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  1. #1
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    Any ideas on how I can determine the age of this hand-me-down Haig & Haig Pinch?

    Today my Mom gave me this bottle of Scotch.
    It had been given to my Dad (I'm guessing at least 10 years ago) by a patient of his - who said it was given to him "many years ago."
    Dad would say that he was saving it for a "special occasion."

    Dad passed away two years ago. Special occasions came and went, and the bottle remained unopened.
    I intend to have a toast to Dad every time I have a glass.

    But before I begin this journey, I was curious about the age of the bottle and its contents.
    If any of the forum members have some "experience" with this Scotch, I would welcome your tasting notes and thoughts and/or guesses as to age. I know this Brand is still around as I've seen it in the liquor store, but never tried.

    I will post my tasting notes once I open. Unless of course someone out there tells me this bottle is rare and worth $10,000!

    Now, at last, the photos.

    "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days." Benjamin Franklin

  2. #2
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    Are there any markings on the bottom of the bottle? Apparently, the year the bottle was manufactured used to be stamped there, but this was discontinued in the 1980s. (Of course, this may only tell you when the bottle itself was created, not the contents of the bottle...but it should put you in the ballpark.)
    The Rev. William B. Henry, Jr.
    "With Your Shield or On It!"

  3. #3
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    You may want to contact the distillery in Markinch, Scotland and supply the info you have posted here. They may have some info for you. I believe, however, that "Pinch" was call "Dimple" in the UK - but some more knowing and informed folks could clear that up. Good luck! I'm interested in what you discover.
    Gu dùbhlanach
    Coinneach Mac Dhòmhnaill

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by WBHenry View Post
    Are there any markings on the bottom of the bottle? Apparently, the year the bottle was manufactured used to be stamped there, but this was discontinued in the 1980s. (Of course, this may only tell you when the bottle itself was created, not the contents of the bottle...but it should put you in the ballpark.)
    There doesn't appear to be a date on the bottom of the bottle, just "Haig & Haig LTD, Scotland"
    "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days." Benjamin Franklin

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by KenB View Post
    You may want to contact the distillery in Markinch, Scotland and supply the info you have posted here. They may have some info for you. I believe, however, that "Pinch" was call "Dimple" in the UK - but some more knowing and informed folks could clear that up. Good luck! I'm interested in what you discover.
    I suppose it's worth try, although I imagine it would be next to impossible to narrow it down to anything other than something like "1985-1995."
    And yes, "Pinch" was/is the name marketed to U.S. markets and "Dimple" is for U.K.
    "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days." Benjamin Franklin

  6. #6
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    I have not seen "Dimple" Haig or even "Haig" over here for years, perhaps incorrectly I thought that it went for export these days.

    In my youth "Haig" was the almost standard whisky(before malts became the thing)in many houses with the instantly recognisable brown glass bottle and "dimple" was regarded as " special occasion" stuff. At home, we all used to store the old "silver sixpences" in an old dimple bottle and from it, if I recall correctly, we could harvest about £35(a lot of money in those days!) when the bottle was full. How old is your bottle? I can't say, but the contents will be good stuff!
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 26th June 12 at 05:14 AM.
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  7. #7
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    according to one sight I found HERE that type of tax sticker was only used until 1985. I couldn't find any hits on a quick search using the number 3081852 to aid in dating, but I'd try to follow either that or the "Distilled In Scotland & Bottled..." sticker.

    Legal labels and tax tags can be very helpful for this sort of thing sometimes.



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