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  1. #1
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    Scottish/Celtic customs for dedicating a new home?

    My wife and I are buying a new house and moving - hopefully next month.

    Does anyone know of any Scottish/Irish/Celtic customs for dedicating a new home?

    No religious stuff, please. We're not religious.
    Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit

  2. #2
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    What about the horseshoe by the front door to bring luck and keep away bad spirits.

  3. #3
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colin View Post
    What about the horseshoe by the front door to bring luck and keep away bad spirits.
    I will second this; the horseshoe could be festooned with tartan ribbon. Of course, it should be above the threshold, but there is some disagreement as to how it should be placed, with the prongs up (to hold the luck in) or down (so that the luck may scatter over the house and block the door to evil spirits).

    The horseshoe must not be purchased, however, but found or given as a gift.



  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colin View Post
    What about the horseshoe by the front door to bring luck and keep away bad spirits.
    Good one. I forgot it was Scottish because it's so common in the U.S. I have just the shoe for it, somewhere, a gift from the Kentucky Jaycees..


    Any more? Something we can do with our guests at the housewarming party?
    Last edited by Bob C; 19th June 07 at 09:55 AM.
    Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit

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    The first person to officially enter the home (at the Housewarming) Stands at the Threshold and offers;
    a piece of coal; "May you always have fire in your hearth:
    a bread roll; "May you always have bread on your table"
    a silver coin; "May you always have money in your purse"
    a box of matches; "May you always have light in your home"
    a cloth; table napkin, handkerchief etc. "May you always have clothes on your back".
    "Now from you, a wee dram to warm our hearts and seal the luck".
    The 'Master of the house' then offers the Luck bringer a shot of Whisly- or these days any suitable drink- then leads the person into the house. The gifts are displayed on a table for the evening.
    The next day, all is wrapped in the cloth and either;
    a. Buried by the front doorstep
    b. tucked away in the attic. It is now the 'Luck of the House' and must not be removed.
    This is also done on New Year's Eve for "Old" houses.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ozman1944 View Post
    This is also done on New Year's Eve for "Old" houses.
    I was going to say - this all sounds a lot like "first foot" on Hogmanay.
    Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit

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    I suspect it's a variant; We've done it flike this for 150 years that I know of. Unfortunately all my 'oldies' have died, so have no one to ask.

  8. #8
    macwilkin is offline
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    It is a "First Foot" ceremony from Hogmanay.

    Bob, here's another one -- get a nice quaich, and offer each guest a dram of whisky on entering the house -- the sacred rights of hospitality and all that.

    Let me look in my folklore section tonight and see what else I can find.


  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot View Post
    It is a "First Foot" ceremony from Hogmanay.

    Bob, here's another one -- get a nice quaich, and offer each guest a dram of whisky on entering the house -- the sacred rights of hospitality and all that.

    Let me look in my folklore section tonight and see what else I can find.

    T - would it surprise you to learn that I already own a nice quaich? I'll stand at the door with my quaich in one hand and my Claymore in the other. I'll sort friend from foe.

    I bet the pewter gets more use than the steel does.
    Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit

  10. #10
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob C. View Post
    T - would it surprise you to learn that I already own a nice quaich? I'll stand at the door with my quaich in one hand and my Claymore in the other. I'll sort friend from foe.

    I bet the pewter gets more use than the steel does.
    Bob -- I should have thought of that. :mrgreen:


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