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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Beer Of The Month

    I offer this post to possibly encourage some of the more timid American beer drinkers to try some bolder brew if you're stuck in that which is offered in most sports commercials and what Europeans described to me as...well, I can't say here what they said it tasted like.

    The States has come a long way with "microbreweries" since then.

    My local watering hole specializes in a wide variety of domestic and foreign brews and offers a "Beer Of The Month". In November it was Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

    and would be a good choice for you to try if you feel experimental about a stronger tasting beer, because it's really just a little more bold than what you've been used to.

    First brewed in 1980, it's from Chico, California and was one of the first popular American microbrewed beer that swept across the country. It approaches an India Pale Ale (IPA) which is really my favorite.

    We heard from XMarkers "Favorite Single Malts". How about it? Any other beer/ale lovers out there? int:

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Glad to see there's another serious craft brew lover out there -- and I'm sure there are plenty more. I know there's quite a few homebrewers in the rabble and we of that ilk often enjoy the finer results of water, grain, hops and yeast.
    I stopped by my local beer bar yesterday and was excited to see Captain Lawrence's smoked porter on the menu. At a recent beer dinner (5 courses of incredible food paired with this local brewery's beers) I had sampled some of the porter from a small pin keg the owner brought along. They served it in snifters and it was perfect with the cheese course -- rich, smokey and with very low carbonation. If you're in the tri-state area definitely look for Captain Lawrence.
    I could keep going about other great craft brews, but I'll let others chime in first...

  3. #3
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    Thanks! I checked, by the way, to see if there were any St Andrews celebrations for you in CT. One place I checked was the Daughters of the British Empire. I had been invited to one of their's down here once with home cooked food! Your CT DBE is part of New York's and that's where you'd have to go unfortunately.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I was surprised to see Shiner Bock on their list in the first picture. That's my beer of choice, made just down the road at the Spoetzl Brewery in Shiner, TX. I've never met anyone who has tried it and didn't like it. It's a fairly common (and popular) beverage here in Texas, but most people outside of Texas have never heard of it. In fact, usually when I get a non-Texan to try it and they fall in love with it, their biggest complaint is that they can't find it outside of Texas.

    I've heard that the folks at Shiner have really resisted going national with their product, because they want to remain a specialty microbrewery. I find that admirable, considering that they value something over money and fame.

    If you can find it, definitely try it - especially if it's available in draught. It is pure bliss. Full flavor with just the right balance. It is definitely my go-to brand.

  5. #5
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    Going here http://www.cafehollander.com/menu.php tonight for a beer club board meeting. This is their beer selection! http://www.diablosrojos.us/admin/pdfs/tosa_beer.pdf

  6. #6
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    HERE'S the info on the smoked porter I mentioned.

    And I'm psyched to see Shipyard's Pumpkinhead on the beer menu pictured above. I went to school just up the coast from their brewpub in Kennebunk and used to order that seasonal brew in a black & tan made with their stout. They called it a Smashed Pumpkin.

  7. #7
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    I'm a big fan of a good beer. It doesn't have to be craft for my tastes, just something with a little more flavor then the average American lager.

    Some of my regulars:
    Shiner Bock (it's on tap here in Knoxville)
    Dos Equis Amber
    Blue Moon

    Other loves that are harder to find:
    Gulden Draak (10.5%)
    Hacker-Pschorr (Hefe Weisse or Weisse Dark)

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    SNPA! The gold standard in the "West Coast Pale Ale" category.

    I'm a big fan of barleywines. This is the time to get them, too, as every brewer worth their yeast puts out a big brew to round off the year.

    My personal favourite is Rogue's "Old Crustacean" for its deep lingering maltiness with a strong hop pinch.

    I mention barleywines in this thread because Sierra Nevada's "Bigfoot" is in my barleywinecellar, too. I have about five varieties at the moment, but unfortunately none of the Anchor at the moment.

    "Bigfoot" has to be bar none the hoppiest beer ever. They don't call it the "Hopmonster" for nothing! Chemically, hops can induce an altered state of relaxation quite apart from the alcoholic relaxation -- if you have enough of them and Bigfoot certainly does. I think I'll dust off a bottle after supper and spend a few congenial hours in appreciation.

    Dr. Charles A. Hays
    The Kilted Perfesser
    Laird in Residence, Blathering-at-the-Lectern

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Sierra Nevada was one of the first "mass produced" microbrews in California. It's been around forever (well, since 1980 ). Still holds it's own and in a pinch it's always a good choice (because it's available EVERYWHERE--even the 7-11s carry Sierra here). My "generic", "go to" hometown brew would be a Lagunitas Pale Ale or IPA or Czech Pils. (Lagunitas has been around for quite a while and they have taps at about every event in Northern California so they're well established.) We're VERY fortunate to have LOTS of fine microbreweries here in CA. Lotta very tasty choices.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Wow, I didn't know there was a TacoMac in May-retta! Been a while since I've been in the big A and feasted on some of those wings!! If you can't find a beer you like at TacoMac, you don't like beer!

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