18th March 12, 05:03 AM
Cure suggestions?
I had a ball last night, but I mixed Irish whisky and green beer. apt time for this. lets hear your morning after cures. lower case only please.
Last edited by tundramanq; 18th March 12 at 06:35 AM.
Reason: both eyes open- I can read now
slàinte mhath, Chuck
Originally Posted by MeghanWalker,In answer to Goodgirlgoneplaids challenge:
"My sporran is bigger and hairier than your sporran"
Pants is only a present tense verb here. I once panted, but it's all cool now.
18th March 12, 05:13 AM
Don't drink beer you can change the color of
Order of the Dandelion, The Houston Area Kilt Society, Bald Rabble in Kilts, Kilted Texas Rabble Rousers, The Flatcap Confederation, Kilted Playtron Group.
"If you’re going to talk the talk, you’ve got to walk the walk"
18th March 12, 06:11 AM
 Originally Posted by tundramanq
I had a ball last night,  but I mixed Irish whisky and green beer. apt time for this. lets here your morning after cures. lower case only please. 
My morning after usually is never bad because of the things I do the night before.
1: dont drink green beer. Green beer to a brewer is not properly aged.
2: For every pint of beer drink 8oz of water. Hydration Hydration. Clear and frequent should be ones pee.
3: Irish whiskey and green or light lager beer dont make good car bombs. Only Guinness or a fine stout will do.
4: Hydration Hydration clear and frequent. A kilt makes that easier.
5: Eat while you drink. Your body will need sugar to metabolize the booze, you will wake up bonked from no blood sugar
6: Hydration, a pint of water before you go to bed
7: One last shot of whiskey before #6
8: Know where your bathroom is and how to aim when drunk. WIves or GF dont like seeing you in the closet peeing on ... well on anything.
Morning after.
Big greasy breakfast of hashbrowns and gravy with haggis and a couple sunny side up eggs.
Coffee hot and black.
Hydration hydration.
"Greater understanding properly leads to an increasing sense of responsibility, and not to arrogance."
18th March 12, 06:14 AM
1. Hydration during and after - mui importante
2. Ice bath for your face in the morning to get rid of eyebags and sore face. This also helps those who get headaches.
3. Oily breakfast, yesterday I had smoked salmon, bacon, eggs scrambled with heavy cream.
Have fun and throw far. In that order, too. - o1d_dude
18th March 12, 06:49 AM
18th March 12, 03:18 PM
Last edited by Cowher; 13th August 12 at 03:33 PM.
Let YOUR utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt, so as to know how you ought to give an answer to each one.
Colossians 4:6
18th March 12, 04:03 PM
Water, very important, of course. Pain killers, a godsend when needed. The real trick: vitamin B. I tend to use the Stress Formula because it has vit. C added which helps aid uptake.
Alcohol depletes the body of vit. B (12 specifically but all are affected) which is why, when an alcoholic is taken into a hospital (in this area) they are automatically given an (IM) injection of B12.
For me the hangover starts even before going to bed, especially when I've been mixing. So, before going to bed I take 3 500mg vit. B complex. In the morning I may take another if things are still fuzzy. Usually I wake up fine. That said, if I have even one beer and neglect the vitamin I will wake up with regret (I am such a softy ).
There have been a couple occasions when I was drinking and, for one reason or another, I needed my wits about me. I took some vit. B and, within an hour or so, it was as though I'd not had anything to drink at all (which seems like a terrible waste of perfectly good alcohol but, the need was there).
Others I have told this to have said it works for them but, given how different we all are, it may not work for everyone. Which would be too bad; it's great to have an actual 'cure' for the common hangover. 
While I'm not advocating for excessive drinking, give it a go and let me know if it works for you. int:
Last edited by Chirs; 18th March 12 at 04:03 PM.
18th March 12, 04:54 PM
Too late now, but after drinking I always down a couple of glasses of water into which I put a good pinch of sugar and a tiny sprinkle of salt. The taste of sugar or salt should be hardly detectable, but it rehydrates faster than plain water.
I have never had a hang over, even after one time of mixing vodka and some other spirit which I think must have been cheap whisky. Luckily I survived, but I have never been able to drink whisky since then, so I suspect that must have been what it was.
Anne the Pleater :ootd:
18th March 12, 05:29 PM
There are two ways to avoid a hangover, either don't drink at all (or at least drink in moderation) or don't ever stop drinking.
Once you have made the decision to ingest there are a few things which can help keep you out of trouble. First and foremost do not drink and drive as I have no desire to meet you or your victims in my emergency room. Try to drink only one family--- stick to beer or wine or mixed drinks, but only one. If you Decide to mix it up anyway drink alphabetically ( a simple way to remember)-----Alcohol (any hard liquor, straight or mixed) before Beer before Champagne before Red Wine before White Wine. Hydrate-- one big glass of water for every two drinks then two more when you get home before bed (note: always visit the facilities before leaving for home and again before bed). Eating while you drink helps immensely, but stay away from the fatty foods because the fats compete with the alcohol for metabolic capacity of the liver and can make the alcohol effects last longer and stronger. Aspirin--- 2 before bedtime and two more when you wake up, even if it is in the middle of the night to pee. NO TYLENOL-- it is toxic to the liver when combined with alcohol. Try to avoid Naproxen and Ibuprofen as they can cause gastritis which is only worsened by alcohol, which can obviously add to the nausea factor. Don't take any sleeping pills as their effects will be exaggerated and prolonged by the alcohol. Lastly, if you feel like you need to puke, do so --- it is your body's way of evacuating excess toxins while telling you you need to drink less alcohol in the future. Before bed eat at least two sugar cookies---simple sugars are easier to metabolize and won't compete with the alcohol while still providing some non-alcohol energy to your starving cells.
When you get up in the morning, or afternoon, the next day drink two more glasses of water, eat two more sugar cookies, and take two more aspirin. Then when you are feeling like it all is staying down go for the coffee and some carb heavy fat light breakfast. If you get up feeling sick as a dog with abdominal pain that radiates to your back you might consider going to the ER to let them take care of your case of alcoholic pancreatitis that is burning a hole in the middle of your abdomen, cause it will not get better on it's own.
Otherwise enjoy the pain of your well-deserved hangover. Remember when you drink too much you pay at least twice for the same alcohol, and may end up enjoying the flavor twice as well.
18th March 12, 05:46 PM
Feeling good now did the water, coffee and carbs and B-12 - what I had on hand - not enough headache for asprin. So I paid my penance. Toast St. Patrick enough and he well turn you to toast right back - 
I learned push processed (heated fermentation) beers created a higher percentage of amyl alcohol as well as ethyl aclohol. The amyl is most of the headache and the reason I avoid Budweiser. Just one will give me a headache.
slàinte mhath, Chuck
Originally Posted by MeghanWalker,In answer to Goodgirlgoneplaids challenge:
"My sporran is bigger and hairier than your sporran"
Pants is only a present tense verb here. I once panted, but it's all cool now.
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