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Thread: E-Smoking

  1. #1
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    I am trying out one of these noo fangled Eeeelektronik E-Cigarettes. They are supposed to be legal to smoke anywhere. They contain only pure nicotine in a flavoured water based solution, a battery and an atomizer. It has a blue LED light at the end which lights up when you suck. It looks and tastes like a real ciggy but a bit bigger and what looks like smoke, is only water vapour and they do not smell.

    Anyone else tried them?

    Everything's got to have a E in front these days... Eeee By Gum Lad.

    Last edited by chrisupyonder; 10th May 12 at 02:42 PM.

  2. #2
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    My wife has one. They must have just started using the blue tip--hers is red and caused some fun confrontations in places where smoking is verboten.

    The replaceable "filters" come in a wide variety of flavors--regular, sour apple, vanilla, cherry, etc. I was never a regular smoker (nicotine wreaks havoc with my bowels) but I chewed baccy for several years during my time as a miner and will grab a ciggy occasionally with a beer. I like them, my wife doesn't. Says they hurt her throat after a bit. Maybe it's better than a tumor, though.
    Mister McGoo

    A Kilted Lebowski--Taking it easy so you don't have to.

  3. #3
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    I've used one exclusively, since my heart attack last September.

    LitTrog - Your wife may have a sensitivity to the particular formulas she has tried. There are two formula camps out there, for e-cig "juices". Those that are based on propylene glycol ("PG" formulas - basically the same food-safe liquid used in concert fog machines), and those that are based on vegetable glycerine (known as "VG" formulas.) Since PG is the one most often shipped with pre-filled cartridges (or "cartomizers"), due to it's longer shelf-life, I suspect that may be what she tried. Perhaps switching to a "VG" formula would work for her, without any throat irritation. PM me if you'd like a recommended source.
    Clan Buchanan
    U.S. Coast Guard, Retired
    Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA

  4. #4
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    Thank you so much for that information! I'll take a look at what she has and PM you if she's got the harsh stuff. I kinda like her--it'd be nice if she'd stick around for a few more years. If this helps wean her off cigarettes, I'll owe you a big hug. Or a handshake. Whichever you prefer.
    Mister McGoo

    A Kilted Lebowski--Taking it easy so you don't have to.

  5. #5
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    I have no personal experience, but just heard about these earlier this week from someone at work. Rather ingenious, if you ask me. If it helps someone to meet their goal of quitting, then I am all for it...assuming they want to quit. Otherwise, I do like that the "exhaust" is all water vapor.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by LitTrog View Post
    Thank you so much for that information! I'll take a look at what she has and PM you if she's got the harsh stuff. I kinda like her--it'd be nice if she'd stick around for a few more years. If this helps wean her off cigarettes, I'll owe you a big hug. Or a handshake. Whichever you prefer.
    The actual product packaging may or may not say which type of formula is used in the cartridges she's tried, but you should be able to find out from the web site of the vendor/manufacturer. Whichever it turns out to be, simply see if you can find a source in the opposite formula.

    There are a few emerging/competing "standards" out there for the physical characteristics of the cartridges and batteries (male/female thread size, etc.). For example, my chosen battery and cartridge (made by V2) are of the "KR808D-1" type. You need to be sure she orders the correct cartridge type, for her battery.

    If you exercise a little Google-fu, you should be able to find a vendor for the cartridge type that her battery uses, filled with the formula type she wants to try. You can also find "blank" cartridges that you can fill with any of a number of flavored "e-juice" liquids available. That's what I do. I buy the blank "cartomizers" for my battery type, and fill them with my preferred e-juice.
    Last edited by unixken; 10th May 12 at 06:35 PM.
    Clan Buchanan
    U.S. Coast Guard, Retired
    Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA

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    Just a reminder that smoking of any sort is not permitted on U.S. airlines. Recently, a young, Arab, gentleman found that out the hard way, when he refused to extinguish his e-cigarette, when asked by the flight attendant.
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  8. #8
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    I've been interested in these for a while, but am very suspicious. Looking forward to anybody else who endorses these.

  9. #9
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    I've been smoking an e-cig for 10 months. I haven't smoked tobacco since then and don't miss it. I smoked tobacco cigarettes for 35 years.

    I tried one of the e-cigs that glows at the tip and looks like a real cigarette. It was not satisfying to use, as it didn't seem like you were "smoking" anything but air. I highly recommend the eGo by Joytech. It provides much better "smoking" sensation and satisfaction than other e-cigs.

    The factory where I work became a "no smoking" facility about 6 months ago. Several of my coworkers have tried a variety of e-cigs and all have switched to eGos and are happy with it.

    Anyone wanting more info about e-cigs can email me at bill.mccaughtry@gmail.com
    Regards, Bill McCaughtry

  10. #10
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    For what it's worth, I tried an e-cigar and an e-pipe at a trade convention in Tokyo last year. It was kinda cool and interesting. But the Chinese company selling these things wasn't exactly letting 'em go that cheap! (Considering they were trying to seal a wholesale contract with me and my "business associate" (read: friend) who was with me.

    But their products definitely looked the part, and it was fun to try out!
    Last edited by CDNSushi; 11th May 12 at 12:04 AM.

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