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Thread: Learning Gaelic

  1. #1
    Join Date
    15th February 04
    North Carolina is home, Maryland is just a place I live
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    Learning Gaelic

    I have been trying to learn Scots Gaelic for some time, and have been changing my methods periodically to see what works best for me. I have just found the trick that works for me. I know that others here have tried, and others are trying, so maybe this will help you. I do have a pretty good background in languages, 2 years of Spanish, 3 years of Latin in highschool, 2 semesters of French in college. I did well in all three. For Gaelic, once I found these three resources, it has started to click. First one is the BBC site that was listed in one of the Scots Language threads here, the other site is here, http://www.taic.btinternet.co.uk/taic.htm . I am also using a book with two audio CDs called "Teach Yourself Gaelic". These are all three great resources, but there is one thing that is needed that I was not using. I believe that it is extrememly important that one also listens to Gaelic songs. After listening to the songs along with the words in front of me, my pronounciation has improved tremendously. The two sites and book used together really help in learning the syntax, how the language is constructed, and some vocabulary. Listening to songs help with prononciation and learning more vocabulary. Also when using the sites and books, you have to do the exercises. Homework is very important. Not to sound like an ad for them, but if you need a resource for traditional Gaelic songs, The Kilt Store has quite a few.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    2nd July 06
    Madison, Wisconsin
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    Yeah, I've found that all true when learning Irish. Glad to see somebody else trying to keep the culture alive.

    "Tír gan Teanga, tír gan anam."
    [A nation without a langauge is a nation without a soul]

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