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Thread: My nephew

  1. #1
    Join Date
    16th August 06
    Denver, Colorado
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    My nephew

    My favorite nephew is leaving in a day or 2 for his next semester of culinary school. He came over yesterday afternoon for a short visit. By coincedince his girlcousin (my favorite niece. my baby) and her husband stopped by to borrow some travel bags for a flight they will be making Tuesday. We decided after a bit of chatting we'd go downtown to give him a send off for school. I got quite a bit of attention with women giving me a wolf wistle, 2 wanted their pictures taken with me. And except for 1 nigitive comment from a fat jirk with a big ugly gold tooth There were a lot of smiles from the ladies.

    "Women like kilts 'huh?" He commented. "Yes, buddy they seem to." He thought for a second & said "Maybe I need to start wearing a kilt."

    Guys I think we may have a convert

  2. #2
    Join Date
    4th August 06
    rison, arkansas
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    Good job, we need to turn all of them we can.
    Knowlege is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad

    Quote Originally Posted by Dreadbelly View Post
    If people don't like it they can go sit on a thistle.


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