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  1. #1
    Join Date
    18th October 09
    Orange County California
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    big thanks to Rocky! (wedding outfit)

    I attended/piped at a wedding last night at which most of the Groom's outfit came from USA Kilts.

    Months ago he approached me saying something like "I know you wear kilts all the time, I really want to be kilted for my wedding, but I have no idea where to start."

    I didn't hesitate to recommend Rocky at USA Kilts. I knew that beyond being great kiltmakers, USA Kilts and their great website is the best all-around source I know of. In one place a newbie can see a wide variety of kilt styles and jacket styles and everything else. Also their tartan list is wonderfully inclusive and easy to navigate.

    The Groom was wonderfully turned-out as one would expect, in his Clark tartan kilt and fly plaid. He had very good things to say about his USA Kilts experience.

    Thanks for being there, Rocky!
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

  2. The Following 13 Users say 'Aye' to OC Richard For This Useful Post:

  3. #2
    Join Date
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    Pittsburgh, PA, USA
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    Thumbs up

    I had my kilt made by a local (to Hong Kong) scottish-trained tailor for my wedding kilts (mine and my father-in-law's), and the process was a nightmare. The kilts turned out beautifully, but I can say for certain I won't be doing business with them ever again. To put into perspective, I ordered the kilts in November, saying I'd really like to have them made with ample time before the wedding, to be sure. The kilts were not in my hands until 3 days before the wedding - which was mid-June the next year. The tailor initially promised prompt service, and there were no back-logs mentioned. Communications started out good, but deteriorated over time, to the point where he won't answer my calls, and his partner/brother screened his calls. The reason for my persistence was because it was mid-May, and I haven't heard back from them about the kilt's availability (6 months after my order was placed). I think the tailor put in a hot pink lining just to spite me (not knowing I'd be perfectly ok with it, but my father-in-law, who is much more conservative, was shocked).

    That was all before I found USA Kilts. And when people ask, I never hesitate recommending Rocky and his gang.

    If I had to do my wedding all over again, one of the few things I'd change is to get my kilts from Rocky, for his customer-minded service, and overall quality of products.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    14th December 14
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    I will add my name to the list of people who would recommend USA Kilts. I've always been treated wonderfully by them, and their products are terrific.

  5. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to sbevans For This Useful Post:


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