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  1. #1
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    The reason for kilt hose.

    I got woke up out of the sound sleep I had finally achieved after a bout with insomnia last night at 9am this morning to be told that if I didn't have new tags on my vehicle by 3pm, the apartment complex was going to tow it. (I hadn't bothered with tags because I haven't had money for insurance-long story) Anyway, I scrambled over the net and bought insurance, threw on my kilt, grabbed the documents I needed, and shot out the door to go take care of it. Well, I was halfway to the bus stop when I realized that I hadn't put on socks. I don't have real kilt hose yet, but that's beside the point. I took the trusty Visa card to the ATM (muttering under my breath that this really could have waited two weeks so I wouldn't have to pay finance charges...) and headed to the bus stop. That's when the snowstorm started. I got to the place I had been told to go for the tags, and found out that I was told the wrong place. Another half hour in the wind and snow to get on the bus to the next place. A hike of about a half a mile through parking lots that are still unplowed from the blizzard last week got me in the door of the DMV. Then another half mile trek (a half mile seems like such a short distance in good weather, but add in a blustery snowstorm and it seems like Zeno's Paradox) and another half hour wait for a bus. By the time I got home, I had evidence of why the lowlanders used to call kilt wearers "redshanks." I'm definitely buying some kilt hose when my money gets in. My legs are just now starting to warm up. If I could drink, this would be the time for a dram (or three) of a good single malt.

    On the upside, just after I walked into the DMV a pretty lass who ran out of time on her lunch hour to wait gave me her number, which got me through about a half hour earlier than I could have expected otherwise! All hail the power of the kilt!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Yes, indeed, it never fails to amaze me how some don't seem to feel the cold and can be out and about in mid winter in kilts or knee shorts with hose scrunched down to the ankles.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  3. #3
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    You might find some soccer socks on sale and can use them until you have the money to buy kilt hose.


    You don't have to be Scottish to be comfortable!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    You might find some soccer socks on sale
    Good suggestion. I wear rugby socks with my casual kilts, and keep the hose for my more expensive wool kilts.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  5. #5
    Mr. Kilt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cessna152towser View Post
    Yes, indeed, it never fails to amaze me how some don't seem to feel the cold and can be out and about in mid winter in kilts or knee shorts with hose scrunched down to the ankles.
    If I'm going "casual" I'll wear my socks scrunched down in temps as low as -10C. Anything colder than that and I pull them up.

    Quote Originally Posted by cessna152towser View Post
    Good suggestion. I wear rugby socks with my casual kilts, and keep the hose for my more expensive wool kilts.
    I'm the same way. Rugby socks with my casual kilts, saving the expensive wool hose for my good kilts and a dressier look.

  6. #6
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    Any sports store should carry both rugby and soccer socks. I've even seen some fairly nice argyll tartan socks in assorted colours, that could be worn with a kilt.

  7. #7
    gseven1 is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    I'm with the others, I only wear my kilt hose at formal occasions. For my everyday kilt wearing (AKs and UKs), I went to a box retail store and found some knee high tube socks, (they're okay but not all that warm), and some wool knee high socks designed for contractors working outdoors. I like those the best.

    I'm glad to hear y'all are digging out of the snow over there, wish you could send a little of it our way. There isn't quite enough to get the snow shoes out yet.

  8. #8
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    Great adventure, hope you have thawed out by now

  9. #9
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    Sounds like another great day in a kilt. Attention from a lass and all the rest, I would say pick up some rugby socks, until finances allow you to get the kilt hose.

  10. #10
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    Thanks for the ideas guys. As far as thawing out, the redhead made me some cocoa, which helped.

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