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Thread: Kilted Hunters

  1. #1
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    Kilted Hunters

    I recently discussed this thread with Panache and he put it to the"MOD SQUAD" for thier blessing and it was recieved.
    So here goes: How many of you here hunt? If so what? With what? I have an ulteior motive asking this, I am a Bowhunter as addicted to that as I am to kilts. If there is enough intrest I will consider setting up an elk bowhunt (kilted of course) either here in NM if the draw is kind to us or in southwest CO as they offer tags OTC. OBTW in keeping within the rules I will not be discussing the patticulars of my weapon of choice other than to identify it as a compound bow or posting any pictures


  2. #2
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    Not interested in that particular sport. I am interested in bows though but that is not a for discussion on this forum. I do have a question as I'm sure the mods are watching this very closely and I appreciate the latitude shown.

    Can not someone such as Weasel Mender post pics being kilted and in the forest on his day, perhaps even shown with his "tool" of choice with the reminder that discussion is only about kilts and kilt related but not of WM's tool choice and defiantly no discussion or pictures of the day's successful end results. Please forgive my guarded words but I would like to see threads such as this not locked out without cause.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccga3359 View Post
    ...Can not someone such as Weasel Mender post pics being kilted and in the forest on his day, perhaps even shown with his "tool" of choice with the reminder that discussion is only about kilts and kilt related but not of WM's tool choice and defiantly no discussion or pictures of the day's successful end results. Please forgive my guarded words but I would like to see threads such as this not locked out without cause.
    The Mod Squad appreciates that Weasel Mender asked us before starting this thread.

    The reason we have to shut down so many threads about shooting sports is that the discussion always becomes all about the weapons. We have many different people on the X Marks the Scot and there are a lot of different opinions about guns and other weapons. We have seen too many nasty Flame Wars happen to not be protective of our forum.

    But behold a thread (with pictures) about a kilted shooting outfit:


    Notice that it is about the outfit, not the gun.

    We certainly are happy when the members of our forum try to gather in real life in the same good fellowship they show here on the internet. I ask all who would like to contribute to this thread to make it about the kilts and the company, not the hardware. Show us Mods that we have grown as a forum and can talk about things like this without it turning down the wrong path.

    It’s all up to you folks.


    Last edited by Panache; 15th May 07 at 05:53 PM.
    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

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    Thank you Panache. Good luck Weasel Mender.

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    As an aside I used to enjoy archery and I believe Tartan Hiker and MadBagPiper are quite the expert shots.

    And... If people want to talk about particulars in hardware, there are always PMs.


    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

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    Not sure how I missed those pics of Kevin, very nice. PM coming re the sxs's. There are pics of me shooting a skeet tourney somewhere here, kilted of course.

    Weasel, this is a truly generous offer and a great idea. I haven't drawn a bow since college, a long time ago, but I would be interested if there is some latitude in weapon. PM incoming to keep this PC.

    For those of you on the fence, I am a pretty fair camp cook.


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    some clarification

    I am planning this hunt for the 2008 season. Some logistic information just so no one comes down with sticker shock, a big game hunt will take a week to 10days and can cost up to 3 "tanks" with tags food gas etc.

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    the 'proper' attire for Haggis Hunting is a wetsuit an' kilt....

    here is our butcher (Stuart Houston) wi' Hugh Fearnley-Wittingstall (TV celeb chef) hunting Haggii...

    shame they cut the kilts oot o' the piccie...

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    "A MAN hunt - how exciting!" (OK, really bad sound bite from an even worse film... and I don't recall the title.)

    Have always had an affinity for varmint hunting - though what passes as being politically correct as a varmint and thus acceptable for hunting does change from second to second. But that's not the point!

    To answer directly and narrowly, varmints with a rifle. (A guy has to keep his long-range shooting skills up after they take away his (army) tank, now doesn't he?)

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    If I had the money and the time.. It sounds like it would be an unforgettable experience =)

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