Better, and Moonraker

    Bonus Question Favorite Quote: Woman: "You're all wet."
    Bond: "Yes, but my martini's still dry."

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