I love porters and stouts best. Hoppy ales too. But Carol likes wheats and others too. I made one Pumpkin beer for her, and it was pretty good.
I got to thinking that I should save some beers, and see how they hold up over time. You know, they say (and it is true) homebrews get better with age.
Well, can you believe it? Last night we had a couple of archived Pumpkin Ales, and they were excellent. I went back to my log, and found that I bottled the beer on October 11, 1995. This stuff is 14 years old, and fine as frog's hair.
Pumpkin Ale
1.5 G HOH,
2 tsp gypsum
1 lb carapils
1/4 lb wheat
at 150F for 30 minutes
6.6 lb John Bull unhopped amber
1 can Libbys pumpkin
1 2" long cinnamon stick
1/2 oz Sty Gold (4.5 alpha)
1/2 oz Willamette (5.3 alpha)
bring to boil
at 5 minutes before finish add
2 lb honey
1/2 oz Sty Gold (4.5 alpha)
1/2 oz Willamette (5.3 alpha)
to finish, add 3 G refrigerated water
add EMDE yeast