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  1. #1
    Join Date
    3rd March 07
    Thumb of Michigan
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    Some Input Please re: Craft Faire Clothes

    Ok - I am going to be doing some craft faires this summer. I will be selling my clan badge buttons, the plant buttons, note cards, bookmarks and other things as well as my calligraphy things (various plaques of different sizes and themes), awareness buttons and other similar items. I tell you this to sort of set the stage. I am going to dress in a drindl with some ribbons decorating it, a white peasant type blouse and a colorful vest. This is the gypsy side. However, I am not sure what I should wear to address the "celtic" side. Should it be something in the way of a sash like a belt or over the shoulder? I had also thought of wearing a tam, altho I would like to wear a Glengarry a friend is willing to loan me (I always loved that hat) but am not sure if it would be proper. Beyond that, I have no idea what I could wear that would suggest the Scottish connection.

    I am open to suggestions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    2nd April 05
    Smyrna, Tennessee, USA
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    People will almost always associate tartan as being Scottish. So a tartan sash or scarf would do nicely. The glengarry probably wouldn't look right. If its the regular black with red and white dicing, it will look too uniform-ish.
    Just my two cents worth.

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