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  1. #1
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    Know a Motorcycle Rider?

    For all who Know Motorcycle Riders

    I saw you, hug your purse closer to you in the grocery store line. But, you didn't see me, put an extra $10.00 in the collection plate last Sunday.

    I saw you, pull your child closer when we passed each other on the sidewalk. But, you didn't see me, playing Santa at the local mall.

    I saw you, change your mind about going into the restaurant.
    But, you didn't see me, attending a meeting to raise more money for the hurricane relief.

    I saw you, roll up your window and shake your head when I drove by. But, you didn't see me, driving behind you when you flicked your cigarette butt out the car window.

    I saw you, frown at me when I smiled at your children.
    But, you didn't see me, when I took time off from work to run toys to the homeless.

    I saw you, stare at my long hair. But, you didn't see me, and my friends cut ten inches off for Locks of Love.

    I saw you, roll your eyes at our leather coats and gloves.
    But, you didn't see me, and my brothers donate our old coats and gloves to those that had none.

    I saw you, look in fright at my tattoos.
    But, you didn't see me, cry as my children where born and have their name written over and in my heart.

    I saw you, change lanes while rushing off to go somewhere.
    But, you didn't see me, going home to be with my family.

    I saw you, complain about how loud and noisy our bikes can be.
    But, you didn't see me, when you were changing the CD and drifted into my lane.

    I saw you, yelling at your kids in the car.
    But, you didn't see me, pat my child's hands, knowing he was safe behind me.

    I saw you, reading the newspaper or map as you drove down the road. But, you didn't see me, squeeze my wife's leg when she told me to take the next turn.

    I saw you, race down the road in the rain.
    But, you didn't see me, get soaked to the skin so my son could have the car to go on his date.

    I saw you, run the yellow light just to save a few minutes of time.
    But, you didn't see me, trying to turn right.

    I saw you, cut me off because you needed to be in the lane I was in. But, you didn't see me, leave the road.

    I saw you, waiting impatiently for my friends to pass.
    But, you didn't see me. I wasn't there.

    I saw you, go home to your family. But, you didn't see me.
    Because, I died that day you cut me off.

    I was just a biker. A person with friends and a family.
    But, you didn't see me.

    Alma Hailey was to worried about getting into the gas station to see John Aden and Brandi Fox driving down Hwy 51. She pulled out in front of them and killed them both. Still to this day she does not care and thinks it was John's fault.

    It is a proven fact that people do not pay attention to people on bikes. It is a proven fact that more motorcyclists die in accidents like these caused by careless motorists than any other type of accident.

    A friend of mine was killed yesterday while riding his Harley around town.

    Please pay attention.

  2. #2
    Panache's Avatar
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    Deja vu!


    kiltedfirepiper posted this same thing fairly recently:



    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  3. #3
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    I posted a blog on my MySpace about my good friend friend Brent Smith. He was killed yesterday morning by someone who "just didn't see him." Another friend of mine sent that message to me via e-mail. It seemed to fit the situation perfectly. I don't think it could be posted enough to get the message across. People need to start paying attention.

  4. #4
    TimC's Avatar
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    Dirka, I'm sorry for your loss - as a rider, thank you for posting it.


  5. #5
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    Sorry about your friend.My prayers are with you and his family.

  6. #6
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    I'm also sorry for your loss

    I'm getting ready for work tonight , and I'm riding my shadow 1100 ... everytime I get on I think of this poem
    last night on my way home I got hit with a #$&king cigg butt....I could have throttled the chick!!!

    ps....I mean no disrespect to the ladies on here when I called her a chick.....

    Irish diplomacy: is telling a man to go to he)) in such a way that he looks forward to the trip!

  7. #7
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    I'm very sorry to hear about your friend.

    Anyone who rides has been through something like this at some point and time. People just don't pay attention to bikes.

    I think that in the near future this will hopefully change. With gas prices in the US going higher and higher, there are bound to be more and more bikes out on the road.

  8. #8
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    It's never easy to lose a friend... especially when it's unexpected and so seemingly senseless and avoidable!

    Thanks for your thoughts for bikers - our thoughts are with you, and with your friend's family and friends.

  9. #9
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    i agree people do need to pay attention my father owns a harley with a seat big enough for two to ride and we went out a few weeks ago just down the street ( he just got it and i begged him for a short ride) and this guy completely cut us off to get in front of us only then to turn just down the road a few yards. well needless to say me and my father both had a few words for him

  10. #10
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    Man, if I had a nickel for every cigarette butt that's hit me, sheesh. I had seen this posted somewhere before , but it's always great to read it again. I just took my bike out of hibernation this week. Changed the oil, added some clutch fluid, and aired up the tires. With Spring springing everywhere now, keep an eye out for us. We're out there.

    To share a quick relatable, I was riding on 236 in Fairfax VA a few years back, on my way to work. A woman in a minivan, talking on her phone, came over into my lane. The guy in front of me was slowing down for the red light ahead and the one behind me was closer than I like(normal for this area), and I had a curb to my left I couldn't get over safely. I was truly trapped. I laid on my horn and tried to brake without becoming a hood ornament, but she never even looked over. When I was almost out of room, I took my right boot and kicked her van square in the side. While I wouldn't recommend the move, it worked. I think that's the closest encounter I've ever had with a car, thank the Lord. Be careful out there and keep the rubber side down!
    Paul X. Danner
    My Email

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