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  1. #1
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    My trip to Europe

    It's good to be home. I did, however have a wonderful time. My dad wanted to visit Holland one more time and seeing as my mom didn't want to go ...I naturally volunteered.

    So off we go from Toronto to Heathrow and grab a coach to Gatwick to meet up with Hamish. From there a mad dash home to present the bronze leather kilt. (Pictures in other threads)
    We spent two nights in Storrington and we were housed in Ashton House( I heard that name around here before...um...let me think now I know it has something to do with kilts...oh it will come to me later...) Wonderful B&B though we didn’t stay there much as we were off to see the country side and talk kilts and of course see the Kilt Kollection! The Kollection is stunning! The time I was able to spend with it didn’t do it justice...well done Hamish!
    So now on with a few pics shall we?

  2. #2
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    Word of warning...Now when you go to visit Hamish, folks make sure you're kilted or else you may end up like this chap

    Sometimes a little horseplay is in order so we did a "bronze" dread

    And of course Hamish can really kick things off to a start

  3. #3
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    In another thread Ham had me talking to this lady in waiting.... I pleaded with her to come back with me to help make some kilts but she turned me down....ouch

    Of course when I went to Holland we had to check up on the old family castle. I'm sorry to say it's a little run down at the moment but...It's on my father's mother's side of the family So here are the ruins of Brederode

  4. #4
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    Dad and I visited the town of Gouda (roll the g.... gh ow da)

    of course did a stint in Tilburg on the Queens-day holiday

    And speaking of the Queen. we saw her at the unveiling of some statues in the city of Venlo

  5. #5
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    Managed to visit a number of windmills throughout the countryside, this is part of a trio of windmills just outside Zoetemeer

    Also visited the town square of Delft famous for the blue on white china and people that stare at guys in kilts taking pictures of them.

    We have some 500 photos that I have yet to go through. But it was truely a wonderful experience to share with my dad. A real treat to meet up with Hamish and Jim in England and to spend a day with Robin and his lovely wife Michele.

    More to come

  6. #6
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    Looks like you guys had an absolutely wonderful time.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Super pics, thanks for posting. Looks like you had an excellent time and I'm glad you got better weather than we've been having here in Scotland lately.
    My maternal grandfather's side also has Dutch ancestry, going back to one of King William's troops who came over to fight in the Battle of the Boyne, fell in love witrh an Irish lass and stayed behind. There are still some Mewhorts in Northern Ireland, (my mother's maiden name), though most seem to have found their way to Canada.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  8. #8
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    Lovely photos Robert, looks like you really had fun, your dad too. What response did you get in Holland to the kilt?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Lovely pictures!

    Was great to meet you and your father and I'm very happy you had such a nice trip...including the weather.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graham View Post
    Lovely photos Robert, looks like you really had fun, your dad too. What response did you get in Holland to the kilt?
    The responses in Holland in the most part were positive. Having said that I now have an idea what a woman feels like as she is being stared at up and down. It can be a bit nerve racking.
    While at Tilburg I would be standing minding my own business and I would feel a tug at the kilt as ladies were passing by me they would grab a feel of the bronze leather kilt. My father's jaw dropped while I was dealing with a customer and another set of ladies would grab the kilt for a feel of the leather as if it was perfectly normal everyday thing.
    I overheard a lady talking to her husband I like that much better than a guy wearing shorts. ( actually that was a frequent comment)
    Over the course of the holiday my dad decided to wear kilts more and more and was actually borrowing mine (I have to make him some more...maybe he gets a leather one before you do eh?...)

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