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Thread: Movie Review

  1. #1
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    Movie Review

    I just got in from dinner and a movie with the wife and daughter. As I am a big fan of old comics, we went to see "Ghost Rider" with Nick Cage. Now, this is not an Oscar contender but it is faithful to the original comic story line and the special F/X were great. The movie did drag a little as the story developed but in the end I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you want to see a movie that is fun, not politically charged and doesn't require a Mensa membership to follow, check out "Ghost Rider". I give this one out of 5.
    Gentleman of Substance

  2. #2
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    Big Mikey,

    Thanks for the review. Sadly Ain't it Cool : http://www.aintitcool.com/
    Roasted the Ghost Rider. I didn't follow the comic. But I know the story. It doesn't seem like they quite captured the spirit of the Ghost Rider. I am more looking forward to Spiderman III and Iron Man (which I have heard is set up as a trilogy-which if they play it right could be amazing!)

    Still, Motorcycles, flames, and skulls. There are far worse ways to spend an afternoon.

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  3. #3
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    The movie lost me when they cast Nick Cage. Too bad, I really would have liked to see it, but I cant stand his "acting".

    Also, every commercial for the movie I have seen shows the same few scenes. To my thinking, if they cant find 30 more seconds of interesting footage for a new commercial, it just isnt in the movie.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaish View Post
    The movie lost me when they cast Nick Cage. Too bad, I really would have liked to see it, but I cant stand his "acting".
    I am with Yaish on this one. I haven't been able to stomach Cage since his run of luck (the rock, face off, and National treasure). The guy just creeps me out now. Maybe it's the bad fake hair plugs.

    I'll save my $$$$$ and wait for 300

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    Quote Originally Posted by Colin View Post
    I am with Yaish on this one. I haven't been able to stomach Cage since his run of luck (the rock, face off, and National treasure). The guy just creeps me out now. Maybe it's the bad fake hair plugs.

    I'll save my $$$$$ and wait for 300
    Not a nick cage fan at all. I can't stand him in anything. Aside from 300, I would love to see Number 23 with Jim Carrey

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    Kilted KT is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    thanks for the review..I'll prolly head out to see this one, as I'm was big into comics while growing up.

    one I am looking forward to is fantastic four 2, which is supposed to have Silver Sufer in it!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kilted KT View Post
    thanks for the review..I'll prolly head out to see this one, as I'm was big into comics while growing up.

    one I am looking forward to is fantastic four 2, which is supposed to have Silver Sufer in it!
    KT, google the movie. There is a teaser trailer with Silver Surfer already out. Good looking graphics.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Colin View Post
    KT, google the movie. There is a teaser trailer with Silver Surfer already out. Good looking graphics.

  9. #9
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    The script for FFII has been leaked. They have radically changed the storyline. Silver Surfer will be the bad guy, and not much like the comic books at all.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreadbelly View Post
    The script for FFII has been leaked. They have radically changed the storyline. Silver Surfer will be the bad guy and not much like the comic books at all.
    We're getting a bit off topic, but wasn't the Silver Surfer always kind of a bad-good guy (kind of like Ghost rider)? It's been awhile since I read the comics, but I always thought he had little time for man's problems, and therefore often clashed with the FF when he was first introduced. They softened him up for mass consuption later on, but he was a bit of a hard -**** in the beginning.

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