18th March 07, 04:35 AM
Recent Changes
Hi All
I thought I would send out this note to let you all know what is going on in my life.
My relationship with the other half is over and I have moved in with my sister for now, as there is no computer at her house, I am only able to get online at work and only for a limited time. Not sure if anyone noticed but my adress has changed from Whitby to Toronto. Anyway I have to pick up a computer next week and get everything together.
On the upside since leaving I have been kilted everyday, and it was a mutual decision as neither one of us were happy, so there you have it. I will try to check in a bit but really I must try to concentrate on getting everything together in my life.
Talk to you soon.
18th March 07, 04:58 AM
Best of luck, McMurdo. So many of us have had a false start at long term relationships and thought we'd found the right woman for a lifetime partner, only to find further change necessary. I hope all goes well for you.
Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.
18th March 07, 06:26 AM
Hope all goes well for you my friend! Here hoping you have a brighter future! No matter what happens, we will always be here for you!
18th March 07, 06:38 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this Glen, it's not the best way to become kilted 24/7. McMurdo comes first though, SOKS second (well actually closer to 19th). Take care of yourself. If you need to bend an hear pm me and we can meet somewhere for a coffee.
18th March 07, 06:47 AM
Thanks all for your well wishes.
Grant I have decided that the recent changes in my life will allow me to be who I want to be, for the first time in a long time, without judgement.
So although it is not the best way to be kilted 24/7 and certainly not the way I would have chosen, it has happened. One of the first realizations I had was that now I could wear my kilt(s) wherever whenever. Also since walking away I have found that my disposable income has increased, so guess where some of it will go.
All in all I think it was something that had been coming for a long time we just had to face it, so really I am not all that hurt we still talk and have as good a relationship as one can expect.
18th March 07, 06:53 AM
I went through all this about a year ago - so I know it's often a mixed blessing.
As a greeting card (I should have bought when I saw it years ago) said:
"Some people call it divorce... I prefer to think of it as a home improvement project."
Remember you have a whole rabble here on your side!
18th March 07, 06:55 AM
A mutually desired, uncomplicated break is the best anyone can hope for in you situation, Glen. If it is amiable and you remain friends, so much the better. Good luck going forward. Change is stressful but you sound hopeful and positive about it. Take your time and check in with us when you can. We'll be here.
Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.)
Where 4 Scotsmen gather there'll usually be a fifth.
7/5 of the world's population have a difficult time with fractions.
18th March 07, 07:08 AM
Been there, done that! But then I met a wonderful woman to share my life and passion for sailing and things celtic. I find myself truly blessed the second time around.
In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.
18th March 07, 07:11 AM
A mutually desired, uncomplicated break is the best anyone can hope for in you situation, Glen.
Too right, it sure is. #1 went off with a new partner to live at the other end of the country with no prior warning whatsoever and left it to her dad to break the news. She never did get in touch to divide up our joint property.
#2 was a lookalike I married on the rebound who just wasn't right for me and went through a bitter and costly divorce, and a lot of battles to keep in contact with the child of the relationship. My one big regret in life is not marrying #3, dearly beloved Ann, while still young enough to raise a family.
Last edited by cessna152towser; 18th March 07 at 07:53 AM.
Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.
18th March 07, 07:25 AM
I'm sorry that the road you and your former love previously took was rocky and steep.
Wishing you well as you travel on the brighter smoother path before you.
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
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