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  1. #1
    Join Date
    20th December 04
    Charlottetown, PEI
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    John Allan Cameron dies

    not sure if anybody outside of the Canadian maritimes has heard of him, but he was quite a musician.
    read about him here

  2. #2
    Join Date
    27th October 05
    Queensland, Australia
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    So sorry to hear that. I didn't know his music but will make an effort to.
    I'm sure some of my fellow musicians know him and will grieve him also.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    10th March 05
    Fergus Ontario, Canada
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    That is way to sad he is the godfather of celtic music in Canada Phat piper had the honour of performing for him I'm sure he'll be saddened by the news

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    John Allen Cameron was not only known for his music but his love of music led to him promoting smaller time bands and individual talents. He was inspirational in the Fergus area for his work at the Highland games here. He was the first embasitor to the games that took the chance to bring in and promote celtic entertainment and really good bands. A lot of bands cut there teeth in some of the events he put on. Many have gone on to great success and will credit him for there start. He took the chance and put them on the mainstage for the public to see.

    We have watched him deteriorate over the last few years in Fergus and officially step down as embasitor to our games two years ago. His son Stuart Cameron took over. He takes after his father and writes, plays and produces music. He was the producer on The Glengarry Bhoys latest CD-Mill Sessions.

    Quite the family and a loss to the celtic music scene.

    Kilted Stuart

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Where would Canadian Celtic music be without John Allen Cameron? Would we have heard the likes of Ashley MacIsaac, The Rankins, Great Big Sea, Lorenna McKennit, Natalie MacMaster, Shona Le Mottee, the Barra MacNeils, and countless others without his influence.

    I saluted the man they only way I saw fit last evening....with a Guinness and a tune on the fiddle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Fergus,Ontario ,Canada
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    We were blessed in Fergus in the summer of 2005 on the Wednesday before our highland games. A sort of last minute (month) tribute concert was put together days before the 60th opening of the games. A few bands were contacted and made special arrangements to be here dispite very heavy touring dates. Quagmire (Canadian band) opened. Then after playing there 10th or 11th show in a row and driveing half the night and day arrived 7 nations. To finish up the night was another Canadian band that said they wouldn't miss this even if they were already playing too many shows already-Great Big Sea.

    All the calls and headaches to arrange this was all for one person. There's very few that this effort would be made by the organizers and bands. I'm not sure how many came but it was in the 7-8000 range. There was hope for 10000 but it was thrown together and advertised just a few weeks if not just a month before.

    That was his last year (2005) as Fergus games embassiter. It was worth the effort because little did we know he would not make it to this summers games and pass a few months later.

    Kilted Stuart

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Victoria, British Columbia, Canada (OCONCAN)
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    That is sad. I remember watching him on TV and enjoying his show and personality.
    "Touch not the cat bot a glove."

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