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Thread: Spooky stuff

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    Spooky stuff

    I'm an avid reader of all things supernatural and paranormal. I've gone on ghost walks and visited supposedly haunted sites but I've never ever witnessed any weird phenomenon with my own eyes. Perhaps it's because I want something scary to happen too much.

    As per the forum rules, without getting religious or whatnot, does anybody have any good ghost stories? It doesn't have to be an actual story as such, any spooky experience will do. I'd love to hear whatever you've got

    I can sorta start us off with something a friend related to me.....

    A buddy of mine realated to me that his aunts home was haunted by a friendly ghost. For instance, more than once, when climbing the basement stairs with a laundry basket full of clothes, if the door at the top of the stairs was closed, she could ask the ghost to open it for her. AND IT WOULD!!!

  2. #2
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    The tower where I live is haunted. Laugh if you will, but there is some weird stuff here, like Bubbles the Ghost. The elevators will take off, go to a floor, the doors will open, and there will be nobody there. Strange stuff happens here.

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    I've lived in a couple of haunted houses. When I was a kid, one of the places we lived had a ghost that liked to knock about the upstairs bedrooms at night.

    A few years ago, when I moved in with my sister, I noticed a cat out of the corner of my eye, an orange tabby. They didn't own any cats at the time. Last time I visited, that ghost cat is still there. It drives their two dogs and three living cats nuts.

    In my hometown, there's a historic hotel called the Strater Hotel. The employees tell stories about a ghost that inhabits one of the rooms on the fourth floor.

    I have a double dozen other stories, but they're prohibited by forum rules.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Erisianmonkey View Post

    I have a double dozen other stories, but they're prohibited by forum rules.
    feel free to pm me

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    I used to work in a jail in Indiana. It was built on what was once a cow pasture, and then a dump. Apparantly, it also was a cemetary. More than one inmate and officer have mentioned encounters with a little girl at night. The officer saw her walking through one of the indoor recreation areas. One inmate, visibly shaken one morning, mentioned waking up in the middle of the night and seeing a little girl in his room with a ball. She looked at him asked if he wanted to play. Scared the crap out of him.

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    You are opening up a very terrible can of worms here.

    Brian, a very close friend of mine from High School in Santa cruz got his Ph.D. in folklore at UC Berkeley. One of the things his dissertation was on was the internet and the establishment of what he called a "Global Knowledge" pool. His first post graduate position took him to Yale where he was working on compiling stories relating to certain Aztec legends. He did a lot of online research and communicated with Professors of Folklore, Sociology,and Anthropology. He in fact stumbled onto some pretty terrible knowledge. He was trying to cross-reference some techniques used in the Aztec sacrifices and found very similar references around the globe and history as far back as ancient Ur. He couldn't quite understand why these gruesome practices and remarkably similar methods of dispatching the sacrifices as well as fairly close prayers/spells that accompanied them were so close to identical. This wasn't the worst.

    When he expanded his search parameters to include modern events he found that these same methods appeared in the police reports and Newspaper articles from modern times. These records were all in regards to murders and serial killers! I still remember how really distressed he seemed in his emails when he was writing to me about this. How could these eldritch rituals span time and territory and how could they relate to the deranged impulses of diseased minds of our modern world. He worked on this for almost 10 months before he found a common factor. It chilled him.

    The stars.

    Brian found an astronomy program that would allow him to see any the patterns of the stars as viewed from anywhere on the Earth at any time.
    He got the idea from an Egyptian carving that showed a sacrifice being performed at night. There were several stars and what appeared to be Venus low on the horizon. Since he knew the location from the hieroglyphic translations, he was able to use this program to determine the exact time illustrated. He then used the program to look for similar occurrances where these same stars would appear in the sky and give locations and dates. It was remarkable! A large number of the recent crimes and work of serial killers matched with these patterns in the stars.

    His emails became less and less frequent. My inquiries as to his health and welfare would go unanswered for months.

    I had pretty much given up on him until about a year after my last communication with him I got this high priority email at my work. It was from Brian who had been apparently travelling in the East for some time. He mentioned "Leng" which I am unfamilar with. He had come to a terrible conclusion. Overstretching all these cultures and times it appeared there was some secret cult. This cult moved from culture to culture, from century to century pursuing an agenda with single minded purpose. I didn't understand a lot of it. He mentioned the "cumulative effects of the release of the cosmic power of the blood" which sounded like gibberish when I read it. Now I'm not so sure. Anyway the upshot was that this strange religious conspiracy was trying to bring about the return of some terrible elder gods to our world. The sacrifices were carefully planned and executed, each moving some grand spell closer and closer to it's final invocation that would come about "when the stars were right".

    In truth he sounded crazy. The last part of it was the craziest. He claimed that this conspiracy had become aware of his research. He felt that he was somehow marked, and he didn't have a lot of time left. There was a huge attachment enclosed. It was Friday Night and I wanted to get home to my wife so I didn't open it. I didn't have a clue how to respond to Brian. I resolved to talk to my wife and get back to him Monday.

    On Sunday I got a call from a mutual high school friend of Brian and myself. Brian was dead. He had been walking down the street when some rough looking fellow bumped into him. He apparently walked about 3 more steps and collapsed. The coroner said it was a heart attack. The fellow who had bumped into him had vanished from the scene.

    When I returned to work my boss seemed really odd, in retrospect I would say he seemed fearful. He called me into his office and I was written up for improper use of the system's email and transferring files that were larger than policy demanded. He told me that he had personally deleted the offending file and all emails both to and from the sender. He looked at me straight in the eye and said "James, please drop this". I was too dazed to do anything but nod my head. It was just easier to put Brian out of mind.

    But sometimes, late at night I look up and out my window and wonder.

    If the stars are right?

    Hope you liked the story cloves! Pleasant Dreams...


    Last edited by Panache; 19th February 07 at 07:31 PM.
    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

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    Quote Originally Posted by cloves View Post
    ... It doesn't have to be an actual story as such...
    Sorry cloves! I got as far as that line and started writing a ghost story for you in the "spirit" of H.P. Lovecraft. Let me know if you would like me to delete it.


    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

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    Beloit College is built around a series of Indian Mounds...Indian burial mounds.

    Late at night, walking home from the library all alone, I swear I saw group of ancients dancing around one of the graves. Eh, it was probably just the wind...

    [seriously though, Beloit College is built on an Indian cemetary. Look for yourself! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beloit_College]

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    nah Panache, don't delete it. That was cool...and very Lovecraft-esque.
    I love the old "pulp" type horror stories. Speaking of Lovecraft, is it just me, or does Dread's new tentacled avatar pic look sorta like Cthulu?

    anyways...back to the ghosties

  10. #10
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    That's Davy Jones...

    And I've been called Cthulu.

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