1st March 10, 04:29 PM
Kilted Yak Cocktail Recipe
I came across this drink recipe and thought I'd share:
Ingredients for a Kilted Yak:
Scotch Whisky
Pernod® Licorice Liqueur
Pineapple Juice
Quantities for one drink:
1 1/2 oz Scotch Whisky
1/2 oz Pernod® Licorice Liqueur
3 oz Pineapple Juice
Blending Instructions:
Shake everything with ice; strain into an old-fashioned glass
I can't imaging what this would taste like?!? And, I'm not sure if 'yak' refers to the hairy animal, or what you may do after drinking this. 
If any of you were/are brave enough to have tried this, let us know.
"When I wear my Kilt, God looks down with pride and the Devil looks up with envy." --Unknown
Proud Chief of Clan Bacon. You know you want some!
2nd March 10, 11:59 AM
Isn't this the traditional drink of the Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen?
I don't think I'm brave enough to try it. It sounds disgusting to me. Scotch, licorice and pineapple - not a mix I'd want to try.
"MacDonald the piper stood up in the pulpit,
He made the pipes skirl out the music divine."
2nd March 10, 02:01 PM
I think it's a spelling error. For yak, read yuk!
In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.
2nd March 10, 02:23 PM
Why would you want wreck good scotch?
3rd March 10, 07:05 PM
I'd try it -- except I certainly wouldn't use my best single malt for it. The supermarket-bought mixed-malt (for $15) will do just nicely.
Also, I can't see myself spending money on a bottle of licorice liquor that will never ever get used. The flavour responsible for licorice's taste is very similar to Fennel, Anise, or Star Anise (although they aren't taxonomically related). All of them share the same chemical compound: para methoxy phenyl propene... (aka anethole). Other, much more common liquors that incorporate this are (Greek) Ouzo, or (Italian) Sambuca. I do have Ouzo laying around my liquor cabinet. The main difference is going to be sweetness. Ouzo isn't that sweet comparatively speaking, and I imagine that Pernod licorice liquor is probably very sweet. Most commercially available liquors tend to be.
I'll give this a whirl with some Ouzo (with added sugar), cheap scotch and pure pineapple juice, and report back how it went.
P.S. Props to haukehaien for the obligatory Ren & Stimpy reference. Nice.
Last edited by CDNSushi; 3rd March 10 at 07:12 PM.
3rd March 10, 08:04 PM
"When I wear my Kilt, God looks down with pride and the Devil looks up with envy." --Unknown
Proud Chief of Clan Bacon. You know you want some!
3rd March 10, 08:29 PM
I once invented a scotch-based drink too. It was okay, but the ingredients a little hard to find. Also I cannot divulge the name, as it's not family-forum-friendly.
3rd March 10, 09:42 PM
OK ,I Tried It
OK, I tried it but sustituted Ouzo for the Pernod.
I am quite a fan of both, and Pernod is certainly not sweet. Pernod is extremely similiar in flavor to Absinthe, which has just been legalized again here in the USA, as well as in France and Great Britain. Ouzo is quite similiar, but missing the herbal undertones.
I mixed it all in the correct proportions with a Blended Scotch.
I do not need to do this again.
A waste of good Scotch, Ouzo, and Pineapple Juice.
However, I am going to finish it.
Si Deus, quis contra? Spence and Brown on my mother's side, Johnston from my father, proud member of Clan MacDuff!
3rd March 10, 11:00 PM
 Originally Posted by gordontaos
However, I am going to finish it.
No reason to let it go to waste!
Scott D McKay
* The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits *
6th March 10, 02:30 AM
Tried it today.
Verdict: This drink is a crime against bartending. The only thing surpassed by this horrible concoction's vindictive aftertaste, is it's nauseating smell, which I can only liken to turpentine mixed with wood stain that has been kept in a sealed, plastic bag for a week.
Am I going to finish this? Not a chance. In business, this is what we call a "sunk cost." Ain't nuthin' gonna get me my scotch, pineapple juice, and ouzo back whether I finish drinking this poison or not. So in terms of fulfilling my goal of enjoying a nice drink, this will never achieve that. I'm off to pour myself something more normal.
Surely, the name of the drink has a lot to do with the effect achieved upon taking the first sip... YAK!!!
Oh and one more thing... Wherever you found this recipe - tear out the page; burn it.
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