3rd September 10, 02:56 PM
Non-Alcoholic Whiskey?!
Perish the thought!!
Nevertheless, I bought some last year to use at our informal, friends-only Burns Supper due to the sober nature of the people at the event.

Needless to say, it was awful stuff and I'm not planning on making such a purchase again! Tasted somewhat like watered down turpentine aged in a rain barrel. 
However, my question now is, what could I get away with using in place of the aqua vitae? I've made a non-alcoholic over-steeped mulled cider that's pretty strong as far as soft drinks go. Lots of cinnamon sticks, sliced ginger and cloves with citrus and then brown sugar to sweeten the deal. If you steep it long enough it burns a bit going down.
3rd September 10, 03:29 PM
The closest to Whisky I've found would be Lapsang Souchong tea, brewed strong and allowed to cool.
3rd September 10, 03:37 PM
I don't get it?!?! If you don't want to or can't serve Scotch (or alcohol in general) then don't. Why would you want to create some awful tasting concoction to feed your guests? There's nothing wrong with toasting to something with a cup of tea, or a glass of soda, juice, or ever water.
I can't smoke a cigar in certain public places. That doesn't mean I'm going to try to find some equally offensive thing to do there instead.
I'm just saying...
"When I wear my Kilt, God looks down with pride and the Devil looks up with envy." --Unknown
Proud Chief of Clan Bacon. You know you want some!
3rd September 10, 03:37 PM
 Originally Posted by vegan_scot
However, my question now is, what could I get away with using in place of the aqua vitae? I've made a non-alcoholic over-steeped mulled cider that's pretty strong as far as soft drinks go. Lots of cinnamon sticks, sliced ginger and cloves with citrus and then brown sugar to sweeten the deal. If you steep it long enough it burns a bit going down. 
That sounds like excellent stuff! As I fall into the category of the sober folks from your description, I'm always looking for a good alternative.
Not long ago my wife made a similar cider that not only left the mouth completely numb, it caused the Teflon on the pan to peel away when we washed it after! Needless to say, it was a bit strong!
3rd September 10, 03:46 PM
I understand that many people, for many legitimate reasons, forgo alcoholic beverages. I have lost my temper with people trying to push alcohol on people that don't drink.
That being said, the creator of this monstrosity should be keel-hauled!
3rd September 10, 03:55 PM
 Originally Posted by Cygnus
Not long ago my wife made a similar cider that not only left the mouth completely numb, it caused the Teflon on the pan to peel away when we washed it after! Needless to say, it was a bit strong!
I've had cider like that (or something made with apples anyway).
Folks can do some wicked things with strong cider
3rd September 10, 03:55 PM
 Originally Posted by azwildcat96
I can't smoke a cigar in certain public places. That doesn't mean I'm going to try to find some equally offensive thing to do there instead.
I'm just saying...
The problem with creations like this is that the one who decides to forgo the alcohol suffers for it. I agree...just have a soda, coffee, etc. Why drink something nasty??
The grass is greener on the other side of the fence...and it's usually greenest right above the septic tank.
3rd September 10, 03:57 PM
Having completely lost the taste or the desire for anything with alcohol, I think a nice strong tea or a mulled apple juice would be dandy. As for non-Alcoholic booze...nope, nada, pass. ith:
Last edited by BroosterB1; 3rd September 10 at 09:24 PM.
3rd September 10, 04:13 PM
While not a substitute for whiskey, a nod to the Scots tradition would be to use Irn Bru.
3rd September 10, 05:19 PM
Let's make some Scotch, Doc...
The scene from Mister Roberts where the Doc, Roberts and Pulver make the homemade "Red Label" from alcohol, coca-cola, hair tonic and one drop of iodine (for taste) comes to mind. 
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